983 research outputs found

    A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile

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    Despite the increasing interest in the use of emissions trading for pollution control, empirical evidence reduces to a few experiences in the US. This paper studies the “"emission-offsets trading program”" established since 1992 to control particulate in Santiago-Chile. While the program is doing well from an environmental perspective, thanks, in part, to the price-based introduction of natural gas, the market is poorly performing because of high transaction costs, uncertainty and low enforcement. However, the scarcity rents created by the allocation of grandfathered emission rights to incumbents have proved very effective for the completion of the emissions inventory.

    Self-Referencing Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors Using Ring Resonators and Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    An improved ring resonator self-referencing technique in a new reflection configuration for remote fiber-optic intensity sensors is demonstrated using fiber Bragg gratings. Sensor sensitivity doubles and a single fiber lead is used. The sensor is interrogated at two subcarrier frequencies having a high rejection of interference from laser source intensity fluctuations and loss in the fiber lead. We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of the new reflection configuration, the usefulness of the theoretical model proposed, and discuss design parameters for optimum insertion lossesThis work was supported in part by CICYT (TIC2003-03783 and TEC2006-13273-C03-03-MIC), in part by UC3M (FAVICOBIS), in part by CAM (FACTOTEM-CM:S-0505/ESP/000417), and in part by COST 299.Publicad

    Logics and orientations of digital activism. Froom use and appropriation to the development of autonomous tools

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    Proyecto “Sostenibilidad del Tercer Sector de la Comunicación. Diseño y Aplicación de Indicadores” (SOScom) PID2020-113011RB-I00, Financiado por MCIN/ AEIN/ 10.13039/50110001103.Introducción: A partir de la revisión teórica el presente artículo distingue dos lógicas diferenciadas que van desde el uso por parte de los activistas de herramientas comerciales al desarrollo de tecnologías autónomas impulsadas por los propios movimientos. Objetivos: El objetivo del texto es definir distintas orientaciones del activismo digital a partir de contribuciones que nos permiten reconocer lógicas de acción diferenciadas en torno a la relación entre movimientos sociales y tecnologías digitales. Se analiza críticamente dichas aportaciones y las contrastamos con la realidad empírica para cuestionar y complejizar las nociones de partida, señalando contradicciones o usos complementarios que trascienden etapas y cuestionan la lógica bipolar o evolucionista que a veces se perfila en otros enfoques. Conclusiones: Las conclusiones apuntan a una multidimensionalidad de factores que inciden en las formas en que los movimientos usan la tecnología: prácticos o utilitaristas, estratégicos y tácticos, e ideológicos o identitarios.Introduction: The text departs from a theoretical review in order to distinguish two specific dynamics involving the use of commercial tools by activists on the one hand, and the development of autonomous technologies driven by social movements themselves on the other. Objectives: The aim of this article is to define various logics of digital activism by engaging critically with several scholar contributions that, generally through a historical analysis, allow us to establish theoretical distinctions and recognize differentiated logics of action when it comes to determining how social movements actually use digital technology. In the paper, critical engagement with the literature is examined against our empirical findings to challenge pre-existing assumptions, as well as evolutionary approaches sometimes observed in some of these contributions. The text also makes a point of transcending closed historical stages. Conclusions: The article’s conclusions point towards a multidimensionality of factors (pragmatic-utilitarian, strategic-tactical and ideological/identity-related) regulating the ways in which social movement leverage technology.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN) MCIN/AEI/10.13039/5011000110

    La estrategia del caracol. Un breve recorrido por la cooperación cinematográfica de la UE con otras regiones

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    El presente trabajo defiende la idea de que la política audiovisual europea debe aprender a mirar hacia fuera, replanteando necesariamente sus relaciones externas, ya que hasta el momento ha buscado definir su identidad conforme a una serie de condicionantes que pudiesen hacerla competitiva frente a la estadounidense, ignorando de este modo que el nuevo imaginario cultural (internacional-popular) impone nuevos espacios de cooperación e intercambio de productos que superan las actuales fronteras nacionales y regionales. En esta vuelta de tuerca, reclamamos para la Unión Europea no sólo el papel de potencia económica competitiva frente a los Estados Unidos, sino también el ejercicio de una función de liderazgo en la defensa por la diversidad cultural de nuestras pantallas. Dicho ejercicio pasa necesariamente por fortalecer las políticas nacionales de cultura, así como por avanzar en procesos de integración y cooperación interregionales, donde la industria cinematográfica puede jugar un papel esencial. En este articulo, llevaremos a cabo una evaluación de los programas de cooperación audiovisual que la UE mantiene hoy en día con otras regiones del planeta, un espacio aún por desarrollar, lastrado por todo tipo de condicionantes e intereses, pero que ofrece una salida viable y un complemento necesario e interesante a su política proteccionista

    Rethinking the definition of participatory video at the interface of theory and practice

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    Since at least the 1960s, participatory video (PV) has aimed to readdress film’s traditional focus on entertainment and the media’s interest in global news with the intention of promoting local and community development. This has usually meant empowering communities to work via consensus to elaborate different audiovisual products which reflect community problems and aspirations in various ways. In the words of Shirley White, author of Participatory Video. Images that Transform and Empower, PV acts as “a powerful force for people to see themselves in relation to the community (…). It brings about a critical awareness that forms the foundation for creativity and communication” (White, 2003: 64). This paper addresses the concept of PV comprehensively by mobilizing critically both academic takes on the subject and the professional views of a variety of practitioners and experts. It aims to outline a number of uses and modes which coexist within PV with the aim of generating a more fruitful discussion on its defining features and the relation between canonical and marginal examples of participatory videomaking. To that effect, our methodological approach combines a literature review (including key works in English as well as theoretical contributions in the field of Latin American critical communication studies) with data obtained from a number of in-depth interviews with experts and experienced practitioners. Three key areas are identified as major elements within a PV experience: process, communication and results. Focusing on the analysis of how productive tensions between participants and facilitators play out in each of these areas, we propose a broad instrumental definition in the hope of contributing to the ongoing theoretical discussion on PV. Finally, the main areas of debate as perceived by video practitioners -format, genre and the role of the Internet- are discussed with a view to establish how these issues are currently being negotiated within the field

    Intersection of Data Science and Smart Destinations: A Systematic Review.

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    This systematic review adopts a formal and structured approach to review the intersection of data science and smart tourism destinations in terms of components found in previous research. The study period corresponds to 1995-2021 focusing the analysis mainly on the last years (2015-2021), identifying and characterizing the current trends on this research topic. The review comprises documentary research based on bibliometric and conceptual analysis, using the VOSviewer and SciMAT software to analyze articles from the Web of Science database. There is growing interest in this research topic, with more than 300 articles published annually. Data science technologies on which current smart destinations research is based include big data, smart data, data analytics, social media, cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), smart card data, geographic information system (GIS) technologies, open data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Critical research areas for data science techniques and technologies in smart destinations are public tourism marketing, mobility-accessibility, and sustainability. Data analysis techniques and technologies face unprecedented challenges and opportunities post-coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) to build on the huge amount of data and a new tourism model that is more sustainable, smarter, and safer than those previously implemented

    A market-based environmental policy experiment in Chile

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    Despite growing interest in the use of emissions trading for pollution control, empirical evidence for this regulatory instrument has been confined to a few experiences in the United States. This paper broadens the empirical base by examining the "Emission-Offsets Trading Program" that has been in place since 1992 to control airborne particulate emissions in Santiago, Chile. While the program is doing well from an environmental perspective, due in part to the price-based introduction of natural gas, the market is performing poorly because of high transaction costs, uncertainty, and poor enforcement. However, the scarcity rents created by allocating grandfathered emission rights to incumbents have proved to be a very effective tool for completing the emissions inventory.Supported by the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

    Plan de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la comunidad Kichwa Yutzupino, parroquia Puerto Napo, cantón Tena, provincia de Napo.

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue elaborar el Plan de Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Comunidad Kichwa Yutzupino, parroquia rural Puerto Napo, cantón Tena, provincia de Napo; lo cual se realizó mediante métodos analítico, descriptivo y de campo; recopilando información primaria mediante la observación participativa e información secundaria de fuentes confiables. La investigación se ejecutó en tres etapas: en la primera etapa se validó el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (PCI), mediante talleres haciendo uso de la ficha de registro del INPC, en la segunda etapa fue establecer la vulnerabilidad del PCI, utilizando la matriz propuesta por la directora del presente trabajo, quien se basó en tres criterios: transmisión, memoria e identidad, calificando como: manifestación altamente vulnerable, manifestación vulnerable y manifestación vigente; en la tercera etapa se formuló el planteamiento filosófico, estratégico y operativo del plan de salvaguardia; el planteamiento filosófico-estratégico se dividió en tres momentos: momento analítico donde se realizó la matriz FODA, priorización de nudos críticos y factores claves de éxito, análisis de involucrados, cartografía de actores; en el momento filosófico se desarrolló la misión y visión; en el momento estratégico se formularon los objetivos estratégicos, estrategias, mientras que, en el planteamiento operativo se desarrolló el plan operativo anual de los programas y proyectos. Se registraron 14 manifestaciones; de las cuales solo 12 de ellas fueron validadas, evidenciándose así: 4 manifestaciones altamente vulnerables, 5 vulnerables y 3 vigentes, se obtuvieron 4 programas y 5 proyectos basándose en los ejes primordiales de la salvaguardia. Por lo tanto, este proyecto permitirá valorar, proteger, conservar y difundir el PCI de la comunidad, para mantener viva su identidad cultural y continuar con la transmisión a las futuras generaciones, recomendando así la comunidad revisar los programas y proyectos sugeridos, para posteriormente ejecutarlos.This research aimed to elaborate on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Plan from Kichwa Yutzupino Community, Puerto Napo rural village, Tena Canton, Napo province; which was done through analytical, descriptive, and field methods; collecting primary information through participatory and secondary information from reliable sources. The research was carried out in three stages: in the first stage the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) was validated through workshops using the matrix proposed by the director of this work, who was based on three criteria: transmission, memory, and identity, qualifying as highly vulnerable and current manifestation; in the third stage the philosophical, strategic and operational approach was divided into three moments: The analytical phase included the SWOT matrix, prioritization of critical nodes and key success factors, stakeholder analysis, and stakeholder mapping. In addition, the philosophical phase included the development of the mission and vision; the strategic phase included the development of the annual operational plan for the programs and projects. Also, fourteen events were recorder, of which only 12 were validated: 4 highly vulnerable, 5 vulnerable, and 3 in force manifestations, 4 programs, and 5 projects were obtained based on the primary axes of safeguarding. To sum up, this project will allow valuing, protecting, conserving, and dissemination the community´s ICH, to keep its cultural identity alive and continue whith the transmission to future generations, thus recommending the community review the suggested programs and projects in order to implement them

    Environmental sustainability analysis of the clam (Ruditapes decussatus, Linaeus 1758) fishery in Zaboussa production area (southeastern Tunisia) using the MSC fisheries standard

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    The Tunisian grooved carpet clam Ruditapes decussatus (Linaeus 1758) fishery is of interest to the authorities due to its social importance and its economic contribution given the export nature of its product. Efforts have been made to ensure proper management and development of this fishery. A sustainable exploitation of the natural resource is of crucial relevance to guarantee the socio-economic role of the fishery. Therefore, sustainability should be integrated within those management measures and development actions. To analyse the sustainability level of the fishery concerning the main obstacles and actions needed to achieve it, the most recognized tool worldwide is the MSC certification program throughout its fisheries standard. The present study assesses the Zaboussa production area clam fishery using the 31 performance indicators of the 3 principles of the MSC standard for sustainable fisheries. The results of the assessment show that this fishery could be potentially considered sustainable and, therefore, certifiable though implementing an action plan to satisfy four conditions to improve research, surveillance and monitoring measures.La pêcherie tunisienne de la palourde croisée d’Europe Tunisienne Ruditapes decussatus (Linaeus 1758) présente un intérêt certain en raison de son poids social et économique et sa contribution dans la dynamique des exportations des produits de la pêche. Des efforts ont été déployés pour assurer la gestion et la promotion de cette filière. Une exploitation durable de la ressource naturelle est donc d’une importance cruciale pour garantir le rôle socio-économique de la pêche. Ainsi, la durabilité devrait impérativement être intégrée au niveau des mesures de gestion et des actions de développement. Pour analyser le niveau de durabilité d’une pêcherie en mettant en exergue les principales contraintes et les actions nécessaires pour y remédier, l’outil le plus reconnu au monde est le programme de certification MSC dont les standards sont souvent utilisés pour plusieurs pêcheries. La présente étude a évalué la pêche à pied de la palourde dans la zone de production de Zaboussa en utilisant 31 indicateurs de performance des 3 principes de la norme MSC. Les résultats de l’évaluation montrent que cette pêcherie pourrait être considérée potentiellement bien gérée et, par conséquent, éligible à cette certification à condition d’établir un plan d’action pour remplir quatre conditions ayant pour principaux thèmes la recherche et investigations de l’espèce cible et le contrôle et surveillance de l’activité de pêche

    Discourses and practices of radical democracy. The 15M movement as a space of mobilization

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    Social movements are builders of what are known as “grammars of democracy”, that is, val-ues, participatory experiences, political cultures, languages and structures for articulating demands. This article analyses the 15M or indignados (outraged) movement in Spain; a collective action that went be-yond classical protests in response to the economic crisis and proposed changes in democratic practices. Social movements, particularly from the 1990s onwards, have focused on democracy as both a means and an end in order to address what they perceive as authoritarian globalization. The article approaches 15M mainly as a space for mobilization articulating the heterogeneity of the movement as well as its effects in Spain (anti-eviction struggles, PAH, social tides, etc.) with a direct reference to the master frame of 'radical democracy'. Methodologically, this work is based upon interviews, focus groups and participant observa-tion conducted from May 2011 to June 2012 during the occupation of public squares and subsequent mo-bilizations. The text situates this phenomenon in the core of the New Global Movements, and connects it with a decade of similar collective actions in Spain and other parts of the world. Finally, aspects such as the role of the Internet as a tool for and driving force of new models of democracy and the scale of assemblies in relation to deliberative democracy are also discussed