8 research outputs found

    Prostate biopsy sampling causes hematogenous dissemination of epithelial cellular material

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    The extent of epithelial cellular material (ECM) occurring in venous blood samples after diagnostic core needle biopsy (CNB) was studied in 23 patients with CNB diagnosed prostate cancer without provable metastases and 15 patients without cancer. The data show a significant increase of ECM in the peripheral blood sampled 20 seconds or 30 minutes after the last of 10 CNB procedures compared to the number of ECM detectable in the blood samples taken before the performance of CNB. The data indicate that diagnostic CNB of prostate cancer causes an extensive tissue trauma with a potential risk of cancer cell dissemination

    The socio – emotional skills of children of childhood age, self – driving development opportunities in games

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    Darba autors: Sintija Puriņa Kvalifikācijas darba temats: “Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu sociāli emocionālās kompetences, pašvadības attīstības iespējas rotaļās”. Mērķis: teorētiski un praktiski izpētīt pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu pašvadītas attīstības iespējas rotaļās. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek skaidrots sociāli emocionālās kompetences jēdziens, kā tas attiecas uz bērnu attīstību un apskatīts dažādu autoru skatījums uz to. Otrajā nodaļā ir apskatīts un skaidrots kas ir pašvadīta mācīšanās, tās jēdziens un dažādu autoru viedoklis un skatījums par pašvadītu mācīšanos. Kā arī tiek aprakstīti zinātniskie kritēriji pašvadītas mācīšanās vērtēšanai. Trešajā nodaļā ir aprakstīts dažādu autoru skaidrojums par 2-3 gadus vecu bērnu vecumposma īpatnību saistība ar pašvadītu prasmju attīstības aktualitāti. Ceturtajā nodaļā tikai veikta praktiskā izpēte pirmskolas vecuma bērnu sociāli emocionālās kompetences, pašvadības attīstības iespējas rotaļās, iesaistot bērnus rotaļās. Tika izvirzīti kritēriji pēc kuriem vadoties notika bērnu sociāli emocionālo un pašvadības prasmju izvērtēšanā pētījuma sākumā un beigās. Izmantojot pašvadības kā sociāli emocionālās mācīšanās daļas kritēriju, paaugstinājās bērnu pašvadības kompetence sociāli emocionālās mācīšanās nodarbībās. Kā arī izmainījās bērnu rādītāji pedagoģiskā eksperimenta procesā, tie uzlabojās. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no 4 nodaļām un 5 apakšnodaļām, secinājumiem, priekšlikumiem, literatūras un avotu saraksta, pielikumiem. Kvalifikācijas darba struktūra: no 44. lpp, ievietoti 2 attēli, 4 tabulas un 3 diagrammas, 1 pielikums. Kvalifikācijas darbam izmantoti 47 informācijas avoti. Atslēgvārdi: sociāls, emocionāls, pašvadīts, bērns, pirmsskola, rotaļas.Author of the job: Sintija Purina. Subject of the qualification work: “The socio – emotional skills of children of childhood age, self – driving development opportunities in games”. Objective: Theoretically and practically explore the possibilities for self- directed development of children of pre- school age in games. The first chapter clarifies the concept of socio-emotional competence, as it relates to the development of children and looks at the views of the various authors. The second chapter deals with and clarifies what is self-directed learning, its concept and the views of different authors and the view of self-directed learning. The scientific criteria for evaluating self-directed learning are also described. The third chapter describes the interpretation of the characteristics of the 2-3-year-old child age with regard to the ongoing development of self-directed skills. In Chapter four, only practical studies have been carried out in the games of the socio-emotional competence of children of pre-school age, self-management development opportunities involving children in games. Criteria were identified for evaluating children's socio-emotional and self-management skills at the beginning and end of the study. Using self-driving as a criterion for socio-emotional learning increased the competence of child self-driving in socio-emotional learning. As well as changes in child indicators in the pedagogical experiment process, they improved. The qualification work consists of 4 chapters and 5 sub-chapters, conclusions, proposals, lists of literature and sources, annexes. Structure of the qualification work: from page 44, 2 pictures, 4 tables and 3 charts, Annex 1. 47 sources of information have been used for qualification work. Keywords: social, emotional, self-driving, child, preschool, playing

    Prostate Biopsy Sampling Causes Hematogenous Dissemination of Epithelial Cellular Material

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    The extent of epithelial cellular material (ECM) occurring in venous blood samples after diagnostic core needle biopsy (CNB) was studied in 23 patients with CNB diagnosed prostate cancer without provable metastases and 15 patients without cancer. The data show a significant increase of ECM in the peripheral blood sampled 20 seconds or 30 minutes after the last of 10 CNB procedures compared to the number of ECM detectable in the blood samples taken before the performance of CNB. The data indicate that diagnostic CNB of prostate cancer causes an extensive tissue trauma with a potential risk of cancer cell dissemination

    Pulmonary gas conducting interstitial pathway.

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    In spite of the growing efforts oriented towards revealing different aspects of emphysema, the persistence of the emphysematous or emphysema-like changes (ELCs) is not explored yet in the open literature. In this study we demonstrate the persistence of an ELC for 22 years in a spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) patient which indicates a hitherto unknown gas supply to the ELC. For this purpose we used high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images processed into three-dimensional (3D) geometry. By the same token, not only a long persistence but also the volume increase of this ELC between 2002 and 2010 was demonstrated. The 3D geometry visualized an aerated interstitial structure between the sites of supposed gas leakage at the wall of the third generation airways and the ELC. This potential gas conducting interstitial pathway is not a continuation and has neither the form nor the structure of a bronchus. The finding suggests that in this patient the intrabronchial gas passes through the bronchial wall and via a gas conducting interstitial pathway reaches the ELC. Despite the availability of the presently employed techniques for at least 15 years, such case and phenomenon have not been described previously. The retrieval of the patient suggests that the findings could be relevant for a considerable proportion of the population

    Изучение свойств компонентов электроники

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    Лабораторный практикум содержит описание трех лабораторных работ, составленных в соответствии с программами дисциплины «Материалы и компоненты электроники», в которых исследуются электрические свойства трансформаторов и электромагнитных реле, а также зависимость этих свойств от режима эксплуатации. Выполнение описанных работ знакомит студентов с методами измерения параметров электромагнитных элементов электронной техники, позволяет приобрести навыки определения косвенных параметров, закрепляя тем самым теоретические сведения, полученные при изучении курса лекций. Для студентов специальности 1-36 04 02 «Промышленная электроника»

    Carbon Flux as a Measure of Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness : [11C]-Acetate PET/CT

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    Purpose: Dynamic [11C]-acetate positron emission tomography (PET) can be used to study tissue perfusion and carbon flux simultaneously. In this study, the feasibility of the quantification of prostate cancer aggressiveness using parametric methods assessing [11C]-acetate kinetics was investigated in prostate cancer subjects. The underlying uptake mechanism correlated with [11C]-acetate influx and efflux measured in real-time in vitro in cell culture. Methods: Twenty-one patients with newly diagnosed low-to-moderate risk prostate cancer underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and dynamic [11C]-acetate PET/CT examinations of the pelvis. Parametric images of K1 (extraction × perfusion), k2 (oxidative metabolism) and VT (=K1/k2, anabolic metabolism defined as carbon retention) were constructed using a one-tissue compartment model with an arterial input function derived from pelvic arteries. Regions of interest (ROIs) of the largest cancer lesion in each patient and normal prostate tissue were drawn using information from MRI (T2 and DWI images), biopsy results, and post-surgical histopathology of whole prostate sections (n=7). In vitro kinetics of [11C]-acetate were studied on DU145 andPC3 cell lines using LigandTracer® White equipment for the measurement of the radioactivity uptake in real-time at 37°C. Results: Mean prostate specific antigen (PSA) was 8.33±3.92 ng/mL and median Gleason Sum 6 (range 5-7). K1,VT and standardized uptake values (SUVs) were significantly higher in cancerous prostate tissues compared to normal ones for all patients (p<0.001), while k2 was not (p=0.26). PSA values correlated to early SUVs (r=0.50,p=0.02) and K1 (r=0.48, p=0.03). Early and late SUVs correlated to VT (r>0.76, p<0.001) and K1 (r>0.64,p<0.005). In vitro studies demonstrated higher extraction and retention (p<0.01) of [11C]-acetate in the more aggressive PC3 cells. Conclusion: Parametric images could be used to visualize the [11C]-acetate kinetics of the prostate cancer exhibiting elevated extraction associated with the cancer aggressiveness. The influx rate of [11C]-acetate studied in cell culture also showed dependence on the cancer aggressiveness associated with elevated lipogenesis. Dynamic [11C]-acetate/PET demonstrated potential for prostate cancer aggressiveness estimation using parametric-based K1 and VT values

    Multiplex protein analysis and ensemble machine learning methods of fine needle aspirates from prostate cancer patients reveal potential diagnostic signatures associated with tumour grade

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    Background Improved molecular diagnosis is needed in prostate cancer (PC). Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a minimally invasive biopsy technique, less traumatic compared to core needle biopsy, and could be useful for diagnosis of PC. Molecular biomarkers (BMs) in FNA-samples can be assessed for prediction, eg of immunotherapy efficacy before treatment as well as at treatment decision time points during disease progression. Methods In the present pilot study, the expression levels of 151 BM proteins were analysed by proximity extension assay in FNA-samples from 16 patients, including benign prostate lesions (n = 3) and cancers (n = 13). An ensemble data analysis strategy was applied using several machine learning models. Results Twelve potentially predictive BM proteins correlating with International Society of Urological Pathology grade groups were identified, among them vimentin, tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2, and integrin beta-5. The validity of the results was supported by network analysis that showed functional associations between most of the identified putative BMs. We also showed that multiple immune checkpoint targets can be assessed (eg PD-L1, CD137, and Galectin-9), which may support the selection of immunotherapy in advanced PC. Results are promising but need further validation in a larger cohort. Conclusions Our pilot study represents a "proof of concept" and shows that multiplex profiling of potential diagnostic and predictive BM proteins is feasible on tumour material obtained by FNA sampling of prostate cancer. Moreover, our results demonstrate that an ensemble data analysis strategy may facilitate the identification of BM signatures in pilot studies when the patient cohort is limited