8,929 research outputs found

    Wormwholes: A Commentary On K.F. Schaffer\u27s Genes, Behavior, And Developmental Emergentism

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    Although Caenorhabditis elegans was chosen and modified to be an organism that would facilitate a reductionist program for neurogenetics, recent research has provided evidence for properties that are emergent from the neurons. While neurogenetic advances have been made using C. elegans which may be useful in explaining human neurobiology, there are severe limitations on C. elegans to explain any significant human behavior

    Wavelets in mathematical physics: q-oscillators

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    We construct representations of a q-oscillator algebra by operators on Fock space on positive matrices. They emerge from a multiresolution scaling construction used in wavelet analysis. The representations of the Cuntz Algebra arising from this multiresolution analysis are contained as a special case in the Fock Space construction.Comment: (03/11/03):18 pages; LaTeX2e, "article" document class with "letterpaper" option An outline was added under the abstract (p.1), paragraphs added to Introduction (p.2), mat'l added to Proofs in Theorems 1 and 6 (pgs.5&17), material added to text for the conclusion (p.17), one add'l reference added [12]. (04/22/03):"number 1" replace with "term C" (p.9), single sentences reformed into a one paragraph (p.13), QED symbol moved up one paragraph and last paragraph labeled as "Concluding Remarks.

    Observations of nitrogen isotope fractionation in deeply embedded protostars

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    (Abridged) The terrestrial planets, comets, and meteorites are significantly enriched in 15N compared to the Sun and Jupiter. While the solar and jovian nitrogen isotope ratio is believed to represent the composition of the protosolar nebula, a still unidentified process has caused 15N-enrichment in the solids. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations, including chemical fractionation. However, observational results that constrain the fractionation models are scarce. While there is evidence of 15N-enrichment in prestellar cores, it is unclear how the signature evolves into the protostellar phases. Our aim is to measure the 14N/15N ratio around three nearby, embedded low-to-intermediate-mass protostars. Isotopologues of HCN and HNC were used to probe the 14N/15N ratio. A selection of H13CN, HC15N, HN13C, and H15NC transitions was observed with the APEX telescope. The 14N/15N ratios were derived from the integrated intensities assuming a standard 12C/13C ratio. The assumption of optically thin emission was verified using radiative transfer modeling and hyperfine structure fitting. Two sources, IRAS 16293A and R CrA IRS7B, show 15N-enrichment by a factor of around 1.5-2.5 in both HCN and HNC with respect to the solar composition. Solar composition cannot be excluded for the third source, OMC-3 MMS6. Furthermore, there are indications of a trend toward increasing 14N/15N ratios with increasing outer envelope temperature. The enhanced 15N abundances in HCN and HNC found in two Class~0 sources (14N/15N of 160-290) and the tentative trend toward a temperature-dependent 14N/15N ratio are consistent with the chemical fractionation scenario, but 14N/15N ratios from additional tracers are indispensable for testing the models. Spatially resolved observations are needed to distinguish between chemical fractionation and isotope-selective photochemistry.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 13 figure

    Harmonic analysis of iterated function systems with overlap

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    In this paper we extend previous work on IFSs without overlap. Our method involves systems of operators generalizing the more familiar Cuntz relations from operator algebra theory, and from subband filter operators in signal processing.Comment: 37 page

    Hot water in the inner 100 AU of the Class 0 protostar NGC1333 IRAS2A

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    Evaporation of water ice above 100 K in the inner few 100 AU of low-mass embedded protostars (the so-called hot core) should produce quiescent water vapor abundances of ~10^-4 relative to H2. Observational evidence so far points at abundances of only a few 10^-6. However, these values are based on spherical models, which are known from interferometric studies to be inaccurate on the relevant spatial scales. Are hot cores really that much drier than expected, or are the low abundances an artifact of the inaccurate physical models? We present deep velocity-resolved Herschel-HIFI spectra of the 3(12)-3(03) lines of H2-16O and H2-18O (1097 GHz, Eup/k = 249 K) in the low-mass Class 0 protostar NGC1333 IRAS2A. A spherical radiative transfer model with a power-law density profile is unable to reproduce both the HIFI data and existing interferometric data on the H2-18O 3(13)-2(20) line (203 GHz, Eup/k = 204 K). Instead, the HIFI spectra likely show optically thick emission from a hot core with a radius of about 100 AU. The mass of the hot core is estimated from the C18O J=9-8 and 10-9 lines. We derive a lower limit to the hot water abundance of 2x10^-5, consistent with the theoretical predictions of ~10^-4. The revised HDO/H2O abundance ratio is 1x10^-3, an order of magnitude lower than previously estimated.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 12 pages in emulateapj format; 7 figure

    The impact of shocks on the chemistry of molecular clouds: high resolution images of chemical differentiation along the NGC1333-IRAS2A outflow

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    This paper presents a detailed study of the chemistry in the outflow associated with the low-mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS2A down to 3" (650 AU) scales. Millimeter-wavelength aperture-synthesis observations from the OVRO and BIMA interferometers and (sub)millimeter single-dish observations from the Onsala 20m telescope and CSO are presented. The interaction of the highly collimated protostellar outflow with a molecular condensation ~15000 AU from the central protostar is clearly traced by molecular species such as HCN, SiO, SO, CS, and CH3OH. Especially SiO traces a narrow high velocity component at the interface between the outflow and the molecular condensation. Multi-transition single-dish observations are used to distinguish the chemistry of the shock from that of the molecular condensation and to address the physical conditions therein. Statistical equilibrium calculations reveal temperatures of 20 and 70 K for the quiescent and shocked components, respectively, and densities near 10^6 cm^{-3}. Significant abundance enhancements of two to four orders of magnitude are found in the shocked region for molecules such as CH3OH, SiO and the sulfur-bearing molecules. HCO+ is seen only in the aftermath of the shock consistent with models where it is destroyed through release of H2O from grain mantles in the shock. N2H+ shows narrow lines, not affected by the outflow but rather probing the ambient cloud. Differences in abundances of HCN, H2CO and CS are seen between different outflow regions and are suggested to be related to differences in the atomic carbon abundance. Compared to the warm inner parts of protostellar envelopes, higher abundances of in particular CH3OH and SiO are found in the outflows, which may be related to density differences between the regions.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&