54,850 research outputs found

    Bidentate N,O-prolinate ruthenium benzylidene catalyst highly active in RCM of disubstituted dienes

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    The synthesis of a bidentate N,O-prolinate ruthenium benzylidene from commercially available starting materials and its activity in ring-closing metathesis of functionalized disubstituted dienes at 30 °C is disclosed

    Proceedings of the African Diaspora Conference on Sustainable Development

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    The authors urge the Western donor organizations to facilitate and support the take up of such more sustainable models

    Market Structure, Strike Activity, and Union Wage Settlements

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    We attempt a synthesis of the industrial relations market structure hypothesis with the modern asymmetric information theory of wage and strike outcomes The industrial relations literature contains a variety of arguments indicating that wage settlements should be positively related to the degree of product market sales concentration and the degree of product market coverage by the union. An asymmetric information bargaining model is specified that relates these same variables to strike probabilities as well as wage settlements. Our empirical analysis is conducted for :he periods from 1970-1380 (strikes) and 1976-1980 (wages). We find that the relation between trade-adjusted sales concentration and wage settlements is positive at low levels of concentration but negative at high levels of concentration. The relation is always negative for strike probabilities. We also find that the relation between the trade-adjusted percent of the product market covered by the same union and the percentage covered by other union are positively related to both wage settlements and strike probabilities. Our empirical analysis includes a rich set of controls including unrestricted time and industry effects, which do not affect the major conclusions.

    An Algorithmic Study of Manufacturing Paperclips and Other Folded Structures

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    We study algorithmic aspects of bending wires and sheet metal into a specified structure. Problems of this type are closely related to the question of deciding whether a simple non-self-intersecting wire structure (a carpenter's ruler) can be straightened, a problem that was open for several years and has only recently been solved in the affirmative. If we impose some of the constraints that are imposed by the manufacturing process, we obtain quite different results. In particular, we study the variant of the carpenter's ruler problem in which there is a restriction that only one joint can be modified at a time. For a linkage that does not self-intersect or self-touch, the recent results of Connelly et al. and Streinu imply that it can always be straightened, modifying one joint at a time. However, we show that for a linkage with even a single vertex degeneracy, it becomes NP-hard to decide if it can be straightened while altering only one joint at a time. If we add the restriction that each joint can be altered at most once, we show that the problem is NP-complete even without vertex degeneracies. In the special case, arising in wire forming manufacturing, that each joint can be altered at most once, and must be done sequentially from one or both ends of the linkage, we give an efficient algorithm to determine if a linkage can be straightened.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, Latex, to appear in Computational Geometry - Theory and Application

    A Simple Kinetic Analysis of Syngas During Steam Hydrogasification of Biomass Using a Novel Inverted Batch Reactor with Instant High Pressure Feeding

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    A newly designed inverted batch reactor equipped with a pressure-driven feeding system was built for investigating the kinetics of syngas during the steam hydrogasification (SHR) of biomass. The system could instantly load the feedstock into the reactor at high temperature and pressure, which simulated the way to transport the feedstock into a hot and pressurized gasifier. Experiments were conducted from 600 °C to 700 °C. The inverted reactor showed very high heating rate by enhancing the carbon conversion and syngas production. The kinetic study showed that the rates of CH4, CO and CO2 formation during SHR were increased when the gasification temperature went up. SHR had comparatively lower activation energy for CH4 production. The activation energies of CH4, CO and CO2 during SHR were 42.8, 51.8 and 14 kJ/mol, respectively

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Interacting Nucleic Acid Strands

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    Motivated by the analysis of natural and engineered DNA and RNA systems, we present the first algorithm for calculating the partition function of an unpseudoknotted complex of multiple interacting nucleic acid strands. This dynamic program is based on a rigorous extension of secondary structure models to the multistranded case, addressing representation and distinguishability issues that do not arise for single-stranded structures. We then derive the form of the partition function for a fixed volume containing a dilute solution of nucleic acid complexes. This expression can be evaluated explicitly for small numbers of strands, allowing the calculation of the equilibrium population distribution for each species of complex. Alternatively, for large systems (e.g., a test tube), we show that the unique complex concentrations corresponding to thermodynamic equilibrium can be obtained by solving a convex programming problem. Partition function and concentration information can then be used to calculate equilibrium base-pairing observables. The underlying physics and mathematical formulation of these problems lead to an interesting blend of approaches, including ideas from graph theory, group theory, dynamic programming, combinatorics, convex optimization, and Lagrange duality

    STS-36 Space Shuttle mission report

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    The STS-36 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report contains a summary of the vehicle subsystem activities on this thirty-fourth flight of the Space Shuttle and the sixth flight of the OV-104 Orbiter vehicle, Atlantis. In addition to the Atlantis vehicle, the flight vehicle consisted of an External Tank (ET) (designated as ET-33/LWT-26), three Space Shuttle main engines (SSME's) (serial numbers 2019, 2030, and 2029), and two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB's) (designated as BI-036). The STS-36 mission was a classified Department of Defense mission, and as such, the classified portions of the mission are not discussed. The unclassified sequence of events for this mission is shown in tabular form. Summarized are the significant problems that occurred in the Orbiter subsystems during the mission. The official problem tracking list is presented. In addition, each of the Orbiter problems is cited in the subsystem discussion
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