1,891 research outputs found

    Governance for democracy in the European Union

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    The article discerns that “governance” comes from “governability” His genealogy to be found in the report of the Trilateral Commission in 1975 on the crisis of democracies. The report stated that citizens and groups in democratic societies were demanding an excessive volume of rights and claims, to encumber the responsiveness of State. One of the authors of the report came to say that one of the causes of the crisis of democracies was too much participation.El artículo discierne que “gobernanza” viene de “gobernabilidad”. Su genealogía debe buscarse en el informe de la Comisión Trilateral de 1975 sobre la crisis de las democracias. En este informe se señalaba que los ciudadanos y grupos de las sociedades democráticas estaban exigiendo un volumen excesivo de derechos y reivindicaciones, que sobrecargaban la capacidad de respuesta del Estado. Uno de los autores del informe llegaba a afirmar que una de las causas de la crisis de las democracias era el exceso de participación

    How dense can one pack spheres of arbitrary size distribution?

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    We present the first systematic algorithm to estimate the maximum packing density of spheres when the grain sizes are drawn from an arbitrary size distribution. With an Apollonian filling rule, we implement our technique for disks in 2d and spheres in 3d. As expected, the densest packing is achieved with power-law size distributions. We also test the method on homogeneous and on empirical real distributions, and we propose a scheme to obtain experimentally accessible distributions of grain sizes with low porosity. Our method should be helpful in the development of ultra-strong ceramics and high performance concrete.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Energy management systems by means of computational intelligence algorithms

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    This work pretends to take advantage of powerful capabilities of computational intelligence to improve the actual features of modeling, prognosis, diagnosis and optimization of load demand for EMS. This work gives a potent complement to the rising new paradigms about renewable energies, distributed generation, micro-grids and smart grids in general, which are in focusing in the optimization or improving of how the energy is generated and not how the energy is used.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimal solution of a diffusion equation with a discrete source term

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    In this paper we study the numerical behavior of a diffusion equation with a discrete control source term. The equation is discretized in space by finite differences and in time by an implicit scheme. The control variables are calculated in order to minimize an objective function, taking into account some restrictions. We define two strategies to obtain the optimal solution and present some numerical results in a context of a model that describes the oxygen concentration in a single chamber microbial fuel cell

    Scheduling of nonconforming devices: the case of a company in the automotive sector

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    This article presents a project developed in a company’s quality department aiming at scheduling the nonconforming devices analysis’ process. The company faced a problem of low compliance with pre-established time requests, resulting in large fines paid to its customers of the automotive sector. In order to overcome this problem, scheduling tools were developed and tested, with the goal of minimizing the number of tardy tasks in identical parallel machines. The simulation of different scheduling rules allowed confirmation that the current prioritization rule is not the most effective one. Preliminary simulations were carried out using Lekin software [18], showing that other criteria promote better results. The use of a newly developed algorithm, combining two different criteria, resulted in a reduction of tardy tasks, thus decreasing tardiness fines paid to customers. Despite the preliminary status of present results, it is possible to foresee some improvements in the analysis process performance, by using decision making support tools based on scheduling algorithms. This way, a significant improvement on the number of analysis which fulfills the defined pre-requirements will be achieved.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A entrevista no estudo da excelĂŞncia: uma proposta

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    A investigação em torno da Excelência Humana tem primado pela multiplicidade de abordagens teóricas e metodológicas ao seu estudo. Por um lado, o próprio conceito de excelência encerra a dificuldade da sua operacionalização, reflectindo-se numa multiplicidade de critérios de identificação e de métodos de investigação. Por outro lado, a singularidade subjacente ao próprio conceito de excelência alimenta a discussão em torno das metodologias mais adequadas ao seu estudo. As abordagens quantitativas reclamam o estudo objectivo e laboratorial do desempenho excepcional, embora se questione o significado de resultados generalizáveis e quantificáveis sobre desempenhos singulares ou individuais. Neste sentido, a investigação poderá beneficiar de uma abordagem mais aprofundada e compreensiva dos percursos de excelência proporcionada pelas metodologias qualitativas. Outros autores defendem ainda o recurso a metodologias mistas procurando vencer limitações e ampliar potencialidades no estudo da excelência. Estudos recentes com indivíduos excepcionais têm utilizado a entrevista como um instrumento privilegiado de recolha de dados. Neste artigo apresentamos uma revisão de literatura onde foram analisadas as principais características de entrevistas utilizadas no estudo da excelência em diferentes contextos de realização. Como corolário desta revisão apresentamos uma proposta de guião de entrevista procurando, assim, contribuir para o estudo do desenvolvimento e manutenção da excelência.Research around the Human Excellence topic has been characterized by the multiplicity of theoretical and methodological approaches to its study. On the one hand the construct of excellence contains the difficulty of its own operationalization, reflecting multiple identification criteria and research methods. On the other hand, the singularity underlying the excellence concept foster the discussion about the most adequate methodologies to its study. Quantitative approaches claim the objective and laboratorial study of exceptional performance, nevertheless some questioning about the meaning of singular and individual performance outcomes that can be generalized and quantified. In this sense research can benefit from a more comprehensive and deep approach to excellence routes that can be attained by qualitative methodologies. Still other authors recognize the use of mixed research methods, in order to overcome difficulties and strengthen potentialities in the study of excellence. Recent studies with exceptional individuals have been using and emphasized the interview as tool for data collection. In the present article we present a literature review analysing the main interview characteristics used in the study of excellence at different achievement contexts. As a corollary of such review, and trying to contribute to the study of excellence development and maintenance, a proposal for an interview guide is presented.La recherche autour de l’excellence humaine se caractérise par la multiplicité d’approches théoriques et méthodologiques qui lui sont consacrées. D’une part, le concept d’excellence lui-même, comporte la difficulté de sa mise en oeuvre, se reflétant dans une multiplicité de critères d’identification et de méthodes de recherche. D’autre part la singularité sous-jacente propre au concept d’excellence, alimente la discussion autour des méthodologies les plus adaptées à son étude. Les approches quantitatives supposent l’étude objective et expérimentale des performances exceptionnelles, bien que l’on s’interroge sur le sens des résultats 269 PSYCHOLOGICA, 2011, 52 généralisables et quantifiables à propos des performances singulières ou individuelles. En ce sens la recherche pourra bénéficier d’une approche plus approfondie et plus compréhensive à l’égard des parcours d’excellence que proposent les méthodes qualitatives. Certains auteurs prônent le recours à des méthodologies mixtes, cherchant à dépasser les limitations et à amplifier les potentialités de l’étude de l’excellence. Des études récentes concernant des individus exceptionnels ont utilisé l’interview comme instrument privilégié de recueil de données. Dans cet article nous présentons une synthèse de la littérature dans laquelle ont été analysées les principales caractéristiques d’interviews utilisées dans l’étude de l’excellence, réalisées dans différents contextes. En corollaire, nous proposons un guide d’interview, en guise de contribution à l’étude du développement et du maintien de l’excellence.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Excellence in achievement contexts: psychological science applications and future directions

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    The study of human excellence has always been present in the development of psychological science, although its theory, research, and practice focus have been mainly on negative and pathological issues. Many authors have attempted to explain and understand youth and adults’ exceptional achievements in several achievement domains, such as science, art, or sports. Here, we consider three main different approaches that study excellence. There are those which focus on natural talent, those which propose intensive training and practice as main factors of high and outstanding performances, and those which define excellence in the context of wisdom. Analyzing the current literature, we can distinguish training, deliberate practice, and exceptional performance specificity resulting from a precocious involvement and commitment to a specific domain as main points of convergence. Cognitive, motivational, affective, and personality characteristics, as well as contextual elements such as learning experiences and supportive environments, are emphasized as crucial factors in the developmental process of excellence. This concern and interest in human excellence appears to be shared by professionals from different domains. New challenges for future research in this field are presented.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi
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