76 research outputs found

    Uso do Controle Gerencial e Decisões em Organizações de Saúde Brasileiras: um Estudo Exploratório

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    This article analyzes the interplay of the use of management control systems, organizational learning, management decisions and the performance of health organizations. In the quantitative step, we collected data on 48 Brazilian hospitals and other health facilities by means of a survey. Principal component analysis identified three dimensions of management decisions (financial, costs and client relationship) and two performance dimensions (economic and non-monetary). Structural equation modeling confirmed the following hypotheses: (i) interactive use of the management control system is positively associated with organizational learning (OL); (ii) OL is positively associated with financial decisions and cost and process decisions; (iii) cost and process decisions and decisions related to clients are positively associated with economic performance; and (iv) cost and process decisions are also positively associated with non-monetary performance. In the qualitative step, we interviewed four key informants to discuss and interpret the results.Nesta pesquisa, foram analisados os relacionamentos entre o uso do sistema de controle gerencial, a aprendizagem organizacional, as decisões gerenciais e o desempenho em organizações hospitalares. Na etapa quantitativa, foram coletados dados de 48 hospitais brasileiros por meio de um survey. A análise de componentes principais identificou três dimensões de decisões gerenciais (financeiras, custos e processos e relacionamento com clientes) e duas dimensões de desempenho (econômico e não monetário). A modelagem de equações estruturais confirmou as seguintes hipóteses: (i) o uso interativo está associado positivamente com a aprendizagem organizacional (AO); (ii) a AO está associada positivamente com decisões financeiras e com decisões de custos e processos; (iii) as decisões de custos e processos e as decisões relacionadas aos clientes estão associadas positivamente com desempenho econômico; e (iv) as decisões de custos e processos também estão associadas positivamente com desempenho não monetário. Na etapa qualitativa, foram entrevistados quatro informantes-chave, com o objetivo de discutir e de interpretar os resultados

    Pitting Corrosion Behavior of UNS S31803 and UNS S32304 Duplex Stainless Steels in 3.5 wt% NaCl Solution

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    This work examined the pitting corrosion resistance of two types of duplex stainless steels: UNS S31803, with molybdenum, and UNS S32304, without molybdenum. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization and critical pitting temperature (CPT) tests were performed in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for analysis of the pits on the surface of samples.  The two steels studied presented susceptible to pitting corrosion in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. UNS S31803 steel showed a higher corrosion potential (Ecorr), pitting potential (Epit), and polarization resistance (Rp) compared to UNS S32304 steel.  It was also observed that the UNS S31803 steel showed higher capacity to repassivation and CPT than the UNS S32304 steel. Keywords: Duplex stainless steels; Pitting potential; Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization; CPT

    Importance of superficial circumflex iliac artery preservation to prevent abdominal wall necrosis in patients who underwent mini-abdominoplasty: an surgical-anatomic descriptive and prospective study

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    INTRODUCTION: Abdominoplasty is the third most performed procedure in plastic surgery. To avoid surgical complications, a study of the superficial circumflex iliac artery of the abdomen (SCIA) was carried out to investigate the importance of this artery preservation in abdominoplasties as one of the high importance factors to prevent necrosis. METHODS: This prospective study was carried out at the Plastic Surgery Service of the Agamenon Magalhaes Hospital. We included 33 patients who underwent abdominoplasty using Pitanguy's technique where the resected surgical flaps underwent hemodynamic studies to analyze the anatomical area irrigated by SCIA. RESULTS: A total of 82 patients underwent surgery, of them 33 met the study inclusion criteria, and 6 (18.9%) were excluded for technical reasons. Patients' age ranged from 23 and 49 years (36.6±7.5), their body mass index (BMI) ranged from 22.0 to 30.5 (24.9 ± 2.1), and weight of resected surgical specimens ranged from 450 to 1010 grams (623.1 ± 141.5). Pearson's test between BMI and weight of surgical specimens showed significant correlation r = 0.91 and r2 = 0,83. We included in the study 32 women (97%) and 1 man (3%). One patient had hypertension (3%). Of the sample, 27 patients were pardo (81.8%), 2 white (6.1%), 3 black (9.1%) and 1 native south American (3.0%). In hemodynamic studies, images and videos obtained showed that injection of iodinated contrast in SCIA were considered adequate, and consistent with the objective of this study in 25 (92%) patients and inadequate for 2 (8%) patients. CONCLUSION: Hemodynamic results of our study indicated that preservation of SCIA of the abdomen in mini-abdominoplasties is important to prevent necrosis of abdominal wall


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    A pandemia da Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019), causada pelo corona vírus (SARS-CoV-2) já registra casos em quase todo o mundo. A Covid-19 é uma doença respiratória de alto potencial de contágio. Diante desse quadro de ameaça à saúde global, governos têm adotado diversas medidas, dentre elas o isolamento social, apontado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como uma das estratégias mais eficazes na contenção da propagação viral. O isolamento consiste na manutenção das pessoas em suas residências. Porém, enquanto para alguns o isolamento representa proteção diante da Covid-19, para outras populações tal situação se configura como ameaça, como nos casos de violência doméstica. Tal tipo de violência se configura como um fenômeno complexo que pode atingir diferentes populações (crianças, mulheres, idosos). Em razão disso, no presente trabalho discutiremos sobre a violência que atinge as mulheres. Autoridades especializadas têm alertado para o aumento no número de casos de violência doméstica durante a pandemia. O objetivo do presente trabalho é discutir estratégias de enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher em situações de isolamento social por conta da pandemia. Discute-se desde a atuação conjunta de órgãos que visem assegurar a integridade física e psicológica, até possíveis contribuições da Análise do Comportamento para tais estratégias, reforçando o compromisso político do (a) analista do comportamento diante de questões sociais relevantes. Esperamos que as discussões levantadas no presente trabalho possam auxiliar no planejamento de medidas protetivas que, se eficazes, permaneçam após a pandemia.Palavras-chave: Análise do Comportamento; Violência Doméstica; Pandemia; Covid-19.The pandemic of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019), caused by the corona virus - (SARS-CoV-2) is already registering cases almost all over the world. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease with a high potential for contagion. Faced with this situation of threat to global health, governments have adopted several measures, including social isolation, pointed out by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the most effective strategies to contain viral spread. Isolation consists of keeping people in their homes. However, while for some isolation represents protection from COVID-19, for other populations this situation is a threat, as in cases of domestic violence. This type of violence is configured as a complex phenomenon that can affect different populations (children, women, the elderly). As a result of this, we will discuss about the violence that affects women. Specialized authorities have warned of an increase in the number of cases of domestic violence during the pandemic. The objective of the present work is to discuss strategies to face violence against women in situations of social isolation due to the pandemic. It is discussed since joint action of institutions that aim to ensure physical and psychological integrity, until possible contributions of Behavior Analysis to such strategies, reinforcing the behavior analyst's political commitment to relevant social issues. We hope that the discussions raised in the present work can assist in planning protective measures that, if effective, remain after the pandemic.Keywords: Behavior Analysis; Domestic violence; Pandemic; COVID-19.


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    O Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) Metalomecânico de Joaçaba detém elevados índices de industrialização e geração de valor agregado, e nos municípios Joaçaba e Herval d’Oeste o se tor Metalomecânico ocupa 2ª posição em Valor Adicionado Fiscal (VAF) superado pelo Abate e Fabricação de Produtos de Carne mantendo 1ª posição em Luzerna. Descreve se aqui Projeto de Extensão cujo objetivo era aprofundar as práticas extensionistas do I FC Campus Luzerna, identificando demandas por ações extensionistas, com foco em cursos profissionaise contratos de parceria. Resultados demonstram elevada influência do Campus na região, concluindo se pela viabilidade de ações impactando competitividade e capital humano local do APL

    Psychophysical Evaluation of Visual Functions of Ex-Alcoholic Subjects After Prolonged Abstinence

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    Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to a brain damages, and the health status of alcoholics even after a long-term alcohol abstinence is a public health concern. The present study investigated the color vision and spatial luminance contrast sensitivity of a group of 17 ex-alcoholics (46.3 ± 6.7 years old) in long-term alcohol abstinence after having been previously under alcohol dependence for many years. We also investigated the association of impaired psychophysical performance in different tests we applied. The mean time of alcohol consumption was 16.9 ± 5.1 years and the mean abstinence period was 12.4 ± 8.5 years. Achromatic vision of all subjects was evaluated using spatial luminance contrast sensitivity function (CSF) test and color vision was evaluated using Mollon–Reffin color discrimination test (MR) and the Farnsworth–Munsell 100 hue arrangement test (FM100). Relative to controls, the spatial luminance contrast sensitivity was lower in 10/17 of the ex-alcoholic subjects. In the color vision tests, 11/16 ex-alcoholic subjects had impaired results compared to controls in the FM100 test and 13/14 subjects had color vision deficits measured in the MR test. Fourteen subjects performed all visual tests, three subjects had impaired results for all tests, seven subjects had impaired results in two tests, three subjects had visual deficit in one test, and one had normal results for all tests. The results showed the existence of functional deficits in achromatic and chromatic vision of subjects with history of chronic alcoholism after long abstinence. Most subjects had altered result in more than one test, especially in the color vision tests. The present investigation suggests that the damage in visual functions produced by abusive alcohol consumption is not reversed after long term alcohol abstinence


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    A estratificação e o manejo adequado da dor: Stratification and proper pain management

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    A dor é um potencial de risco para a saúde pública, esta se caracteriza pela experiência multidimensional associada a aspectos físicos e emocionais. A dor alerta o perigo e evita danos orgânicos, mas quando está impossibilita atividades diárias e impacta a qualidade de vida do paciente é classificada como patológica e urge por interferência médica. O seguinte artigo objetivou descrever através da revisão narrativa de literatura os aspectos referentes da dor e o seu manejo adequado. A dor é um amplo complexo que possui a classificação conforme a localização, tipo, intensidade, periodicidade. As categorias referentes a dor são nociceptivas, neuropática, psicogênica. Ademais, as síndromes dolorosas são diversas e podem acometer qualquer sistema do corpo. Ressaltando ser essencial a categorização do máximo possível de informações para conduzir adequadamente ao tratamento destas enfermidades.&nbsp