91 research outputs found

    Alpha-1 Antitrypsin is Markedly Decreased Following Pulmonary F. tularensis Challenge

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    Neutrophils form the first line of defense during infection and are indispensable in this function. The neutrophil elastase is a key effector molecule of the innate immune system with potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, spirochaetes, and fungi. However, the release of neutrophil elastase during bacterial infection must be checked otherwise its release in the extracellular milieu will result in damage to surrounding tissues. Alpha-1 antitrypsin is a small glycoprotein clade A serpine serine protease inhibitor and has been shown to increase in humans following bacterial and viral infection. Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium and the causative agent of tularemia. Type A strains are the most virulent with an infectious dose as low as 10 colony forming units and a mortality rate of 30–60% among untreated cases of pneumonic tularemia. We report here significant reduction of this major inhibitor of the neutrophil elastase in plasma of F. tularensis LVS and F. tularensis (type A) SCHU S4 infected animals following pulmonary challenge. Associated with an imbalance of protease–antiprotease function at the alveolar level in lungs of infected animals, increased elastase activity was observed in lung lavage fluids accompanied by decrease lung function, i.e., loss of lung elastance with concomitant increase of pulmonary hysteresivity. Consistent with a competent acute phase response following F. tularensis LVS and F. tularensis (type A) SCHU S4 pulmonary challenge and proposed up-regulation of plasma haptoglobin during the course of the acute phase reaction, haptoglobin was observed significantly increased. These data suggest that unchecked neutrophil serine protease activity may arise from F. tularensis targeted reduction of plasma α(1)-antitrysin promoting lung tissue damage facilitating increased dissemination of this bacterium in infected animals

    Our current clinical understanding of Candida biofilms: where are we two decades on?

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    Clinically we have been aware of the concept of Candida biofilms for many decades, though perhaps without the formal designation. Just over 20 years ago the subject emerged on the back of progress made from the bacterial biofilms, and academic progress pace has continued to mirror the bacterial biofilm community, albeit at a decreased volume. It is apparent that Candida species have a considerable capacity to colonize surfaces and interfaces and form tenacious biofilm structures, either alone or in mixed species communities. From the oral cavity, to the respiratory and genitourinary tracts, wounds, or in and around a plethora of biomedical devices, the scope of these infections is vast. These are highly tolerant to antifungal therapies that has a measurable impact on clinical management. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overight of our current clinical understanding of where these biofilms cause infections, and we discuss existing and emerging antifungal therapies and strategies

    A Facile High-Throughput Model of Surface-Independent Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms by Spontaneous Aggregation

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    Many microbes in their natural habitats are found in biofilm ecosystems attached to surfaces and not as free-floating (planktonic) organisms. Furthermore, it is estimated that nearly 80% of human infections are associated with biofilms. Biofilms are traditionally defined as three-dimensional, structured microbial communities that are attached to a surface and encased in a matrix of exopolymeric material. While this view of biofilm largely arises from in vitro studies under static or flow conditions, in vivo observations have indicated that this view of biofilms is essentially true only for foreign-body infections on catheters or implants where biofilms are attached to the biomaterial. In mucosal infections such as chronic wounds or cystic fibrosis or joint infections, biofilms can be found unattached to a surface and as three-dimensional aggregates. In this work, we describe a high-throughput model of aggregate biofilms of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using 96-well plate hanging-drop technology. We show that MRSA forms surface-independent biofilms, distinct from surface-attached biofilms, that are rich in exopolymeric proteins, polysaccharides, and extracellular DNA (eDNA), express biofilm-related genes, and exhibit heightened antibiotic resistance. We also show that the surface-independent biofilms of clinical isolates of MRSA from cystic fibrosis and central catheter-related infections demonstrate morphological differences. Overall, our results show that biofilms can form by spontaneous aggregation without attachment to a surface, and this new in vitro system can model surface-independent biofilms that may more closely mimic the corresponding physiological niche during infection. IMPORTANCE The canonical model of biofilm formation begins with the attachment and growth of microbial cells on a surface. While these in vitro models reasonably mimic biofilms formed on foreign bodies such as catheters and implants, this is not the case for biofilms formed in cystic fibrosis and chronic wound infections, which appear to present as aggregates not attached to a surface. The hanging-drop model of biofilms of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the major causative organism of skin and soft tissue infections, shows that these biofilms display morphological and antibiotic response patterns that are distinct from those of their surface-attached counterparts, and biofilm growth is consistent with their in vivo location. The simplicity and throughput of this model enable adoption to investigate other single or polymicrobial biofilms in a physiologically relevant setting

    Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of Synergistic Combinations of a Commercially Available Small Compound Library With Colistin Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Biofilm-associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections remain a significant clinical challenge since the conventional antibiotic treatment or combination therapies are largely ineffective; and new approaches are needed. To circumvent the major challenges associated with discovery of new antimicrobials, we have screened a library of compounds that are commercially available and approved by the FDA (Prestwick Chemical Library) against P. aeruginosa for effective antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity. A preliminary screen of the Prestwick Chemical Library alone did not yield any repositionable candidates, but in a screen of combinations with a fixed sub-inhibitory concentration of the antibiotic colistin we observed 10 drugs whose bacterial inhibiting activity was reproducibly enhanced, seven of which were enhanced by more than 50%. We performed checkerboard assays of these seven drugs in combination with colistin against planktonic cells, and analysis of their interactions over the complete combination matrix using the Zero Interaction Potency (ZIP) model revealed interactions that varied from highly synergistic to completely antagonistic. Of these, five combinations that showed synergism were down-selected and tested against preformed biofilms of P. aeruginosa. Two of the five combinations were active against preformed biofilms of both laboratory and clinical strain of P. aeruginosa, resulting in a 2-log reduction in culturable cells. In summary, we have identified synergistic combinations of five commercially available, FDA-approved drugs and colistin that show antimicrobial activity against planktonic P. aeruginosa (Clomiphene Citrate, Mitoxantrone Dihydrochloride, Methyl Benzethonium Chloride, Benzethonium Chloride, and Auranofin) as well as two combinations (Auranofin and Clomiphene Citrate) with colistin that show antibiofilm activity

    Tetrahedral (T) closed-shell cluster of 29 silver atoms & 12 lipoate ligands, [Ag29(R-a-LA)12](3-): antibacterial and antifungal activity

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    Accepted author manuscriptHere we report on the identification and applications of an aqueous 29-atom silver cluster stabilized with 12 lipoate ligands, i.e. Ag29(R-α–LA)12 or (29,12), wherein R-α–LA = R-α-lipoic acid, a natural dithiolate. Its uniformity is checked by HPLC-ESI-MS and analytical ultracentrifugation, which confirms its small dimension (∼3 nm hydrodynamic diameter). For the first time, this cluster has been detected intact via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, allowing one to confirm its composition, its [3-] charge-state, and the 8-electron shell configuration of its metallic silver core. Its electronic structure and bonding, including T-symmetry and profound chirality in the outer shell, have been analyzed by DFT quantum-chemical calculations, starting from the known structure of a nonaqueous homologue. The cluster is effective against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (MRSA) at a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.6 mg-Ag/mL. A preformed Candida albicans fungal biofilm, impermeable to other antifungal agents, was also inhibited by aqueous solutions of this cluster, in a dose–response manner, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.94 mg-Ag/mL. Scanning electron micrographs showed the post-treatment ultrastructural changes on both MRSA and C. albicans that are characteristic of those displayed after treatment by larger silver nanoparticles.Ye

    Biofilm development by blastospores and hyphae of Candida albicans on abraded denture acrylic resin surfaces

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    © 2014 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Statement of problem Candida albicans is a known etiologic agent of denture stomatitis. Candida hyphae exhibit the ability to respond directionally to environmental stimuli. This characteristic is thought to be important in the penetration of substrata such as resilient denture liners and host epithelium. It has been suggested that hyphal production also enhances adhesion and survival of Candida on host and denture surfaces. Surface roughness, in addition, can enhance adhesion where stronger interactions occur between cells and surface features of similar dimensions. Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the development of hyphal and blastospore biofilms on abraded denture acrylic resin specimens and measure the ease of removal of these biofilms. Material and methods Biofilms were grown for 48 hours on abraded 1-cm2denture acrylic resin specimens from adhered hyphal phase C albicans or from adhered blastospores. Subsequently, all specimens were stained with Calcofluor White and examined with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Biofilms were removed by vortex mixing in sterile phosphate buffered saline solution. Removed cells were filtered (0.2-μm pore size). Filters were dried at 37°C for 24 hours for dry weight measurements. Any cells that remained on the acrylic resin specimens were stained with 0.03% acridine orange and examined with epifluorescence microscopy. Results Biofilms grown from both cell types contained all morphologic forms of C albicans. Although the underlying surface topography did not affect the amount of biofilm produced, biofilms grown from hyphal phase Candida were visibly thicker and had greater biomass (P<.05). These biofilms were less easily removed from the denture acrylic resin, especially in the case of rougher surfaces, evidenced by the higher numbers of retained cells (P≤.05). Conclusion The presence of hyphae in early Candida biofilms increased biofilm mass and resistance to removal. Increased surface roughness enhances retention of hyphae and yeast cells, and, therefore, will facilitate plaque regrowth. Therefore, minimization of denture abrasion during cleaning is desirable

    Hsp90 governs dispersion and drug resistance of fungal biofilms

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    Fungal biofilms are a major cause of human mortality and are recalcitrant to most treatments due to intrinsic drug resistance. These complex communities of multiple cell types form on indwelling medical devices and their eradication often requires surgical removal of infected devices. Here we implicate the molecular chaperone Hsp90 as a key regulator of biofilm dispersion and drug resistance. We previously established that in the leading human fungal pathogen, Candida albicans, Hsp90 enables the emergence and maintenance of drug resistance in planktonic conditions by stabilizing the protein phosphatase calcineurin and MAPK Mkc1. Hsp90 also regulates temperature-dependent C. albicans morphogenesis through repression of cAMP-PKA signalling. Here we demonstrate that genetic depletion of Hsp90 reduced C. albicans biofilm growth and maturation in vitro and impaired dispersal of biofilm cells. Further, compromising Hsp90 function in vitro abrogated resistance of C. albicans biofilms to the most widely deployed class of antifungal drugs, the azoles. Depletion of Hsp90 led to reduction of calcineurin and Mkc1 in planktonic but not biofilm conditions, suggesting that Hsp90 regulates drug resistance through different mechanisms in these distinct cellular states. Reduction of Hsp90 levels led to a marked decrease in matrix glucan levels, providing a compelling mechanism through which Hsp90 might regulate biofilm azole resistance. Impairment of Hsp90 function genetically or pharmacologically transformed fluconazole from ineffectual to highly effective in eradicating biofilms in a rat venous catheter infection model. Finally, inhibition of Hsp90 reduced resistance of biofilms of the most lethal mould, Aspergillus fumigatus, to the newest class of antifungals to reach the clinic, the echinocandins. Thus, we establish a novel mechanism regulating biofilm drug resistance and dispersion and that targeting Hsp90 provides a much-needed strategy for improving clinical outcome in the treatment of biofilm infections

    Development of a High-Throughput Candida albicans Biofilm Chip

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    We have developed a high-density microarray platform consisting of nano-biofilms of Candida albicans. A robotic microarrayer was used to print yeast cells of C. albicans encapsulated in a collagen matrix at a volume as low as 50 nL onto surface-modified microscope slides. Upon incubation, the cells grow into fully formed “nano-biofilms”. The morphological and architectural complexity of these biofilms were evaluated by scanning electron and confocal scanning laser microscopy. The extent of biofilm formation was determined using a microarray scanner from changes in fluorescence intensities due to FUN 1 metabolic processing. This staining technique was also adapted for antifungal susceptibility testing, which demonstrated that, similar to regular biofilms, cells within the on-chip biofilms displayed elevated levels of resistance against antifungal agents (fluconazole and amphotericin B). Thus, results from structural analyses and antifungal susceptibility testing indicated that despite miniaturization, these biofilms display the typical phenotypic properties associated with the biofilm mode of growth. In its final format, the C. albicans biofilm chip (CaBChip) is composed of 768 equivalent and spatially distinct nano-biofilms on a single slide; multiple chips can be printed and processed simultaneously. Compared to current methods for the formation of microbial biofilms, namely the 96-well microtiter plate model, this fungal biofilm chip has advantages in terms of miniaturization and automation, which combine to cut reagent use and analysis time, minimize labor intensive steps, and dramatically reduce assay costs. Such a chip should accelerate the antifungal drug discovery process by enabling rapid, convenient and inexpensive screening of hundreds-to-thousands of compounds simultaneously

    Validation of the Tetracycline Regulatable Gene Expression System for the Study of the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease

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    Understanding the pathogenesis of infectious disease requires the examination and successful integration of parameters related to both microbial virulence and host responses. As a practical and powerful method to control microbial gene expression, including in vivo, the tetracycline-regulatable system has recently gained the favor of many investigative groups. However, some immunomodulatory effects of the tetracyclines, including doxycycline, could potentially limit its use to evaluate host responses during infection. Here we have used a well-established murine model of disseminated candidiasis, which is highly dependent on both the virulence displayed by the fungal cells and on the host immune status, to validate the use of this system. We demonstrate that the pathogenesis of the wild type C. albicans CAF2-1 strain, which does not contain any tet-regulatable element, is not affected by the presence of doxycycline. Moreover levels of key cytokines, chemokines and many other biomarkers, as determined by multi-analyte profiling, remain essentially unaltered by the presence of the antibiotic during infection. Our results indicate that the levels of doxycycline needed to control the tetracycline regulatable promoter gene expression system have no detectable effect on global host responses during candidiasis. Because tet-regulatable systems are now being increasingly used in a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, these observations have wide implications in the field of infectious diseases