298 research outputs found

    Supported internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy programs for depression, anxiety, and stress in university students: open, non-randomised trial of acceptability, effectiveness, and satisfaction

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    BACKGROUND: Many university campuses have limited mental health services that cannot cope with the high demand. One alternative is to use internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) as a way of tackling barriers such as lack of availability and scheduling issues. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness, and satisfaction of a supported iCBT intervention offering 3 programs on depression, anxiety, and stress to university students. The design was an open or nonrandomized feasibility trial. METHODS: Participants were recruited from 3 counseling centers at a large midwestern University in the United States. Those agreeing to take part chose 1 of 3 iCBT programs-Space from Depression, Space from Anxiety, or Space from Stress -all comprised 8 modules of media-rich interactive content. Participants were supported throughout the trial by a trained professional. The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) questionnaire, and stress subscale of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) were completed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 3-month follow-up. A Satisfaction With Treatment (SAT) questionnaire was completed at 8 weeks, and qualitative interviews were completed by a subsample of participants at 3 months. RESULTS: A total of 102 participants were recruited, with 52 choosing Space from Anxiety, 31 choosing Space from Depression, and 19 choosing Space from Stress. Mixed-effects models showed a significant decrease in symptoms of depression (F₄=6.36, P<.001), anxiety (F₄=7.97, P<.001), and stress (F₄=8.50, P<.001) over time across all 3 programs. The largest decreases in PHQ-9 scores at 8 weeks were among participants who chose the Space from Depression program (d=0.84); at 3 months, the largest decreases in PHQ-9 scores were among those who chose the Space from Stress program (d=0.74). The largest decreases in GAD-7 scores were among those who chose the Space from Anxiety program (d=0.74 at 8 weeks and d=0.94 at 3 months). The largest decrease in DASS-21 stress subscale scores was among those who chose the Space from Stress program (d=0.49 at 8 weeks and d=1.16 at 3 months). The mean time spent using the platform per session was 27.4 min (SD 33.8), and participants completed 53% (SD 37.6) of the total program content on average. Most (37/53, 69%) participants found the programs helpful or very helpful and liked the convenience and flexibility of the intervention. Qualitative interviews (n=14) indicated the intervention met students' expectations, and they saw it as a valuable complement to face-to-face treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The iCBT programs tested in our study appear to be feasible, acceptable, and effective in a university environment. Participants described the benefits of having a flexible, supported Web-based intervention available on campus. Larger trials should be conducted to further test the effectiveness of supported Web-based interventions that give students a choice of program depending on their symptom profile.Published versio

    Avocado seed moth, stenoma catenifer walsingham (lepidoptera: elachistidae) in Queretaro, Mexico

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    The avocado seed moth, Stenoma catenifer Walsingham, is recorded for the first time in the State of Queretaro, Mexico. Aspects about its habits and behavior are described

    Implementation of multi-layer techniques using FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab network infrastructures

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. V. López, J. L. Añamuro, V. Moreno, J. E. L. De Vergara, J. Aracil, C. García, J. P. Fernández-Palacios, and M. Izal, "Implementation of multi-layer techniques using FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab network infrastructures", in 17th IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON 2011, p. 89-94This paper describes an implementation of multilayer techniques using the network infrastructure provided by FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab projects. FEDERICA project provides a network infrastructure, based on virtualization capabilities in both network and computing resources, which creates custom-made virtual environments. PASITO is a layer- 2 network that connects universities and research centers in Spain. OneLab measurements tools allow carrying out highaccuracy active network measurements. Thanks to FEDERICA and PASITO, we have a multi-layer architecture where the traffic is routed based on the measurements of OneLab equipment. To carry out this experiment, we have developed a Multi-layer Traffic Engineering manager and an implementation of the Path Computation Element Protocol to solve the lack of a control plane in IP oriented networks. This work shows the feasibility of multilayer techniques as a convenient solution for network operators and it validates our Path Computation Element implementation.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project ANFORA (TEC2009-13385), by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade under PASITO project, and by the European Union under project OneLab2 (FP7-224263). Authors would like to thank Mauro Campanella (GARR, the project coordinator of FEDERICA) and Miguel Angel Sotos (RedIris) for their support to carry out this work

    Diversidad de Anolis (Lacertilia:Dactyloidae) en bosque pluvial tropical, del Chocó- Colombia

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    Objective: To determine the diversity of Anolis, in areas of tropical rainforest in the area of influence of the Environmental Station of Alto San Juan, municipality of Tadó, Chocó - Colombia. Materials and methods: to carry out this research, the method of visual encounter survey (Visual Encounter Survey “VES”) was used, in relation to these three plant coverings were selected. Result: The genus Anolis is made up of seven species, of which the most representative for its abundance were Anolis chloris with 49.7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis with 24.6% (N: 18) and Anolis maculiventris with 17.8% (N: 13). Zone 3 (Forest) with seven species, with three exclusives (A. lyra, A. granuliceps and A. latifrons), followed by Zone 2 (Ecotona) with four species, with an exclusive (A. anchicayae). The forest zone presented the best equity values (H`: 1,371). The ecotone presented a higher equity value (J ’= 0.86). The Pielou index for the three zones predicts an almost normal distribution of the individuals in the evaluated zones. Charm to dominance the highest record was obtained in the management area. Conclusiones: The vegetation cover, which is subject to constant intervention by different management processes, turned out to be the one that best offers attributes so that populations can be favored, since Anolis chloris, A. notopholis and A maculiventris, presented a good representativeness in terms of relative abundance in this disturbed area.Objetivo: Determinar la diversidad de Anolis, en zonas de bosque pluvial tropical en la zona de influencia de la Estación Ambiental del Alto San Juan, municipio de Tadó, Chocó – Colombia. Materiales y métodos: para realizar esta investigación se utilizó el método de relevamiento por encuentros visuales (Visual Encounter Survey “VES”), en relación con estos se seleccionaron tres coberturas vegetales. Resultado: El género Anolis lo constituyen siete especies, de las cuales las más representativas por su abundancia fueron Anolis chloris con 49.7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis con 24.6% (N: 18) y Anolis maculiventris con 17.8% (N: 13). La Zona 3 (Bosque) con siete especies, con tres exclusivas (A. lyra, A. granuliceps y A. latifrons), seguida la Zona 2 (Ecotona) con cuatro especies, con una exclusiva (A. anchicayae). La zona de bosque presento los mejores valores de equidad (H`: 1.371), El ecotono presentó mayor valor de equidad (J’=0.86). El índice de Pielou para las tres zonas predice una distribución casi normal de los individuos en las zonas evaluadas. Encanto a la dominancia el mayor registro se obtuvo en el área de gestión. Conclusiones: La cobertura vegetal, que está sujeta a constante intervención por diferentes procesos de gestión, resulto ser la que mejor ofrece atributos para que poblaciones puedan resultar favorecidas, ya que Anolis chloris, A. notopholis y A maculiventris, presentaron una buena representatividad en términos de abundancia relativa en esta área perturbada.&nbsp; O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a diversidade de Anolis, em áreas de floresta tropical úmida na área de influência da Estação Ambiental de Alto San Juan, município de Tadó, Chocó - Colômbia, para realizar esta investigação, a método de pesquisa para encontros visuais (Visual Encounter Survey "VES"), em relação a estes, três coberturas vegetais foram selecionadas; onde Anolis é representado por sete espécies de que o mais representativo para a sua abundância estavam Anolis chloris com 49,7% (N: 35), Anolis notopholis 24,6% (N: 18) e Anolis maculiventris com 17,8% ( N: 13). Zona 3 (Floresta) com sete espécies, sendo três exclusivas (A. lyra, A. granuliceps e A. latifrons), seguidas pela Zona 2 (Ecotona) com quatro espécies, sendo uma exclusiva (A. anchicayae). A zona florestal apresentou os melhores valores de equidade (H`: 1,371), sendo que o ecótono apresentou o maior valor patrimonial (J '= 0,86). O índice de Pielou para as três zonas prevê uma distribuição quase normal dos indivíduos nas áreas avaliadas. Charme para o domínio o registro mais elevada foi obtida na área de gestão, os resultados dizem-nos que a cobertura vegetal, que está sujeita a intervenção constante por diferentes processos de gestão, provaram ser as melhores ofertas de atributos que as populações podem ser favorecidos, desde Anolis chloris, A. notopholis e A maculiventris, mostraram boa representatividade em termos de abundância relativa nesta área perturbada

    Efecto de fotodegradacion producido por recubrimientos de ti o 2 y ti o 2 si o 2 obtenidos por sol gel

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    El método sol-gel es adecuado para la fabricación de sistemas binarios, con propiedades de interés a nivel industrial. Al adicionar SiO2 a un sistema de TiO2, las propiedades generales de este último se verán modificadas. En el caso de las propiedades fotocatalíticas, la adición de un 30% de SiO2, afecta significativamente el comportamiento de este sistema aún si se compara con otro al que se ha adicionado solo un 10% de este óxido, haciéndolo mas eficiente en los procesos de fotodegradación del azul de metileno, presente en una solución de 3.5mM. Este efecto se estudio, analizando el espectro de absorbancia de una solución de azul de metileno, concretamente a 665nm, donde esta presenta su máximo de absorbancia

    Competence to restart meiosis of oocytes from different follicle sizes obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries

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    Se evaluó la capacidad de los ovocitos de folículos según su tamaño para reiniciar la meiosis. Los folículos se midieron y clasificaron como Grupo 1 (G1 &lt;4 mm), Grupo 2 (G2 4-8 mm) y Grupo 3 (G3 &gt;8 mm). La aspiración se realizó por grupo con una aguja 21G conectada a una bomba de vacío, con una presión de 65 mmHg. Los complejos cúmulos de ovocitos (COC) recuperados se clasificaron como adecuados y no adecuados para la producción de embriones in vitro, de acuerdo con las características del cúmulo y del citoplasma. Los COC elegibles e inadecuados se valoraron con la prueba de azul brillante de Cresilo (BCB) y se clasificaron en BCB+ y BCB-. La maduración in vitro (IVM) se llevó a cabo en microgotas, incubadas en una cámara de CO2 al 5%, 38.5 °C y 90% de humedad durante 24 horas. La progresión meiótica se determinó por extrusión del corpúsculo polar mediante epifluorescencia bajo un microscopio invertido. La morfometría de ovocitos se estableció mediante una cámara de alta definición (Excelis AU-600-HD) y un software (AmScope v.3.7). El porcentaje de recuperación de ovocitos fue mayor de 63%. Los folículos de G2 proporcionaron un mayor porcentaje de COC elegibles (65.7%), donde el 59% de este grupo se clasificó como BCB+. Los ovocitos aptos de G1 y G2 reanudaron la meiosis en un 75%. Además, se observó que los ovocitos después de IVM redujeron su diámetro. Se concluye que los ovocitos de folículos entre 4-8 mm (G2) proporcionan un mayor porcentaje de COC maduros; sin embargo, el 50% de folículos &lt;4 mm (G1) son una fuente prometedora de ovocitos viables, por lo que deben usarse para la producción de embriones in vitro.The competence of oocytes according to follicle size to restart meiosis was evaluated. The follicles were measured and classified as Group 1 (G1 &lt;4 mm), Group 2 (G2 4-8 mm) and Group 3 (G3 &gt;8 mm). The aspiration was performed by group with a 21G needle connected to a vacuum pump, with a pressure of 65 mmHg. The complex oocyte clusters (COCs) recovered were classified as suitable and unsuitable to produce embryos in vitro, according to the characteristics of the cumulus and the cytoplasm. Eligible and unsuitable COCs were assessed with the Brilliant Cresyl Blue (BCB) and were classified into BCB+ and BCB-. In vitro maturation (IVM) was carried out in microdroplets, incubated in a 5% CO2 chamber, 38.5 °C and 90% humidity for 24 hours. The meiotic progression was determined by extrusion of the polar corpuscle by epifluorescence under an inverted microscope. Oocyte morphometry was established using a high definition camera (Excelis AU-600-HD) and software (AmScope v.3.7). The recovery percentage of oocytes was greater than 63%. The G2 follicles provided a higher percentage of eligible COCs (65.7%), where 59% of this group was classified as BCB+. The fit oocytes of G1 and G2 resumed meiosis by 75%. In addition, it was observed that oocytes after IVM reduced their diameter. It is concluded that follicle oocytes between 4-8 mm (G2) provide a higher percentage of mature COCs; however, 50% of follicles &lt;4 mm (G1) are a promising source of viable oocytes, so they should be used for in vitro embryo production

    Efficacy and safety of a double-coated paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent: The EUCATAX trial

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was the comparison of a new double-coated paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent with bare-metal stent (BMS) in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Background: Stent coating with biodegradable polymers as a platform for elution of drugs has the potential for complete elution of drugs and for decreasing the risk of late complications. Methods: Multicenter randomized trial comparing a paclitaxel-eluting stent (PES) coated with a biodegradable polymer and glycocalyx with the equivalent BMS. We randomly assigned 422 patients with de novo coronary lesions to PES (211 patients) or to BMS (211 patients). Primary end point was target vessel failure (TVF) defined as cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization. Clinical secondary end points were target vessel revascularization, target lesion revascularization, stent thrombosis (ST), and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Angiographic secondary end points were late loss and binary restenosis. Results: At 1 year of follow-up, TVF rate was 9.5% in the PES group and 17.1% in the BMS group (P = 0.02), and MACE rate was 10% in PES and 19% in BMS arm (P = 0.009). All other secondary end points were reached but ST. ST rate was low and similar in both study arms. Conclusions: The study shows that patients treated with PES with dual coating technology had significantly lower incidence of TVF and MACE than those treated with BMS design; however, longer follow-up should be necessary to assess true advantages of this technology compared with the previous one.Fil: Rodriguez, Alfredo E.. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Vigo, Cesar F.. Sanatorio del Salvador S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Delacasa, Alejandro. Sanatorio Belgrano; ArgentinaFil: Mieres, Juan. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Pereira, Carlos. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Bernardi, Victor. Clinica del Sol;Fil: Bettinoti, Marcelo. Sanatorio Guemes Sociedad Anonima.; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Granillo, Gaston Alfredo. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S.A.". Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes. Departamento de Imágenes en Cardiología. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Curotto, Valeria. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Rubilar, Bibiana. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Tronge, Jorge. No especifíca;Fil: Palacios, Igor F.. Massachusetts General Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Antoniucci, David. Careggi Hospital; Itali

    Clinical-epidemiologic variation in patients treated in the first and second wave of COVID-19 in Lambayeque, Peru: A cluster analysis

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    "Objectives: To identify differences in the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of patients during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic at the EsSalud Lambayeque health care network, Peru. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study of 53,912 patients enrolled during the first and second waves of COVID-19 was conducted. Cluster analysis based on clustering large applications (CLARA) was applied to clinical-epidemiologic data presented at the time of care. The two pandemic waves were compared using clinical-epidemiologic data from epidemiologic surveillance. Results: Cluster analysis identified four COVID-19 groups with a characteristic pattern. Cluster 1 included the largest number of participants in both waves, and the participants were predominantly female. Cluster 2 included patients with gastrointestinal, respiratory, and systemic symptoms. Cluster 3 was the “severe” cluster, characterized by older adults and patients with dyspnea or comorbidities (cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity). Cluster 4 included asymptomatic, pregnant, and less severe patients. We found differences in all clinical-epidemiologic characteristics according to the cluster to which they belonged. Conclusion: Using cluster analysis, we identified characteristic patterns in each group. Respiratory, gastrointestinal, dyspnea, anosmia, and ageusia symptoms were higher in the second COVID-19 wave than the first COVID-19 wave

    The Role of Chemokines in Breast Cancer Pathology and Its Possible Use as Therapeutic Targets

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    Chemokines are small proteins that primarily regulate the traffic of leukocytes under homeostatic conditions and during specific immune responses. The chemokine-chemokine receptor system comprises almost 50 chemokines and approximately 20 chemokine receptors; thus, there is no unique ligand for each receptor and the binding of different chemokines to the same receptor might have disparate effects. Complicating the system further, these effects depend on the cellular milieu. In cancer, although chemokines are associated primarily with the generation of a protumoral microenvironment and organ-directed metastasis, they also mediate other phenomena related to disease progression, such as angiogenesis and even chemoresistance. Therefore, the chemokine system is becoming a target in cancer therapeutics. We review the emerging data and correlations between chemokines/chemokine receptors and breast cancer, their implications in cancer progression, and possible therapeutic strategies that exploit the chemokine system