53 research outputs found

    Is there an information field in the life world? Empirical approach using electrophotonic analysis

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    This paper presents a brief review of distant biological communication phenomena, information fields explained as a transduction of information without energy displacement, experimental requirements for testing this hypothesis with human beings using electrophotonic analysis, oxymetry and electromagnetic shielding. Finally, authors present preliminary results and future work on this new field of interdisciplinary research1119120

    The search for a convergent option to deploy smart grids on IoT scenario

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    Smart city projects are quickly evolving in several countries as a feasible solution to the urban organization to provide sustainable socioeconomic growth and solve problems that arise as the populations of these cities grow. In this sense, technology application plays an important role in enabling automation of processes, improving the citizen’s quality of life and reducing the costs of public services for municipalities and enterprises. However, automation initiatives of services such as electricity, water, and gas which materialize by the so-called smart grids, have emerged earlier than smart city projects, and are consolidating in several countries. Although smart grid initiatives have arisen earlier to projects of smart cities it represents a subset of the great scenario of IoT that is the vision in which the smart city projects are based. The time difference from developments between these two initiatives made the alternatives of communication technologies for infrastructures construction of communication followed different paths. However, in view of the great scenery of IoT is desirable to determine technologies that provide convergence of a single urban communication infrastructure capable of supporting all applications, whether they are typically IoT or traditional smart grid applications. This work is a review which presents and discusses the two main technologies which are currently best positioned to play this role of convergence that is RF Mesh and LoRaWAN. The strengths and weaknesses of each one of them are also presented and propose that in actuality LoRaWAN is a promising option to offer the required conditions to take on this convergent position2356957

    Improvement of the transmission and sub-transmission overhead lines lightning performance using line arresters – Experience in Brazil

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    Lightning has been reported as the major cause of non-scheduled outages that occur in Brazilian’s power system, being responsible for approximately 50 – 70% of the outages verified in overhead lines with rated voltages up to 230 kV and creating many issues for power supply utilities and consumers. In agreement with the information of the National Institute for Space Researche (INPE) Brazil is the country with the largest incidence of lightning activities in the world, with about 50 - 70 million lightning outages a year somewhere in the country. With this considerable amount of lightning caused distubances, the resulting damages caused to the electric power systems are high such that the costs of losses and repairs exceed an annual value of 350 million dollars. This fact has been taken up by several power supply utilities and industrial consumers and caused them to invest in partnership with universities and research centers in the development of theoretical studies and the promotion of improvements along the critical sections of their overhead lines with poor lightning performance, thereby increasing their reliability. In many cases line arresters have been considered as the most effective method to improve the lightning performance. In Brazil, the first application of line arresters was in the middle of the nineties and from this time on more than 3,000 units of gapless line arresters were installed on overhead lines from 34.5 kV up to 230 kV. The analysis and evaluation of overhead lines lightning performance before and after the line arresters installation have shown a good effectiveness, with average indexes for the improvement higher than 70%. Good field experience and the proven results obtained in the improvement of the overhead lines lightning performance after the line arresters installation have been encouraging more and more Brazilian power supply utilities and industrial consumers to develop studies to evaluate the line arresters application along their overhead lines presenting poorer lightning performance. This paper presents information about the experience of the Brazilian power supply utilities as well as industrial consumers in the application of line arresters to improve the overhead lines lightning performance. Procedures used to optimize the characteristics of the line arresters, quantity and location along the critical sections of the lines; field experience as well as the lightning performance of the lines before and after the line arresters application are presented and discussed

    Representação de linhas de transmissão por meio de variáveis de estado levando em consideração o efeito da freqüência sobre os parâmetros longitudinais

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    The main objective of this paper is to show the formulation rule of state matrices when the state-space approach is used to represent a transmission line taking into account its frequency dependent parameters. First, the line is represented through a cascade of pi circuits and the frequency dependence of the longitudinal parameters is synthesized with series and parallel resistors and inductors that are inserted in each pi circuit. After that the cascade is described through state equations. The model will be used to represent a single-phase line taking into account that its parameters are frequency dependents. The simulations are carried out by using Matlab and the results obtained will be compared with results obtained with Microtran.O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as matrizes de estado que representam uma linha de transmissão cujos parâmetros são considerados variáveis em relação à freqüência. Inicialmente a linha é representada por meio de uma cascata de circuitos pi, sendo que o efeito da freqüência sobre os parâmetros longitudinais da linha é sintetizado por meio de uma associação série e paralela de resistores e indutores que é inserida em cada um dos circuitos pi. Esta cascata é então descrita por meio de variáveis de estado. O modelo será utilizado para representar uma linha monofásica, levando em consideração que os parâmetros da mesma são dependentes da freqüência. As simulações serão realizadas no ambiente Matlab. Para conferir a regra de formação das matrizes de estado, os resultados obtidos com a representação proposta serão comparados com os resultados obtidos com o Microtran.337346Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Application of Numeric Routine for Simulating Transients in Power Line Communication (PLC) Systems

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    Applying numerical routines based on trapezoidal rule of integration (Heun’s method for numerical integration), simple models of transmission lines are used to analyze and simulate the propagation of communication signals in PLC-type systems (power line communication systems). Such systems are shared by the same systems for the transfer of electrical power and signal transmission. For the mentioned routines, the main objectives are: simulate the propagation of electromagnetic transients in these systems and analyze the interference of such phenomena in the transmitted signal. Such simulations are performed with classical structures that represent infinitesimal units of transmission lines. Modifications in the structure of such units are analyzed to improve the results obtained by the mentioned simulations

    Comparison of soil modeling concerning physical factors: Application to transient analysis in wind turbines

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    This work analyzes the impact of the physical factors (frequency effect, water content, and porosity level) on the voltages developed along the wind turbine (WT) subjected to lightning strikes. The analysis is performed considering a realistic grounding system (GS) where the full-wave electromagnetic (ES) software FEKO/Altair Engineering® calculates the GS harmonic impedance (HI) for to 10 MHz. For this purpose, six soil models [Visacro–Portela, Portela, Visacro–Alípio, Alípio–Visacro, Datsios–Mikropoulos, and Archie] and their transient responses are assessed. Comparisons are made with those assuming a frequency-constant (FC) soil at the dry condition. The GPR on the GS and the voltages on the tower base and nacelle are calculated using the software ATP® for the transient analysis. Results show a significant impact on HI with the physical factors, being remarkable at high frequencies and for high-resistive soils. Consequently, a notable decrease in the GPR peaks is seen compared with those with FC soils. These soil models and the lightning currents influence voltages at the nacelle and tower base. Results demonstrated that the Portela model predicts a more significant decrease in the voltages, and Datsios-Mikropoulos’s model provides closer responses to the FC soil. Increasing porosity yields larger peak values, and increasing water content produces lower voltages

    Avaliação Econômica da Inserção do Gás Natural da Amazônia na Matriz Elétrica da Cidade de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas / Economic Evaluation of the Insertion of Natural Gas from the Amazon in the Electric Matrix of the City of Manaus, State of Amazonas

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar os impactos econômicos decorrentes da substituição dos óleos combustíveis derivados de petróleo pelo gás natural, proveniente da Bacia Petrolífera do Solimões (AM) na matriz elétrica da cidade de Manaus. O estudo considerou o volume de gás e o prazo de duração definidos pelo contrato de fornecimento do gás natural para o parque térmico de Manaus. Baseado nos aspectos de geração de eletricidade, consumo e custo dos energéticos (óleos derivados de petróleo e gás natural), a pesquisa permitiu: (a) identificar que no custo evitado, com a substituição dos energéticos para o parque térmico existente na cidade de Manaus, será da ordem de R$ 1,0 bilhão, por ano, a partir do ano de 2012; e (b) desenvolver uma proposta de implantação de uma usina termelétrica com turbinas a gás em ciclo combinado do porte de 500 a 600 MW de potência nominal instalada

    Pancreatite: uma revisão literária do disponível acerca de sua incidência, etiologia, manifestação clínica, diagnóstico, tratamento da patologia ou suas formas de apresentação / Pancreatitis: a literary review of what is available about its incidence, etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment of pathology or its forms of presentation

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    A pancreatite aguda é uma doença que tem como substrato um processo inflamatório da glândula pancreática, decorrente da ação de enzimas inadequadamente ativadas. Considerando a importância do tema, esse estudo visa revisar o disponível na literatura acerca dessa patologia. A metodologia aplicada nesse trabalho foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. Foram selecionados 10 artigos. O tratamento inicial da pancreatite aguda é clínico, devendo ser realizado em unidades de terapia intensiva, na dependência de sua gravidade. As medidas iniciais são jejum oral, hidratação parenteral, nutrição parenteral e analgesia sistêmica. Ainda hoje discute-se o valor da utilização rotineira de sonda nasogástrica, bloqueadores da secreção gástrica, bloqueadores da secreção pancreática, análogos da somatostatina e antibióticos