2,089 research outputs found

    The Codazzi Equation for Surfaces

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    In this paper we develop an abstract theory for the Codazzi equation on surfaces, and use it as an analytic tool to derive new global results for surfaces in the space forms {\bb R}^3, {\bb S}^3 and {\bb H}^3. We give essentially sharp generalizations of some classical theorems of surface theory that mainly depend on the Codazzi equation, and we apply them to the study of Weingarten surfaces in space forms. In particular, we study existence of holomorphic quadratic differentials, uniqueness of immersed spheres in geometric problems, height estimates, and the geometry and uniqueness of complete or properly embedded Weingarten surfaces

    Isolated singularities of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

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    We give a classification of non-removable isolated singularities for real analytic solutions of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

    The Distribution Function of a Probability Measure on a Linearly Ordered Topological Space

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    In this paper, we describe a theory of a cumulative distribution function on a space with an order from a probability measure defined in this space. This distribution function plays a similar role to that played in the classical case. Moreover, we define its pseudo-inverse and study its properties. Those properties will allow us to generate samples of a distribution and give us the chance to calculate integrals with respect to the related probability measure

    Investigaciones históricas de los hornos coloniales en Huancavelica

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    El Consell Nacional de Ciència i Tecnologia Peruà CONYTEC per mitjà de la Direcció Departamental General de suport a la Investigació, dins dels seus projectes d’Investigació Científica i Tecnològica, per a Huancavelica, va recolzar amb el finançament en l’execució d’un xicotet projecte sobre “Investigació dels Forns Colonials en Huancavelica”. Este article és un resum de les conclusions.The peruvian National Council of Science and Technology CONCYTEC by means of the Departmental General Direction of support to the Investigation, inside his projects of Scientific and Technological Investigation, for Huancavelica, rested with the financing on the execution of a small project on “Investigation of the Colonial Ovens on Huancavelica”. This article is a summary of the conclusions.El Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Peruano CONCYTEC mediante la Dirección Departamental General de apoyo a la Investigación, dentro de sus proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, para Huancavelica, apoyó con el financiamiento en la ejecución de un pequeño proyecto sobre “Investigación de los Hornos Coloniales en Huancavelica”. Este artículo es un resumen de las conclusiones