2,598 research outputs found

    A Computer Model of the Pre-Flood Atmosphere

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    The existence of a pre-flood water vapor canopy on top of the existing atmosphere is strongly implied in the Scriptures (Genesis 1:7, 7:11-12, Proverbs 3:20)[1]. This paper studies the properties and characteristics of such a canopy by the development of a computer model. The model accurately predicts the vertical temperature profile of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, thereby gaining credibility in its use on the pre-flood atmosphere. The model reveals a pre-flood utopia over the entire face of the planet. The average ground temperature would have been a moderate 15 to 25 degrees Celsius and the base of the canopy, at 5 to 6 kilometers, would have been 70 to 90 degrees Celsius. This temperature inversion created a very calm stable atmosphere, with no clouds, no storm systems (just gentle breezes), no rain (Genesis 2:5). This condition allowed the base of the canopy to exist in a state of supersaturation (below dew point), due to the lack of precipitating nuclei. When the great deep broke up (Genesis 7:11), believed here to be volcanic eruptions, the hot dusty gases rose up despite the inversion and provided condensing nuclei for the supersaturated canopy, which then rained out. The extensive volcanic activity caused the continents to sink, and this, along with the water held in the canopy (5 to 10 meters), created a world-wide flood. As the canopy condensed a world-wide cloud cover would have developed, decreasing the amount of solar radiation on the earth, which in turn caused a great ice age after the flood. The canopy would also prevent the formation of carbon 14, and therefore, anything which existed under the canopy would contain no carbon 14 and when examined today would yield a false old age. The collapse of the canopy explains the extinction of many of the life forms on the planet, and the formation of fossils, coal, oil, and gas

    Will the U.S. productivity resurgence continue?

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    U.S. productivity growth has accelerated in recent years, despite a series of negative economic shocks. An analysis of the sources of this growth over the 1995-2003 period suggests that the production and use of information technology account for a large share of the gains. The authors project that during the next decade, private sector productivity growth will continue at a rate of 2.6 percent per year, a significant increase from their 2002 projection of 2.2 percent growth.Productivity ; Information technology

    Projecting productivity growth: lessons from the U.S. growth resurgence

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    Following the 1995-2000 period of more rapid output growth and lower inflation in the United States, economists have strenuously debated whether improvements in economic performance can be sustained. The recession that began in March 2001 intensified the debate, and the economic impacts of the events of September 11 have yet to be fully understood. Both factors add to the considerable uncertainties about future growth that currently face decision makers in both the public and private sectors. ; In this article, the authors analyze the sources of U.S. labor productivity growth in the post-1995 period and present projections for both output and labor productivity growth for the next decade. Despite the 2001 downward revisions to U.S. gross domestic product and software investment, the authors show that information technology (IT) played a substantial role in the U.S. productivity revival. The article then outlines a methodology for projecting trend output and productivity growth. The base-case projection puts the rate of trend productivity growth at 2.21 percent per year over the next decade with a range of 1.33 to 2.92 percent, reflecting fundamental uncertainties about the rate of technological progress in IT-production and investment patterns. The central projection is only slightly below the average growth rate of 2.36 percent during the 1995-2000 period.Productivity ; Technology ; Economic development

    A microscopic model for solidification

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    We present a novel picture of a non isothermal solidification process starting from a molecular level, where the microscopic origin of the basic mechanisms and of the instabilities characterizing the approach to equilibrium is rendered more apparent than in existing approaches based on coarse grained free energy functionals \`a la Landau. The system is composed by a lattice of Potts spins, which change their state according to the stochastic dynamics proposed some time ago by Creutz. Such a method is extended to include the presence of latent heat and thermal conduction. Not only the model agrees with previous continuum treatments, but it allows to introduce in a consistent fashion the microscopic stochastic fluctuations. These play an important role in nucleating the growing solid phase in the melt. The approach is also very satisfactory from the quantitative point of view since the relevant growth regimes are fully characterized in terms of scaling exponents.Comment: 7 pages Latex +3 figures.p