81 research outputs found

    Cognitive and psychophysiological impact of surgical mask use during university lessons

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the impact of surgical mask use in cognitive and psychophysiological response of university students during a lesson. We analyzed 50 volunteers university students (age 20.2 ± 2.9) in two 150 min lessons. i. personal class using a surgical mask and ii. online class with student at home without the mask. Blood oxygen saturation, heart rate and heart rate variability, mental fatigue and reaction time were measured before and immediately after both lectures. We found how both lesson produced an increase in mental fatigue, reaction time and autonomous sympathetic modulation, being heart rate significantly higher (77.7 ± 18.2 vs. 89.3 ± 11.2 bpm, not mask, mask respectively) and blood oxygen saturation significantly lower (98.4 ± 0.5 vs. 96.0 ± 1.8%, mask, not mask respectively) using the surgical mask. The use of surgical mask during a 150 min university lesson produced an increased heart rate and a decrease in blood oxygen saturation, not significantly affecting the mental fatigue perception, reaction time and time, frequency and nonlinear hear rate variability domains of student

    Could combat stress affect journalists' news reporting? A psychophysiological response

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    Covering war conflicts may compromise the psychological and physical health of journalists because chronic exposure to these environments has been related to depression, memory dissociative processes, and post-traumatic stress disorder; however, acute effects have not been studied yet. Thus, a combat simulation was carried out replicating actual warfare scenarios, including personnel and equipment. Psychophysiological response, memory, and information-processing were analysed of 40 professional soldiers (21 males and 19 females) and 19 journalists (12 males and 7 females) with international experience in current conflict areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo, in relation to their experience of a combat intervention. A significant increase (p < 0.05) in metabolic, muscular, cardiovascular, and cortical and psychological anxiety response, as well as a decrease in memory accuracy directly after and 24 h and 72 h post-combat were found; these modifications were modulated by the nature of the stimulus. Journalists presented higher cognitive and memory impairment than soldiers, resulting in a press reporting of real events accuracy of only 27%

    Autonomic and cortical response of soldiers in different combat scenarios

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    Introduction The study of chronic and acute responses when exposed to extreme, aggressive and stressful environments, such as in combat environments, is becoming increasingly popular as such information leads to better optimisation of soldiers’ physical and psychological performance, as well as mission effectiveness and efficiency. Due to internal complexity, uncertainty and variability of real combat scenarios, a specific approach to all possible types of military combat scenarios is necessary. Methods Modifications in the autonomic modulation and cortical arousal before and after asymmetrical, symmetrical and close quarter combat simulations were analysed in 31 male professional veteran soldiers (age: 34.5±4.2 years) with between seven and 18 years of experience in their respective units, as well as experience in international missions in current conflict areas such as Lebanon, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. Results The three combat situations produced a non-significant decrease in cortical arousal after combat simulations, presenting a trivial effect size in symmetrical and close quarter combat situations and a small effect size in asymmetrical situations. HR increased significantly in the three combat situations, and close quarter combat produced the highest sympathetic modulation of the three situations analysed. Conclusion Symmetrical, asymmetrical and close quarter combat situations produced an increase in sympathetic modulation, being highest in the close quarter combat situation, where actions are performed at a close distance and in closed spaces

    Could academic experience modulate psychophysiological stress response of biomedical sciences students in laboratory

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    The aim of the present research was to analyse the subjective and objective psychophysiological stress response of experienced and non-experienced Pharmacy and Biotechnology students in laboratory practices. We analysed in 82 Pharmacy and Biotechnology degree students divided into two groups (non-experienced: n: 53; experienced: n: 29) the autonomic stress response by the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) before, during and after and distress perception before and after a laboratory practice. Results showed how students in both groups presented a large anticipatory anxiety response at the beginning of the practise (low HRV values). During the entire laboratory practice, non-experienced students showed a maintained sympathetic modulation while experienced students presented a higher parasympathetic modulation (high HRV values) consistent with a habituation process. Laboratory practise performed by Pharmacy and Biotechnology students produced an anticipatory anxiety response independently of their experience, but, non-experienced students showed a lower habituation response in both subjective and objective stress records than experienced students at the end of the laboratory practice

    Determining the psychophysiological responses of military aircrew when exposed to acute disorientation stimuli

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    Introduction: Exposure to enviromental flight conditions may impair performance and physical integrity, thus training in simulated environments it is a key factor. This research aimed to study the psychophysiological response, cortical arousal and autonomic modulation of pilots and medical aircrew personnel during disorientation exposure, considering gender, experience, flying hours and body mass index (BMI) as influencial variables. Methods: A total of 47 soldiers (37 men and 10 women, 22 medical aircrew personnel and 25 fighter pilots) of Spanish Air Forces faced 25 min of vestibular, proprioceptive and visual disorientation. Results: Disorientation exposure elicited an increased psychophysiological response, significant increases in isometric hand strength, cortical arousal, autonomic modulation, perceived stress and effort in both groups while a significant decrease in respiratory muscle capacity and blood oxygen saturation in the medical aircrew group were found. Cross-sectional analysis showed gender differences, males presented greater parasympathetic activity and strength. Larger BMI was associated with greater levels and perception of stress as well as lower cardiovascular performance and sympathetic modulation. Furthermore, experience, previous training and larger flying hours correlated with greater parasympathetic modulation. Conclusion: Disorientation exposure produces an increase in cortical arousal and decrease in the parasympathetic nervous system either in pilots and medical aircrew personnel. In addition, medical aircrew personnel are less adapted to disorientation stimulus presenting significantly higher psychophysiological stress response, thus complementary physical training should be mandatory

    Airsoft: an efficient and motivating cardiovascular training choice

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity and sedentarism have reached pandemic levels, postulating World Health Organization physical exercise as an important key factor for the prevention and treatment. In order to find a motivating and effective physical activity, we conducted this research intending to analyze the physiological and mechanical demands of an airsoft game. METHODS: Cardiovascular and mechanical activity were analyzed by heart rate monitors and GPS in 32 sedentary subjects (27.3±6.2 years; 26.3±7.9 BMI). RESULTS: Participants performed moderate to vigorous aerobic intensity for 3 hours and 20 min of which 55.2% was between 60-70% of their maximal heart rate and 14.2% above 70% of it, turned into distance 9.5 km of which 91.5% was moderate and 8.5% vigorous intensity. CONCLUSIONS: A single airsoft game performed by sedentary subject exceed the international recommendation of physical activity and weekly physical activity of US adults’ citizens. This motivating and outdoor activity is an effective alternative to increase the population’s physical activity levels

    The effect of experience on the psychophysiological response and shooting performance under acute physical stress of soldiers

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    Present research studied the psychophysiological response and shooting performance taking into consideration the experience of the soldier after a physical stress protocol, which leaded to acute fatigue conditions. Sixty soldiers were divided into experienced and non-experienced groups to conduct a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) based on endurance type exercises (10 intervals of 40 m run at maximum intensity with 2 changes of direction and 45 s of recovery. Psychophysiological and shooting performance variables were measured before, during and after the HIIT protocol. Significant increases in heart rate, blood lactate, lower limbs strength, as well as a significant decrease in blood oxygen saturation and body temperature were found in both groups. Shooting performance was affected by experience and fatigue, being more accentuated in non-experienced. Present HIIT protocol elicited a similar psychophysiological response than in previously reported combat manoeuvres, thus proving to be an optimal stimuli approach/intervention for soldier's specific physical preparation

    The effect of surgical mask use in anaerobic running performance

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    COVID-19 restrictions stipulate the mandatory use of surgical masks during outdoor and indoor physical activities. The impact of this on athletic performance and especially on anaerobic physical activities is poorly known. The aim of the present research was to analyze the effect of surgical mask use on the anaerobic running performance of athletes. Modifications in running time, blood lactate, blood glucose, blood oxygen saturation, subjective perceived stress, rating of perceived exertion, and heart rate variability were measured in 50 m and 400 m maximal running tests with and without the use of surgical masks in 72 athletes. The use of a surgical mask increased blood lactate concentration, sympathetic autonomic modulation, perceived exertion, perceived stress, and decreased blood oxygen saturation in 50 and 400 m running tests. Thus, the higher levels of blood lactate and lower blood oxygen saturation require adaptation of the athlete's rest and recovery periods to the acute workload. The higher level of sympathetic activation makes the acute and chronic control of autonomic modulation essential for an efficient training periodization. Finally, the use of acid buffers such as bicarbonate or sodium citrate would be a recommended ergogenic strategy

    Gender differences in nutritional, odontological and psychological patterns of adolescent students during COVID-19 pandemic

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    This research aimed to explore gender differences in nutritional, odontological and psychological patterns of adolescent students during the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to achieve the study’s aim, 127 adolescent students (17.61 ± 7.43 years) completed an online questionnaire which analysed variables regarding their psychological, nutritional, oral health, and physical activity profiles and habits during the COVID-19 crisis. Students showed a higher weekly alcohol consumption and higher levels of loneliness perception when alcohol consumption was lower. In addition, experimental avoidance and psychological inflexibility values were lower when the perception of having dry mouth or lack of saliva is higher. The results also show that males presented a more varied intake of food than females and a stronger adherence to physical activity routines. Female students presented a lower number of meals per day when beer and alcohol consumption was higher, and a higher tendency for fat- and sugar-rich foods such as fast food or bakery products than males. Regarding the oral health profile, females showed higher values in daily tooth brushing and no significant differences were found in dry mouth and gastritis variables. The results from the present study could be used by various educational institutions to implement multidisciplinary interventions to develop healthier habits

    Impact of real and simulated flights on psychophysiological response of military pilots

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    Objective: The present research aimed to analyse the autonomic, anxiety, perceived exertion, and self-confidence response during real and simulated flights. Methods: This cross-sectional study participated 12 experienced male pilots (age = 33.08 (5.21)) from the Spanish Air Force. Participants had to complete a real and a simulated flight mission randomly. The heart rate variability (HRV), anxiety, self-confidence, and rating of perceived exertion were collected before and after both manoeuvres, and HRV was also collected during both simulated and real flights. Results: When studying the acute effects of real and simulated flights, the mean heart rate, the R-to-R interval, the cognitive anxiety and the perceived exertion were significantly impacted only by real flights. Furthermore, significant differences in the mean heart rate and RR interval were found when compared to the acute effects of real and simulated flights (with higher acute effects observed in real flights). Additionally, when compared the HRV values during simulated and real flights, significant differences were observed in the RR and heart rate mean (with lower RR interval and higher heart rate mean observed during real flights). Conclusion: Real flights significantly reduced the RR interval and cognitive anxiety while increased the heart rate mean and the rating of perceived exertion, whereas simulated flights did not induce any significant change in the autonomic modulation
