4 research outputs found

    Efectos alelop谩ticos de extractos acuosos de hojas de bot贸n de oro [Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray.] sobre la germinaci贸n de semillas y crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Some chemical compounds released by plants can to control the presence of other plants in their environment both of their own species and different ones, allelopathy is an important factor in regulating the structure of plant communities, a better understanding of these relationships is critical for appropriate agricultural development. The objective was to determine the effects of aqueous extracts of leaves of tree marigold (Tithonia diversifolia) on seed germination and seedling growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivar Parris Island. A 15% w/v extract was prepared with leaves of tree marigold gold, it was allowed to stand for 48 h. After, diluting extracts at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% w/v were obtained and pH and electrical conductivity (S.cm-1 ) were determined. Sowing was carried out in trays covered with a double layer of absorbent paper on which were placed 25 seeds/tray. Irrigation was applied twice per day using leaf extracts. The control treatment received tap water. A randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Seedlings were harvested at 14 days after sowing. pH decreased and electrical conductivity increased with increases in the concentration of leaf extracts. The germination was negatively affected by extracts. A lowering effect was observed on the overall growth of lettuce seedlings.Algunos compuestos qu铆micos liberados por las plantas tienen la capacidad de controlar la presencia de otras plantas en su entorno tanto de su propia especie como de otras, la alelopat铆a es un factor de importancia en la regulaci贸n de la estructura de las comunidades vegetales, resultando crucial para un apropiado desarrollo agr铆cola un mejor entendimiento de estas relaciones. La investigaci贸n tuvo por objeto determinar los efectos de extractos acuosos del follaje del bot贸n de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) sobre germinaci贸n de semillas y crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.), cultivar Parris Island. Se prepar贸 un extracto al 15 % p/v con hojas de plantas de bot贸n de oro, se dej贸 reposar por 48 h y luego se obtuvo por diluci贸n extractos al 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 y 2,0 % p/v evalu谩ndoseles pH y conductividad el茅ctrica (S.cm-1 ). La siembra se realiz贸 en bandejas cubiertas con una doble capa de papel absorbente sobre la que se coloc贸 25 semillas/bandeja. Fueron regadas dos veces diarias con los extractos foliares. El tratamiento control recibi贸 agua corriente. El dise帽o estad铆stico fue bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. La cosecha de las pl谩ntulas se efectu贸 a los 14 d铆as despu茅s de la siembra. El pH disminuy贸 y la conductividad el茅ctrica se increment贸 con los aumentos en la concentraci贸n de los extractos foliares. La germinaci贸n se vio afectada negativamente por los extractos. Se demostr贸 un efecto reductor sobre el crecimiento general de las pl谩ntulas de lechuga

    Efectos alelop谩ticos de extractos acuosos de hojas de bot贸n de oro [Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray.] sobre la germinaci贸n de semillas y crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Some chemical compounds released by plants can to control the presence of other plants in their environment both of their own species and different ones, allelopathy is an important factor in regulating the structure of plant communities, a better understanding of these relationships is critical for appropriate agricultural development. The objective was to determine the effects of aqueous extracts of leaves of tree marigold (Tithonia diversifolia) on seed germination and seedling growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivar Parris Island. A 15% w/v extract was prepared with leaves of tree marigold gold, it was allowed to stand for 48 h. After, diluting extracts at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% w/v were obtained and pH and electrical conductivity (S.cm-1 ) were determined. Sowing was carried out in trays covered with a double layer of absorbent paper on which were placed 25 seeds/tray. Irrigation was applied twice per day using leaf extracts. The control treatment received tap water. A randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Seedlings were harvested at 14 days after sowing. pH decreased and electrical conductivity increased with increases in the concentration of leaf extracts. The germination was negatively affected by extracts. A lowering effect was observed on the overall growth of lettuce seedlings.Algunos compuestos qu铆micos liberados por las plantas tienen la capacidad de controlar la presencia de otras plantas en su entorno tanto de su propia especie como de otras, la alelopat铆a es un factor de importancia en la regulaci贸n de la estructura de las comunidades vegetales, resultando crucial para un apropiado desarrollo agr铆cola un mejor entendimiento de estas relaciones. La investigaci贸n tuvo por objeto determinar los efectos de extractos acuosos del follaje del bot贸n de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) sobre germinaci贸n de semillas y crecimiento de pl谩ntulas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.), cultivar Parris Island. Se prepar贸 un extracto al 15 % p/v con hojas de plantas de bot贸n de oro, se dej贸 reposar por 48 h y luego se obtuvo por diluci贸n extractos al 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 y 2,0 % p/v evalu谩ndoseles pH y conductividad el茅ctrica (S.cm-1 ). La siembra se realiz贸 en bandejas cubiertas con una doble capa de papel absorbente sobre la que se coloc贸 25 semillas/bandeja. Fueron regadas dos veces diarias con los extractos foliares. El tratamiento control recibi贸 agua corriente. El dise帽o estad铆stico fue bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. La cosecha de las pl谩ntulas se efectu贸 a los 14 d铆as despu茅s de la siembra. El pH disminuy贸 y la conductividad el茅ctrica se increment贸 con los aumentos en la concentraci贸n de los extractos foliares. La germinaci贸n se vio afectada negativamente por los extractos. Se demostr贸 un efecto reductor sobre el crecimiento general de las pl谩ntulas de lechuga

    Desinfecci贸n de 谩pices de Yuca ( Manihot Esculenta Crantz) cv. 'Querepa Rosada' con Hipoclorito de Sodio

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    This research was conducted in order to develop a disinfection protocol for apical shoots of cassava, cultivar 篓Querepa Rosada篓, using three dilutions of sodium hypochlorite and three immersion periods. Meristems, 1mm long, from apical shoots collected in a commercial cassava plantation located in Jusepin, Monagas State, were used. The statistical design was completely randomized, with 11 treatments, 10 repetitions, one explant per repetition and for test tube. Treatments used were three sodium hypochlorite concentrations (a.i. 5.25%): 10, 20, and 30% (C10, C20 Y C30, respectively), combined with three immersion times: 10, 20 y 30min (T10, T20 and T30, respectively). Two control treatments were included: ethanol 70% for 5 sec and mercury chloride for 10min. Murashige and Skoog (1962) culture medium was used, suplemented with sucrose (20 g/L), thiamine-HCl (0,4 mg/L), m-Inositol (100 mg/L), BAP (0,05 mg/L), AG (0,05 mg/L), ANA (0,02 mg/L), agar (7 g/L), and a 5.8 pH. Explants were maintained in a growth chamber at a 27-30掳C and 16hr of artificial light. The percent of alive and not contaminated shoots was evaluated 8, 16 and 24 days after planting. Treatment differences were established using t-student at 0.05%. The best disinfection treatment, 24 days after planting, was the 10% (v/v) solution of sodium hypochlorite during 10 min.Esta investigaci贸n tuvo por objetivo determinar un protocolo de desinfecci贸n de 谩pices de yuca del cultivar Querepa Rosada, con soluciones de hipoclorito de sodio bajo tres concentraciones y tres tiempos de inmersi贸n. Se emplearon 谩pices meristem谩ticos de 1 mm de longitud provenientes de brotes recolectados en una plantaci贸n comercial, en Jusep铆n, estado Monagas. El dise帽o estad铆stico fue completamente aleatorizado, con 11 tratamientos, 10 repeticiones, un explante por repetici贸n y por tubo de ensayo. Los tratamientos estuvieron conformados por tres concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (i.a. 5,25%): 10, 20 y 30 % (C10, C20 y C30, respectivamente), combinadas con tres tiempos de inmersi贸n: 10, 20 y 30 min (T10, T20 y T30, respectivamente). Se incluyeron dos testigos: Etanol 70 % por 5 segundos y Bicloruro de mercurio por 10 minutos. Se emple贸 el medio de Murasghige y Skoog (1962), suplementado con sacarosa (20 g/L), Tiamina.HCl (0,4 mg/L), m-Inositol (100 mg/L), BAP (0,05 mg/L), AG (0,05 mg/L), ANA (0,02 mg/L), agar (7 g/L), y pH 5,8. Los explantes se mantuvieron en c谩mara de crecimiento a temperatura entre 27 y 30 掳C, y 16 horas de luz artificial. El efecto de los tratamientos se evalu贸 a los 8, 16 y 24 d铆as despu茅s de la siembra mediante el porcentaje de 谩pices vivos y no contaminados. Las diferencias entre los porcentajes se establecieron mediante la prueba de t al 0,05 %. El mejor tratamiento de desinfecci贸n a los 24 dds fue el de inmersi贸n en soluci贸n al 10 % (v/v) de hipoclorito de sodio por 10 minutos

    Propuesta para la creaci贸n del Departamento de Extensi贸n Agropecuaria del N煤cleo Monagas de la Universidad de Oriente (Proposal for the creation of the Departamento de Extensi贸n Agropecuaria (Agricultural Extension Department) of N煤cleo Monagas of The Universidad de Oriente)

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    The agricultural extension service plays an important role in the attainment of desirable changes in the rural environment, guiding the family capacities and making them participants of its own social, economic and technological development for improving its life quality in the context of a sustainable agriculture. It is for this reason that the requirement of the creation of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service of the Universidad de Oriente arises, which will allow to link science and technology to the real context of the agricultural production, in the search of integral solutions, in agreement with the necessities and priorities of farmers of the area, promoting changes in its knowledge, attitudes, skills and wishes, for improving its welfare and of the population in general. Among the principal objectives of the Department they will be: to carry out diagnoses of the principal agriculture-social-economic problems of the inhabitants of the rural communities of the Monagas state and to develop action strategies that, by means of integral and sustainable solutions and with the community participation, to have a worthy of life for the farmers of the region. The area of influence of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service will be framed initially in the 13 Municipalities of the Monagas state and in the bordering communities with other neighboring states, but later on, the action range will be able to go toward communities belonging to all the states of the Venezuelan East where Universidad de Oriente has influence. Among the benefits that the creation of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service will give to Universidad de Oriente they are: diffusion and popularization of the research carried out by the educational and research personnel staff members of University; regain of the presence of the Universidad de Oriente in the agricultural environment of the Oriental area of Venezuela; training and formation of the educational personnel staff in programs of agricultural extension; to achieve an increment of the in situ practical activities; to carry out activities that allow to improve the life quality of farmers of the area of influence of the Universidad de Oriente and to advise agricultural extension works at level of higher education. The personnel staff of this Department will be integrated for: A Head of Department of Agricultural Extension Service; a Coordinator of Agricultural Extension Service for each School (three in total); an Agent of Agricultural Extension for each School (three in total); responsible for programs or projects (the professors of the three Schools) and a secretary. Besides the Universidad de Oriente, in the Department of Agricultural Extension Service could be wrapped other Institutions of public character as private (Polar Foundation, CIARA, IICA, Government and Municipalities of Monagas State; INIA, MAT, CVG, EUDOCA, FONACIT, FAO, Associations of Farmers, etc.). The financing to cover the costs of opening of the Department of Agricultural Extension Service, personnel staff payment and operational costs will be mainly in charge of the Universidad de Oriente, but other Institutions like the Governments and Municipalities of the Oriental States, Associations of Farmers and enterprise like: PDVSA, Polar Foundation, Bigott Foundation, Foninpal, FONDAFA, etc., and International Organisms as: the World Bank, IICA, SIHCA, FAO, BID, UNICEF, ONGs, Embassies, etc, they could help financially to the Department of Agricultural Extension Service of Universidad de Oriente through the execution of projects