137 research outputs found

    Personality psychopathology, drug use and psychological symptoms in adolescents with substance use disorders and community controls

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    Substance use is a risk behavior that tends to increase during adolescence, a time when part of the personality is still in development. Traditionally, personality psychopathology has been measured in terms of categories, although dimensional models have demonstrated better consistency. This study aimed to analyze differences in personality profiles between adolescents with substance use disorders (SUD n = 74) and matched community controls (MCC n = 74) using the Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5) dimensional model. Additionally, we compared age at first drug use, level of drug use and internalizing and externalizing symptoms between the groups. In this study, the PSY-5 model has proved to be useful for differentiating specific personality disturbances in adolescents with SUD and community adolescents. The Disconstraint scale was particularly useful for discriminating adolescents with substance use problems and the Delinquent Attitudes facet offered the best differentiation

    Five-year diagnostic stability among adolescents in an inpatient psychiatric unit

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    Introduction: In childhood, diagnoses made at the first admission to a psychiatric unit are frequently unstable and temporary. In this study, we examined the stability of DSM-IV-TR disorders and groups of disorders among adolescents followed-up for 5 years after hospitalization. Method: All inpatients admitted for the first time between 2007 and 2008 were included and contacted after 5 years for re-evaluation. The final sample comprised 72 patients. At admission, diagnoses were based on the DSM-IV-TR criteria, Fourth Edition. At five years, diagnoses were made using structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV axis I Disorders and for axis II (SCID-I and SCID-II) as well as the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire, Fourth Edition (PDQ-4). We also evaluated and collected information on the global assessment of functioning using the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) instrument. Depending on the distribution of variables, we used the chi-squared and Fisher exact tests or the Student t and McNemar tests for statistical analyses. Results: The most stable diagnoses were schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder. The most unstable diagnoses were disruptive disorders. Participants were satisfied with their quality of life and the global outcomes of the sample were positive. Conclusion: Major psychiatric disorders, including mood and schizophrenia spectrum disorders, were significantly more stable than other diagnoses and tended to continue into adulthood. In the case of study participants, suffering a mental disorder during adolescence did not appear to affect global functioning outcomes

    Altered Cortico-Striatal Connectivity in Offspring of Schizophrenia Patients Relative to Offspring of Bipolar Patients and Controls

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) share clinical features, genetic risk factors and neuroimaging abnormalities. There is evidence of disrupted connectivity in resting state networks in patients with SZ and BD and their unaffected relatives. Resting state networks are known to undergo reorganization during youth coinciding with the period of increased incidence for both disorders. We therefore focused on characterizing resting state network connectivity in youth at familial risk for SZ or BD to identify alterations arising during this period. We measured resting-state functional connectivity in a sample of 106 youth, aged 7-19 years, comprising offspring of patients with SZ (N = 27), offspring of patients with BD (N = 39) and offspring of community control parents (N = 40). We used Independent Component Analysis to assess functional connectivity within the default mode, executive control, salience and basal ganglia networks and define their relationship to grey matter volume, clinical and cognitive measures. There was no difference in connectivity within any of the networks examined between offspring of patients with BD and offspring of community controls. In contrast, offspring of patients with SZ showed reduced connectivity within the left basal ganglia network compared to control offspring, and they showed a positive correlation between connectivity in this network and grey matter volume in the left caudate. Our findings suggest that dysconnectivity in the basal ganglia network is a robust correlate of familial risk for SZ and can be detected during childhood and adolescence

    Long-term cardiac assessment in a sample of adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa

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    Background: High mortality rates have been reported in patients with anorexia nervosa, mainly due to cardiovascular alterations. The purpose of the present study was to assess cardiac structural and functional abnormalities some 20 years after initial treatment in a sample of adolescent-onset anorexia nervosa (A-AN) and to compare them with matched healthy controls (HC). Methods: A sample of 29 women diagnosed and treated for AN during adolescence (A-AN) were assessed more than 20 years later. A complete cardiac evaluation was carried out including an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a standard 2D echocardiography. Thirty matched HC were also assessed. Results: In the A-AN group, four subjects had a body mass index lower than 18.5 and met full DSM 5 criteria for AN at follow-up (Low-Weight group). They were compared with the rest of the sample (n = 25) who had normalized their weight (Normal-Weight group), though some still showed some eating disorder symptoms. Both groups were compared with the HC group. Subjects in the Low-Weight group presented statistically significant decreases in the left ventricular end-diastolic and left atrium dimensions and left ventricular mass in comparison with the Normal-Weight group and the HC. No other differences in cardiac parameters were found between groups. Conclusions: Echocardiographic and ECG parameters of adults who had presented A-AN twenty years earlier and currently maintained normal weight were similar to those of HC who had never been treated or diagnosed with AN. Adult subjects with A-AN who still had low weight in the long term present certain cardiac abnormalities similar to those seen in short-lasting disease. More studies are needed to confirm these results in a larger sample

    Altered White Matter Integrity at Illness Onset in Adolescents With a First Episode of Psychosis

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    Background: Disruption in white matter integrity has been consistently observed in individuals with psychosis. However, whether such abnormalities are already present at illness onset or are related to downstream processes remains elusive. The study of adolescents with a recent onset of psychosis provides the opportunity to evaluate white matter integrity proximally to disease onset. Methods: Twenty-six adolescents (aged 15.9 ± 1.3 years) with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) (less than 6 months duration) were compared with 26 age and sex-matched healthy controls (HC) (16.8 ± 2 years). In participants with a FEP, clinical diagnoses were confirmed after a minimum of 1 year follow-up (main categories: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder). Anatomical images and diffusion tensor sequences were acquired using a 1.5T scanner. Whole brain, voxel-wise group differences in fractional anisotropy (FA) were investigated between participants with a FEP and controls. Results: Relative to HC, FEP participants displayed decreased FA in the right posterior cingulate gyrus, encompassing the right superior and posterior corona radiata, and the right parahippocampal gyrus, including the cingulum and fornix. FEP patients showed no areas of increased FA relative to HC. The results remained significant after controlling for medication, cannabis use and intelligence. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that adolescents with recent onset of psychotic disorders show decreased white matter integrity in circuits implicated in cognitive functions and emotion regulation

    The relationship between performance in a theory of mind task and intrinsic functional connectivity in youth with early onset psychosis

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    Psychotic disorders are characterized by theory of mind (ToM) impairment. Although ToM undergoes maturational changes throughout adolescence, there is a lack of studies examining ToM performance and its brain functional correlates in individuals with an early onset of psychosis (EOP; onset prior to age 18), and its relationship with age. Twenty-seven individuals with EOP were compared with 41 healthy volunteers using the "Reading-the-Mind-in-the-Eyes" Test, as a measure of ToM performance. A resting-state functional MRI scan was also acquired, in which the default mode network was used to identify areas relevant to ToM processing employing independent component analysis. Group effects revealed worse ToM performance and less intrinsic functional connectivity in the medial prefrontal cortex in EOP relative to healthy volunteers. Group by age interaction revealed age-positive associations in ToM task performance and in intrinsic connectivity in the medial prefrontal cortex in healthy volunteers, which were not present in EOP. Differences in ToM performance were partially mediated by intrinsic functional connectivity in the medial prefrontal cortex. Poorer ToM performance in EOP, coupled with less medial prefrontal cortex connectivity, could be associated with the impact of psychosis during a critical period of development of the social brain, limiting normative age-related maturation

    Reduced serial dependence suggests deficits in synaptic potentiation in anti-NMDAR encephalitis and schizophrenia

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    A mechanistic understanding of core cognitive processes, such as working memory, is crucial to addressing psychiatric symptoms in brain disorders. We propose a combined psychophysical and biophysical account of two symptomatologically related diseases, both linked to hypofunctional NMDARs: schizophrenia and autoimmune anti-NMDAR encephalitis. We first quantified shared working memory alterations in a delayed-response task. In both patient groups, we report a markedly reduced influence of previous stimuli on working memory contents, despite preserved memory precision. We then simulated this finding with NMDAR-dependent synaptic alterations in a microcircuit model of prefrontal cortex. Changes in cortical excitation destabilized within-trial memory maintenance and could not account for disrupted serial dependence in working memory. Rather, a quantitative fit between data and simulations supports alterations of an NMDAR-dependent memory mechanism operating on longer timescales, such as short-term potentiation

    The complex association between the antioxidant defense system and clinical status in early psychosis

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    Oxidative stress is a pathophysiological mechanism potentially involved in psychiatric disorders. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between total antioxidant status (TAS) and the functional status of patients with a first episode of psychosis at the onset of the disease. For this purpose, a sample of 70 patients aged between 9 and 17 years with a first episode of psychosis were followed up for a period of two years. Blood samples were drawn to measure TAS levels at three time points: at baseline, at one year, and at two years. Clinical symptoms and functioning were also assessed at the same time points using various scales. Linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between TAS and clinical status at each assessment, adjusting for potential confounding factors. The distribution of clinical variables was grouped in different percentiles to assess the dose-response in the relation between clinical variables and TAS. At baseline, patient's score on Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) was directly and significantly associated with TAS with a monotonic increase in percentiles, and surprising this association was reversed after one and two years of follow-up with a monotonic decrease. In summary at the onset of the illness, TAS is positively related to clinical status, whereas as the illness progresses this correlation is reversed and becomes negative. This may be the result of an adaptive response.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the projects PI14/01900, PI16/01164 (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund, "Investing in your future"); the Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research (BIOEF); Networking Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health (CIBERSAM) and the University of the Basque Country (GIC12/84). The psychiatric research department in University Hospital Araba is supported by the Stanley Research Foundation (03-RC-003). Sainza Garcia has a PhD fellowship from the University of the Basque Country. The funding sources had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    Fronto-Parietal Gray Matter Volume Loss Is Associated with Decreased Working Memory Performance in Adolescents with a First Episode of Psychosis.

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    Cognitive maturation during adolescence is modulated by brain maturation. However, it is unknown how these processes intertwine in early onset psychosis (EOP). Studies examining longitudinal brain changes and cognitive performance in psychosis lend support for an altered development of high-order cognitive functions, which parallels progressive gray matter (GM) loss over time, particularly in fronto-parietal brain regions. We aimed to assess this relationship in a subsample of 33 adolescents with first-episode EOP and 47 matched controls over 2 years. Backwards stepwise regression analyses were conducted to determine the association and predictive value of longitudinal brain changes over cognitive performance within each group. Fronto-parietal GM volume loss was positively associated with decreased working memory in adolescents with psychosis (frontal left (B = 0.096, p = 0.008); right (B = 0.089, p = 0.015); parietal left (B = 0.119, p = 0.007), right (B = 0.125, p = 0.015)) as a function of age. A particular decrease in frontal left GM volume best predicted a significant amount (22.28%) of the variance of decreased working memory performance over time, accounting for variance in age (14.9%). No such association was found in controls. Our results suggest that during adolescence, EOP individuals seem to follow an abnormal neurodevelopmental trajectory, in which fronto-parietal GM volume reduction is associated with the differential age-related working memory dysfunction in this group

    Increase in admission rates and symptom severity of childhood and adolescent anorexia nervosa in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: data from specialized eating disorder units in different European countries

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic, associated with confinement and social isolation, seems to have impacted the course of many mental disorders in children and adolescents. An increase in hospital admission rates for juvenile anorexia nervosa (AN) has been documented in many regions of the world. However, data from Europe are scarce. Methods: We asked clinicians in specialized eating disorder units in hospitals of maximum care in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands to report on (i) overall (inpatient and outpatient) and (ii) inpatient admission rates for adolescents with AN during 2019 and 2020. Additionally, a modified version of the COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES) was used to assess the child and adolescent psychiatrists' estimations of a possible increase in symptom severity in children and adolescents with AN during the COVID-19 pandemic and to (iii) inquire about the contributing factors perceived by the caring professionals. Results: Four out of six representatives of European hospitals described a higher rate of overall admissions during the pandemic. Three hospitals out of six reported an increase in inpatient admissions, and two centres had constant high numbers of admissions of both outpatients and inpatients. The clinicians perceived a higher symptom severity in 2020 than in 2019, especially involving more frequent use of social media, longer duration of exercising, and more restrictive eating. They supposed an increase in social media consumption, a perceived 'loss of control', and a lack of in-person assessments and weight controls as the main contributing factors for the deterioration in AN numbers and symptomatology. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have had a deep impact on symptom severity in AN, which is mirrored by a large increase in admission rates across Europe. An increase in exercise, social media consumption, a perceived 'loss of control', and a lack of face-to-face health care seem to have contributed to this development. Further investigation is required to identify which factors may lead to the increase in incidence and deterioration of childhood and adolescent AN. Possible preventive means for the future could include educating paediatricians and health care workers about AN, regular weight assessment, and home-based treatments