1,417 research outputs found

    Needed Specialists for a Challenging Task: Formerly Incarcerated Leaders’ Essential Role in Postsecondary Programs in Prison

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    U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1967 Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice called for a massive increase in teachers prepared to assist in the delivery of academic programs for incarcerated people. “Substantial subsidies are needed to recruit needed specialists,” they wrote, “and to provide them with the training required to make them effective in their complex and challenging task.” Half a century later, the persistent educational deficits and need for empowering postsecondary academic programs in prisons across the United States and the world are being addressed by a wide range of responses from specialists in higher education, corrections, and research. Too often overlooked, however, are the perspectives of those specialists whose expertise comes in part from lived experience: directly affected people leading successful and meaningful interventions in rehabilitation and reentry. This paper examines the development and administration of Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, an in-prison college program run and staffed primarily by its own formerly incarcerated graduates. The importance of foregrounding the voices of directly affected people by placing them in positions of true leadership and authority – not merely as symbolic gestures or tokens – in Hudson Link’s program design and implementation is explained. Finally, the paper explores the impact of lived experience on managing and teaching in the program, as well as strategies for academic partners looking to best support interventions led by those who are closest to the problem and, in turn, closest to the solution

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    Needed Specialists for a Challenging Task: Formerly Incarcerated Leaders’ Essential Role in Postsecondary Programs in Prison

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    U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1967 Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice called for a massive increase in teachers prepared to assist in the delivery of academic programs for incarcerated people. “Substantial subsidies are needed to recruit needed specialists,” they wrote, “and to provide them with the training required to make them effective in their complex and challenging task.” Half a century later, the persistent educational deficits and need for empowering postsecondary academic programs in prisons across the United States and the world are being addressed by a wide range of responses from specialists in higher education, corrections, and research. Too often overlooked, however, are the perspectives of those specialists whose expertise comes in part from lived experience: directly affected people leading successful and meaningful interventions in rehabilitation and reentry. This paper examines the development and administration of Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, an in-prison college program run and staffed primarily by its own formerly incarcerated graduates. The importance of foregrounding the voices of directly affected people by placing them in positions of true leadership and authority – not merely as symbolic gestures or tokens – in Hudson Link’s program design and implementation is explained. Finally, the paper explores the impact of lived experience on managing and teaching in the program, as well as strategies for academic partners looking to best support interventions led by those who are closest to the problem and, in turn, closest to the solution

    Los procesos de construcción del conocimiento significativo del agua en bachillerato. Estudio de casos

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    En el presente artículo se aborda el problema de conocer los procesos de construcción del conocimiento significativo en alumnos y alumnas de 1.º de bachillerato de un centro de secundaria de la ciudad de Sevilla en relación con la temática del agua. Para ello se realizó una experiencia educativa durante tres meses en la que se aplicó una programación didáctica cuyos principios básicos fueron: la perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje, la perspectiva epistemológica de la complejidad y la investigación del alumnado. Dentro del proceso de construcción del conocimiento se realizó un especial esfuerzo en identificar cuáles eran las transiciones más dificultosas para el alumnado dentro del sistema de cuatro categorías propuesto.In the present paper, we address the problem of knowing the process of constructing meaningful knowledge in students of 1 º de bachillerato at a secondary school in the city of Seville in relation to water issues. For this purpose a learning experience was carried out for three months where we applied a teaching program whose basic principles were the constructivist learning perspective, the epistemological perspective of the students both complexity e research. Within the knowledge construction process, a special effort was made to identify what the most difficult transitions for students within the four categories proposed were

    Construction of knowledge on the use, consumption and water pollution. Conceptions in students of 1º de bachillerato at a secondary school

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    En la presente comunicación se aborda el problema de conocer los procesos de construcción del conocimiento significativo en alumnos y alumnas de 1º de Bachillerato de un centro de secundaria de la ciudad de Sevilla en relación con la temática del agua. Para ello se realizó una experiencia educativa durante tres meses, en el marco de la elaboración de una tesis doctoral, donde se aplicó una programación didáctica cuyos principios básicos fueron: la perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje, la perspectiva epistemológica de la complejidad y la investigación del alumnado

    Utilització TIC per a elaborar recursos didàctics per a la comprensió de representacions d’assolellament i il·luminació natural d'edificis

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    Aquest treball serveix per crear recursos didàctics que serveixin per la comprensió de les representacions d’assolellament i il·luminació natural dels d'edificis, amb el suport de les TIC. Aquetes representacions serviran per prendre decisions sobre les proteccions solars necessàries a incorporar a l’edifici. El material suport podrà fer-se servir en el CFGS Projectes d’edificació, al mòdul 10 Disseny i construcció d’edificis, unitat formativa 1 Definició de projectes d’edificació. Com eines TIC es fa servir els programes informàtics Google SketchUp i el complement SunTolls V2.4, ambdós software lliure i de fàcil aprenentatge i ús. SketchUp consisteix en un programari de dibuix que permet treballar amb objectes virtuals en tres i dos dimensions. El complement SunTolls permet d’una manera fàcil i intuïtiva la representació de l’assolellament i il·luminació natural dels edificis, per a prendre criteris sobre el disseny i desenvolupament d’edificis. Per últim, s’elabora una biblioteca de solucions de protecció solar, en la xarxa de continguts oberta Google Galeria 3D, per a que l’alumne pugui escollir la solució més adient a l’envolvent exterior d’una edificació, depenent de les característiques de l‘entorn (clima, orientació i assolellament)

    The process of constructing meaningful knowledge regarding water in high school. Case studies

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    En el presente artículo se aborda el problema de conocer los procesos de construcción del conocimiento significativo en alumnos y alumnas de 1º de Bachillerato de un centro de secundaria de la ciudad de Sevilla en relación con la temática del agua. Para ello se realizó una experiencia educativa durante tres meses donde se aplicó una programación didáctica cuyos principios básicos fueron: la perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje, la perspectiva epistemológica de la complejidad y la investigación del alumnado. Dentro del proceso de construcción del conocimiento se realizó un especial esfuerzo en identificar cuáles eran las transiciones más dificultosas para el alumnado dentro del sistema de cuatro categorías propuesto.In the present paper, we address the problem of knowing the process of constructing meaningful knowledge in students of 1 º de bachillerato at a secondary school in the city of Seville in relation to water issues. For this purpose a learning experience was carried out for three months where we applied a teaching program whose basic principles were the constructivist learning perspective, the epistemological perspective of the students both complexity e research. Within the knowledge construction process, a special effort was made to identify what the most difficult transitions for students within the four categories proposed were

    Dancing with physio: a mobile game with physiologically aware virtual humans

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    This study presents an evaluation of a mobile game with physiologically aware virtual humans as an approach to modulate the participant's affective and physiological state. We developed a mobile version of a virtual reality scenario where the participants were able to interact with virtual human characters through their psychophysiological activity. Music was played in the background of the scenario and, depending on the experimental condition, the virtual humans were initially either barely dancing or dancing very euphorically. The task of the participants was to encourage the apathetic virtual humans to dance or to calm down the frenetically dancing characters, through the modulation of their own mood and physiological activity. Results from our study show that by using this mobile game with the physiologically aware and affective virtual humans the participants were able to emotionally arouse themselves in the Activation condition and were able to relax themselves in the Relaxation condition, during the same session with only a brief break between conditions. The self-reported affective data was also corroborated by the physiological data (heart rate, respiration and skin conductance) which significantly differed between the Activation and Relaxation conditions

    Efectividad de la plastia libre conjuntival comparada con la membrana amniótica en cirugía de pterigión en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo

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    El presente proyecto de investigación propone determinar si la plastia libre conjuntival tiene mayor efectividad comparada con la membrana amnióticas en cirugía de pterigión en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo durante el periodo comprendido entre enero del 2019 a diciembre del 2019. Corresponde a un diseño experimental, analítico, prospectivo, longitudinal; la población en estudio serán los pacientes con diagnóstico de pterigión intervenidos quirúrgicamente y sean elegibles para el estudio. La muestra estará conformada por 341 pacientes para cada grupo que serán seleccionados al azar. Los datos serán registrados en las hojas de recolección correspondientes y procesadas mediante el paquete estadístico IBM, SPSS y Statictics, posteriormente los resultados serán trasladados a cuadros simples y de doble entrada, para finalmente ser representados en gráficos. Se contará con el permiso del Comité de Investigación y Ética de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego y del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo.Trabajo de investigació