2,979 research outputs found

    Iontophoresis - estimating the released drug

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    The use of enhancers to increase the drug molecules penetration into target tissues is an usual technique in drug delivery. In transdermal drug delivery, electric fields are often used to increase the drug transport to the target tissue. In this paper we study the drug delivery from a reservoir which is in contact with a target tissue. We assume that the drug transport in the coupled system is enhanced by a small electric field that generates a convective field. The qualitative behaviour of the system is illustrated and energy estimates for the released drug are obtained

    Traumatismos e morte por tromboembolia pulmonar

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Medicina Legal), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.A tromboembolia pulmonar é frequentemente consequência de uma trombose venosa a nível dos membros inferiores ou na região pélvica. Uma embolização maciça que ocorra principalmente na artéria pulmonar ou em algumas artérias lobares pode resultar em cor pulmonale agudo fatal, sendo a falência da circulação pulmonar, actualmente, uma das mais importantes causas de morte por doenças cardiovasculares. Nos Estados Unidos da América a tromboembolia pulmonar é a terceira doença cardiovascular mais comum, a seguir aos síndromes isquémicos agudos e aos acidentes vasculares cerebrais. Além dos factores genéticos, são vários os factores adquiridos que contribuem para elevar a probabilidade de vir a desenvolver uma TEP, por de alguma maneira interferirem na tríade de Virchow (lesão endotelial, estase ou turbulência do fluxo sanguíneo e hipercoagulabilidade sanguínea). Entre eles: a idade, obesidade, viagens de longa distância, tabagismo, uso de contraceptivos orais, gravidez, terapia hormonal de substituição após a menopausa, várias doenças crónicas, cirurgias e traumatismos (tema que pretendemos abordar neste trabalho). Num estudo japonês (Ayako Ro et al, 2008) em 52 autópsias de morte por TEP 12% apresentavam traumatismo da perna. Na fisiopatologia associada aos traumatismos encontramos um estado de hipercoagulação e a imobilização que resultará em estase sanguínea com a consequente formação de trombo que depois irá embolizar. Em polifracturados, especialmente em casos de fracturas da diáfise femural e da bacia, pode ocorrer ainda a entrada em circulação, a partir do foco de fractura, de partículas de gordura da medula óssea, que causam posteriormente embolia em diversos órgãos, principalmente a nível pulmonar e cerebral. Em termos médico-legais a TEP pós traumatismo é desafiante por vários aspectos. Em primeiro é necessário estabelecer a relação causal entre o traumatismo e a TEP, sendo também necessário confirmar que foi a TEP a causa da morte. A autópsia é por fim a única forma de confirmar o diagnóstico num caso de morte súbita inexplicável. A embolia maciça e fatal é com frequência confirmada facilmente numa fase inicial de investigação torácica no decorrer da autópsia. No entanto a presença de coágulos post-mortem pode dificultar uma correcta avaliação, podendo ser necessária uma diferenciação histológica. Nestes casos uma investigação detalhada dos vasos dos membros inferiores é essencial, pois a taxa de trombose venosa é de apenas 25% nos casos em que apenas as veias proximais da coxa são examinadas, mas a taxa de detecção sobe para mais de 90% quando a pesquisa inclui as veias crurais. No fim, o perito forense deve concluir se a TEP foi a causa da morte, se contribuiu para ela, ou se foi um mero achado.The pulmonary thromboembolism is often a consequence of a venous thrombosis at the level of the lower limbs or pelvic region. A massive PE that occurs mainly in the pulmonary arteries or in some lobes can result in fatal acute cor pulmonale, and failure of the pulmonary circulation, currently one of the leading causes of death from cardiovascular disease. In the United States of America the pulmonary embolism is the third most common cardiovascular disease, after the acute ischemic syndromes and stroke. Beyond genetic heritage, several acquired factors contribute to raise the chance of developing a PTE and in some way interfere with Virchow's triad (endothelial injury, stasis or turbulence of blood flow and blood hypercoagulability). Among them: age, obesity, long-distance trips, smoking, oral contraceptives, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy after menopause, many chronic diseases, injuries and surgeries (issue we wish to approach in this work). In a Japanese study (Ayako Ro et al, 2008); in 52 death autopsies from PTE, 12% had leg injuries. In pathophysiology associated with trauma we found a state of hypercoagulation and the immobilization will result in blood stasis with the consequent formation of thrombus which later will be embolized. In polifracturation states, especially in cases of femoral shaft and hip fractures, fat particles from the bone marrow may enter into circulation, from the fracture outbreak, causing further embolism in some organs, mainly in the lungs and brain. In terms of forensics, after trauma PTE is challenging in many aspects. First, it is essential to establish a causal relationship between trauma and PTE and it is also necessary to confirm that PTE was the death cause. Autopsy is ultimately the only way to confirm the diagnosis in a case of a sudden unexplained death. The fatal and massive embolism is often easily confirmed by an early stage chest search during the autopsy. However, the presence of post-mortem blood may obstruct a proper evaluation and may require histological differentiation. In these cases, a detailed investigation of the lower vessels limbs is essential because the rate of venous thrombosis is only 25% and in the majority of cases in which only the proximal veins of the thighs are examined, the detection rate rises to over 90% when the research includes the curial veins. At the end, the forensic expert must conclude if the PTE was the death cause, if it contributed to it or if it was a simple bystander

    Non-Fickian tracer transport in porous media

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    Diffusion processes have traditionally been modeled using the classical diffusion equation. However, as in the case of tracer transport in porous media, significant discrepancies between experimental results and numerical simulations have been reported in the literature. Therefore, in order to describe such anomalous behavior known as non-Fickian diffusion, some authors have replaced the parabolic model by continuous random walk models, which have been shown to be very effective. Integro-differential models have been also proposed to describe non-Fickian diffusion in porous media. The aim of this paper is to compare the ability of these classes of models to capture the dynamics of tracer transport in porous media

    Gear micropitting prediction using the Dang Van High-Cycle Fatigue criterion

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Política de formación de investigadores: un análisis comparativo (Portugal-Brasil) en el contexto de programas de postgrado

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    O texto analisa, comparativamente, os marcos referenciais das políticas de formação de pesquisadores em contextos de PPGEd em Portugal e no Brasil sobre políticas de formação de pesquisadores. Utiliza o método histórico-crítico para compreender as questões que emergem do uso da comparação apresentando dados e sínteses conceituais que subsidiem novas políticas públicas. Parte do pressuposto da importância do conhecimento científico como instrumento potencial para a compreensão deste empreendimento histórico, pois, se a educação é incapaz de mudar a sociedade desigual hodierna, ela é fonte relevante para compreensão dos fundamentos da desigualdade e para a geração de uma nova institucionalidade no mundo globalizado.Urge demandar um novo ordenamento social em que a regulação seja elemento propulsor de novas políticas intencionais e operacionais que fomentem pesquisas de ponta nestes países e no mundo globalizado.This article comes from two researches about researchers and professionals in higher education in the Postgraduate Education training policy in two countries, Portugal and Brazil. From the methodological point of view, we analyze the differences and similarities. We use the comparative historical-critical method to detect the discrepancies in the two countries and, in particular, within the Program of Postgraduate Stricto Sensu in Education. It seeks to understand some issues that emerge from the comparison and presents a comparative methodological view on the subject of the researchers training policies . In Brazil, the productivity, which is a principle category in business logic, invaded the academic and educational fields as a whole, developing an unprecedented need for production in the history of Brazilian education. In Portugal, and what can be analyzed from the changes in the parameters of the Bologna Process, the research at the postgraduate level has been primarily influenced by the national agency called Science and Technology Foundation. Thence come the conceptual syntheses presented.Este artículo proviene de dos investigaciones sobre la política de formación de los investigadores y los profesionales de la educación superior en los programas de postgrado en Educación en dos países, Portugal y Brasil. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se analizan las diferencias y similitudes.Usamos el método comparativo histórico-crítico para detectar las discrepancias en los dos países y, en particular, dentro del Programa de Postgrado stricto sensu en Educación. Se trata de entender algunas cuestiones que surgen de la comparación y presenta una visión metodológica comparativa sobre el tema de las políticas de formación de los investigadores. En Brasil, la productividad, que es una categoría de principio en la lógica de negocio, invadió el ámbito académico y educativo en su conjunto, desarrollando la necesidad sin precedentes de la producción en la historia de la educación brasileña. En Portugal, y lo que puede ser analizado en el cambio de los parámetros del proceso de Bolonia, la investigación a nivel de postgrado ha sido influenciada principalmente por el organismo nacional llamado Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. De allí viene la síntesis conceptual presentada.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ

    Matemática nas Ciências e Tecnologia

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    Editor Convidado: José Augusto FerreiraM. Filomena Teodoro, Pedro M. Lima, Neville J. Ford, Patricia M. Lumb, "Aproximação Numérica de Equações Funcionais Diferenciais do Tipo Misto" Pedro Lima, Filomena Teodoro, Neville Ford, Patricia Lumb, "Modelação Matemática da Propagação de Sinais no Sistema Nervoso" Olivier Pellegrino, Andreia Furtado, Eduarda Filipe, "Incertezas associadas a retas de calibração"José Carlos Santos, "A linearidade das transformadas de Lorenz" J. R. Branco, "Modelos matemáticos para o desenvolvimento de gliomas" Daniela Coelho, João Brandão, "Symmetric coordinates for an A2B2 molecule"

    Numerical simulation of a coupled cardiovascular drug delivery model

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    A two dimensional coupled model of drug delivery in the cardiovascular tissue using biodegradable drug eluting stents is developed. The qualitative behaviour of the model is analyzed. Numerical results computed with an Implicit Explicit Finite Element Method show a complete agreement with the expected physical behaviour

    The effect of reversible binding sites on drug release from drug eluting stents

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    A coupled non-Fickian model of a cardiovascular drug delivery system using a biodegradable drug eluting stent is proposed. The reversible reaction between the drug and the arterial tissue binding sites are taken into account. The proposed model accounts for the different nature of the therapeutic compounds used. The numerical results are obtained using an IMEX finite element method in the variational form

    The role of stiffness in the proliferation of brain tumors

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    In this paper we present a mathematical model to describe the evolution of glioma cells taking into account the viscoelastic properties of brain tissue. A theoretical stability analysis gives information to design protocols which efficiency is illustrated by a number of numerical simulations

    Efficient protocols to control glioma growth

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    In this paper we consider a mathematical model to describe glioma evolution. The model is established combining the viscoelastic behaviour of the brain tissue with a mass conservation law that takes into account the effect of chemotherapy. For the non Fickian model we establish an upper bound for the tumor mass that leads to a sufficient condition to control tumor growth. Based on the theoretical upper bound, protocol for chemotherapy treatment are proposed. Numerical experiments are included to illustrate the behaviour of the model as well as the efficiency of the presented protocols