141 research outputs found


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    Neste artigo é proposto um novo algoritmo para melhorar o desempenho do roteamento nas redes ópticas elásticas. O algoritmo busca a rota que utiliza uma métrica para a escolha das rotas de menores caminhos, utilizando a quantidade de slots ocupados e o total de slots nos enlaces para a escolha da rota. O algoritmo aqui proposto é comparado com o algoritmo Melhor entre as Menores Rotas com Decisão por Similaridade (MMRDS) que escolhe a rota com mais enlaces em comum e ao algoritmo que utiliza o Sistema Fuzzy que infere um grau de pertinência na qualidade da rota. O algoritmo proposto apresentou uma taxa de bloqueio de circuito inferior de 4.02% e 8.2% e, 73.40% e 39.42%, comparados aos algoritmos MMRDS e ao sistema fuzzy [9] para as topologias NSFNET e USA, respectivamente. Além disso, foram analisadas outras métricas como a probabilidade de bloqueio por banda e utilização do espectro

    Occupational stress in health professionals: a study with Portuguese Nurses

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    Este trabalho analisa o estresse ocupacional em 286 enfermeiros de hospitais e centros de saúde portugueses. Avaliaram-se as fontes de estresse, o burnout, os problemas de saúde física, a satisfação e a realização profissional. Os resultados apontaram 30% de enfermeiros com experiências significativas de estresse e 15% com problemas de exaustão emocional. As análises de regressão múltipla apontaram maior capacidade preditiva das dimensões de estresse na exaustão emocional, na saúde física, na satisfação e na realização profissional. As análises comparativas evidenciaram maiores problemas de stresse e reacções mais negativas ao trabalho nas mulheres, nos enfermeiros mais novos e com menor experiência, nos trabalhadores com contratos a prazo, nos profissionais que realizam trabalho por turnos e nos que trabalham mais horas.This work analyses occupational stress in 286 nurses from hospitals and health care centres in Portugal. The following dimensions were evaluated: stress, burnout, physical health problems, satisfaction and professional fulfilment. Results revealed significant stress experiences in 30% of the professionals, and emotional exhaustion problems in 15%. Multiple regression analysis pointed out stress as an important predictor of emotional exhaustion, physical health, satisfaction and professional fulfilment. Comparative analysis suggested more occupational stress and professional negative experiences in the following groups: female nurses, younger and less experienced nurses, those with short-term working contracts, nurses working on a shift-basis system, and nurses working during long hours.(undefined

    Endotoxin tolerance and cross-tolerance in mast cells involves TLR4, TLR2 and FcεR1 interactions and SOCS expression: perspectives on immunomodulation in infectious and allergic diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of the endotoxin tolerance phenomenon in light of the recently defined roles of mast cells and toll-like receptors as essential components of the innate immune response and as orchestrators of acquired immunity may reveal potentially useful mechanisms of immunomodulation of infectious and allergic inflammatory responses, such as sepsis or asthma. Here we evaluated the phenomenon of direct tolerance of endotoxins, as well as the induction of cross-tolerance and synergism by stimulation with toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2) and FcεR1 agonists, in murine mast cells prestimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Additionally, we evaluated some stimulatory and inhibitory signaling molecules potentially involved in these phenomena.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>MC/9 cells and primary bone marrow-derived mast cells obtained from C57BL/6 and TLR4<sup>-/- </sup>knock-out mice were sensitized to DNP-HSA (antigen) by incubation with DNP-IgE and were prestimulated with LPS for 18 hr prior to stimulation. Cultures were stimulated with LPS or Pam3Cys-Ser-(Lys)4 3HCl (P3C), a TLR2 agonist, individually or in combination with antigen. The production of IL-6 and TNFα, the phosphorylation of NFκB and p38 MAPK, and the expression of TLR4 and SOCS-1 and -3 were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that production of TNFα and IL-6 in murine mast cells that have been pretreated with LPS and challenged with TLR4 (LPS) or -2 (P3C) agonists was reduced, phenomena described as endotoxin tolerance (LPS) and cross-tolerance (P3C), respectively. The expression of TLR4 was not affected by LPS pretreatment. Our results show that the FcεR1 agonist DNP-HSA (antigen) interacts synergistically with LPS or P3C to markedly enhance production of cytokines (TNFα and IL-6). This synergistic effect with LPS and P3C was also attenuated by LPS pretreatment and was mediated by TLR4. These results may be attributed to the reduction in phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), p38, and the transcription factor NFκB, as well as to an increase in the expression of the suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-1 and -3 proteins in LPS-pretreated mast cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings can be explored with respect to the modulation of inflammatory responses associated with infectious and allergic processes in future studies.</p

    Succinate causes pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through GPR91 activation

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    Background\ud Succinate is an intermediate of the citric acid cycle as well as an extracellular circulating molecule, whose receptor, G protein-coupled receptor-91 (GPR91), was recently identified and characterized in several tissues, including heart. Because some pathological conditions such as ischemia increase succinate blood levels, we investigated the role of this metabolite during a heart ischemic event, using human and rodent models.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud We found that succinate causes cardiac hypertrophy in a GPR91 dependent manner. GPR91 activation triggers the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), the expression of calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ) and the translocation of histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5) into the cytoplasm, which are hypertrophic-signaling events. Furthermore, we found that serum levels of succinate are increased in patients with cardiac hypertrophy associated with acute and chronic ischemic diseases.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud These results show for the first time that succinate plays an important role in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through GPR91 activation, and extend our understanding of how ischemia can induce hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.CAPESFAPEMIG (Pronex)INCT- Carbon NanotubesCNPqHHM