17 research outputs found

    Comparison of the analgesic efficacy of oral ketorolac versus intramuscular tramadol after third molar surgery : a parallel, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Preemptive analgesia is considered an alternative for treating the postsurgical pain of third molar removal. The aim of this study was to evaluate the preemptive analgesic efficacy of oral ketorolac versus intramuscular tramadol after a mandibular third molar surgery. A parallel, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial was carried out. Thirty patients were randomized into two treatment groups using a series of random numbers: Group A, oral ketorolac 10 mg plus intramuscular placebo (1 mL saline solution); or Group B, oral placebo (similar tablet to oral ketorolac) plus intramuscular tramadol 50 mg diluted in 1 mL saline solution. These treatments were given 30 min before the surgery. We evaluated the time of first analgesic rescue medication, pain intensity, total analgesic consumption and adverse effects. Patients taking oral ketorolac had longer time of analgesic covering and less postoperative pain when compared with patients receiving intramuscular tramadol. According to the VAS and AUC results, this study suggests that 10 mg of oral ketorolac had superior analgesic effect than 50 mg of tramadol when administered before a mandibular third molar surgery

    Preemptive analgesic effectiveness of oral ketorolac plus local tramadol after impacted mandibular third molar surgery

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare preemptive analgesia of oral ketorolac plus submucous local placebo with oral ketorolac plus submucous local tramadol after impacted mandibular third molar surgery. Study design: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted. Patients were randomized into two treatment groups (n = 15 per group): group A, oral ketorolac 10 mg, 30 minutes before surgery plus submucous local placebo (1 mL saline solution); group B, oral ketorolac 10 mg, 30 minutes before surgery plus submucous local tramadol (50 mg diluted in 1 mL saline solution). We evaluated the intensity of pain, time for the first analgesic rescue medication, and total analgesic consumption. Results: Pain intensity, number of patients requiring analgesic rescue medication, number of patients in each group not requiring analgesic rescue medication, and total analgesic consumption showed statistical significance. Conclusions: Preemptive use of oral ketorolac plus submucous local tramadol is an alternative treatment for acute pain after surgical removal of an impacted mandibular third molar. © Medicina Oral S. L

    The Multifunctional Role of SPANX-A/D Protein Subfamily in the Promotion of Pro-Tumoural Processes in Human Melanoma

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    Human sperm protein associated with the nucleus on the X chromosome (SPANX) genes encode a protein family (SPANX-A, -B, -C and -D), whose expression is limited to the testis and spermatozoa in normal tissues and various tumour cells. SPANX-A/D proteins have been detected in metastatic melanoma cells, but their contribution to cancer development and the underlying molecular mechanisms of skin tumourigenesis remain unknown. Combining functional and proteomic approaches, the present work describes the presence of SPANX-A/D in primary and metastatic human melanoma cells and how it promotes pro-tumoural processes such as cell proliferation, motility and migration. We provide insights into the molecular features of skin tumourigenesis, describing for the first time a multifunctional role of the SPANX-A/D protein family in nuclear function, energy metabolism and cell survival, considered key hallmarks of cancer. A better comprehension of the SPANX-A/D protein subfamily and its molecular mechanisms will help to describe new aspects of tumour cell biology and develop new therapeutic targets and tumour-directed pharmacological drugs for skin tumoursUniversity of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (GIU19/018). IU-A is supported by a fellowship from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). IM-H is supported by a fellowship from the Basque Government

    SPANX-A/D protein subfamily plays a key role in nuclear organisation, metabolism and flagellar motility of human spermatozoa

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    Human sperm protein associated with the nucleus on the X chromosome (SPANX) genes encode a protein family (SPANX-A, -B, -C and -D), whose expression is limited to the testis and spermatozoa in normal tissues and to a wide variety of tumour cells. Present only in hominids, SPANX-A/D is exclusively expressed in post-meiotic spermatids and mature spermatozoa. However, the biological role of the protein family in human spermatozoa is largely unknown. Combining proteomics and molecular approaches, the present work describes the presence of all isoforms of SPANX-A/D in human spermatozoa and novel phosphorylation sites of this protein family. In addition, we identify 307 potential SPANX-A/D interactors related to nuclear envelop, chromatin organisation, metabolism and cilia movement. Specifically, SPANX-A/D interacts with fumarate hydratase and colocalises with both fumarate hydratase and Tektin 1 proteins, involved in meeting energy demands for sperm motility, and with nuclear pore complex nucleoporins. We provide insights into the molecular features of sperm physiology describing for the first time a multifunctional role of SPANX-A/D protein family in nuclear envelope, sperm movement and metabolism, considered key functions for human spermatozoa. SPANX-A/D family members, therefore, might be promising targets for sperm fertility management.Spanish Health Department ISCIII-DT, Basque Government and Danish Medical Research Council. IU-A was supported by a fellowship from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). IM-H was supported by a fellowship from the Basque Government. I.K. was supported by a grant from the Danish Medical Research Counci

    Comparative bioavailability of a generic and two compounded naproxen sodium suspensions administered to rats.

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    The purpose of this study was to determine naproxen concentrations in rat plasma samples by HPLC and to compare the bioavailability of a generic and two compounded naproxen sodium suspensions (test 1 and test 2). Analysis was run at a fl ow rate of 1.2 mL.min-1 with a mobile phase of acetonitrile: NaH2PO4 0.01 M pH 4.00 (50:50, v/v) at 280 nm, using a C18 column (150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm). The calibration curve was linear (R2 = 0.9987) over the range of 0.25 - 200 μg.mL-1. The precision for inter and intra-day analysis ranged from 2.46% to 12.39%. Cmax, Tmax and AUCt were 191.25 ± 11.17 μg.mL-1, 1.00 ± 0.106 h and 2438.16 ± 291.34 μg.h.mL-1 for the reference drug, 188.22 ± 24.78 μg.mL-1, 1.06 ± 0.092 h and 1755.02 ± 228.90 μg.h.mL-1 for test 1, and 160.50 ± 10.58 μg.mL-1, 0.66 ± 0.102 h and 1955.28 ± 142.80 μg.h.mL-1 for test 2. No signifi cant differences were found based on analysis of variance, with mean values and 90% CI of test2/reference ratio (Cmax 83.92% and AUCt 80.19%). For test1/reference ratio, the result was Cmax 98.41% and AUCt 71.98%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the validated method was successfully applied to this study; the test 1 formulation failed to demonstrate a bioequivalence to the reference drug; however, the test 2 and reference naproxen sodium suspension were bioequivalent in terms of the rate and extent of absorption under these conditions

    Clinical analysis of the tooth-implant papilla for two narrow-diameter titanium-zirconium implants in the anterior area: prospective controlled clinical study

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    Abstract Background Rehabilitation of the anterior area when the mesio-distal space is reduced is a challenge for the clinician, due to the patient’s anatomical limitations and aesthetic requirements. Narrow Diameter Implants (NDI) are an option of treatment when the standard diameter implant is not possible, but the evidence is scarce. This prospective clinical study aims to analyze the formation of the tooth-implant papilla between the implant and the adjacent natural tooth in the maxillary lateral incisors and mandibular incisors. Methods A total of 40 patients treated with NDI, of titanium-zirconium (Ti-Zr) alloy i.e., 2.9 mm Test Group (TG) and 3.3 mm Control Group (CG), were included. The mesiodistal distance between the adjacent natural teeth was used for implant selection, maintaining 1.5 mm between the fixation and the adjacent tooth. Clinical assessment was performed by a clinical examiner at 6 and 12 months after the final prosthesis. The primary variable was the Jemt Papillary Index. Also, implant survival rate (SR), complications, Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ), and patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) such as aesthetics, chewing, phonation, comfort, and self-esteem were analyzed. Results A significant amount of papilla filling was observed concerning the baseline, with a trend towards more formation of the papilla in the TG, with a JPI score of 3. No significant differences were observed between the two groups regarding implant SR, clinical parameters, and complications. In terms of PROMs, a higher satisfaction in the TG was observed, with significant intergroup differences for aesthetics, comfort, self-esteem, and primary stability ISQ (TG: 59.05 (SD: 5.4) vs. CG: 51.55 (SD: 5.7)). Conclusions The 2.9 mm diameter Ti-Zr implants achieved a formation of papilla similar to 3.3 mm implants in the anterior region at 12 months of follow-up after the final prosthetic restoration. The use of Ti-Zr implants with a diameter of 2.9 mm to rehabilitate single teeth in areas of the anterior region, where the mesiodistal distance is limited, showed favorable clinical results and a high degree of satisfaction during 1 year of observation similar to 3.3 mm dental implants. Trial registration This study was retrospectively registered in ClinicalTrials.gov with the number NCT05642520, dated 18/11/2022

    Obtaining orange juice–maltodextrin powders without structure collapse based on the glass transition temperature and degree of polymerization

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    Se emplearon cuatro maltodextrinas (MX) con diferente grado de polimerización (GP) como agente acarreador para el secado por aspersión sin colapso de la microestructura de jugo de naranja líquido (OJ); esto fue observado visualmente como un polvo de color blanco y apariencia fina sin aglomeración. Los polvos fueron sometidos a un proceso de adsorción de agua y caracterizados. El efecto de la adición de la MX fue el incremento en la adsorción de agua y la subsecuente depresión en el valor de la temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg). Para todas las actividades de agua evaluadas la microestructura no cristalizó, pero la fase cambió de un sólido amorfo a un sólido cubierto por líquido saturado. Adicionalmente se propuso para la predicción del valor de Tg del sistema ternario agua-OJ-MX, el uso de un modelo matemático simple basado en las fracciones molares y los valores de Tg de los componentes individuales. Los resultados obtenidos pueden contribuir para el procesamiento de sistemas ricos en azúcares y en la estabilidad de productos alimenticios.A set of four maltodextrins (MXs) with different degree of polymerization were employed as carrying agents for the spray drying of liquid orange juice (OJ) without collapse in the microstructure; this was visually observed as fine powders non-agglomerated were obtained with a characteristic color. The powders were subjected to water adsorption and characterized. The effect of the MX added was the increase in the adsorption of water and the subsequent depression in the glass transition temperature (Tg). The microstructure did not crystalize at any water activity, but the phase changed from an amorphous solid to a solid covered by saturated liquid. Additionally, a simple mathematical model based on the molar fractions and the Tg of the individual components was proposed for predicting the overall Tg of the ternary system water–OJ–MX. The results presented herein may contribute to the processing of sugar-rich systems and in the stability of food products