1,042 research outputs found


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    Data collected in surveys of more than 700 Salvadoran households carried out in 1996 and 1998 are used in an econometric analysis of linkages between land and labor use. Particular emphasis is offered on how poor households allocated labor resources in response to the El Nino weather phenomenon of 1997. Implications for resource conservation are offered.International Development, Land Economics/Use,

    Mortalidad por cáncer oral en Chile entre los años 2002-2012

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista, Grado de Magíster en Ciencias Odontológicas)En Chile desde 1970 el cáncer es la 2a causa de muerte, siendo el cáncer oral un problema de salud de alcance mundial, según lo indica la OMS. En nuestro país el 1% de los habitantes fallece a causa de una neoplasia a nivel oral. Objetivo: Conocer la tasa de mortalidad bruta por cáncer oral en Chile y sus regiones, durante los años 2002 a 2012. Materiales y Métodos: Los datos de mortalidad fueron obtenidos de los archivos de defunciones del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) entre los años 2002-2012 a través del sub-departamento de información ciudadana (SIAC). Las tasas brutas de mortalidad fueron calculadas con los datos publicados por el MINSAL en su registro poblacional total hasta el año 2012. Resultados: En Chile, la mortalidad por cáncer oral corresponde a 1.0 fallecido cada 100.000 habitantes, destacando a Tarapacá (1,33), Antofagasta (1,30) y Magallanes (1,26), como las regiones que sobresalen del promedio nacional. Un 63% de los afectados son hombres y un 37% mujeres, con una relación H:M 1,7:1. La edad promedio de fallecimiento es a los 68 años, siendo el cáncer de lengua la ubicación anatómica más frecuente, seguido por el cáncer parotídeo. Conclusión: La mortalidad por cáncer oral en Chile ha permanecido estable con un 1% durante las últimas 6 décadas, siendo el número de fallecidos proporcional al número de habitantes de cada región. La edad media de fallecimiento de los hombres ha disminuido, aunque aún siguen siendo más afectados que las mujere


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    This paper focuses on the difficulties inherent in the prudent management of growth of microfinance organizations and on potential limits to the increased efficiency, profitability, and sustainability expected from growth and large size. The paper addresses both positive and negative implications of rapid growth for microfinance organizations. The experience of BancoSol in Bolivia is used to illustrate these questions. Building upon the successful experience of PRODEM, BancoSol was chartered as a private commercial bank in 1992. The paper discusses the intangible assets inherited from PRODEM that gave BancoSol a head start and the additional advantages that resulted from formalization as a bank, in particular from the authorization to mobilize deposits. BancoSol shows outstanding success in terms of breadth, depth, and quality of outreach and in terms of sustainability. It is the microfinance organization with the largest number of clients in Latin America and it reaches poor clients who could never expect to gain access to conventional financial institutions. The paper discusses the incentive structure associated with a lending technology that has resulted in low loan arrears and the cost- effective supply of small loans. Success is explained by a strong concern with financial viability, development of a lending technology appropriate for the market niche, a long learning period, and upgrading into a formal intermediary. As it grew, BancoSol had to face a reduction of revenues as a proportion of productive assets and an increase in the average cost of funds, which combined reduced its operating margin by 13 percentage points. This challenge was fully met by reducing operating expenses as a proportion of productive assets. While growth of PRODEM had been mostly constrained by too rigid access to donor funds, growth of BancoSol has been constrained by threats on asset quality and by diminishing marginal economies of size. Portfolio efficiency has grown steadily. This growth has been the net outcome, however, of reductions in transactions efficiency and of increases in average loan size after transformation into BancoSol. The paper explores the sources of increases in average loan size and it concludes that mission drift has not occurred at BancoSol, which continues to focus on small loans to microentrepreneurs. The evolution in transactions efficiency is related, in turn, to sources of extensive (installed capacity) and intensive (productivity) growth. Extensive growth has been rapid at BancoSol and it tends to dampen productivity increases. Finally, the paper reviews the pressures from growth on the original informal culture of the organization and the gradual establishment of more formal structures.Agricultural Finance,

    Pathology of submeasures and FσF_\sigma ideals

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    We address some phenomena about the interaction between lower semicontinuous submeasures on N\mathbb{N} and FσF_{\sigma} ideals. We analyze the pathology degree of a submeasure and present a method to construct pathological FσF_\sigma ideals. We give a partial answers to the question of whether every nonpathological tall FσF_\sigma ideal is Kat\v{e}tov above the random ideal or at least has a Borel selector. Finally, we show a representation of nonpathological FσF_\sigma ideals using sequences in Banach spaces.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.1059


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    We construct a theoretical framework that puts the social worth of a microfinance organization (MFO) in terms of the depth, worth to users, cost to users, breadth, length, and scope of its output. We then analyze evidence of depth of outreach for five MFOs in Bolivia. Most of the poor households reached by the MFOs were near the poverty line�they were the richest of the poor. Group lenders had more depth of outreach than individual lenders. The urban poorest were more likely to be borrowers, but rural borrowers were more likely to be among the poorest.Financial Economics, Food Security and Poverty,

    Microfinance Market Niches and Client Profiles in Bolivia

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    This paper presents and interprets descriptive statistics generated from data obtained in a survey of clients of five microfinance organizations believed to be among the best in Bolivia. These lenders represent different combinations of organizational design, lending technology, and market area of operations. Two are regulated financial intermediaries and three are NGOs. Two operate in rural areas (PRODEM and Sartawi) and three operate in urban areas (BancoSol, FIE, and Caja Los Andes). Two offer individual loans and three grant loans through joint liability groups. The paper discusses household-enterprise profiles of a sample of 622 clients and identifies terms and conditions of loan contracts with these organizations to evaluate the depth and quality of their outreach.Marketing,segmentation,Bolivia,competition,microfinance

    Modelo de gestión estratégica para mejorar la calidad educativa en la I.E Hildebrando Fuentes de Atalaya-Ucayali año 2017

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    El problema quedó formulado así: existe insuficiente calidad del servicio educativo en la I.E Hildebrando Fuentes expresado así: insatisfacción laboral, inconformidad, rutina, enfrentamiento y agresividad por parte de los miembros que integran la institución; en consecuencia, estos comportamientos afectan el desarrollo integral del estudiante, distanciamiento y escasa participación de los padres de familia. Como objetivo general: Proponer un modelo de gestión estratégica para mejorar la calidad del servicio educativo en la Institución Educativa Hildebrando Fuentes de Atalaya - Ucayali. El objeto de estudio: Proceso de gestión de la calidad del servicio educativo en la Institución Educativa Hildebrando Fuentes de Atalaya-Ucayali. Siendo la hipótesis la siguiente: Si se propone un modelo de gestión estratégica sustentado en la teoría de los sistemas de Ludwing von Bertalanffy entonces se mejorará la calidad del servicio educativo en la Institución Educativa Hildebrando Fuentes de Atalaya- Ucayali. El tipo de investigación es explicativa y propositiva. En cuanto al procesamiento de datos éste consistirá en el cálculo, selección, clasificación y ordenación de tablas o cuadros, debidamente codificados y tabulados. La tabulación se realizará de forma electrónica y se someterá al tratamiento estadístico, para de esta manera determinar el significado de aquellas relaciones significativas. Para analizar los datos se utilizará el Software Excel o SPSS versión 22, se utilizó la prueba estadística T de student (coeficiente de spearman) donde se corroboró la hipótesis planteada

    Cycle Time Improvement by a Six Sigma Project for the Increase of New Business Accounts

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    This paper reports the application of a 6σ project about the reduction of the cycle time for acquiring a new credit account in a finance group. The methodology used in this project was the DMAI technique of 6σ. The paper documents the analysis and tasks performed by the management team that reduced cycle time from 49 days to 30 days which resulted in an expected annual savings of $300,000.00. Also an increased customer satisfaction and an increase of sales is expected