The existence of a pre-flood water vapor canopy on top of the existing atmosphere is strongly implied in the Scriptures (Genesis 1:7, 7:11-12, Proverbs 3:20)[1]. This paper studies the properties and characteristics of such a canopy by the development of a computer model. The model accurately predicts the vertical temperature profile of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, thereby gaining credibility in its use on the pre-flood atmosphere.
The model reveals a pre-flood utopia over the entire face of the planet. The average ground temperature would have been a moderate 15 to 25 degrees Celsius and the base of the canopy, at 5 to 6 kilometers, would have been 70 to 90 degrees Celsius. This temperature inversion created a very calm stable atmosphere, with no clouds, no storm systems (just gentle breezes), no rain (Genesis 2:5). This condition allowed the base of the canopy to exist in a state of supersaturation (below dew point), due to the lack of precipitating nuclei. When the great deep broke up (Genesis 7:11), believed here to be volcanic eruptions, the hot dusty gases rose up despite the inversion and provided condensing nuclei for the supersaturated canopy, which then rained out. The extensive volcanic activity caused the continents to sink, and this, along with the water held in the canopy (5 to 10 meters), created a world-wide flood. As the canopy condensed a world-wide cloud cover would have developed, decreasing the amount of solar radiation on the earth, which in turn caused a great ice age after the flood. The canopy would also prevent the formation of carbon 14, and therefore, anything which existed under the canopy would contain no carbon 14 and when examined today would yield a false old age. The collapse of the canopy explains the extinction of many of the life forms on the planet, and the formation of fossils, coal, oil, and gas