8 research outputs found

    Repercusiones del Teletrabajo en Mujeres Profesionistas durante la Pandemia del COVID-19

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    El COVID-19 ha generado un cambio de rumbo imprevisto, escuelas, empresas e instituciones tuvieron que suspender el servicio y buscar nuevas estrategias para continuar con su trabajo, una de ellas fue el teletrabajo. La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de identificar las repercusiones del teletrabajo para las mujeres profesionistas durante la pandemia del COVID-19; la finalidad es generar información pertinente que ayude a comprender y apoyar a las mujeres profesionistas que se encuentran viviendo esta nueva forma de trabajo. Se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, entre los meses de noviembre de 2020 a octubre de 2021, el modo de investigación fue de campo, con apoyo bibliográfico y se aplicó una encuesta a 302 mujeres profesionistas. Dentro de los resultados más sobresalientes se encontraron ventajas y desafíos significativos al momento de realizar las actividades laborales bajo el esquema del teletrabajo, por lo que es necesario que tanto empresas como trabajadoras establezcan estrategias adecuadas que permitan lograr el cumplimiento de los objetivos de manera eficiente.   COVID-19 has generated an unforeseen change of course, schools, companies and institutions had to suspend the service and seek new strategies to continue their work, one of them was teleworking. The present investigation had the objective of identifying the repercussions of teleworking for professional women during the COVID-19 pandemic; the purpose is to generate pertinent information that helps to understand and support professional women who are living this new way of working. It was carried out in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, between the months of November 2020 and October 2021, the research mode was field, with bibliographic support and a survey was applied to 302 professional women. Among the most outstanding results, significant advantages and challenges were found when carrying out work activities under the teleworking scheme, so it is necessary for both companies and workers to establish adequate strategies that allow achieving the objectives efficiently

    Repercusiones del Teletrabajo en Mujeres Profesionistas Durante la Pandemia del COVID-19

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    El COVID-19 ha generado un cambio de rumbo imprevisto, escuelas, empresas e instituciones tuvieron que suspender el servicio y buscar nuevas estrategias para continuar con su trabajo, una de ellas fue el teletrabajo. La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de identificar las repercusiones del teletrabajo para las mujeres profesionistas durante la pandemia del COVID-19; la finalidad es generar información pertinente que ayude a comprender y apoyar a las mujeres profesionistas que se encuentran viviendo esta nueva forma de trabajo. Se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, entre los meses de noviembre de 2020 a octubre de 2021, el modo de investigación fue de campo, con apoyo bibliográfico y se aplicó una encuesta a 302 mujeres profesionistas. Dentro de los resultados más sobresalientes se encontraron ventajas y desafíos significativos al momento de realizar las actividades laborales bajo el esquema del teletrabajo, por lo que es necesario que tanto empresas como trabajadoras establezcan estrategias adecuadas que permitan lograr el cumplimiento de los objetivos de manera eficiente.   COVID-19 has generated an unforeseen change of course, schools, companies and institutions had to suspend the service and seek new strategies to continue their work, one of them was teleworking. The present investigation had the objective of identifying the repercussions of teleworking for professional women during the COVID-19 pandemic; the purpose is to generate pertinent information that helps to understand and support professional women who are living this new way of working. It was carried out in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, between the months of November 2020 and October 2021, the research mode was field, with bibliographic support and a survey was applied to 302 professional women. Among the most outstanding results, significant advantages and challenges were found when carrying out work activities under the teleworking scheme, so it is necessary for both companies and workers to establish adequate strategies that allow achieving the objectives efficiently

    Repercusiones del Teletrabajo en Mujeres Profesionistas Durante la Pandemia del COVID-19

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    El COVID-19 ha generado un cambio de rumbo imprevisto, escuelas, empresas e instituciones tuvieron que suspender el servicio y buscar nuevas estrategias para continuar con su trabajo, una de ellas fue el teletrabajo. La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de identificar las repercusiones del teletrabajo para las mujeres profesionistas durante la pandemia del COVID-19; la finalidad es generar información pertinente que ayude a comprender y apoyar a las mujeres profesionistas que se encuentran viviendo esta nueva forma de trabajo. Se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, entre los meses de noviembre de 2020 a octubre de 2021, el modo de investigación fue de campo, con apoyo bibliográfico y se aplicó una encuesta a 302 mujeres profesionistas. Dentro de los resultados más sobresalientes se encontraron ventajas y desafíos significativos al momento de realizar las actividades laborales bajo el esquema del teletrabajo, por lo que es necesario que tanto empresas como trabajadoras establezcan estrategias adecuadas que permitan lograr el cumplimiento de los objetivos de manera eficiente.   COVID-19 has generated an unforeseen change of course, schools, companies and institutions had to suspend the service and seek new strategies to continue their work, one of them was teleworking. The present investigation had the objective of identifying the repercussions of teleworking for professional women during the COVID-19 pandemic; the purpose is to generate pertinent information that helps to understand and support professional women who are living this new way of working. It was carried out in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, between the months of November 2020 and October 2021, the research mode was field, with bibliographic support and a survey was applied to 302 professional women. Among the most outstanding results, significant advantages and challenges were found when carrying out work activities under the teleworking scheme, so it is necessary for both companies and workers to establish adequate strategies that allow achieving the objectives efficiently

    Reconstruction of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index for the Western Region of Durango State, Mexico

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    In recent decades, droughts associated with climate change have increased in frequency and intensity. Given this trend, the understanding of climate variability over time has raised great interest. The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) from tree rings of Pinus durangensis Martinez at a representative site in the western region of the Durango State, Mexico. To this end, we used radii of 286 cross-sections, which were processed through conventional dendrochronological techniques. In addition, chronologies of total ring and early and latewood were generated, covering 296 years. In parallel, we analyzed the association between the chronologies obtained and the cumulative SPEI for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. The earlywood residual chronology (EWres) showed the closest association with the six-month cumulative SPEI for February–May (SPEI6FM). Thus, the SPEI6FM for the past 296 years was reconstructed through a simple linear regression model. In this reconstruction, 18% of the years were wet, 16% dry, and 66% average. In addition, an increase in the frequency of droughts was observed from 1880 onwards, which might have been related to the rise in temperature due to climate warming. Therefore, the annual rings of P. durangensis are suitable for use as a proxy for the reconstruction of historical climatic events in this region of northern Mexico

    Reconstruction of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index for the Western Region of Durango State, Mexico

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    In recent decades, droughts associated with climate change have increased in frequency and intensity. Given this trend, the understanding of climate variability over time has raised great interest. The main objective of this study was to reconstruct the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI) from tree rings of Pinus durangensis Martinez at a representative site in the western region of the Durango State, Mexico. To this end, we used radii of 286 cross-sections, which were processed through conventional dendrochronological techniques. In addition, chronologies of total ring and early and latewood were generated, covering 296 years. In parallel, we analyzed the association between the chronologies obtained and the cumulative SPEI for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. The earlywood residual chronology (EWres) showed the closest association with the six-month cumulative SPEI for February–May (SPEI6FM). Thus, the SPEI6FM for the past 296 years was reconstructed through a simple linear regression model. In this reconstruction, 18% of the years were wet, 16% dry, and 66% average. In addition, an increase in the frequency of droughts was observed from 1880 onwards, which might have been related to the rise in temperature due to climate warming. Therefore, the annual rings of P. durangensis are suitable for use as a proxy for the reconstruction of historical climatic events in this region of northern Mexico

    Valuación de inmuebles.

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    El INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO NACIONAL es una institución educativa laica, gratuita del Estado, rectora de la educación tecnológica pública en México, líder en la generación, aplicación, difusión y transferencia del conocimiento científico y tecnológico, creada para contribuir al desarrollo económico, social y político de la nación. Para lograrlo, el Instituto y su comunidad forman integralmente profesionales en los niveles medio superior, superior y posgrado, realiza investigación y extiende a la sociedad sus resultados, con calidad, responsabilidad, ética, tolerancia y compromiso social. La Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura Unidad Zacatenco, es una de las once escuelas superiores en el área de Ingeniería y Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas, del INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO NACIONAL

    Modalidad auxiliar de investigación

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    Trabajo de grado realizado en modalidad auxiliar de investigación, para optar por el título Doctorado en Cirugía Dental, en el año 2021. Se realizó en el marco del proyecto del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Odontología Universidad de El Salvador: "Vigilancia epidemiológica de enfermedades bucales en la población atendida en UCSF y atención brindada por odontólogos en servicio social durante la pandemia de covid-19 en el año 2021