58 research outputs found

    Embrioprotección del suero de leche en desarrollo embrionario de Gallus gallus domesticus expuestos a diclofenaco

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    En México, gran parte de los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINEs) son de libre venta, como es el caso del diclofenaco, que provoca malformaciones durante el desarrollo embrionario. El presente trabajo muestra los efectos del diclofenaco como teratógeno y del suero de leche bovino ácido (SL) como embrioprotector en Gallus gallus domesticus. Se utilizaron huevos fértiles, tratados con 25 μL de diclofenaco + 25 μL de SL y cón 25μL de diclofenaco, evaluados en dos periodos de incubación (7 y 14 días). Los factores considerados fueron: talla, peso y malformaciones anatómicas e histológicas. Los embriones tratados con diclofenaco presentaron sangrado, baja significativa en peso y talla, microcefalia, gastrosquisis y anoftalmia; mientras que, con la presencia de SL, se presentó sangrado ligero. Se concluye que el SL es una alternativa embrioprotectora, de bajo costo, para la teratogénesis por efecto del diclofenaco.In Mexico, most of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are free sale, as in the case of diclofenac, that causes malformations during embryonic development. This manuscript describes the effects of the diclofenac as teratogen and of the bovine acid whey (W) as embryo protector in Gallus gallus domesticus, They were used fertilized eggs, treaties with 25 μL of diclofenac + 25 μL of W and with 25μL of diclofenac, evaluated in two incubation periods (7 and 14 days). The factors considered were: size, weight and malformations (anatomical and histological). The embryos treaties with diclofenac presented bleeding, significate decrease in size and weight, microcephaly, gastroschisis and anophthalmia; meanwhile with W, presented a slight bleeding. It is concluded that W is an alternative as low-cost embryo protector for the teratogenesis by diclofenac effects

    Unprecedented pathway of reducing equivalents in a diflavin-linked disulfide oxidoreductase

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    Flavoproteinsparticipateinawidevarietyofphysiologicallyrelevant processes that typically involve redox reactions. Within this protein superfamily, there exists a group that is able to transfer reducing equivalents from FAD to a redox-active disulfide bridge, which further reduces disulfide bridges in target proteins to regulate their structure and function. We have identified a previously undescribed type of flavin enzyme that is exclusive to oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and that is based on the primary sequence that had been assigned as an NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTR). However, our experimental data show that the protein does not transfer reducing equivalents from flavins to disulfides as in NTRs but functions in the opposite direction. High-resolution structures of the protein from Gloeobacter violaceus and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 obtained by X-ray crystallography showed two juxtaposed FADmoleculespermonomerinredoxcommunicationwithanactive disulfide bridge in a variant of the fold adopted by NTRs. We have tentatively named the flavoprotein “DDOR” (diflavin-linked disulfide oxidoreductase) and propose that its activity is linked to a thiol-basedtransferofreducingequivalentsinbacterialmembranes. These findings expand the structural and mechanistic repertoire of flavoenzymes with oxidoreductase activity and pave the way to explore new protein engineering approaches aimed at designing redox-active proteins for diverse biotechnological applications.Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad BFU2016-80343-P, BIO2016-75634-


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    Para cultivar una especie silvestre es necesario modificar el esquema genético resultante de los procesos de selección natural a uno adaptado a las condiciones manejadas por el hombre, e implica detectar áreas geográficas similares a aquellas donde se originó la especie. En este estudio se analiza un modelo de áreas geográficas potenciales para la adaptación de Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav. con el objetivo de detectar las condiciones de nicho ecológico apropiado, determinar zonas potenciales en México y describir las relaciones entre el medio ambiente y las características morfológicas del fruto. Se utilizó el algoritmo reciente de máxima entropía (MaxEnt) para modelar el nicho de C. pubescens dentro de una región de importancia en el centro de Veracruz, México. Se utilizó un total de 44 sitios de presencia y cuatro variables bioclimáticas para detectar nichos adecuados para la especie; así mismo, se realizó un análisis de regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) combinando los sitios de presencia, variables bioclimáticas y características morfológicas del fruto. Se construyó un mapa final de idoneidad identificando las áreas adecuadas para el crecimiento de C. pubescens. Las contribuciones de las variables predictoras al modelo fueron preipitación anual (Bio12) 43.9 %, capa de potasio (K) 23 %, altitud (DEM) 22.3 % y temperatura media anual (Bio1) 10.7 %, con valor del área bajo la curva de 99.7 %. Los mínimos cuadrados parciales corroboraron la importancia de las covariables, que intervienen en la expresión de características morfológicas del fruto, ayudando a entender mejor las relaciones entre especies y el medio ambiente. Áreas aún no exploradas arrojaron probabilidades de ocurrencia mayores a 90 %, principalmente en las zonas montañosas de Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León y la Sierra de Santa Martha al sur del estado de Veracruz. Se identificó un grupo de accesiones sobresalientes que podrían servir como base para iniciar un programa de mejoramiento genético en esta especie

    Molecular Epidemiology of Multidrug-Resistant Uropathogenic Escherichia coli O25b Strains Associated with Complicated Urinary Tract Infection in Children.

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    BACKGROUND: Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) has increased the incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI). It is the cause of more than 80% of community-acquired cystitis cases and more than 70% of uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis cases. AIM: The present study describes the molecular epidemiology of UPEC O25b clinical strains based on their resistance profiles, virulence genes, and genetic diversity. METHODS: Resistance profiles were identified using the Kirby-Bauer method, including the phenotypic production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs). The UPEC serogroups, phylogenetic groups, virulence genes, and integrons were determined via multiplex PCR. Genetic diversity was established using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and sequence type (ST) was determined via multilocus sequence typing (MLST). RESULTS: UPEC strains (n = 126) from hospitalized children with complicated UTIs (cUTIs) were identified as O25b, of which 41.27% were multidrug resistant (MDR) and 15.87% were extensively drug resistant (XDR). The O25b strains harbored the fimH (95.23%), csgA (91.26%), papGII (80.95%), chuA (95.23%), iutD (88.09%), satA (84.92%), and intl1 (47.61%) genes. Moreover, 64.28% were producers of ESBLs and had high genetic diversity. ST131 (63.63%) was associated primarily with phylogenetic group B2, and ST69 (100%) was associated primarily with phylogenetic group D. CONCLUSION: UPEC O25b/ST131 harbors a wide genetic diversity of virulence and resistance genes, which contribute to cUTIs in pediatrics

    Fertilización foliar con nanopartículas de ZnO y su efecto en la producción, calidad biofísica y nutraceútica en frutos de nogal pecanero (Carya illinoinensis)

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    El nogal pecanero (Carya illinoinensis) es uno de los cultivos más importantes de la Comarca Lagunera. La deficiencia de zinc (Zn) es uno de los principales problemas que limitan su productividad. La nanotecnología incluye materiales nutrimentales con los que se pueden sustituir fertilizantes convencionales con variado efecto en rendimiento, calidad biofísica y nutracéutica en el fruto. Los efectos de la aplicación foliar de nanopartículas de ZnO en nogal pecanero variedad Western fueron evaluados mediante dosis de Zn con los siguientes tratamientos: control, 4000 (ZnSO4), 2000 (nps ZnO), y 4000 (nps ZnO) mg L-1. El diseño experimental fue en bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas en fruto y árbol fueron: rendimiento, número de nueces kg-1, largo y ancho de nuez, concentración de Zn en foliolos, ácidos grasos, proteína cruda, porcentaje de grasa y humedad. Se observó diferencia significativa en rendimiento y nivel de Zn en los foliolos, donde el mejor tratamiento fue 4000 mg L-1 de nanopartículas de ZnO, mientras que para la variable largo de nuez se observó diferencia significativa, siendo inferior el tratamiento de 4000 mg L-1 de ZnSO4. En las variables nutracéuticas, el contenido de ácidos grasos evaluado mediante el contenido de grasas saturadas (C16:0 y C18:0) mostró cambios altamente significativos, siendo el tratamiento con la dosis de 4000 mg L-1 de nanopartículas el que tuvo mayor porcentaje. Los ácidos grasos insaturados (C18:1 y C18:3) mostraron diferencias significativas, siendo los tratamientos evaluados con nanopartículas los que tuvieron un porcentaje inferior. El contenido de proteína también mostró diferencias altamente significativas, siendo el tratamiento control y el químico a base de ZnSO4 los tratamientos superiores. Las nanopartículas pueden ser usadas para mejorar el rendimiento y abastecer el contenido de Zn al cultivo, pero la calidad de fruto se ve afectada desde el punto de vista nutricional

    Effects of lng Mutations on LngA Expression, Processing, and CS21 Assembly in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli E9034A

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a major cause of morbidity in children under 5 years of age in low- and middle-income countries and a leading cause of traveler's diarrhea worldwide. The ability of ETEC to colonize the intestinal epithelium is mediated by fimbrial adhesins, such as CS21 (Longus). This adhesin is a type IVb pilus involved in adherence to intestinal cells in vitro and bacterial self-aggregation. Fourteen open reading frames have been proposed to be involved in CS21 assembly, hitherto only the lngA and lngB genes, coding for the major (LngA) and minor (LngB) structural subunit, have been characterized. In this study, we investigated the role of the LngA, LngB, LngC, LngD, LngH, and LngP proteins in the assembly of CS21 in ETEC strain E9034A. The deletion of the lngA, lngB, lngC, lngD, lngH, or lngP genes, abolished CS21 assembly in ETEC strain E9034A and adherence to HT-29 cells was reduced 90%, compared to wild-type strain. Subcellular localization prediction of CS21 proteins was similar to other well-known type IV pili homologues. We showed that LngP is the prepilin peptidase of LngA, and that ETEC strain E9034A has another peptidase capable of processing LngA, although with less efficiency. Additionally, we present immuno-electron microscopy imagens to show that the LngB protein could be localized at the tip of CS21, and probably helps to control CS21 length. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the LngA, LngB, LngC, LngD, LngH, and LngP proteins are essential for CS21 assembly, as well as for bacterial aggregation and adherence to HT-29 cells

    Varietal description of two genotypes of manzano chili pepper (Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav.)

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    Objective: the objective of this research work was to obtain the varietal description of two varieties of chile manzano in Las Montañas in the center of Veracruz, México. Design/methodology/approach: the varietal characterization module was established under greenhouse conditions at the Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 99 in the municipality of Coscomatepec de Bravo. The recorded descriptors were in accordance with the International of Plant Genetic Resources Institute for Capsicum and the Graphic Handbook for Variety Description of manzano hot pepper. The plants were characterized from the seedling to the adult plant. The agronomic management of the crop was carried out in accordance with the manual for the production of manzano hot pepper in Las Montañas of the state of Veracruz. Results: all qualitative descriptors were constant for the two varieties MEXUVNE1-15-C2 and MEXUVCU1-16-C2 from seedling to fruiting; in contrast, there were dissimilarities in plant height, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed dimensions. Limitations of the study/implications: the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was the main limitation so that some descriptors were not recorded in a timely manner as indicated in the Graphic Handbook. Findings/conclusions: both varieties are very similar; however, the greatest distinction was in the quantitative type descriptors such as: plant height, fruit length, fruit diameter and number of seeds.Objective: The objective of this research study was to obtain the varietal description of two varieties of manzano chili pepper in Las Montañas region, in central Veracruz, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The varietal characterization module was established under greenhouse conditions. The markers recorded were in accordance with the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute for Capsicum and the Graphic Handbook for Variety Description of manzano chili pepper. The plants were characterized from seedling in greenhouse to adult plant. The agronomic management of the crop was carried out in accordance with the manual for the production of manzano chili pepper in Las Montañas, state of Veracruz. Results: All qualitative markers were constant for the two varieties, MEXUVNE1-15-C2 and MEXUVCU1-16-C2, from seedling to fruit setting. In contrast, there were dissimilarities in plant height, and stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed dimensions. Study limitations/implications: The pandemic caused by COVID-19 was the main limitation, resulting in some markers not being recorded in a timely manner as indicated in the Graphic Handbook. Findings/conclusions: Both varieties are very similar; however, the greatest distinction was in the quantitative markers, such as: plant height, fruit length, fruit diameter and number of seeds