31 research outputs found


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    Pemilihan Kepala Desa pada umumnya mendapat campur tangan dari berbagai pihak yang memiliki kepentingan. Dimana hal ini berdampak pada pelaksanaan demokrasi ditingkat Desa tidak seperti yang diharapkan dan masih banyak yang dijadikan alat bagi para kelompok tertentu untuk penguasaan dan memperkaya diri maupun kelompok tertentu, dan tidak lagi untuk menyejahterakan. Rakyat Desa karena memiliki kewenangan dalam mengatur pemerintahannya, sehingga begitu rentan dan mudah dieksploitasi oleh kuasa politik dan modal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuhi peran tokoh masyarakat dalam pemilihan Hukum Tua di Desa Tompaso Dua Utara Kecamatan Tompaso Barat Kabupaten Minahasa. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Dengan metode kualitatif, penelitian sama-sama mempersoalkan realibitas, validitas, pengukuran dan alat ukur juga berbeda. Dan hasil ini masyarakat Desa yang menganut paham demokrasi, maka keberadaan para tokoh tidak bisa dilepaskan dari adanya proses sosial yang berkembang. terdapat beberapa proses sosial yang mendorong perkembangan tokoh masyarakat yakni pertumbuhan penduduk, pertumbuhan spesialisasi jabatan, pertumbuhan organisasi formal dan perkembangan keagamaan moral. Tokoh masyarakat karena terdiri dari orang-orang yang mempunyai posisi strategis di bidang kemasyarakatan strategis,sehingga memiliki pangaruh memperoleh kekuasaan mengontrol dan mempengaruhi orang lain karena ketokohannya.Kata kunci : Peran, Tokoh Masyarakat, Pemiliha

    Tepelně reaktivní modifikace polymerních povrchů infračerveným zářením laserové záření

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    Tento přehled nabízí zhodnocení výzkumu tepelně reaktivní modifikace polymerních povrchů infračerveným (IČ) laserovým zářením s hlavním zaměřením na zdůraznění a klasifikaci ablativních a neablativních laserových ozařování povrchů polymerů. Reaktivní změny ve struktuře a složení polymeru vyvolané IČ laserem jsou porovnány se změnami dosaženými konvenčním ohřevem polymerních hmot a filmů umístěných na substrátech a odlišnostech obou typů. Uvádí se, že procesy jsou výsledkem specifických vlastností laserem dodávaného tepla a laserem obcházených interakcí polymer-substrát. Takové komplexní zhodnocení v literatuře stále chybí a bylo sestaveno, aby prokázalo, že infračervené laserové záření je účinným nástrojem pro specifické modifikace chemické struktury polymerních povrchů a že jeho další využití je výzvou k dosažení nových cílů ve výzkumu polymerů.This review offers an evaluation of research on the thermal reactive modification of polymer surfaces by infrared (IR) laser radiation with a major concern on highlighting and classifying ablative and non-ablative laser irradiations of polymer surfaces. The IR laser-induced reactive changes in polymer structure and composition are compared to those achieved by conventional heating of polymer bulks and films positioned on substrates and dissimilarities of both types of processes are argued to result from specific features of laser-supplied heat and laser-circumvented polymer-substrate interactions. Such complete evaluation is still missing in the literature and has been compiled to demonstrate that IR laser radiation is a potent tool for specific modifications of the chemical structure of polymer surfaces and that its further use is a challenge to achieve new goals in polymer research

    Functionalization of porous surfaces: New potential of laser ablation in liquids used for bio/photo catalytic nanomaterials

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    PING Junior 2021 is organized with the support of funds for specific university research project SVK1-2021-008 and ERDF "Research of additive technologies for future applications in the machinery industry - RTI plus" (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010040).Laser ablation in liquids (LAL) has been developed into a simple and versatile technique producing various colloidal nanoparticles with novel properties and applications (e.g. biodetection, bioactive materials and photocatalysis). One of the typical problems faced in the bio/photo catalytic applications nanoparticles is their instability towards aggregation and the formation of larger particles, which change the catalytic properties and can even lead to inactive materials. A strong effort is therefore devoted to achieving a higher colloidal stability by various stabilizers or by suitable liquid media. However, the stabilizers are usually not environmentally friendly and freely moveable nanocatalysts can enter biogeochemical cycles and become harmful to the environment living organisms. It is therefore a novel and attractive idea to make use of the adsorption of nanoparticles on rough surfaces to bind these nanoparticles before they agglomerate in the liquid phase. In this simple way, colloidal photo/bio catalytic nanoparticles could adhere on a porous carrier, functionalize its surface. This unexplored potential of LAL we have revealed for laser ablation of FeS in water and ethanol which produces FeS-derived colloidal nanoparticles that absorb onto immersed porous ceramic substrates and create solar-light photocatalytic surfaces. The laser induced process thus offers an easy and efficient way for the functionalization of porous surfaces by photocatalytic nanoparticles that avoids aggregation in the liquid phase. Moreover, LAL induced functionalization has been found as perspective technique also for enhancing of bioactivity of titanium porous/textured surfaces. The importance of the synergy between the two disciplines: (i) chemical reactions of bone growth stimulants under LAL conditions and (ii) the functionalization of laser-shaped micro/nanotopography of titanium surface with colloidal particles generated from targets of bone growth stimulants by laser ablation in selected liquids is examined. The LAL synthesis of bioconductive colloidal particles of CaTiO3, MgTiO3 and CaSi2 allowing productivity, zeta potential, size and dispersity control through selected irradiation parameters and different liquid medium. The structure and adhesion of the nanosols to titanium surface is assessed by IR, Raman and XP spectroscopy and SEM and TEM analyses. In vitro osseointegration activity of the functionalized surfaces are evaluated by examining the growth of Messenchymal Stem cells

    Formation of catalytic nanoparticles via laser ablation in various environments and their degradation activity on methylene blue

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    PING Junior 2021 is organized with the support of funds for specific university research project SVK1-2021-008 and ERDF "Research of additive technologies for future applications in the machinery industry - RTI plus" (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010040).There is a great interest in the synthesis of various nanosized green reusable catalysts which would better assist various chemical reactions in wastewater technologies. Pulsed laser irradiation of iron and cobalt sulphides in different environments (FeS in water and ethanol; CoS2 in vacuum) allows laser ablation and generation of FeS, CoS2 nano/micro particles. The FeS-derived colloidal nanoparticles were absorbed onto immersed porous ceramic substrates and create solar-light photocatalytic surfaces. CoS2-based films were deposited on Ta and Cu substrate. Generated nanoparticles were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, high resolution electron microscopy and electron diffraction. These complementary analyses revealed that the film on Ta consists of the parent cubic CoS2 whereas the film on Cu exhibits a multiphase structure containing the cubic CoS2 and cubic Co2CuS4. In a case of FeS analysis reveal high-pressure orthorhombic FeS, cubic magnetite Fe3O4 and tetragonal maghemite γ-Fe2O3 produced in water, while those formed in ethanol contain hexagonal FeS and cubic magnetite Fe3O4. FeS-derived and CoS2-based nanoparticles were examined for their catalytic effect in Fenton degradation or photodegradation of methylene blue (MB)

    Nano a mikro-formy titanátu vápenatého: syntéza, vlastnosti a použití

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    Tento článek shrnuje syntetické přístupy, vlastnosti a potenciální využití nano- a mikronových forem částic a povlaků titaničitanu vápenatého CaTiO3 (CT) a jeho kompozitů. Naším cílem je klasifikovat tyto formy podle způsob jejich výroby a článek poskytuje stručný přehled syntetických metod, vlastností a potenciálních aplikací těchto forem, které jsou motivovány luminiscencí, fotokatalytickým a katalytickým účinkem, schopností odstraňovat znečišťující látky, indukcí tvorby biomimetického hydroxylapatitu a využitím v bioinženýrství. Studie se podrobně zabývá formami CT ve vztahu k jejich vlatnostem jako jsou luminiscence, struktura, tvorba biomimetických kalciumfosfátů a a popisuje osseointegraci s kostí tkání.This article reviews synthetic approaches, properties and potential use of nano and micron sized forms of particles and coats of calcium titanate CaTiO3 and its composites. Our aim is to classify these forms according to the way of their fabrication and provide a brief outline of synthetic methods, properties and potential applications of these forms as inspired from luminescence, photocatalytic and catalytic performance, pollutants removal ability, inducement of biomimetic hydroxylapatite formation and bioengineering. The significance of the CT forms in luminescence-structure relationship, biomimetic calcium phosphates formation and osseointegration with bone tissue are dealt with in more detail