8 research outputs found

    Relación entre la presencia de indicadores de efectividad de las tecnologías de la información y su aporte efectivo a la función estratégica y operativa de los recursos humanos

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    This work highlights the importance of using indicators as a tool to objectively know the effective contribution of information and communication technology (ICT) to human resource management. The results of this study suggest that the use of indicators of effectiveness of ICT has a positive impact on operational effectiveness and strategic management of electronic human resources (e-HRM). Specifically, we measured the perception of effectiveness of ICT in different companies and related to the use of indicators, the presence and the design of strategies, the degree of information technologies use and the role played by human resources in the organization to know its influence on the effectiveness of the e-HRM. This paper emphasizes on the use of indicators to assess the contribution of ICT in decision-making, create competitive advantages and the effect it produces in the performance of the organization according to the theories and hypotheses of several authors in a comprehensive literature review.En este estudio destacamos la importancia del uso de indicadores como herramienta para conocer objetivamente el aporte efectivo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y (TIC) a la gestión de los recursos humanos. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que el uso de indicadores de efectividad de las TIC influye positivamente en la efectividad operativa y estratégica de la gestión electrónica de los recursos humanos (e-HRM). Específicamente, medimos la percepción de efectividad de las TIC en las empresas y la relacionamos con el uso de indicadores, con la presencia y el diseño de estrategias, con el grado de uso de tecnologías de la información y con el rol que desempeñan los recursos humanos en la organización para conocer su influencia en la efectividad de la e-HRM. Esta investigación pone especial énfasis en el uso de indicadores para evaluar el aporte de las TIC en la toma de decisiones, generación de ventajas competitivas y el efecto que produce en el comportamiento de la organización de acuerdo a las teorías e hipótesis de diversos autores consultados en una amplia revisión bibliográfica

    The Fittest versus the Flattest: Experimental Confirmation of the Quasispecies Effect with Subviral Pathogens

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    The “survival of the fittest” is the paradigm of Darwinian evolution in which the best-adapted replicators are favored by natural selection. However, at high mutation rates, the fittest organisms are not necessarily the fastest replicators but rather are those that show the greatest robustness against deleterious mutational effects, even at the cost of a low replication rate. This scenario, dubbed the “survival of the flattest”, has so far only been shown to operate in digital organisms. We show that “survival of the flattest” can also occur in biological entities by analyzing the outcome of competition between two viroid species coinfecting the same plant. Under optimal growth conditions, a viroid species characterized by fast population growth and genetic homogeneity outcompeted a viroid species with slow population growth and a high degree of variation. In contrast, the slow-growth species was able to outcompete the fast species when the mutation rate was increased. These experimental results were supported by an in silico model of competing viroid quasispecies

    Competition Experiments among CChMVd and CSVd under Normal and Mutagenic Environmental Conditions

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    <p>Black dots represent +UVC treatment while open dots represent control treatment. Each dot represents the median of the ratios estimated for multiple plants. Error bars represent the jackknife estimate of the standard error of the median. The lines represent the best fit to the non-linear model described in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.0020136#s3" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>.</p

    Results from the Simulation Model of Competing Bit String Populations

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    <div><p>The best solution obtained by searching over parameter space is shown (<i>s</i><sub>CSVd</sub> = 0.33, <i>s</i><sub>CChMVd</sub> = 0.05, <i>μ</i> = 0.016, <i>μ</i><sup>UVC</sup> = 0.063, and <i>k<sub>c</sub></i> = 3).</p><p>(A) Population dynamics under control and UVC conditions, sampled over five different replicates over 40 generations.</p><p>(B) Average Hamming distance among sampled digital viroids (± SEM). Solid bars correspond to the control conditions, open bars to UVC conditions, and gray bars to UVC conditions after exclusion of the 66.5% CSVd lethal genotypes from the computations. </p><p>(C) The survival-of-the-flattest effect is shown here using the two populations that evolved separately with increasing mutation rates. The average fitness for each population is plotted against mutation rate. Using the above <i>s</i><sub>CSVd</sub>, <i>s</i><sub>CChMVd</sub>, and <i>k<sub>c</sub></i> values, the mutation rate was allowed to vary from <i>μ</i> = 0.001 to <i>μ</i> = 0.15. At a given critical mutation rate (here <i>μ<sub>crit</sub></i> = 0.059), the average fitness of digital-CSVd (solid dots and continuous line) starts to decay below the one shown by digital-CChMVd (open dots and dashed line). The domain where the flattest wins over the fittest is indicated as a gray area.</p><p>(D) Shows a cartoon interpretation of the observed effect of high mutation rate on average fitness and variability.</p></div

    Characterization of the Genetic Diversity of the Competing Viroid Populations

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    <p>Two measures of the genetic diversity (± SEM) of the CChMVd (open symbols) and CSVd (solid symbols) populations 6 wk after initiation of the competition experiments. Three plants were analyzed for each treatment (20 clones of each viroid per plant). Circles represent the averages from control plants and squares the averages from UVC-treated plants. Arrows indicate the direction of the UVC effect.</p

    En qué consiste un Trabajo Fin de Máster de calidad: Modalidad académica

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    Criterios y niveles que definen la calidad de un trabajo final de masterhttps://polimedia.upv.es/visor/?id=90165d9b-a7ce-b74e-8758-20e532953ebaMarín García, JA.; Miguel Molina, MDRD.; Ribes Giner, G.; Canós Darós, L.; Albors Garrigós, J.; Segarra Oña, MDV.; González Ladrón De Guevara, FR.... (2012). En qué consiste un Trabajo Fin de Máster de calidad: Modalidad académica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1642

    En qué consiste un Trabajo Fin de Máster de calidad: Modalidad profesional

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    Criterios y niveles que definen la calidad de un trabajo final de masterhttps://polimedia.upv.es/visor/?id=a060bb64-7a23-1f41-b365-b0ce7465db92Marín García, JA.; Ribes Giner, G.; Canós Darós, L.; Albors Garrigós, J.; Segarra Oña, MDV.; González Ladrón De Guevara, FR.; Miguel Molina, MBD.... (2012). En qué consiste un Trabajo Fin de Máster de calidad: Modalidad profesional. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1642

    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiva

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    Resumos concluídos - Saúde Coletiv