9 research outputs found

    Fertility and life expectancy of a predatory stinkbug to sublethal doses of a pyrethroid

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    Podisus distinctus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is an important predator used in biological control of eucalypt defoliating caterpillars, exposed the insecticides. Lower doses of permethrin not affect the values of generation time (T), time necessary to double the population in number of individuals (DT) and intrinsic rate of population increase (r m ). Moreover, females of P. distinctus derived from nymphs treated with lower doses of permethrin were more fertile, triggering the effect hormetic in net reproductive rates (Ro). Results showed that low permethrin doses can be used alongside the predatory stinkbug in Integrated Pest Management programs

    Hormetic responses of a stinkbug predator to sublethal doses of pyrethroid

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    Stressors can affect reproduction and longevity by impacting endocrine and immune systems but they may increase life span and stimulate reproduction. The effects of sublethal doses of permethrin topically applied on third instar nymphs of Podisus distinctus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was evaluated. The weight of females survival of nymph and adults, number of eggs and nymphs/females of P. distinctus were higher when exposed to lower doses of permethrin. On the other hand, the exposition to the 0.131, 1.315 and 13.15 ppb showed positive effects on the oviposition periods, number of egg masses and longevity of P. distinctus females

    Reações tegumentares adversas relacionadas aos agentes antineoplásicos: parte II Adverse mucocutaneous reactions related to chemotherapeutic agents: part II

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    Os eventos e reações envolvendo quimioterapia são frequentes na prática oncológica. Agentes quimioterápicos são uma modalidade de tratamento amplamente utilizada. Efeitos colaterais podem variar de frequência e também ser confundidos com outras manifestações tegumentares do tratamento oncológico. Este artigo objetiva expor as informações sobre reações cutâneas à quimioterapia, em especial, aqueles para os quais o dermatologista é requisitado a emitir parecer e a comentar sobre a segurança e a viabilidade da readministração de uma droga específica. Os autores descrevem os aspectos associados a esses eventos, fazendo uma análise detalhada de cada um deles.<br>Events and reactions involving chemotherapy are common in clinical oncology. Chemotherapeutic agents are widely used in therapy. Side effects range from the common to the rare and may be confused with other mucocutaneous manifestations resulting from the oncological treatment. The objective of this paper was to present data on skin reactions to chemotherapy, particularly those cases in which the dermatologist is requested to issue a report and asked to comment on the safety and viability of readministration of a specific drug. The authors describe aspects associated with these events, presenting a detailed analysis of each one of them