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    Biblia; La Odisea (Homero); Tragedias (Esquilo); Medea (Eurípides); Edipo Rey (Sófocles); Comedias (Aristófanes); El Banquete (Platón); La Eneida (Virgilio); Odas (Horacio); Las Metamorfosis (Ovidio); Vidas paralelas (Plutarco); Diálogos de los dioses (Luciano); Confesiones (S. Agustín); Canción de Roldán; Poema del Mio Cid; Milagros de Nuestra Señora (Gonzalo de Berceo); Los Nibelungos; La Divina Comedia (Dante); Conde Lucanor (Don Juan Manuel); Libro del Buen Amor (Arcipreste de Hita); Vida de Dante (Boccaccio); Obra poética (Jorge Manrique); La Celestina (Fernando de Rojas); Elogio de la locura (Erasmo); Utopía (Tomás Moro); Gargantúa y Pantagruel (Rabelais); Obra poética (Garcilaso de la Vega); Lazarillo de Tormes; Os Lusíadas (Luís Camões); Cántico Espiritual (S. Juan de la Cruz); Obra poética (Fray Luis de León); Hamlet (Shakespeare); Comedias (Lope de Vega); El Quijote (Cervantes); Las Soledades (Góngora); Comedias, autos, loas y entremeses (Calderón de la Barca); El Buscón (Quevedo); Manual (Gracián); El paraíso perdido (Milton); El Avaro (Molière); Pensamientos (Pascal); Fedra (Racine); Robison Crusoe (Daniel de Foe); Los Viajes de Gulliver (Jonatham Swift); Tom Jones (Henry Fielding); Tristram Shandy (Laurence Sterne); Baladas líricas (Coleridge); Poemas (Wordsworth); Fausto (Goethe); Orgullo y prejuicio (Jane Austen); Don Juan (Lord Byron); Cantos (Leopardi); Cuentos (E. A. Poe); Cuentos (Andersen); Almas muertas (Gógol); Cumbres borrascosas (Emily Brönte); David Copperfield (Dickens); La casa de los siete tejados (Harwthorne); Moby Dick (Melville); Hojas de hierba (W. Whitman); Adam Bede (G. Eliot); Crimen y castigo (Dostoievski); Rimas (Bécquer); Guerra y paz (Tolstoi); Trafalgar (Pérez Galdós); Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain); Tres cuentos (Flaubert); El americano (Henry James); La Regenta (Clarín); El pato silvestre (Ibsen); Cuentos (Chéjov); Prosas profanas (Rubén Darío); Vagabundos (K. Hamsun); Relatos de la Guerra Carlista (Valle-Inclán); Campos de Castilla (A. Machado); Jean Santeuil (Marcel Proust); Pigmalión (Bernard Shaw); El castillo (Kafka); La montaña mágica (Thomas Mann); Al faro (Virginia Wolf); Romancero gitano (García Lorca); Berlin Alexanderplatz (Alfred Döblin); Poemas (Pessoa); Absalón, Absalón (Faulkner); Finnegan’s Wake (James Joyce); El extranjero (Camus); La isla sin aurora (Azorín); Esperando a Godot (Beckett); El Aleph (Borges); 1984 (George Orwell); Memorias de Adriano (M. Yourcenar); El Viejo y el mar (Hemingway); Vuelo a casa y otros relatos (Ralph Ellison); (Paul Célan) Historia del corazón (Aleixandre); Pedro Páramo (Juan Rulfo); Gran Sertón: Veredas (J. Guimarães Rosa); El pobre de Asís (N. Kazantzakis); Tercera Antolojía poética (Juan Ramón Jiménez); El coronel no tiene quien le escriba (García Márquez

    Assessment of Surgical and Trauma Capacity in Potosí, Bolivia

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    Background: Scaling up surgical and trauma care in low- and middle-income countries could prevent nearly 2 million annual deaths. Various survey instruments exist to measure surgical and trauma capacity, including Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedures, Equipment, and Supplies (PIPES) and International Assessment of Capacity for Trauma (INTACT). Objective: We sought to evaluate surgical and trauma capacity in the Bolivian department of Potosí using a combined PIPES and INTACT tool, with additional questions to further inform intervention targets. Methods: In June and July 2014 a combined PIPES and INTACT survey was administered to 20 government facilities in Potosí with a minimum of 1 operating room: 2 third-level, 10 second-level, and 8 first-level facilities. A surgeon, head physician, director, or obstetrician-gynecologist completed the survey. Additional personnel responded to 4 short-answer questions. Survey items were divided into subsections, and PIPES and INTACT indices calculated. Medians were compared via Wilcoxon rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Findings: Six of 20 facilities were located in the capital city and designated urban. Urban establishments had higher median PIPES (8.5 vs 6.7, 'P' = .11) and INTACT (8.5 vs 6.9, 'P' = .16) indices compared with rural. More than half of surgeons and anesthesiologists worked in urban hospitals. Urban facilities had higher median infrastructure and procedure scores compared with rural. Fifty-three individuals completed short-answer questions. Training was most desired in laparoscopic surgery and trauma management; less than half of establishments reported staff with trauma training. Conclusions: Surgical and trauma capacity in Potosí was most limited in personnel, infrastructure, and procedures at rural facilities, with greater personnel deficiencies than previously reported. Interventions should focus on increasing the number of surgical and anesthesia personnel in rural areas, with a particular focus on the reported desire for trauma management training. Results have been made available to key stakeholders in Potosí to inform targeted quality improvement interventions