366 research outputs found

    Smart Footwear Insole for Recognition of Foot Pronation and Supination Using Neural Networks

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    Abnormal foot postures during gait are common sources of pain and pathologies of the lower limbs. Measurements of foot plantar pressures in both dynamic and static conditions can detect these abnormal foot postures and prevent possible pathologies. In this work, a plantar pressure measurement system is developed to identify areas with higher or lower pressure load. This system is composed of an embedded system placed in the insole and a user application. The instrumented insole consists of a low-power microcontroller, seven pressure sensors and a low-energy bluetooth module. The user application receives and shows the insole pressure information in real-time and, finally, provides information about the foot posture. In order to identify the different pressure states and obtain the final information of the study with greater accuracy, a Deep Learning neural network system has been integrated into the user application. The neural network can be trained using a stored dataset in order to obtain the classification results in real-time. Results prove that this system provides an accuracy over 90% using a training dataset of 3000+ steps from 6 different users.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Federalismo administrativo y privatización del empleo público en Italia

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    Las profesoras Igartua Miró, María Teresa y Rodríguez Ramos, María José, son las traductoras del capítul

    Tendencia de la temperatura en los meses de julio y agosto en la Comunidad Valenciana en las últimas décadas: cambios en la frecuencia de días calurosos

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    Ponencia presentada en: IV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología "El Clima entre el Mar y la Montaña", celebrado en Santander del 2 al 5 de noviembre de 2004.[ES]Dentro de la temática del cambio climático, la temperatura en los meses estivales tiene un especial interés por las consecuencias económicas, sociales y ambientales que se derivarían de un ascenso, como se ha visto en el extraordinario verano del 2003. Diversos estudios recientes han puesto de manifiesto la tendencia al aumento de la calidez estival. Sin embargo, para el caso concreto de la Comunidad Valenciana en el presente estudio se dilucida que, dentro de una tendencia de base al ascenso térmico, la mayor responsabilidad del cambio recae en una mayor frecuencia de días con características térmicas tropicales de calor persistente, que no por una tendencia a batir récords al alza de temperaturas máximas absolutas.[EN]Within the subject of the climatic change, summer temperatures are of special interest because of the economic, social and environmental consequences that can be derived from their hypothetical increase. A number of recent studies have shown a trend to the increase of summer heating. In this work we analyse the temperature of the hottest summer months since 1958 to nowadays, with the objective to characterise the evolution of temperature and to find if there is a trend towards a higher frequency of hottest days. The first results show that there is a higher frequency of days with tropical characteristics and persistent heat; on the contrary, we did not find a trend to exceed records of absolute maximum temperatures.Este trabajo ha sido realizado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, contrato número REN2001-1086/HID

    The Urban bubble process in Spain: An interpretation from the theory of the circuits of capital

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    Urbanization in Spain has advanced rapidly in the last twenty years or so. The phenomenon was particularly pronounced in the period spanning 1990-2007, when the construction of housing on a mass scale was a clear indicator of the second circuit of capital accumulation, with space playing a key role through the work of David Harvey. This led to a property bubble - one of the defining features of the economic and financial crisis in Spain between 2008 and 2013. In this contribution to the subject, we analyse the factors that triggered unchecked speculative urban growth in the context of the financialization of land. In tandem, our conclusions present the new resulting urban and metropolitan map of Spain, which is now characterized by uneven levels of occupancy among regions

    Comparative assessment of RAMS and WRF short-term forecasts over Eastern Iberian Peninsula using various in-situ observations, remote sensing products and uncoupled land surface model datasets

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    The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale models are being used for weather and air quality studies as well as forecasting tools in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems. In the current study, we perform a comparative assessment of these models under distinct typical atmospheric conditions, classified according to the dominant wind flow and cloudiness, over Eastern Iberian Peninsula. This study is focused on the model representation of key physical processes in terms of meteorology and surface variables during a 7-days period in summer 2011. The hourly outputs produced by these two models are compared not only with observed standard surface variables, measured at different permanent weather stations located over the region of study, but also with different surface remote sensing products and uncoupled Land Surface Models (LSM) datasets. Confronting RAMS and WRF, the current study highlights relevant differences over areas near the coast when mesoscale circulations or Eastern synoptic advections are developed over the region of study. A higher moisture content is observed under these atmospheric conditions, due to the moisture transport by the sea breeze inland. In this regard, it has been found that the Eastern wind field simulated by WRF reaches inland areas and comprises a larger sea breeze extension than RAMS. This sea breeze development impacts meteorology and surface variables in locations not too close to the coast, but still affected by land-sea winds. Additionally, WRF remains more windy and moister than RAMS at night-time, while alike results are found under Western synoptic advections. The results obtained in the current paper show differences under distinct dominant atmospheric conditions, which outline further research in this field in order to achieve more general conclusions

    Future Projection of precipitation changes in the Júcar and Segura River Basins (Iberian Peninsula) by CMIP5 GCMs Local Downscaling

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    The basins of the Júcar and Segura rivers, on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, present a special water problem and are of particular interest regarding climate change. These basins are very vulnerable to a possible scenario of decreasing water resources. Recent studies on historic rainfall since 1955 have indicated an ongoing loss of precipitation in their headwaters, especially in the case of the Júcar river. The aim of the present study is to perform climate projections for the precipitation variable for several future periods (2021-2040, 2051-2070, 2081-2100) and emission scenarios (RCPs 4.5, 8.5) within the Júcar and Segura River Basin authorities. For this purpose, a set of CMIP5 global models have been used, as well as the CDRD-HR-EIP-1955-2016 database, as a source of local observed information. This database comprises nearly 900 precipitation series in both basins and has been used in recent studies to determine historic trends of change in these basins. A statistical downscaling of the global models for all available observed series has been applied using the LARS-WG method. The results, although variable according to the CMIP5 model used, show the continuation of the patterns of precipitation change in the future, as already observed in the historical series. The results also predict a clear reduction in precipitation in the long term. However, torrential rainfall tends to increase in the coastal areas in relation to that observed in the short-term predictions. These results, due to their high spatial resolution, are of great interest for their use in small-scale hydrological and spatial planning (regional and local), which is one of the current challenges of climate modeling

    Análisis de tendencia de la precipitación por situaciones convectivas en la Comunidad Valenciana (1959-2004)

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    Ponencia presentada en: V Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Zaragoza del 18 al 21 de septiembre de 2006.[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis territorializado de la tendencia de la precipitación en la Comunidad Valenciana para las situaciones de tipo convectivo, de carácter primaveral-estival y con un origen ligado a la formación de la baja térmica. Para las precipitaciones convectivas, los resultados del análisis de tendencias para el período 1959-2004, muestran una tendencia general al descenso de este tipo de situaciones así como de la precipitación, aunque los valores estadísticamente más significativos se localizan en el interior de la Comunidad en el primer semestre del año.[EN]In the present paper we analyse the convective precipitation type, which shows a marked spring/summer character and originates in connection with the formation of the thermal low. With respect to convective precipitation, our trend analysis for the 1959-2004 period shows a generalised decreasing trend both in this type of synoptic situation and in the associated rainfall, although the most significant statistical values are located in the interior of the region and in the first half of the year

    Análisis de tendencia de la precipitación por frentes atlánticos en la Comunidad Valenciana (1959-2004)

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    Ponencia presentada en: V Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Zaragoza del 18 al 21 de septiembre de 2006.[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis territorializado de la tendencia de la precipitación en la Comunidad Valenciana para las situaciones de tipo frontal. Los resultados obtenidos para el periodo 1959-2004 indican una clara tendencia general de la precipitación al descenso en los totales anuales, y sobre todo diarios, con valores estadísticamente más significativos según el test de Mann-Kendall en el interior de la Comunidad. Los mayores descensos se recogen en el primer semestre y el interior Norte que, por otro lado, es la zona donde este tipo de precipitaciones tiene mayor peso y repercusión.[EN]The results obtained for the 1954-2004 period indicate a clear generalised trend towards decreased precipitation both in the annual totals and, especially, in the daily totals, with statistically more significant values (according to the Mann-Kendall test) in the interior of the region. The largest decreases are noted in the first half of the year and in the northern interior, which is also the area where this precipitation type has traditionally been more important

    Análisis de un evento extraordinario de recolección de agua de niebla en la vertiente mediterránea de la Península Ibérica (marzo 2011)

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]En la cuenca mediterránea de la Península Ibérica el recurso agua es un bien escaso. En los últimos años, periodos prolongados de sequía han provocado restricciones en el uso del agua que incluso han llegado a afectar al consumo humano. En el contexto actual, donde el cambio climático está provocando que estos periodos prolongados sin precipitación en el área mediterránea puedan darse con mayor frecuencia e intensidad, es fundamental el orientar la investigación hacia la búsqueda de fuentes alternativas de agua que ayuden a mitigar esta problemática. Se ha analizado la captación de agua de niebla en la fachada mediterránea de la Península Ibérica a partir de una red de 24 colectores que se extiende desde Girona (Cataluña) hasta Almería (Andalucía). Se han obtenido valores de recolección que, en la época estival, han llegado a superar a los de la precipitación, revelándose, por tanto, como una fuente alternativa de agua de gran interés especialmente en aplicaciones medioambientales. El trabajo que aquí se presenta analiza la génesis de un episodio de recolección de agua de niebla donde las tasas de captación fueron extraordinariamente elevadas en algunos de los emplazamientos estudiados. Dicho episodio tuvo lugar entre los días 22 y 25 de marzo de 2011, llegándose a recolectar en algunos casos más de 450 l/m2 en las 77 horas en las que hubo captura ininterrumpida de agua. El estudio muestra diferencias notables en los volúmenes recolectados en función de la ubicación de los colectores, habiéndose obtenido las mayores capturas en la zona centro y sur del área de estudio.[EN]In the Mediterranean basin of the Iberian Peninsula, water scarcity is present. In recent years, prolonged periods of drought have caused restrictions in water use that have even affected human consumption. In this area, climate change is causing more frequent periods with no precipitation, but also with greater intensity (heavy rains), so it is vital to investigate alternative sources of water. In the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, fog-water collection has been analyzed from a network of 24 collectors extending from Girona (Catalonia) to Almeria (Andalusia). Collection values have been obtained which, in the summer season, have exceeded those of precipitation, thus revealing itself as an alternative source of water of great interest, especially in environmental applications. This work analyzes the origin of a fog-water collection episode where collection rates were extraordinarily high in some of the studied locations. This episode took place between 22 and 25 March 2011, and, in some cases, volumes above 450 l/m2 were collected in the 77 hours in which there was non-stop water capture. The study shows important differences in the collected volumes depending on the collectors location, with the highest water volumes being obtained in the central and southern part of the study area.Este trabajo ha sido cofinanciado por el proyecto PID2020-118797RB-I00 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), y por la Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana a través del proyecto de investigación PROMETEO/2021/016

    Cambios a fina escala de la aridez en la Comunidad Valenciana entre 1948 y 2011

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    Ponencia presentada en: X Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Alicante entre el 5 y el 8 de octubre de 2016.[ES]Recientes avances en downscaling estadístico e interpolación espacial de temperaturas han resultado en la disponibilidad del dataset SDSITVC (Statistical Downscaling and Spatial Interpolation of Temperatures for the Valencian Community), con una resolución espacial de 90 m y periodo completo de 1948-2011, para la Comunidad Valenciana y áreas limítrofes. El presente trabajo busca relacionar dicha interpolación de temperaturas con otra de precipitaciones que, al igual que el SDSITVC, sea apta para el análisis de tendencias entre 1948 y 2011.[EN]Recent advances in statistical downscaling and spatial interpolation of temperatures have resulted in the availability of the SDSITVC dataset (Statistical Downscaling and Spatial Interpolation of Temperatures for the Valencian Community). This complies a spatial resolution of 90 m and full 1948-2011 period, for the Valencian Community and surrounding areas. This paper seeks to relate this temperature interpolation with other for precipitation in the same way suitable for the analysis of trends between 1948 and 2011.Este trabajo se ha realizado gracias al programa PROMETEOII (2014/086) de la Comunidad Valenciana, y el proyecto CGL2015- 64268-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el FEDER