8 research outputs found

    A Natural Alternative Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections: Itxasol©, the Importance of the Formulation

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    Genito-urinary tract infections have a high incidence in the general population, being more prevalent among women than men. These diseases are usually treated with antibiotics, but very frequently, they are recurrent and lead to the creation of resistance and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new compounds for their treatment. In this work, our objective is to review the characteristics of the compounds of a new formulation called Itxasol© that is prescribed as an adjuvant for the treatment of UTIs and composed of β-arbutin, umbelliferon and n-acetyl cysteine. This formulation, based on biomimetic principles, makes Itxasol© a broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal, bacteriostatic and antifungal properties that is capable of destroying the biofilm and stopping its formation. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, without the adverse effects associated with the recurrent use of antibiotics that leads to renal nephrotoxicity and other side effects. All these characteristics make Itxasol© an ideal candidate for the treatment of UTIs since it behaves like an antibiotic and with better characteristics than other adjuvants, such as D-mannose and cranberry extracts

    Çédille, revista de estudios franceses

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    Effects of Itxasol© Components on Gene Expression in Bacteria Related to Infections of the Urinary Tract and to the Inflammation Process

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) represent a health problem of the first magnitude since they affect large segments of the population, cause increased mortality and comorbidity, and have a high incidence of relapse. Therefore, UTIs cause a major socioeconomic concern. Current antibiotic treatments have various limitations such as the appearance of resistance to antibiotics, nephrotoxicity, and side effects such as gastrointestinal problems including microbiota alterations that contribute to increasing antibiotic resistance. In this context, Itxasol© has emerged, approved as an adjuvant for the treatment of UTIs. Designed with biomimetic principles, it is composed of arbutin, umbelliferon, and N-acetyl cysteine. In this work, we review the activities of these three compounds concerning the changes they produce in the expression of bacterial genes and those related to inflammation as well as assess how they are capable of affecting the DNA of bacteria and fungi

    Effects of Itxasol© Components on Gene Expression in Bacteria Related to Infections of the Urinary Tract and to the Inflammation Process

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) represent a health problem of the first magnitude since they affect large segments of the population, cause increased mortality and comorbidity, and have a high incidence of relapse. Therefore, UTIs cause a major socioeconomic concern. Current antibiotic treatments have various limitations such as the appearance of resistance to antibiotics, nephrotoxicity, and side effects such as gastrointestinal problems including microbiota alterations that contribute to increasing antibiotic resistance. In this context, Itxasol© has emerged, approved as an adjuvant for the treatment of UTIs. Designed with biomimetic principles, it is composed of arbutin, umbelliferon, and N-acetyl cysteine. In this work, we review the activities of these three compounds concerning the changes they produce in the expression of bacterial genes and those related to inflammation as well as assess how they are capable of affecting the DNA of bacteria and fungi

    El imaginario de Estados Unidos en dos libros de viajes de Julián Marías y Josep Pla de los años cincuenta

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    En este artículo se analizan los libros de viajes Los Estados Unidos en escorzo (1956), de Julián Marías y Viaje a América (1960), de Josep Pla, teniendo en cuenta la tradición de literatura de viajes sobre Estados Unidos publicada en Europa a partir de 1945 y en España a partir de 1953, año de la firma de los acuerdos bilaterales entre el gobierno norteamericano y el franquista. Más concretamente, nos centraremos en el análisis contextual, formal e imagológico de estas dos obras, a través de las cuales los autores difunden unas formas de vida y de cultura norteamericanas relacionadas con la introducción gradual de la filosofía mercantil del libre comercio en España.In this paper I analyse two travel books: Los Estados Unidos en escorzo (1956), written by Julián Marías, and Viaje a América (1960), by Josep Pla. We take into account the tradition of travel literature to the United States published (in Europe) after 1945 and (in Spain) after 1953, the year of the bilateral agreement between the Francoist regime and the government of the United States. More specifically, the study focuses on the contextual, formal and imagological analysis of both works, through which Marías and Pla disseminate their knowledge of some aspects of the North American way of life and culture related to the gradual introduction in Spain of the commercial philosophy of free trade


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    El pasado mes de abril iniciamos una nueva etapa en Çédille, representada principalmente por su traslado a la plataforma Open Journal System (OJS) de la Universidad de La Laguna, así como por la renovación y reasignación de competencias del Consejo de Redacción. Durante este tiempo, hemos tenido que adaptarnos, experimentar y comprender, pacientemente, el funcionamiento de esta nueva herramienta que es OJS. Ello ha supuesto, en algunos casos, que se hayan producido determinadas dificultades de comunicación con nuestros lectores y evaluadores, o que se hayan ocasionado pequeños retrasos en la gestión de la revista. Como nuestros seguidores saben, muy recientemente hemos sufrido, además, un ataque informático que no solo impidió el acceso a la plataforma durante varios días (justo en el momento final de producción de este número), sino que obligó a trasladar nuestro sitio web a otro servidor y a implementar nuevas medidas de seguridad. Afortunadamente, gracias al buen hacer y profesionalidad de Juan Ascanio Amigó, asesor técnico de OJS para la Universidad de La Laguna, hemos logrado salir airosos de los problemas, complicaciones y secuelas que nos hemos ido encontrando en este tiempo. En este número que ahora ve la luz contamos con treinta y cuatro contri-buciones que superan, en total, las setecientas páginas. Así, Amelia Gamoneda Lanza y Francisco González Fernández se han encargado de coordinar una nueva entrega –la undécima– de la serie «Monografías», donde han reunido una ..