5,829 research outputs found


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    In this paper we introduce a progressive income tax in the shirking model with union bargaining presented by in Altenburg and Straub (2002). Indeed, we differentiate taxation on employees and employers for the fiscal policy analysis. The main results show that it is possible, with a constant revenue reform, to enhance employment by shifting the tax imposition towards lower firm taxation. And, that it is crucial to consider a proportional or progressive taxation on labour income in order to be able to analyse the effect on unemployment for a constant replacement rate.Labour taxation, union bargaining, efficiency wages

    Monopolistic Competition and Different Wage Setting Systems.

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    In this paper we match the static disequilibrium unemployment model without frictions in the labor market and monopolistic competition with an infinite horizon model of growth. We compare the wages set at the firm, sector and national (centralized) levels, their unemployment rates and growth of the economic variables, for the Cobb-Douglas production function, in order to see under wich conditions the inverse U hypothesis between unemployment and centralization of wage bargain is confirmed. We also analyze, in the three wage setting systems, the effect of an increase in the monopoly power on employment and growth.Disequilibrium Unemployment, Monopolistic Competition, Growth, Wage Setting Systems.

    Anisotropy can imply exponential decay in micropolar elasticity

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    In this note, two problems arisen in micropolar elasticity are considered from the analytical point of view. Following the Kelvin–Voigt theory of micropolar viscoelasticity, two dissipative mechanisms are imposed: in the first problem, it is defined on the microscopic structure and, for the second problem, on the macroscopic structure. Then, an existence and uniqueness result, as well as an exponential energy decay, are proved for the first problem. Since similar arguments can be used for the second problem, only the main key points are commented.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105118GB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Fast spatial behavior in higher order in time equations and systems

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIn this work, we consider the spatial decay for high-order parabolic (and combined with a hyperbolic) equation in a semi-infinite cylinder. We prove a Phragmén-Lindelöf alternative function and, by means of some appropriate inequalities, we show that the decay is of the type of the square of the distance to the bounded end face of the cylinder. The thermoelastic case is also considered when the heat conduction is modeled using a high-order parabolic equation. Though the arguments are similar to others usually applied, we obtain new relevant results by selecting appropriate functions never considered before.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PGC2018-096696-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105118GB-I0

    Uniqueness for a high order ill posed problem

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    In this work, we study a high order derivative in time problem. First, we show that there exists a sequence of elements of the spectrum which tends to infinity and therefore, it is ill posed. Then, we prove the uniqueness of solutions for this problem by adapting the logarithmic arguments to this situation. Finally, the results are applied to the backward in time problem for the generalized linear Burgers’ fluid, a couple of heat conduction problems and a viscoelastic model.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PGC2018-096696-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105118GB-I0

    Reflexiones tras el anuncio de “liberalización" de la venta de la píldora del día después

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    Ayer contuve el aliento ante la avalancha de información: si querían distraer la atención de la crisis, del paro, del debate sobre el estado de la nación, lo han conseguido. Han acaparado las portadas de los periódicos, las tertulias de la radio y las entradas de los noticieros en televisión. La estrategia diseñada por Goebbels sigue funcionando: mensaje simple, no necesariamente veraz, repetido hasta la saciedad. Simplificación, trasposición, vulgarización, orquestación, silenciación..