8 research outputs found


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    The decrease in pore that are submitted to the certain pressure, causes an increase soil bulk density, causing the compactação process, affecting the ideal development of crop root system. Consequently the present study has as obejective to evaluate the effects of different compaction levels in two soils with differrent textural classes on the yilol of aerial biomass and root of radish. The experiment was carried out in a green house at the, UFRPE, where two samples of soils from 0-20 cm with the following textural classes: sand clay loan (NITOSSOLO) compacted to bulk densities of 1,05; 1,26 and 1,47 g cm-3 and sandy (PLANOSSOLO) compacted to densities of 1,54; 1,76 and 1,98 g cm-3. A severe reduction was observed in the production of bulbs a function of the levels compaction where in the sand clay loan texture there was no development of the bulbs in the density of 1,47 g cm-3, differing from at observed in the sandy texture soil, where the largest density (1,98 g cm-3), showed development of the bulbs. The compaction in subsurface alters the distribution of the root system of he crop along the profile of the soils, without decrease in the production of roots


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    Seedling production is an important step for the tomato (L. esculentum) production system, being sometimes limited by cost and quality of the substrates used for this purpose. Use of agro-industrial residues, alone or in mixtures, may help reduce this problem. The potential of different mixtures of substrate including coconut dust treated with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (PC), commercial substrate TropstratoÒ and organic compound (CO) were evaluated in order to obtain the best source and combinations of substrates. These materials were used alone or in volumetric basis mixtures at the proportions of PC+SC (1:1); PC+CO (1:1) and PC+SC+CO (1:1:1), for seedling production of tomato cv. Salada. The randomized block design was used, with six treatments and six replications. Obtained data were aerial dry matter (MS), emergence speed index (IVE), colon diameter (DC), leaf number (NF) and seedling height (AP). The best results were obtained for CO and PC+CO. CO performance probably is due to its higher nutritional value, once its physical characteristics do not differ from the remaining treatments, especially when compared to SC and PC. CO was the best substrate for tomato seedling production, and its addition to PC enhanced the performance. The use of organic residues for tomato seedling substrate composition is an economic option which may reduce production costs, and represents an alternative for recycling and subproduct usage in agro-industry


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    The water and soil natural resources in the semi-arid tropics are under pressure and are inclined to degradation due to the severe environment and shallow soils, in ecologically sensitive regions to anthropic actions. In view of the above, this work aimed to characterize the structure and the hydraulic evaluation of the surface water typical of interrill erosion, in a caatinga area of Serra Talhada country in Brazil. For this the quadrant point method was used in the structural characterization of the vegetation of caatinga for trees and shrubby species. Laminar surface regime was generated from a rain simulator in 2 m2 plots with caatinga in the humid and dry seasons. The differentiations of the flow rates, average surface water speed and the Reynolds number, had demonstrated the significant effect of seasonality on the characteristic laminar surface water of the interrill erosion. The observed tree-shrub structure of caatinga contributed to the low values of runoff coefficient of the interrill areas, demonstrating the efficiency of caatinga, and its resulting vegetated cover in the interception of rain and, in the delay of the surface water. The low values runoff also observed also contributed to the high rates of infiltration of water


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    This work was done in order to characterize the water holding capacity and availability to plants in three soils of coastal tablelands in the state of Paraíba using tensiometry in areas cultivated with sugarcane. The water retention curves were determined for the Neossolo Quartzarenico, Latossolo Amarelo, Latossolo Coeso soils in the depths of 0 - 30cm and from 30 - 60 cm, by the Richards extractor method and by tensiometens in PVC columns in a greenhouse in the first phase and in a battery of field tensiometers in the second phase, in the tensions of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cm Hg. The water retention in the soils was significantly affected (p<0,01) as a function of the tensions (TS) applied. The same effect (p<0,01) was seen for the factor soil (S) and for the interaction (TS x S) both for the extractor and the greenhouse methods as well as for the field method. According to the study of the regression analysis, the mathematical model that showed the best adjustment was the decreasing quadratic. The values of moisture content found showed the most abrupt variations at the lowest tensions. The moisture content for the Neossolo Quartzarenico demonstrated under field conditions the importance of the structure for soils retaining more moisture in the tensions studied in relation to the laboratory and greenhouse methods. Even though the clay content were similar for the Latossolo Amarelo and the Latossolo. Coeso the greatest moisture retentions were observed in the Latossolo Coeso

    A importância do cadastramento de projetos de fluxo contínuo no âmbito do IFPB

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    O fortalecimento das ações de extensão promovidas pelo Instituto Federal da Paraíba (IFPB) são incentivadas e realizadas pelo Campus de Pedras de Fogo, ao longo do ano de 2020, a partir do desenvolvimento de dois projetos de extensão na modalidade de fluxo contínuo, por meio do Edital nº 01/2020 - Fluxo Contínuo: Projetos de Extensão. O principal objetivo dos projetos foi desenvolver aplicativos voltados à problemática do coronavírus, tema relevante para o momento atual, chamados de QuizVID e KidsVID. Dentre os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa destaca-se o sucesso no registro das duas primeiras patentes do Campus Pedras de Fogo, registradas pelo Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual (INPI). Por fim, faz-se necessário enfatizar o estímulo dado pela Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cultura (PROEXC) de poder tornar real projetos, produtos e processos, além de possibilitar e autorizar de forma oficial o desenvolvimento da ideia que existe na mente dos extensionista em todos os campi

    Master Class em Pedras de Fogo-PB

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    O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi apresentar o evento denominado de Master Class Pedras de Fogo, promoção dos estudantes concluintes do Curso FIC em Tecnologia para Elaboração de Alimentos Saudáveis ocorrido do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba (IFPB) – Campus Pedras de Fogo-PB. O Master Class Pedras de Fogo apresentou todo conteúdo ministrado no decorrer do curso incentivando a sua aplicação por parte dos discentes. teve como objetivo estimular o uso de produtos locais na elaboração de um prato que além de estética e sabor, carrega consigo um aporte de responsabilidade, inovação e comprometimento social. Fechar um ciclo com uma atividade interdisciplinar proporciona a todos estudantes concluintes dessas turmas uma visão ampla do seu papel dentro do tema profissional que se propôs imergir com a experiência do curso FIC em questão. Sobre os trabalhos de conclusão de curso, foram selecionados alguns, a fim de serem submetidos a votação popular, destes foram escolhidos três que apresentaram as melhores propostas

    I Mostra de projetos dos cursos FIC IFPB – Campus Pedra de Fogo

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    Este projeto teve como objetivo desenvolver uma ação por meio do projeto de extensão intitulado de I Mostra de Projetos dos Cursos FIC – Campus Pedras de Fogo, com o objetivo dinamizar atividades voltadas à extensão através de ações direcionadas ao tema sustentabilidade e meio ambiente, constituindo-se em um momento de formação de disseminação de projetos desenvolvidos pelos discentes do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba (IFPB) do Campus de Pedras de Fogo, em conjunto com a comunidade externa e parceiros sociais visando à consolidação do cenário social, por meio de uma mostra de projetos realizada a partir de plataformas digitais com apoio das mídias sociais disponíveis do campus. Esta foi a primeira edição do evento e teve como meta atingir o maior número de participantes e ouvintes na região, a fim de promover as ações sociais desenvolvida pelos estudantes dos cursos de Formação Inicial e Continuada (FIC)

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2011: volume 1: processos de ensino e de aprendizagem dos conteúdos escolares

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