26 research outputs found

    Experiencias con herramientas de gamificación en la docencia de proyectos en la enseñanza universitaria

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    Este artículo presenta una serie de experiencias con la herramienta de gamificación kahoot en sesiones de teoría de asignaturas del área de proyectos de ingeniería y analiza los resultados de su implementación. La primera experiencia presentada es el uso de la herramienta Kahoot para evaluar los ejercicios intermedios de una sesión de teoría. La segunda experiencia presentada es el uso de la herramienta para evaluar los conceptos de teoría explicados durante una clase de teoría. La última experiencia es el uso de la herramienta para repasar el temario hecho hasta el momento justo al inicio de una sesión de teoría. Los resultados demuestran la buena acogida que tienen estos tipos de actividades entre el alumnado. Además, la herramienta permite dinamizar las sesiones de teoría y conseguir una mayor atención de los estudiantes. De todos modos, el uso de este tipo de herramientas tiene sus riesgos. El hecho que Kahoot sea una herramienta competitiva provoca que los estudiantes se desconcentren y sea difícil que estos presten atención a las explicaciones del profesor. A nivel tecnológico no se reportaron problemas significativos ya que actualmente todos los estudiantes van a clase con un móvil, tableta u ordenador compatible con el sistema usado.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Project 2.0 : social web tools for supporting the development of a project

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    Web 2.0 or social web is understood as the group of applications and resources of Internet that facilitate the exchange of information and the collaborative work. Most of these tools are free and can be applied during the preparation and the communication of academic projects. Apart from minimizing the time and the effort, its use promotes the collaboration and communication, the critical appraisal and the exchange of knowledge. Under the denomination “Project 2.0” a teaching material has been produced with a selection of these technological resources classified in function of their utility during the different phases of development of the project: searching information, creating virtual surveys, reading and synthesis of the documents, storing files in the cloud, analyzing data, creating conceptual maps, writing, managing bibliographic references, preparing the presentation for the oral presentations, etc. This resource has been presented in the different subjects “Projects” at Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa (ETSEIAT) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • BarcelonaTech (UPC). In a very near future the use of these tools in the preparation of the final degree projects on the part of the students is going to be extended and evaluated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Integració curricular d'assignatures per al disseny del nou màster d'enginyeria aeronàutica

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    Aquest projecte ha implementat una prova pilot d’un pla transversal de coordinació de diferents assignatures (Projectes d’Enginyeria Aeronàutica (UPC-enginyeria aeronàutica), Direcció Estratègica (UPC-enginyeria industrial) i Creativitat en Comunicació (UAB-facultat de comunicació)) superposat a un pla de coordinació seqüencial d’assignatures (Projectes d’Enginyeria Aeronàutica (UPC-enginyeria aeronàutica), Disseny d’Avions (UPC-enginyeria aeronàutica)) que es vé desenvolupant des del 2009. Des del 2009 que s’ha estat treballant amb èxit en la seqüenciació coordinada d’assignatures dins l’àmbit de l’Enginyeria Aeronàutica i aquest projecte ha ampliat la coordinació d’assignatures de forma transversal dins el mateix Centre (ETSEIAT) i fora del Centre (UAB-Facultat de Comunicació). L’eix vertebrador dels treballs ha estat l’assignatura Projectes d’Enginyeria Aeronàutica que s’imparteix a l’ETSEIAT, amb l’objectiu d’assolir un esquema de coordinació de continguts globals que afavoreixi l’adequat desenvolupament de competències per part de l’estudiantat. Ha estat un objectiu molt ambiciós que entronca amb models de Màster que ja s’estan impartint a les escoles de referència en el camp de l’enginyeria Aeronàutica com són el Master Course in Aircraft Design, que s’imparteix a la University of Cranfield.Els resultats s’han presentat per part del PDI del projecte a tres Universitats estrangeres (Universitat de Lyon, University of Cranfield i Instituto Politecnico de Setubal) en el marc d’accions de mobilitat Erasmus i també a dos Congressos Internacionals a Brussel·les i Varsòvia, a més de servir d’element aglutinador d’un grup de treball d’estudiants que s’ha presentat el 2012 a la competició Fly Your Ideas, patrocinat per Airbus i que ha arribat a la penúltima ronda del concurs aquest 2013.Peer Reviewe

    Tumour initiating cells and IGF/FGF signalling contribute to sorafenib resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Objective: Sorafenib is effective in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but patients ultimately present disease progression. Molecular mechanisms underlying acquired resistance are still unknown. Herein, we characterise the role of tumour-initiating cells (T-ICs) and signalling pathways involved in sorafenib resistance. Design: HCC xenograft mice treated with sorafenib (n=22) were explored for responsiveness (n=5) and acquired resistance (n=17). Mechanism of acquired resistance were assessed by: (1) role of T-ICs by in vitro sphere formation and in vivo tumourigenesis assays using NOD/SCID mice, (2) activation of alternative signalling pathways and (3) efficacy of anti-FGF and anti-IGF drugs in experimental models. Gene expression (microarray, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)) and protein analyses (immunohistochemistry, western blot) were conducted. A novel gene signature of sorafenib resistance was generated and tested in two independent cohorts. Results: Sorafenib-acquired resistant tumours showed significant enrichment of T-ICs (164 cells needed to create a tumour) versus sorafenib-sensitive tumours (13 400 cells) and non-treated tumours (1292 cells), p<0.001. Tumours with sorafenib-acquired resistance were enriched with insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling cascades (false discovery rate (FDR)<0.05). In vitro, cells derived from sorafenib-acquired resistant tumours and two sorafenib-resistant HCC cell lines were responsive to IGF or FGF inhibition. In vivo, FGF blockade delayed tumour growth and improved survival in sorafenib-resistant tumours. A sorafenib-resistance 175 gene signature was characterised by enrichment of progenitor cell features, aggressive tumorous traits and predicted poor survival in two cohorts (n=442 patients with HCC). Conclusion: Acquired resistance to sorafenib is driven by T-ICs with enrichment of progenitor markers and activation of IGF and FGF signalling. Inhibition of these pathways would benefit a subset of patients after sorafenib progression

    Implantació i consolidació d'un servei d'orientació i tutorització on-line pels estudiants de fase selectiva en l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Terrassa

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    L’índex d’estudiants exclusos durant la fase selectiva de la titulació d’enginyeria industrial ha estat un tema de preocupació per part dels equips directius, i els estudis que s’han fet indiquen que és comparable a altres titulacions de la UPC. Fins el curs 2003-2004 l’ETSEIT organitzava un curs de introducció als estudis d’Enginyeria Industrial (7 edicions) durant el primer cuadrimestre i tutories personalitzades als alumnes que ho demanaven amb la finalitat d’augmentar el rendiment acadèmic de la fase selectiva d’enginyeria industrial.S’havia detectat que una part significativa dels estudiants que no superaven la fase selectiva era degut per un costat a la falta de coneixements en matèries bàsiques que no havien cursat en la seva currícula de batxillerat (química i dibuix tècnic), a la falta d’hàbits d’estudi, i per un altra, un desconeixement en quan a les pròpies possibilitats d’ells mateixos ( per exemple un excés de matricula de crèdits). Durant els tres últims cursos acadèmics s’han implementat activitats d’acollida i de tutorització on-line que s’han anta ajustan en funció de l’opinió dels professionals d’orientació universitària, els professors tutors i els alumnes. Al final de cada curs s’han pasta enquestes als alumnes i s’han fet reunions amb els professors tutors. Aquest últim curs s’ha realitzat entre d’altres activitats una xerrada col.loqui amb professionals de la titulació (en el cas d’enginyeria industrial han participat ex –alumnes amb 5 anys d’experiència professional) amb grups de 40 alumnes dirigides per un expert extern del centre. Aquesta activitat l’ha realitzat EDUCAWEB , una empresa amb experiencia i solvencia dins el camp d’orientació educativa universitària. Els objectius de les sessions prèviament acordades amb la direcció de l’ETSEIT i EDUCAWEB son: • Facilitar la relació i el intercanvi entre alumnes nous a la ETSEIT. • Oferir un espai a on compartir les noves situacions i les expectativas, així com canalitzar les inquietuds i les necessitats fruti del canvi provocat per l’inici dels estudiants. • Recollir els estat d’ànim i les motivacions d’aquest estudiants. • Elaborar un informe resum que permeti a la ETSEIT desposar d’una informació adicional i programar accions de suport adequades

    Dos años de experiencia de trabajo con el entorno colaborativo BSCW

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    El Departament de Projectes d’Enginyeria (DPE) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), en su sección de Terrassa, imparte docencia de segundo ciclo en la Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa (ETSEIT) y, desde hace dos años, viene utilizando las posibilidades de trabajo colaborativo que ofrece el entorno soportado vía WEB denominado BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work).Postprint (published version

    Prospective phase II trial of extended treatment with rituximab in patients with B-cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease

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    Background and Objectives The elective treatment of patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders is controversial. The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with extended doses of rituximab adapted to the response in patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders after solid organ transplantation. Design and Methods This was a prospective, multicenter, phase 11 trial. Patients were treated with reduction of immunosuppression and four weekly infusions of rituximab. Those patients who did not achieve complete remission (CR) received a second course of four rituximab infusions. The primary end-point of the study was the CR rate. Results Thirty-eight patients were assesable. One episode of grade 4 neutropenia was the only severe adverse event observed. After the first course of rituximab, 13 (34.2%) patients achieved CR, 8 patients did not respond, and 17 patients achieved partial remission. Among those 17 patients, 12 could be treated with a second course of rituximab, and 10 (83.3%) achieved CR, yielding an intention-to-treat CR rate of 60.5%. Eight patients excluded from the trial because of absence of CR were treated with rituximab combined with chemotherapy, and six (75%) achieved CR. Event-free survival was 42% and overall survival was 47% at 27.5 months. Fourteen patients died, ten of progression of their post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. Interpretation and Conclusions These results confirm that extended treatment with rituximab can obtain a high rate of CR in patients with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders after solid organ transplantation without increasing toxicity, and should be recommended as initial therapy for these patients

    Clinical and pathological characteristics of peripheral T‐cell lymphomas in a Spanish population: a retrospective study

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    We investigated the clinicopathological features and prognostic factors of patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) in 13 sites across Spain. Relevant clinical antecedents, CD30 expression and staining pattern, prognostic indices using the International Prognostic Index and the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi system, treatments, and clinical outcomes were examined. A sizeable proportion of 175 patients had a history of immune-related disorders (autoimmune 16%, viral infections 17%, chemo/radiotherapy-treated carcinomas 19%). The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were 7·9 and 15·8 months, respectively. Prognostic indices influenced PFS and OS, with a higher number of adverse factors resulting in shorter survival (P 15% of cells were positive in anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive and -negative anaplastic large-cell lymphoma and extranodal natural killer PTCL groups. We observed PTCL distribution across subtypes based on haematopathological re-evaluation. Poor prognosis, effect of specific prognostic indices, relevance of histopathological sub-classification, and response level to first-line treatment on outcomes were confirmed. Immune disorders amongst patients require further examination involving genetic studies and identification of associated immunosuppressive factors

    Clinical and pathological characteristics of peripheral T-cell lymphomas in a Spanish population: a retrospective study

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    We investigated the clinicopathological features and prognostic factors of patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) in 13 sites across Spain. Relevant clinical antecedents, CD30 expression and staining pattern, prognostic indices using the International Prognostic Index and the Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi system, treatments, and clinical outcomes were examined. A sizeable proportion of 175 patients had a history of immune-related disorders (autoimmune 16%, viral infections 17%, chemo/radiotherapy-treated carcinomas 19%). The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were 7·9 and 15·8 months, respectively. Prognostic indices influenced PFS and OS, with a higher number of adverse factors resulting in shorter survival (P 15% of cells were positive in anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive and -negative anaplastic large-cell lymphoma and extranodal natural killer PTCL groups. We observed PTCL distribution across subtypes based on haematopathological re-evaluation. Poor prognosis, effect of specific prognostic indices, relevance of histopathological sub-classification, and response level to first-line treatment on outcomes were confirmed. Immune disorders amongst patients require further examination involving genetic studies and identification of associated immunosuppressive factors.This study was sponsored by Takeda

    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma with a T follicular-helper phenotype: A different entity? Results of the Spanish Real-T study

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    Nodal peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) with a T follicular helper phenotype (PTCL-TFH) is a new type of PTCL. We aimed to define its clinical characteristics and prognosis compared to PTCL not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS) and angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL). This retrospective observational study included 175 patients diagnosed with PTCL between 2008 and 2013 in 13 Spanish sites. Patient diagnosis was centrally reviewed, and patients were reclassified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 criteria: 21 patients as PTCL-NOS, 55 as AITL and 23 as PTCL-TFH. Median follow-up was 56.07 months (95% CI 38.7–73.4). Progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were significantly higher in patients with PTCL-TFH than in those with PTCL-NOS and AITL (PFS, 24.6 months vs. 4.6 and 7.8 months, respectively, p = 0.002; OS, 52.6 months vs. 10.0 and 19.3 months, respectively, p < 0.001). Histological diagnosis maintained an independent influence on both PFS (hazard ratio [HR] 4.1 vs. PTCL-NOS, p = 0.008; HR 2.6 vs. AITL, p = 0.047) and OS (HR 5.7 vs. PTCL-NOS, p = 0.004; HR 2.6 vs. AITL, p = 0.096), regardless of the International Prognostic Index. These results suggest that PTCL-TFH could have more favourable features and prognosis than the other PTCL subtypes, although larger series are needed to corroborate these findings.This work was supported by Takeda Farmacéutica España, S.A.Peer reviewe