12 research outputs found

    Probabilistic and fuzzy reasoning in simple learning classifier systems

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    This paper is concerned with the general stimulus-response problem as addressed by a variety of simple learning c1assifier systems (CSs). We suggest a theoretical model from which the assessment of uncertainty emerges as primary concern. A number of representation schemes borrowing from fuzzy logic theory are reviewed, and sorne connections with a well-known neural architecture revisited. In pursuit of the uncertainty measuring goal, usage of explicit probability distributions in the action part of c1assifiers is advocated. Sorne ideas supporting the design of a hybrid system incorpo'rating bayesian learning on top of the CS basic algorithm are sketched

    On the automated extraction of regression knowledge from databases

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    The advent of inexpensive, powerful computing systems, together with the increasing amount of available data, conforms one of the greatest challenges for next-century information science. Since it is apparent that much future analysis will be done automatically, a good deal of attention has been paid recently to the implementation of ideas and/or the adaptation of systems originally developed in machine learning and other computer science areas. This interest seems to stem from both the suspicion that traditional techniques are not well-suited for large-scale automation and the success of new algorithmic concepts in difficult optimization problems. In this paper, I discuss a number of issues concerning the automated extraction of regression knowledge from databases. By regression knowledge is meant quantitative knowledge about the relationship between a vector of predictors or independent variables (x) and a scalar response or dependent variable (y). A number of difficulties found in some well-known tools are pointed out, and a flexible framework avoiding many such difficulties is described and advocated. Basic features of a new tool pursuing this direction are reviewed

    PASS: a simple classifier system for data analysis

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    Let x be a vector of predictors and y a scalar response associated with it. Consider the regression problem of inferring the relantionship between predictors and response on the basis of a sample of observed pairs (x,y). This is a familiar problem for which a variety of methods are available. This paper describes a new method based on the classifier system approach to problem solving. Classifier systems provide a rich framework for learning and induction, and they have been suc:cessfully applied in the artificial intelligence literature for some time. The present method emiches the simplest classifier system architecture with some new heuristic and explores its potential in a purely inferential context. A prototype called PASS (Predictive Adaptative Sequential System) has been built to test these ideas empirically. Preliminary Monte Carlo experiments indicate that PASS is able to discover the structure imposed on the data in a wide array of cases

    Inference in classifier systems

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    Classifier systems (Css) provide a rich framework for learning and induction, and they have beenı successfully applied in the artificial intelligence literature for some time. In this paper, both theı architecture and the inferential mechanisms in general CSs are reviewed, and a number of limitations and extensions of the basic approach are summarized. A system based on the CS approach that is capable of quantitative data analysis is outlined and some of its peculiarities discussed

    Diffuse pattern learning with Fuzzy ARTMAP and PASS

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    Fuzzy ARTMAP is compared to a classifier system (CS) called PASS (predictive adaptive sequential system). Previously reported results in a benchmark classification task suggest that Fuzzy ARTMAP systems perform better and are more parsimonious than systems based on the CS architecture. The tasks considered here differ from ordinary classificatory tasks in the amount of output uncertainty associated with input categories. To be successful, learning systems must identify not only correct input categories, but also the most likely outputs for those categories. Performance under various types of diffuse patterns is investigated using a simulated scenario

    Self organizing maps for outlier detection

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    In this paper we address the problem of multivariate outlier detection using the (unsupervised) self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm introduced by Kohonen. We examine a number of techniques, based on summary statistics and graphics derived from the trained SOM, and conclude that they work well in cooperation with each other. Useful tools include the median interneuron distance matrix and the projection ofthe trained map (via Sammon's projection). SOM quantization errors provide an important complementary source of information for certain type of outlying behavior. Empirical results are reported on both artificial and real data

    Agentes químicos en el ámbito sanitario

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    En la actualidad, existe abundante información disponible en castellano relacionada con los agentes químicos presentes en los lugares de trabajo, los sistemas para su captación y análisis o las medidas preventivas a adoptar para proteger a los trabajadores. No obstante, son escasas las fuentes que tratan específicamente sobre los agentes químicos presentes en el ámbito sanitario, lo cual representa una dificultad importante para los profesionales relacionados con la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales que trabajan en este sector. Conscientes de esta carencia, desde ANMTAS se ha visto la necesidad de elaborar una publicación que trate de forma específica los agentes químicos presentes en el medio sanitario, pero con la profundidad y rigor que demandan los profesionales que actualmente se dedican a la prevención de riesgos laborales en nuestro sector. [...] A través de esta publicación queremos ofrecer una visión profunda de los principales agentes químicos presentes en el ámbito sanitario, recopilando la información obtenida de diferentes fuentes de reconocido prestigio, así como las medidas preventivas que se muestran más eficaces en la actualidad para evitar los riesgos asociados a esta exposición.Peer Reviewe