1,391 research outputs found

    The Roots of Community in the Historic Rio Arriba: Mutualism, Cultural Endurance and Resilience.

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    Depredación del sapo Elachistocleis panamensis por la araña Ancylometes bogotensis: primer registro

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    We record for the first time a predation event on a Panamá Humming Frog (Elachistocleis panamensis) by a Bogotá Giant Fishing Spider (Ancylometes bogotensis) in a tropical dry forest fragment in northern Colombia. We discuss aspects related to the predation behavior of A. bogotensis and some elements of E. panamensis as prey.Registramos por primera vez un evento de depredación del sapito de los termiteros (Elachistocleis panamensis) por la araña pescadora gigante (Ancylometes bogotensis) en un fragmento de bosque seco tropical en el norte de Colombia. Discutimos aspectos del comportamiento de depredación de A. bogotensis y algunos elementos de E. panamensis como presa

    Landscape Morphology and Adaptation: Land Use Change in Rio Arriba

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    Manejo del racimo y los retoños para rendimientos rentables y frutos de alta calidad en guineos (Musa acuminata, AAA)

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    Two long-term banana experiments were conducted to determine the effect of bunch bagging, removal of lower hands, and sucker management on fruit and bunch characteristics and total yield. Bunches covered with either Dursban-treated or untreated perforated polyethylene bags yielded 10,539 kg/ha more than the uncovered ones during a 40-month production period. Considering the price that quality bananas demand at the farm gate and the cost of bagging (materials and labor), this practice represents a net profit of 3,329.25/ha.Theremovalofthethreelowerhandsfromtheimmatureracemessignificantlyreducedbunchmeanweightandtotalyield.However,bothremovaloflowerhandsandbunchbaggingincreasedsizeofindividualfruitsinthedistalhand,thusup−gradingfruitquality.Inaddition,thesepracticesalsoreducedthenumberofdaysrequiredfrombunch−shootingtoharvest.Theselectionofavigorous"sword"suckersoonafterplanting,combinedwithrepeatedpruningofothercompetingsuckersproducedthemaximumyieldof183,744kg/haduringa40−monthperiod.Sellevaronacabodosexperimentosparaestudiarlosefectosdeenfundarlosracimos,removerlasmanosinferioresdelracimoyseleccionarloshijuelossobrelascaracterıˊsticasdelfruto,elracimoyenelrendimientototal.Enambosexperimentosseobtuvierondatospor40meses.LaproduccioˊnmediadelosracimoscubiertosconbolsasdepolietilenoperforadastratadasconelinsecticidaDursbanal13,329.25/ha. The removal of the three lower hands from the immature racemes significantly reduced bunch mean weight and total yield. However, both removal of lower hands and bunch bagging increased size of individual fruits in the distal hand, thus up-grading fruit quality. In addition, these practices also reduced the number of days required from bunch-shooting to harvest. The selection of a vigorous "sword" sucker soon after planting, combined with repeated pruning of other competing suckers produced the maximum yield of 183,744 kg/ha during a 40-month period.Se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos para estudiar los efectos de enfundar los racimos, remover las manos inferiores del racimo y seleccionar los hijuelos sobre las características del fruto, el racimo y en el rendimiento total. En ambos experimentos se obtuvieron datos por 40 meses. La producción media de los racimos cubiertos con bolsas de polietileno perforadas tratadas con el insecticida Dursban al 1% y sin tratar fue de 10,539 kg/ha más que en los racimos sin enfundar. Considerando el precio que se paga por el guineo de alta calidad empacado en la finca y el costo de cubrir el racimo (materiales y mano de obra), el uso de esta práctica resulta en una ganancia neta de 3,329.25/ha. La remoción de las tres manos inferiores del racimo inmaduro redujo significativamente el peso medio final de los racimos y el rendimiento total. Sin embargo, el eliminar manos y el enfundar los racimos aumentaron substancialmente el tamaño y el peso de las frutas individuales en la mano distal, con lo que mejoró la calidad de los frutos. Ambas prácticas, además, acortaron el tiempo entre la floración y la cosecha. La selección de un hijuelo de "lanza" vigoroso inmediatamente después de la siembra seguido de la poda continua de otros hijuelos competidores produjo el mayor rendimiento equivalente a 183,744 kg/ha de frutos

    On the heterochromatic number of hypergraphs associated to geometric graphs and to matroids

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    The heterochromatic number hc(H) of a non-empty hypergraph H is the smallest integer k such that for every colouring of the vertices of H with exactly k colours, there is a hyperedge of H all of whose vertices have different colours. We denote by nu(H) the number of vertices of H and by tau(H) the size of the smallest set containing at least two vertices of each hyperedge of H. For a complete geometric graph G with n > 2 vertices let H = H(G) be the hypergraph whose vertices are the edges of G and whose hyperedges are the edge sets of plane spanning trees of G. We prove that if G has at most one interior vertex, then hc(H) = nu(H) - tau(H) + 2. We also show that hc(H) = nu(H) - tau(H) + 2 whenever H is a hypergraph with vertex set and hyperedge set given by the ground set and the bases of a matroid, respectively

    The Cultural Evolution of Rio Arriba County

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    Skeletons of Calcareous Benthic Hydroids (Medusozoa, Hydrozoa) under Ocean Acidification

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    The skeleton plays a vital role in the survival of aquatic invertebrates by separating and protecting them from a changing environment. In most of these organisms, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is the principal constituent of the skeleton, while in others, only a part of the skeleton is calcified, or CaCO3 is integrated into an organic skeleton structure. The average pH of ocean surface waters has increased by 25% in acidity as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which reduces carbonate ions (CO32−) concentration, and saturation states (Ω) of biologically critical CaCO3 minerals like calcite, aragonite, and magnesian calcite (Mg-calcite), the fundamental building blocks for the skeletons of marine invertebrates. In this chapter, we discuss how ocean acidification (OA) affects particular species of benthic calcareous hydroids in order to bridge gaps and understand how these organisms can respond to a growing acidic ocean

    Phenotyping common beans for adaptation to drought: protocol for field evaluation

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    This protocol was provided for the identification of phenotypic differences in drought resistance in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). It is available in both PDF and photo gallery format with the aim of providing visiting students and researchers with a consultation document they can use to answer questions about our in-house methodologies
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