2,486 research outputs found

    Estudo da relação entre variáveis fisiológicas, biomecânicas e o rendimento de corredores portugueses de 3000 metros

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    O objectivo do presente estudo foi investigar as relações entre o perfil fisiológico, a resposta biomecânica e o rendimento desportivo de corredores de meio-fundo portugueses. Dezoito atletas foram submetidos a um protocolo incremental de 5 patamares de 3 minutos em tapete rolante sem qualquer inclinação. Em cada patamar a velocidade foi constante e os incrementos foram de 1,45 km.h-1. Durante todo o protocolo, o consumo de oxigénio e outros parâmetros bioenergéticos foram avaliados respiração-a-respiração através de oximetria directa. Foram calculadas a potência metabólica (Pmet), o custo energético (C), a velocidade de deslocamento (v), a frequência gestual (FG) e a distância de ciclo (DC). Foi determinado em prova oficial (corrida de 3000 metros) o rendimento desportivo. Verificou-se uma relação positiva e significativa entre a Pmet e a v (R2=0,78; p<0,01). As relações entre o C e a FG ou a DC não foram significativas. A relação entre a v e a FG (R2=0,34; p<0,01) e entre a v e a DC (R2=0,87; p<0,01) foram positivas e significativas. Verificou-se uma relação significativa entre o rendimento e a Pmet a 16 km.h-1 (R2=0,23; p=0,05). Em conclusão, verifica-se uma dependência moderada do rendimento dos meio-fundistas portugueses relativamente ao seu perfil fisiológico e este de forma ténue face à resposta biomecânic

    Ecosystems enabling adaptive composition of intelligent services

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    Intelligent services are roughly defined as pieces of software with the capabilities of problem-solving and autonomous composition of solutions, e.g., composition of manufacturing processes. They are heterogeneous and distributed by design, however in industrial settings they are constrained to local interactions with limited room for adaptation due to the need to lower the interoperability barrier. In this paper, we present an approach where collections of intelligent services are treated as ecosystems, using food chains, environments and migration to enable adaptive compositions that generate solutions with a higher service value chain. We present a set of experiments demonstrating how a distributed ecosystem achieves compositions of solutions with higher service value chains while balancing the load and diversity of intelligent services across the ecosystem via self-organisation. This supports the claim that implementations of intelligent service based systems (ISBS) as ecosystems could bring substantial benefits to industrial applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Continuos incremental field test to estimate velocity and maximal oxygen consumption in non-expert runners

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    Parameters such as a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and velocity at which VO2max occurs (VelVO2max) are often used to training control purposes to enhance runner’s performance. This study had two purposes: (i) determine the relationship between VelVO2max obtained in continuous incremental filed test (CIFT) and VelVO2max determined on a treadmill in a laboratory; and (II) verify if it is possible to estimate the VO2max based on CIFT velocit

    Estudo comparativo das adaptações fisiológicas agudas durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível do apêndice xifóide e da articulação coxo-femoral

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    Foi objectivo deste estudo comparar as adaptações fisiológicas agudas de um exercício básico de Hidroginástica realizados a diferentes profundidades (imersão ao nível da articulação coxo-femoral versus ao nível do apêndice xifóide). A amostra foi constituída por 14 sujeito, clinicamente saudáveis e com um nível de actividade física regular. Cada sujeito realizou, um exercício básico de Hidroginástica designado de “Cavalo-Marinho”. Antes e após cada execução de 6 minutos do exercício foi avaliada a percepção subjectiva de esforço (RPE) e a lactatemia ([La-]). Antes, durante e após cada execução foi avaliada a frequência cardíaca máxima durante a exercitação (FC-max), a percentagem de frequência cardíaca máxima teórica atingida durante a exercitação (%FC-max), o máximo consumo de oxigénio durante o período de exercitação (máxVO2) e o dispêndio energético (EE). A RPE, a FC-máx, a %FCmáx, o máxVO2 e o EE foram signifi cativamente superiores durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível da coxo-femoral do que ao nível do apêndice xifóide. A [La-] não apresentou diferenças signifi cativas. Concluindo, as adaptações fi siológicas agudas observadas durante a exercitação em imersão ao nível da articulação coxo-femoral são mais próximas das verifi cadas no meio terrestre do que à profundidade usualmente adoptada nas sessões de Hidroginástica

    Hybrid membrane/PSA processes for CO2/N-2 separation

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    New integrated schemes combining membrane permeation and pressure swing adsorption (PSA) have been developed for gas separation. By using the membrane as a pre-bulk separation unit and coupling it to the intrinsically dynamic periodic operation of the PSA, the separation performance of the hybrid scheme is enhanced with respect to that of die two stand-alone units. Instead of constant-composition regular feed, the PSA is fed with a mixture which is progressively enriched in the more adsorbed component during the pressurization and high-pressure adsorption steps of the cycle. This results in sharper concentration fronts. The hybrid scheme detailed here has been applied successfully to the bulk separation of an 30:70 mol% CO2/N-2 mixture over activated carbon. Process performance is reported in terms of product recovery and purity at cyclic steady state. Numerical simulations were validated by experimental work on a composite membrane and a laboratory-scale PSA unit. For the examples studied, product purity and recovery for the hybrid process were increased by 23% and 58% for CO2, and by 14% and 5% for N-2, compared to an equivalent stand-alone PSA.publishersversionpublishe

    A new marker for rapid sex identification of red deer (Cervus elaphus)

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    The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is an economically important game species facing some conservation issues. The knowledge of population parameters such as sex ratios is an important basis for management and conservation. We used previously published Y-chromosomal primers under low-stringency amplification conditions and found that they allow quick and accurate sex identification in this species by producing two different amplicons in males and one in females. Both fragments are clearly different in size and easily separated through agarose gel electrophoresis, allowing one-step sex identification in biological samples such as carcasses, embryos recovered from culled females, and possibly hair or excrements (given sufficient DNA quality). This can help studies on intrauterine sex ratio, sex-biased mortality, or the sex ratio of wild or extensive game populations, with useful applications in demographic studies, game management, and conservation

    On requirements engineering for reactive systems: a formal methodology

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    This paper introduces a rigorous methodology for requirements specification of systems that react to external stimulus and consequently evolve through different operational modes, providing, in each of them, different functionalities. The proposed methodology proceeds in three stages, enriching a simple state- machine with local algebraic specifications. It resorts to an expressive variant of hybrid logic which is latter translated into first-order to allow for ample automatic tool support

    The continuous manufacturing of terpin

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    The continuous or semi-continuous production of terpin from a-pinene by hydration, using 40S sulfuric acid as a catalyst, was studied in a batch laboratory reactor as well as at pilot scale. It was concluded that the mixing intensity affects the distribution of products and that the greatest yields are obtained in a semi-continuous or continuous process

    From algebras to objects : generation and composition

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    This paper addresses objectification, a formal specification technique which inspects the potential for object-orientation of a declarative model and brings the 'implicit objects' explicit. Criteria for such objectification are formalized and implemented in a runnable prototype tool which embeds Vdm-sl into Vdm++. The paper also includes a quick presentation of a (coinductive) calculus of such generated objects, framed as generalised Moore machines.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Calidad de vida en el adulto mayor: relaciones que transforman

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    Se realizó una intervención bajo el marco del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (ECP), con un grupo de adultos mayores en un Centro Comunitario de la periferia de Guadalajara. El objetivo fue que los adultos mayores participaran en un taller con actividades referidas a la calidad de vida, para encontrar algunas alternativas para su promoción, mediante la participación en una experiencia grupal. El taller se estructuró en nueve sesiones semanales de dos horas cada una, las cuales se grabaron y se transcribieron posteriormente para su análisis. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa y algunos recursos de la metodología cuantitativa en el análisis de los datos. Se utilizó “El Cuestionario de Satisfacción Vital” de Neugarten, que es un instrumento para medir la satisfacción subjetiva de las personas de la tercera edad. La información obtenida se analizó fenomenológicamente. La hermenéutica facilitó la categorización y la interpretación de dicha información. La lectura de datos se enriqueció con la triangulación entre los procedimientos cualitativos y los cuantitativos. Los resultados muestran que los participantes pudieron promoverse hacia un estado de mayor satisfacción general, que alude a una mayor calidad de vida, lo que también se dio gracias a la interacción grupal. Dicha interacción gestó relaciones más cercanas entre los sujetos lo que se tradujo en relaciones transformativas y promotoras de la calidad de vida