10 research outputs found

    Composición, abundancia y distribución de las especies de quetognatos del litoral norte del Caribe de México

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    Species composition and variations in abundance of chaetognaths from the north of Quintana Roo were carried out from January to December 2004. Sampling was made near surface with a conical net (0.40 m, diameter; 330 µm mesh) at 12 stations from Puerto Morelos to Cancun. Temperature and salinity were measured in situ. Weather conditions were atypical with previous reports (dry, rains, nortes). Instead, a better correlation was observed with the environmental conditions of the lagoon, reef and oceanic zones. A total of 16,966 chaetognaths were captured with an annual mean abundance of 575 org./100 m3 . Eleven species of chaetognaths were recorded, with Ferosagitta hispida as the most abundant (499.6 org./100 m3 = 77%) and unique species in the lagoon zone. Flaccisagitta enflata (80.2 org./100 m3 = 14.6%), was second in abundance and collected mainly in the oceanic zone. Krohnitta pacifica (17.8 org./100 m3 = 3%) and Serratosagitta serratodentata (13.2 org./100 m3 = 2.5%), both were abundant in the reef zone. Other species were: Sagitta tenuis, Pterosagitta draco, F. hexaptera, S. friderici, S. helenae, Mesosagitta minima and S. bipunctata contributing 12.8 org./100 m3 = 2.3% altogether.Se estudiaron la composición y las variaciones de la abundancia de las especies de quetognatos en el litoral norte de Quintana Roo, durante un ciclo anual (enero a diciembre del 2004). Los muestreos se realizaron durante el día, cerca de la superficie, con una red cónica de 0.4 m de diámetro y malla de 330 µm, por 5 min., en 12 estaciones ubicadas desde Puerto Morelos hasta Cancún. Se hicieron mediciones in situ de temperatura y salinidad que mostraron variaciones atípicas relativas a los antecedentes del régimen climático reportado (secas, lluvias y nortes). En cambio, se registraron mejores correlaciones con las zonas de muestreo (lagunar, arrecifal y oceánica). Se capturaron 16,966 m3 quetognatos con un promedio anual de 575 org. /100 m3 . Las mayores abundancias fueron en enero (secas) y las menores en agosto (lluvias). Se identificaron 11 especies con Ferosagitta hispida como la más abundante (499.6 org./100 m3 = 77%) y como especie única en la zona lagunar. Flaccisagitta enflata fue segunda en densidad (80.2 org./100 m3 = 14.6%), la cual fue principalmente abundante en la zona oceánica. Krohnitta pacifica (17.8 org./100 m3 = 3%) y Serratosagitta serratodentata (13.2 org./100 m3 = 2.5%), estuvieron mejor representadas en el área arrecifal. Las especies menos abundantes en orden decreciente fueron: Sagitta tenuis, Pterosagitta draco, F. hexaptera, S. friderici, S. helenae, Mesosagitta minima y S. bipunctata que en su conjunto contribuyeron con 12.8 org./100 m3 = 2.3%

    Larvas de peces del litoral arrecifal del norte de Quintana Roo, Mar Caribe de México

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    Neuston samples (144) collected monthly from January to December 2004 from the north of the Mexican Caribbean Sea were analyzed. Trawlings were made at twelve sites along the coast, from Puerto Morelos to Cancun with a neuston net (0.60X 0.80 m; mesh 330µ) for 10 min., near surface. Salinity (spu), temperature (°C), and Oxygen (mg/l), were measured in situ, allowing the characterization of two climatic regimes: dry and wet season, and three environments: coastal (with oceanic characteristics), lagoon, and reef areas. A total of 5,577 fish larvae were captured (4,398.5 larvae/100 m3 ) corresponding to 55 families and 115 taxa. Gobies were the most conspicuous taxa, they were found in all three environments and ratify previous reports by other workers. Ctenogobius sp. (26.6%), Gobionellus sp.1 (17.9%), and Harengula jaguana (6.7%), made up more than 51%. Seasonally, highest average abundance was recorded in the dry season (56.9%) peaking in March (9.1±4.5 larvae/100 m3 ). The lagoon environment contained the lowest species richness (44) than the coastal (78) or reef (82) areas, but more larvae were caught (2,865.6 larvas/100 m3 ), a number higher than those collected at the other two environments put together.Se analizaron 144 muestras de neuston recolectadas mensualmente de enero a diciembre del 2004 en el Estado de Quintana Roo, Mar Caribe de México. Los arrastres se realizaron cerca de la superficie por 10 min., en 12 sitios de captura con una red de Neuston (0.60 X 0.80 m; malla 330 µm). Se registraron la temperatura (°C), salinidad (ups) y el oxígeno disuelto (mg/L), que permitieron caracterizar las condiciones hidrográficas de los lugares de muestreo. Se identificaron dos regímenes climáticos: secas y lluvias, y tres ambientes: costero (con características oceánicas), lagunar y arrecifal, cada uno con condiciones ambientales propias. Se capturaron un total de 5,577 larvas (4,398.5 larvas/100 m3 ) distribuidas en 55 familias y 115 taxa. La familia Gobiidae fue la más conspícua y se encontró en todos los ambientes, lo cual ratifica estudios previos de otros autores. Ctenogobius sp. (26.6%), Gobionellus sp. (17.9%) y Harengula jaguana (6.7%), sumaron más del 51% de las capturas. Temporalmente las mayores densidades promedio se encontraron en la época de secas (56.9%) con marzo como el mes de mayor abundancia (9.1±4.5 larvas/100 m3 ). El sistema Lagunar Nichupté presentó una menor riqueza de especies (42) que la zona costera (78) o arrecifal (82), pero en cambio, registró una abundancia (2,865.6 larvas/100 m3 ) inclusive mayor que los otros dos ambientes juntos

    Larvas de peces parasitadas por metacercarias de Hemiuridae y Fellodistomidae (Trematoda) en la laguna arrecifal de Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, México

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    Parasitized fish larvae collected with a neuston net (0.40 x 0.40 m mouth) at two sampling stations in the coral reef lagoon of Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico, from September to November 2002 were analyzed. Fish larvae and the parasites were stained together with acetic carmine and cleared with methyl salicilate. Parasites were removed from the host and mounted in permanent slides with synthetic resin. Unencysted metacercariae of Hemiuridae and Fellodistomidae were found in the stomach of Sphyraena barracuda (Sphyraenidae) (16), Serranidae (2) and Ctenogobius sp. (Gobiidae) (3); in the intestine of Gerres cinereus sp (Gerreidae) (2) and in the cloaca (12) and swim bladder (48) of Jenkinsia lamprotaenia (Clupeidae). Fish larvae are plankton feeders and as Acartia spinata and Paracalanus sp. are the most abundant copepods and the usual prey for predators, it is suggested that these microcrustaceans may be the first intermediate hosts and the usual infection via for fish larvae. Fish larvae would become the second or paratenic hosts and when adult fish feed on them, would become the final and definitive host.Se analizaron las muestras de larvas de peces recolectadas con una red de neuston (0.40 x 0.40 m de boca), en dos estaciones de muestreo en la laguna arrecifal de Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, de septiembre a noviembre de 2002, con el objetivo de identificar su fauna parasitaria. Las larvas de peces fueron teñidas junto con los parásitos con carmín acético, se transparentaron con salicilato de metilo y se extrajeron los parásitos, los cuales fueron montados en preparaciones permanentes. Se encontraron metacercarias de Hemiuridae y Fellodistomidae no enquistadas en el estómago de Sphyraena barracuda (Sphyraenidae) (16), en Serranidae (2) y Ctenogobius sp. (Gobiidae) (3); en el intestino de Gerres cinereus (Gerreidae)(2); en la cloaca (12) y vejiga natatoria (48) de Jenkinsia lamprotaenia (Clupeidae). Las larvas de peces son planctófagas y debido a que Acartia spinata y Paracalanus sp., son los copépodos más abundantes y las presas más comunes en el área de estudio, se considera que el modo de infección probable sea a través del consumo de estos microcrustáceos que actúan como primeros hospederos intermediarios. Las larvas de peces serían los segundos hospederos intermediarios u hospederos paraténicos y los peces adultos, al depredar sobre las larvas, se infectarían con los parásitos convirtiéndose en los hospederos definitivos

    Composition and abundance of zooplankton groups from a coral reef lagoon in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico, during an annual cycle

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    Zooplankton sampling was carried out monthly from January to December 1990 at station A near the coastline, and station B near the reef barrier, in a tropical coral reef lagoon in the Mexican Caribbean Sea. Samplings were made at midnight, near surface, with a conical net (mouth 0.40 m, mesh 330 ?m) for 10 min. Salinity varied from 35.1 to 36.3 psu and temperature from 26.3 to 30.2 °C. The Bray-Curtis test applied to these results has defined two seasons: the dry season from November to May, and the wet season from June to October. A total of 37 zooplankton groups were found. Copepods were the most abundant contributing 49.0% of the total capture with Acartia espinata, Calanopia americana and Farranula gracilis as the most numerous. In the total zooplankton, however, cirripeds captured in only 15 samples of 24 were second in abundance (20.9%). Decapods, present all year-round and more abundant during the wet season, were third and contributed 19.2%. The rest of the groups were scarce and only amphipods (2.4%) and larvaceans (2.0%) were relatively abundant. The abundance of captured organisms correlated with the abiotic factors measured, thus, in the dry season, abundance was lower (mean 7.3 orgs/m3), while in the wet season the mean catch was 36.8 orgs/m3

    Composition and abundance of zooplankton groups from a coral reef lagoon in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico, during an annual cycle

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    Zooplankton sampling was carried out monthly from January to December 1990 at station A near the coastline, and station B near the reef barrier, in a tropical coral reef lagoon in the Mexican Caribbean Sea. Samplings were made at midnight, near surface, with a conical net (mouth 0.40 m, mesh 330 µm) for 10 min. Salinity varied from 35.1 to 36.3 psu and temperature from 26.3 to 30.2 ºC. The Bray-Curtis test applied to these results has defined two seasons: the dry season from November to May, and the wet season from June to October. A total of 37 zooplankton groups were found. Copepods were the most abundant contributing 49.0% of the total capture with Acartia espinata, Calanopia americana and Farranula gracilis as the most numerous. In the total zooplankton, however, cirripeds captured in only 15 samples of 24 were second in abundance (20.9%). Decapods, present all year-round and more abundant during the wet season, were third and contributed 19.2%. The rest of the groups were scarce and only amphipods (2.4%) and larvaceans (2.0%) were relatively abundant. The abundance of captured organisms correlated with the abiotic factors measured, thus, in the dry season, abundance was lower (mean 7.3 orgs/m3), while in the wet season the mean catch was 36.8 orgs/m3. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (3): 647-658. Epub 2009 September 30.Se efectuaron muestreos mensuales de zooplancton en el Caribe de México de enero a diciembre de 1990 en dos estaciones en la laguna arrecifal de Puerto Morelos en el estado de Quintana Roo, una situada cerca de la línea de costa (A), y la otra próxima a la barrera de coral (B). Los arrastres se realizaron en condiciones de oscuridad (a medianoche), cerca de la superficie durante 10 min con una red cónica de boca de 0.40 m y malla de 330 micras. La salinidad varió de 35.1 a 36.3 ups y la temperatura de 26.3 a 30.2 oC. La prueba de Bray-Curtis definió dos épocas en el año, la de secas de noviembre a mayo, y la de lluvias de junio a octubre. Se capturaron un total de 37 grupos de zooplancton. Los copépodos, capturados en todas las muestras, contribuyeron con 49% del total en donde las especies Acartia espinata, Calanopia americana y Farranula gracilis fueron las más abundantes. Los cirripedios aún capturados únicamente en 15 ocasiones de 24, contribuyeron con 20.9% y fueron mayormente abundantes en la estación cerca de la barrera de arrecife. Los decápodos, presentes en todos los muestreos, contribuyeron con 19.2%. Otros grupos menos importantes fueron: anfípodos (2.4%) y larváceos (2.0%). La abundancia general del zooplancton coincide en general con las épocas del año, teniendo mayor abundancia durante la temporada de lluvias (36.8 org./ m3 en promedio) y menores capturas durante las secas con 7.3 org/m³ en promedio

    Estudio anual del zooplancton: composición, abundancia, biomasa e hidrología del norte de Quintana Roo, mar Caribe de México Annual study of zooplankton: composition, abundance, biomass and hydrology from the north of Quintana Roo, Mexican Caribbean Sea

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    Se llevaron a cabo muestreos de zooplancton en la zona lagunar y costera del Caribe mexicano, desde Puerto Morelos hasta Cancún. Las recolectas se llevaron a cabo de enero a diciembre de 2004 en 12 localidades. Se identificaron 41 grupos del zooplancton donde los copépodos fueron los más abundantes (61%) seguidos de las larvas de equinodermos (17%) y decápodos (5%). El copépodo Acartia tonsa fue la especie más abundante de este grupo en el Sistema Lagunar Nichupté (SLN). En la zona marina adyacente los copépodos estuvieron representados en orden de importancia por Acartia spinata, Pseudocalanus sp. y Calanopia americana. En todas las estaciones se capturaron equinodermos del tipo equinopluteus-ofiopluteus, pero con mayor abundancia en el SLN. El quetognato Ferosagitta hispida fue la única especie que se encontró en el SLN, donde fue más abundante. Los decápodos estuvieron representados principalmente por larvas zoeas; las larvas de peces por 54 familias, de las cuales los góbidos de los géneros Ctenogobius sp., Gobionellus sp. y Gobiosoma sp. fueron los mejor representados, particularmente para el SLN. La biomasa fue mayor en el SLN.<br>Zooplankton sampling was carried out in the northern coast of the Mexican Caribbean Sea, from Puerto Morelos to Cancun. Captures were made with a conic net 0.4m diameter, 1.40m length and 0.330 mm mesh from January to December 2004 at twelve locations. A total of 41 zooplankton groups were identified. Copepods were the most abundant taxa making up 61%, followed by echinoderms (17%) and decapods (5%). Acartia tonsa at the Nichupte Lagoon System (SLN) over numbered the copepod fauna and occasionally the whole zooplankton population. Along the coast Acartia spinata, Pseudocalanus sp, and Calanopia americana were the most important copepods. Echinoderms larvae such as echinopluteus-ophiopluteus were present at all sampled stations but were more abundant at the NLS. For chaetognaths, Ferosagitta hispida dominated, the species was the most abundant and in fact the only species found within the NLS. Decapod larvae were mainly represented by zoea larvae (brachiura). Fish larvae were made up by 54 families, from those, Gobids of the genera Ctenogobius sp., Gobionellus sp. and Gobiosoma sp. were the most abundant, particularly for SLN. Biomass was higher at stations located within the SLN

    Didymozoid Monilicaecum type trematodes in chaetognaths from the Mexican Caribbean Sea Tremátodos didimozoides tipo Monilicaecum en quetognatos del mar caribe mexicano

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    Analyses of 22,508 holoplanktonic chaetognaths collected at 21 stations were made from four oceanographic campaigns along the coasts of Quintana Roo, Mexico, in 1991 (Caribe I = February; Caribe II = March; Caribe III = May; Caribe IV= August). Unencysted larval didymozoid parasites were identified as belonging to the Monilicaecum type because of the arrangement of the chambers of the heavily twisted intestinal caeca, which occupy nearly the entire body. These larvae were found in the coelom of seven individuals of the chaetognath Flaccisagitta enflata (prevalence = 0.03, mean intensity = 1) and in two of Serratosagitta serratodentata (prevalence = 0.009, mean intensity = 1). The Mexican Caribbean Sea is reported as a new locality for this type of helminth larvae.Se analizan 22,508 quetognatos holoplánticos capturados en 21 estaciones a lo largo de las costas del estado de Quintana Roo, México durante 1991 (Caribe I= febrero; Caribe II= marzo; Caribe III mayo; Caribe IV= agosto). Las formas no enquistadas de los parásitos didimozoides fueron identificadas como tipo Monilicaecum debido al arreglo de las cámaras de los ciegos intestinales fuertemente sinuosas que ocupan casi la totalidad de la cavidad corporal. Las larvas tipo Monilicaecum fueron encontradas en el celoma de siete quetognatos de la especie Flaccisagitta enflata (prevalencia= 0.03; intensidad promedio de parasitismo = 1) y en dos ejemplares de Serratosagitta serratodentata (prevalencia = 0.009, intensidad promedio = 1). El mar caribe mexicano es registrado como una nueva localidad para esta larva de helminto

    Combined dark matter searches towards dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS

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    Cosmological and astrophysical observations suggest that 85\% of the total matter of the Universe is made of Dark Matter (DM). However, its nature remains one of the most challenging and fundamental open questions of particle physics. Assuming particle DM, this exotic form of matter cannot consist of Standard Model (SM) particles. Many models have been developed to attempt unraveling the nature of DM such as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), the most favored particle candidates. WIMP annihilations and decay could produce SM particles which in turn hadronize and decay to give SM secondaries such as high energy γ\gamma rays. In the framework of indirect DM search, observations of promising targets are used to search for signatures of DM annihilation. Among these, the dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are commonly favored owing to their expected high DM content and negligible astrophysical background. In this work, we present the very first combination of 20 dSph observations, performed by the Fermi-LAT, HAWC, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS collaborations in order to maximize the sensitivity of DM searches and improve the current results. We use a joint maximum likelihood approach combining each experiment's individual analysis to derive more constraining upper limits on the WIMP DM self-annihilation cross-section as a function of DM particle mass. We present new DM constraints over the widest mass range ever reported, extending from 5 GeV to 100 TeV thanks to the combination of these five different γ\gamma-ray instruments

    Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A

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