145 research outputs found

    Brane-world stars from minimal geometric deformation, and black holes

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    We build analytical models of spherically symmetric stars in the brane-world, in which the external space-time contains both an ADM mass and a tidal charge. In order to determine the interior geometry, we apply the principle of minimal geometric deformation, which allows one to map General Relativistic solutions to solutions of the effective four-dimensional brane-world equations. We further restrict our analysis to stars with a radius linearly related to the total General Relativistic mass, and obtain a general relation between the latter, the brane-world ADM mass and the tidal charge. In these models, the value of the star's radius can then be taken to zero smoothly, thus obtaining brane-world black hole metrics with a tidal charge solely determined by the mass of the source and the brane tension. General conclusions regarding the minimum mass for semiclassical black holes will also be drawn.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, references added and update

    The Minimal Geometric Deformation Approach Extended

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    The minimal geometric deformation approach was introduced in order to study the exterior space-time around spherically symmetric self-gravitating systems, like stars or similar astrophysical objects as well, in the Randall-Sundrum brane-world framework. A consistent extension of this approach is developed here, which contains modifications of both the time component and the radial component of a spherically symmetric metric. A modified Schwarzschild geometry is obtained as an example of its simplest application, and a new solution potentially useful to describe stars in the brane-world is also presented.Comment: Improved version with new solutions. 11 pages, 4 figures. To be published in CQ

    Black Strings from Minimal Geometric Deformation in a Variable Tension Brane-World

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    We study brane-world models with variable brane tension and compute corrections to the horizon of a black string along the extra dimension. The four-dimensional geometry of the black string on the brane is obtained by means of the minimal geometric deformation approach, and the bulk corrections are then encoded in additional terms involving the covariant derivatives of the variable brane tension. Our investigation shows that the variable brane tension strongly affects the shape and evolution of the black string horizon along the extra dimension, at least in a near-brane expansion. In particular, we apply our general analysis to a model motivated by the E\"otv\"os branes, where the variable brane tension is related to the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker brane-world cosmology. We show that for some stages in the evolution of the universe, the black string warped horizon collapses to a point and the black string has correspondingly finite extent along the extra dimension. Furthermore, we show that in the minimal geometric deformation of a black hole on the variable tension brane, the black string has a throat along the extra dimension, whose area tends to zero as time goes to infinity.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Brane-world stars with solid crust and vacuum exterior

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    The minimal geometric deformation approach is employed to show the existence of brane-world stellar distributions with vacuum Schwarzschild exterior, thus without energy leaking from the exterior of the brane-world star into the extra dimension. The interior satisfies all elementary criteria of physical acceptability for a stellar solution, namely, it is regular at the origin, the pressure and density are positive and decrease monotonically with increasing radius, finally all energy conditions are fulfilled. A very thin solid crust with negative radial pressure separates the interior from the exterior, having a thickness Δ\Delta inversely proportional to both the brane tension σ\sigma and the radius RR of the star, i.e. Δ1Rσ\Delta ^{-1}\sim R\,\sigma . This brane-world star with Schwarzschild exterior would appear only thermally radiating to a distant observer and be fully compatible with the stringent constraints imposed on stellar parameters by observations of gravitational lensing, orbital evolutions or properties of accretion disks.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. Improved version. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Classical Tests of General Relativity: Brane-World Sun from Minimal Geometric Deformation

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    We consider a solution of the effective four-dimensional brane-world equations, obtained from the General Relativistic Schwarzschild metric via the principle of Minimal Geometric Deformation, and investigate the corresponding signatures stemming from the possible existence of a warped extra dimension. In particular, we derive bounds on an extra-dimensional parameter, closely related with the fundamental gravitational length, from the experimental results of the classical tests of General Relativity in the Solar system.Comment: 6 pages, slightly improved, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Quantum Reissner-Nordström geometry: Singularity and Cauchy horizon

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    We present a quantum description of electrically charged spherically symmetric black holes given by coherent states of gravitons in which both the central singularity and the Cauchy horizon are not realized

    From black hole mimickers to black holes

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    We present a simple analytical model for studying the collapse of an ultracompact stellar object (regular black hole mimicker with infinite redshift surface) to form a (integrable) black hole, in the framework of general relativity. Both initial and final configurations have the same ADM mass, so the transition represents an internal redistribution of matter without emission of energy. The model, despite being quite idealized, can be viewed as a good starting point to investigate near-horizon quantum physics

    Regular hairy black holes through Minkowski deformation

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    Static and stationary regular black holes are examined under a minimal set of requirements consisting of (i) the existence of a well defined event horizon and (ii) the weak energy condition for matter sourcing the geometry. We perform our analysis by means of the gravitational decoupling approach and find hairy solutions free of curvature singularities. We identify the matter source producing a deformation of the Minkowski vacuum such that the maximum deformation is the Schwarzschild solution for the static case, and the Kerr metric for the stationary case.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, final version to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Integración de procesos de negocio basados en servicios Web: Coreografía y satisfacción de restricciones

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    Los procesos de negocio en ocasiones necesitan funcionalidades adicionales que pueden alcanzarse empleando servicios del mismo dominio o de uno externo. Durante este procedimiento, los servicios web involucrados deben integrarse, de tal forma que sus funcionalidades individuales generen un comportamiento global. La coreografía de servicios web controla la secuencia de las interacciones entre los servicios durante el proceso de integración. Este artículo presenta una aproximación al modelado basado en restricciones de la coreografía de servicios web, a fin de lograr su automatización