39 research outputs found

    La Gestació del pacte

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    The general elections of 1996 did not provide a clear majority for the winning centre right Popular Party. Two months later all agreement to govern was reached with the Catalan nationalists. The agreement was then extended to the Basque Nationalist Party and the Canarian Coalition. The surprising U-turn for the Popular party included its position on financing the Autonomies or states. The Government of Catalonia has been the poor financial relation of the new democratic Spain. The initial pact of democracy wanted to assimilate Catalonia and the Basque Country by extending autonomy to all Spanish regions. This had been lost with the demands on Catalan solidarity that no other Administration provided. The initial democratic pact seemed to have become merely a only better social distribution to the backward regions. The new agreement, whose financial proposals were written by this author and are published here for the first time, returns to the initial ideas that established democracy in Spain

    Els Drets de propietat i la nova Llei d'Aigües

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    La protecció del medi ambient a Catalunya i la criminalització de l'aire

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    En aquesta conferència Josep C. Vergés posa de manifest, a través d'un cas pràctic d'una empresa tarragonina, com les gestions empresarials que comporten desastres ecològics difícilment poden ser sempre excusades pel medi, menys encara si parlem d'un medi tan obert i dispers com és l'aire.Based on a case history, this paper by Josep C. Vergés analyses the management of a business at ecological accountability level. Environmental damage cannot always be attributed to the environment itself and much less if such an open and disperse element as the air is concerned

    La Fundació Bernat Metge

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    La Gestació del pacte

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    The general elections of 1996 did not provide a clear majority for the winning centre right Popular Party. Two months later all agreement to govern was reached with the Catalan nationalists. The agreement was then extended to the Basque Nationalist Party and the Canarian Coalition. The surprising U-turn for the Popular party included its position on financing the Autonomies or states. The Government of Catalonia has been the poor financial relation of the new democratic Spain. The initial pact of democracy wanted to assimilate Catalonia and the Basque Country by extending autonomy to all Spanish regions. This had been lost with the demands on Catalan solidarity that no other Administration provided. The initial democratic pact seemed to have become merely a only better social distribution to the backward regions. The new agreement, whose financial proposals were written by this author and are published here for the first time, returns to the initial ideas that established democracy in Spain

    Les Crisis econòmiques del Pla de Sanejament

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    Els Drets de propietat i la nova Llei d'Aigües

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    El Cost endoecològic i econòmic del tabac

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