8,635 research outputs found

    Astrometric Detection of Terrestrial Planets in the Habitable Zones of Nearby Stars with SIM PlanetQuest

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    SIM PlanetQuest (Space Interferometry Mission) is a space-borne Michelson interferometer for precision stellar astrometry, with a nine meter baseline, currently slated for launch in 2015. One of the principal science goals is the astrometric detection and orbit characterization of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. Differential astrometry of the target star against a set of reference stars lying within a degree will allow measurement of the target star's reflex motion with astrometric accuracy of 1 micro-arcsecond in a single measurement. We assess SIM's capability for detection (as opposed to characterization by orbit determination) of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of nearby solar-type stars. We compare SIM's performance on target lists optimized for the SIM and Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronograph (TPF-C) missions. Performance is quantified by three metrics: minimum detectable planet mass, number and mass distribution of detected planets, and completeness of detections in each mass range. Finally, we discuss the issue of confidence in detections and non-detections, and show how information from SIM's planet survey can enable TPF to increase its yield of terrestrial planets.Comment: Minor corrections to figures and tables. 46 pages, 27 figures. To appear in PASP (Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific), May 200

    Characterizing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same Jordan curve in the simultaneous drawings. While any number of planar graphs have a simultaneous embedding without fixed edges, determining which graphs always share a simultaneous embedding with fixed edges (SEFE) has been open. We partially close this problem by giving a necessary condition to determine when pairs of graphs have a SEFE

    Passive and Active Tobacco Exposure and Children’s Lipid Profiles

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite reductions in smoking rates, exposure to cigarette smoke remains common among US children and adolescents. In adults, active smoking and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure have been linked to adverse changes in lipid profiles and increases in inflammatory markers. Evidence that such changes are present before adulthood remains limited, and the extent to which active smoking and SHS exposure affect these cardiovascular measures in children has not been thoroughly assessed. METHODS: We employed data from 2008 individuals aged 12-19 years from the 2005-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Comparisons of the lipid and inflammatory marker levels among active smokers, those exposed to SHS (as determined by serum cotinine levels), and those unexposed to tobacco smoke were made using linear regression with multiple propensity score adjustment. RESULTS: Compared to unexposed children, lipid and inflammatory marker profiles did not differ among those exposed to SHS exposure. Among active smokers, differences compared to unexposed children were observed in triglyceride levels ( β=8.5 mg/dL, P = .01), the ratio of triglycerides to high-density lipoprotein ( β=0.2, P = .045), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ( β-4.1 mg/dL , P = .03), though these did not reach levels of confirmatory statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: After accounting for sociodemographic characteristics and medical comorbidities, serum lipids and markers of systemic inflammation were not associated with SHS exposure. Tobacco smoke exposure in children may require longer durations of compounded effect before serum lipid abnormalities are detected. IMPLICATIONS: This paper adds detail to the study of secondhand smoke's effects on lipid profiles of children and adolescents. Prior research on this topic for these age groups has been limited, and this study provides national, cross-sectional data to show that both secondhand smoke and active smoking in childhood and adolescence is not associated with changes in lipid profiles or markers of inflammation. Tobacco smoke exposure may require longer durations of compounded effect before abnormalities are detected

    Characteristics of a Multi-User Tutoring Architecture

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    Intelligent tutor systems have been quite successful in instruction of individuals (Koedinger, Anderson, Hadley, & Mark, 1997; Ritter, Kulikowich, Lei, McGuire, & Morgan, 2007; Vanlehn, et al., 2005), but multiple challenges exist when attempting to tutor a team. Sottilare, Holden, Brawner, and Goldberg (2011) describe some of the architectural challenges of team tutoring at a high level in terms of functional requirements. In this paper we describe specific challenges in terms of implementing a team architecture within the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT), including simultaneous startup and synchronization with distributed team members, maintaining state of multiple users, and timing feedback for teams and individuals appropriately

    Characterizations of Restricted Pairs of Planar Graphs allowing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the Euclidean plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same simple curve in the simultaneous drawing. Determining in polynomial time which pairs of graphs share a simultaneous embedding with ?xed edges (SEFE) has been open. We give a necessary and su?cient condition for whether a SEFE exists for pairs of graphs whose union is homeomorphic to K5 or K3,3 . This allows us to characterize the class of planar graphs that always have a SEFE with any other planar graph. We also characterize the class of biconnected outerplanar graphs that always have a SEFE with any other outerplanar graph. In both cases, we provide e?cient algorithms to compute a SEFE. Finally, we provide a linear-time decision algorithm for deciding whether a pair of biconnected outerplanar graphs has a SEFE

    Characterizing Simultaneous Embeddings with Fixed Edges

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    A set of planar graphs share a simultaneous embedding if they can be drawn on the same vertex set V in the plane without crossings between edges of the same graph. Fixed edges are common edges between graphs that share the same Jordan curve in the simultaneous drawings. While any number of planar graphs have a simultaneous embedding without ?xed edges, determining which graphs always share a simultaneous embedding with ?xed edges (SEFE) has been open. We partially close this problem by giving a necessary condition to determine when pairs of graphs have a SEFE

    Anti-CD20 therapy depletes activated myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis.

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    CD8+ T cells are believed to play an important role in multiple sclerosis (MS), yet their role in MS pathogenesis remains poorly defined. Although myelin proteins are considered potential autoantigenic targets, prior studies of myelin-reactive CD8+ T cells in MS have relied on in vitro stimulation, thereby limiting accurate measurement of their ex vivo precursor frequencies and phenotypes. Peptide:MHC I tetramers were used to identify and validate 5 myelin CD8+ T cell epitopes, including 2 newly described determinants in humans. The validated tetramers were used to measure the ex vivo precursor frequencies and phenotypes of myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in the peripheral blood of untreated MS patients and HLA allele-matched healthy controls. In parallel, CD8+ T cell responses against immunodominant influenza epitopes were also measured. There were no differences in ex vivo frequencies of tetramer-positive myelin-specific CD8+ T cells between MS patients and control subjects. An increased proportion of myelin-specific CD8+ T cells in MS patients exhibited a memory phenotype and expressed CD20 compared to control subjects, while there were no phenotypic differences observed among influenza-specific CD8+ T cells. Longitudinal assessments were also measured in a subset of MS patients subsequently treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy. The proportion of memory and CD20+ CD8+ T cells specific for certain myelin but not influenza epitopes was significantly reduced following anti-CD20 treatment. This study, representing a characterization of unmanipulated myelin-reactive CD8+ T cells in MS, indicates these cells may be attractive targets in MS therapy

    Combined use of eDNA metabarcoding and video surveillance for the assessment of fish biodiversity

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    Monitoring communities of fish is important for the management and sustainability of fisheries and marine ecosystems. Baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs) are among the most effective nondestructive techniques for sampling bony fishes and elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, and skates). However, BRUVs sample visually conspicuous biota; hence, some taxa are undersampled or not recorded at all. We compared the diversity of fishes characterized using BRUVs with diversity detected via environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding. We sampled seawater and captured BRUVs imagery at 48 locales that included reef and seagrass beds inside and outside a marine reserve (Jurien Bay in Western Australia). Eighty-two fish genera from 13 orders were detected, and the community of fishes described using eDNA and BRUVs combined yielded >30% more generic richness than when either method was used alone. Rather than detecting a homogenous genetic signature, the eDNA assemblages mirrored the BRUVs’ spatial explicitness; differentiation of taxa between seagrass and reef was clear despite the relatively small geographical scale of the study site (~35 km2). Taxa that were not sampled by one approach, due to limitations and biases intrinsic to the method, were often detected with the other. Therefore, using BRUVs and eDNA in concert provides a more holistic view of vertebrate marine communities across habitats. Both methods are noninvasive, which enhances their potential for widespread implementation in the surveillance of marine ecosystems