1,118 research outputs found

    Complete reducibility of the pseudovariety LSl

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    In this paper we prove that the pseudovariety LSl of local semilattices is completely κ-reducible, where κ is the implicit signature consisting of the multiplication and the ω-power. Informally speaking, given a finite equation system with rational constraints, the existence of a solution by pseudowords of the system over LSl implies the existence of a solution by κ-words of the system over LSl satisfying the same constraints.FCT through the Centro de Matemática da Universidade do MinhoEuropean Community Fund FEDE

    Tameness of joins involving the pseudovariety of local semilattices

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    In this paper we prove that, if V is a kappa-tame pseudovariety which satisfies the pseudoidentity xy^{\omega+1}z=xyz, then the pseudovariety join LSl v V is also kappa-tame. Here, LSl denotes the pseudovariety of local semilattices and kappa denotes the implicit signature consisting of the multiplication and the (omega-1)-power. As a consequence, we deduce that LSl v V is decidable. In particular the joins LSl v Ab, LSl v G, LSl v OCR and LSl v CR are decidable.European Science Foundation (ESF) through the programme ``Automata: from Mathematics to Applications (AutoMathA)''Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the project PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011.FCT through the project PTDC/MAT/65481/2006, which was partly funded by the European Community Fund FEDEREuropean Regional Development Fund, through the programme COMPET

    Psychometric Properties of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in Higher Education Students

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    BACKGROUND: Psychological vulnerability is related to cognitive beliefs that reflect dependence on one’s sense of self-worth and to maladaptive functioning. It is a disadvantage that renders people less protected to face negative life experiences. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to adapt and test the psychometric properties of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in a sample of 267 Portuguese higher education students. DESIGN: A psychometric study of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale, after translation into Portuguese, was performed with a convenience sample of higher education students. Participants were asked to fill in the sociodemographic questionnaire, the Psychological Vulnerability Scale, the Brief Symptom Inventory, and a one-item question about the Perception of Vulnerability. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 20.5 years (SD = 3.3). A factor analysis confirmed the original onefactor structure, explaining 42.9% of the total variance. The Psychological Vulnerability Scale showed adequate internal consistency and excellent test–retest stability. Convergent validity was confirmed by positive correlations with the Brief Symptom Inventory and Perception of Vulnerability. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the Psychological Vulnerability Scale showed good validity, reliability, and stability over time. The Psychological Vulnerability Scale is now ready to be used by practitioners and researchers to measure the psychological vulnerability among Portuguese higher education students. These data add to the body of knowledge of psychiatric and mental health nursing and provides support for the use of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in higher education students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O que leva um cliente a contratar o serviço 3PL?

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    Com a constante evolução das atividades logísticas, constatamos que os operadores logísticos viram a necessidade de aperfeiçoar as suas técnicas de trabalho por forma a poderem acompanhar e responder de forma mais eficaz e célere aos seus clientes. Assim, o presente trabalho apresenta como principal objetivo compreender as razões que levam os clientes a contratar os serviços 3PL (Third-Party Logistics), procurando analisar as suas principais necessidades, assim como as mais valias para o cliente. Apresentamos o conceito, as vantagens e desvantagens do serviço 3PL, assim como as motivações dos clientes para a contratação de serviços. As conclusões retiradas da análise do outsourcing/terceirização são igualmente relevantes e de extrema importância nesta área de negócios. O método utilizado para a recolha de dados foi o inquérito questionário, tendo o mesmo sido analisado quantitativamente. A análise consistência interna realizada às 6 áreas (desenvolvimento tecnológico, operações logísticas, fatores económicos, qualidade de serviços, fatores competitivos e certificação) produziu valores de alpha de cronbach acima de 0,72 e de 0,93 para a consistência global. Após a análise estatística podemos destacar que os principais fatores de escolha de um fornecedor 3PL, por parte dos clientes são o uso das tecnologias de informação, a especialização dos operadores 3PL, assim como a experiência reconhecida no setor. Foram ainda realçados fatores como a redução dos custos de equipamentos/instalações/energia, o aumento de flexibilidade, eficiência e produtividade dos processos logísticos e, principalmente, permitir ao cliente focar-se no seu core business.With the constant evolution of logistics activities we find that logistic operators have seen the need to improve their work techniques so that they can follow and respond more efficiently and quickly to their customers. Thus, the main objective of this report is to understand the reasons that lead customers to contract 3PL (third party logistics) services, seeking to analyze their main needs as well as the benefits to the customer. We present the concept, advantages and disadvantages of the 3PL service, as well as the motivations of the clients for contracting services. The conclusions drawn from the analysis of outsourcing are equally relevant and extremely important in this area of business. The method used for data collection was the questionnaire survey, having been analyzed quantitatively. The internal consistency analysis performed on the 6 areas (technological development, logistics operations, economic factors, service quality, competitive factors and certification) produced cronbach alpha values above 0,72 and 0,93 for overall consistency. After the statistical analysis we can highlight that the main factors of choice of a 3PL supplier by the customers are the use of information technologies, the specialization of 3PL operators, as well as the experience recognized in the sector. Others factors such as reducing equipment/plant/energy costs, increasing flexibility, efficiency and productivity of logistics processes and, above all, enabling customers to focus on their core business, was mentioned

    Semigroup presentations for test local groups

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    In this paper we exhibit a type of semigroup presentations which determines a class of local groups. We show that the finite elements of this class generate the pseudovariety LG of all finite local groups and use them as test-semigroups to prove that LG and S, the pseudovariety of all finite semigroups, verify the same kappa-identities involving kappa-terms of rank at most 1, where kappa denotes the implicit signature consisting of the multiplication and the (omega-1)-power.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under the project PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011European Regional Development Fund, through the programme COMPET

    Análise das redes de stakeholders e qualidade de relacionamento em turismo: o caso do Parque Nacional Peneda Gerês

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    This paper draws insights from three key strategic management theories: the stakeholder theory, the network theory and the relationship quality theory. It examines how viable tourism policies could best be developed in PGNP, considering the stakeholder networks related to tourism, specifically by considering the relationship quality (trust, commitment and cooperation). Under this view it addresses the structure, nature and composition of ties among PNPG stakeholders using social network analysis (SNA) methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. Additionally, the study categorizes stakeholders according to the "stakeholder salience" model, illustrates the relationship quality among the network and stakeholder's positioning in a complex structure of relationships informing about interactions, providing possible directions to minimize potential constraints in networks.Este artigo reúne contributos de três importantes teorias no âmbito da gestão estratégica, a saber: a teoria dos stakeholders, a teoria de redes e a teoria da qualidade do relacionamento. Pretende examinar como podem ser desenvolvidas políticas de turismo viáveis no PNPG considerando as redes de atores ligados ao turismo, analisando especificamente a qualidade do relacionamento (confiança, compromisso e cooperação). Tendo em conta esta perspetiva, este artigo analisa a estrutura, a natureza e a composição das interações entre os stakeholders do PNPG com recurso à metodologia de redes sociais, combinando técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas. Acresce ainda que o estudo classifica os stakeholders de acordo com o modelo de “saliência dos stakeholders”, ilustrando a qualidade do relacionamento entre stakeholders, o seu posicionamento numa estrutura complexa de relacionamentos, informando sobre as interações ocorridas e fornecendo possíveis orientações para minimizar eventuais restrições inerentes às redes sociais.(undefined

    Predictors of positive mental health in higher education students. A cross‐sectional predictive study

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    Purpose To describe positive mental health (PMH) psychological vulnerability (PV) and identify predictors of PMH in higher education students (HES). Design and Methods A cross-sectional, predictive study was performed with a convenience sample of 3322 students, using an online questionnaire with sociodemographic information, the PMH Questionnaire, and the PV Scale. Findings The majority scored a flourishing level, and 67.7% of the participants scored high levels of PV. The Regression Model found a significant predictive variable for PMH. Practice Implications Gender, age, regular exercise, healthy diet, number of meals per day, and leisure activities are significant positive predictors of PMH. PV is the sole significant negative predictor. Therefore, improving mental health literacy can be a strategy to support HESinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de apoio à gestão energética

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    Este documento foi desenvolvido na disciplina de Tese de Mestrado (TMDEI) do Curso de Mestrado em Engenharia de Software no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto com o tema Sistema de Apoio à Gestão Energética. Este projeto tem por objetivo a criação de um sistema capaz de gerir a energia utilizada num determinado espaço, de forma automática e eficiente. Esse sistema é composto por uma central, que será um computador capaz de comunicar com vários dispositivos1 , que fazem a leitura dos consumos energéticos. Esses dispositivos estão ligados aos vários equipamentos2 que se pretende que sejam monitorizados com vista ao aumento da eficiência energética ou de vida útil dos mesmos. A central comunica com os vários dispositivos e sensores tanto para receber os dados para análise como para executar ações, como por exemplo, parar o fornecimento de energia a um determinado equipamento. Sensores como os de temperatura ou movimento podem ser utilizados para melhorar a forma como é feita essa gestão. 1 Termo utilizado para referir o dispositivo de monitorização energética 2 Termo utilizado para referir o equipamento que se pretende que seja monitorizadoThis document was developed into the subject of the Master Thesis of the Software Engineer Master Degree in the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto with the following title: Support System to Energy Management. The main goal of the project is the creation of a system that can manage the used energy in a specific space, in an automate and efficient way. The system is composed with a central, which will be a computer able to communicate with other devices3 that will do the reading of the energy consumption. The devices are connected with other equipment4 that are meant to be monitored with the main goal of the increase of the energy efficiency or their life spam. The central will communicate with the devices and sensors either to receive the data for analysis or to execute actions, like stopping the energy supply of a specific equipment. Temperature sensors or movement sensors can be used to improve the way these management is done