275 research outputs found

    La historia que nos cuenta la cerámica de la ciudad de Machaquila, Petén, Guatemala

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    El estudio de los materiales cerámicos forma parte importante tanto de las tareas de prospección como de excavación arqueológica, y su posterior tratamiento y clasificación incide de forma esencial en los trabajos de interpretación de los yacimientos con ellos relacionados. En esta aportación se realiza una aproximación a la cerámica del sitio maya clásico de Machaquila, en el Petén guatemalteco, tanto a nivel particular como, fundamentalmente, en relación con la secuencia realizada con los más de 300 sitios investigados por el Atlas Arqueológico de Guatemala en los –por ahora– casi 25 años de historia (1987-2011), entre los que se encuentra Machaquila.The study of ceramic materials is an important part of archaeological survey and excavation, in that their treatment and classification have a significant impact on the interpretation of sites associated with them. This paper presents a study of the pottery of the Classic Maya site of Machaquila (Petén, Guatemala) as a set of evidence in its own right but, above all, in relation to the overall ceramic sequence for the Southeast Petén. This region consists of more than 300 sites, among them Machaquila, that have been investigated systematically by the Atlas Arqueológico de Guatemala during its first 25 years of existence (1987-2011)

    The effect of organizational learning tools in business results

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    The importance of the tools that facilitate organizational learning has traditionally been outlined in the literature. Information Technologies (ITs) are considered as common facilitating tools for all learning agents by researches and practitioners. Our study focuses on the question what ITs are essential for organizational learning and how they actively contribute to the business results (operative and financial). The results exhibit that the use of databases generates larger sales volumes and better operative results. Companies with low profits tend to use Internet more often and this use improves operative results. Also the use of the electronic mail increases the sales volume

    Evaluation of the implementation of a teaching innovation project in the subject of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville

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    Se pretende determinar cómo se van resolviendo algunos problemas observados en el alumnado (cierta apatía y falta de desarrollo de algunas habilidades) al tiempo que estudiar el impacto que esto supone en el rendimiento académico, gracias a una metodología que complementa a la tradicional en Tecnología Farmacéutica. La mejora lograda ha sido muy esperanzadora. El seguimiento realizado ha detectado el desarrollo de determinadas habilidades académicas, personales y profesionales por parte del alumnado. Se han valorado cualitativamente otros aspectos que impulsan al alumno hacia un estudio activo de esta asignatura.In order to improve some skills and attitudes in the students of the subject of Pharmaceutical Technology, an innovation in the teaching methodologies have been assayed. The idea of the present study is to determine the influence of this new strategy. It has been found an important amelioration in several aspects related to academicals parameters. Moreover, it have been detected some improvements related to several academicals, personal and professional skills. Other aspects that drive students to an active study of this subject has been assessed in a qualitative manner

    Organizational learning context and firm profiles: an empirical

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    Which is the appropriate context to create and maintain an optimum level of organisational learning? What kind of firms have the suitable context to institutionalise its knowledge? Using data collected from 602 Spanish firms, empirical research is developed to answer these questions. As an initial step and to reply the first one, a scale for the construct organisational learning context is defined. To response the second interrogation, this paper explores the features of the firms with a favourable context to originate and keep up the capability of learning in comparison with those whose context is unfavourable. Our findings allow us to reveal the profile of the firms according with its organisational learning context

    Influencia del tamaño en el aprendizaje organizacional. El caso de la Pyme

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    Los objetivos de la presente investigación consisten, primeramente, en valorar el nivel de aprendizaje en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME), para posteriormente analizar si el tamaño tiene una relación significativa con el aprendizaje organizacional. Para ello, se estudian las prácticas que permiten la consecución del aprendizaje en las organizaciones, distinguiendo entre internas y externas así como los instrumentos que las facilitan, creando un índice que permite determinar empíricamente el nivel de aprendizaje organizacional en la PYME. Además, se contrastan hipótesis que estudian la existencia de relación significativa entre el nivel de aprendizaje y el tamaño

    La Arqueología Americana en la tradición arqueológica española. American archaeology in the spanish archaeological tradition

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    El desarrollo de la Arqueología Americana en España posee unas características propias que son deudoras por una parte de los procesos de colonización y por otra de la estrecha vinculación que ha mantenido con la Antropología, aspecto éste que la diferencia de manera fundamental de la Arqueología que se lleva a cabo en España, y en general en Europa. Desde que en los años 30 del siglo pasado comenzara su definitiva institucionalización, los programas académicos y de investigación, las actividades científicas y las instituciones que se han creado en el ámbito de esta disciplina en nuestro país, han formado a un importante grupo de especialistas que, en determinadas áreas de especialidad, constituyen polos de referencia para la investigación europea sobre el pasado indígena del continente americanoThe development of American archaeology in Spain has its own identity signs which are the result, on one hand, of the colonization processes, and on other hand, of the close relationship with Anthropology, being this last feature a main difference with the archaeology conducted in Spain, and in general in Europe. In 1930 American archaeology began its final process of institucionalitation. And since then the academic and research programs, the scientific activities and institutions which have been created in the domain of the discipline in our country have educated an important number of researchers. In some speciality areas these researchers are prominent scholars for the European research on indigenous past of the American continent. Finally, the relevance of American archaeology for a Degree in Archaeology is argued

    La cerámica arqueológica vista por un artista: ilustraciones de Antonio Tejeda sobre los materiales de la finca El Paraíso (Quetzaltenango, Guatemala)

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    In the final decade of his life, José Alcina Franch was interested in the relationships between language and the visual arts among the Mexica, and was aware that this exploration in that field was pioneering. Taking Alcina’s research and Mercedes Montes de Oca’s works on the linguistic aspect known as diphrasism as the point of departure, this article offers some ideas about the relationships between Nahuatl diphrasism, the visual arts, and Mesoamerican cosmovision. It is proposed here that in large measure, diphrasisms allude to complementary opposition, a fundamental idea in the cosmovision under study. Three possibilities are proposed for the interrelation of symbolic diads of visual image and diphrasistic figures, in pictographic and sculptured representations