13 research outputs found

    Učinak praha avokada, suncokretova ulja te različitih omjera voluminozne i koncentrirane krme u obroku na unos hrane, probavljivost hrane i proizvodnost mladih ovnova

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of avocado flour and sunflower oil as energy sources in different proportions, as well as different forage:concentrate ratios on the productive performance and feed intake of male rams, and the in vitro dry matter digestibility, organic matter digestibility and gas production. The intake was measured in diets containing avocado flour or sunflower oil with 60% forage: 40% concentrate, and in diets with different forage:concentrate ratios and 10% inclusion of avocado flour or sunflower oil. The daily weight gain was registered for 84 days, the in vitro dry matter digestibility was determined at 48 h, and the in vitro gas production was evaluated at 72 h. The partial production of gas at 24 hours, raw protein, raw fat, and ash were used to estimate the metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility. Low levels of avocado flour and sunflower oil in the diet showed the highest intake, in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro gas production. Daily weight gains were 0.28 kg in avocado flour and 0.30 kg in sunflower oil diets, both at 10% inclusion and 40% forage: 60% concentrate. The inclusion of high levels of avocado flour or forage in the diet decreased the feed intake of male sheep. The best avocado flour level was 10% with 40% forage: 60% concentrate.Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj različitih omjera između praha avokada i suncokretova ulja kao izvora energije, te različitih omjera između voluminozne i koncentrirane krme u obroku na unos hrane i proizvodnost mladih ovnova. Osim toga, in vitro istražena je probavljivost suhe tvari, probavljivost organske tvari i proizvodnja plina. Unos hrane mjeren je u obrocima koji su sadržavali prah avokada ili suncokretovo ulje uz omjer između voluminozne i koncentrirane krme od 60:40% ili u obrocima sa različitim omjerom voluminozne i koncentrirane krme uz dodatak 10% praha avokada ili suncokretova ulja. Dnevni prirast bilježen je tijekom 84 dana. Probavljivost suhe tvari in vitro određivana je 48 h, a proizvodnja plina in vitro 72 h od uzimanja uzoraka. Za određivanje metaboličke energije i probavljivosti organske tvari korišteni su parcijalna proizvodnja plina 24-ti sat, sirovi protein, sirova mast i pepeo. Niske razine praha avokada i suncokretova ulja u obroku rezultirale su najvišim unosom hrane te najvišom in vitro probavljivošću suhe tvari i in vitro proizvodnjom plina. Dnevni prirast bio je 0,28 kg u životinja kojima je davano 10% praha avokada, 0,30 kg u životinja kojima je davano 10% suncokretova ulja, pri čemu je omjer voluminozne i koncentrirane krme iznosio 40:60%. Dodavanje visokih razina praha avokada ili voluminozne krme u obrok dovelo je do nižeg unosa hrane kod mladih ovnova pa je zaključeno da je najpovoljnija razina dodanog praha avokada 10% uz omjer voluminozne i koncentrirane krme 40:60%

    Fermentación ruminal, digestibilidad y producción de metano en ovinos alimentados con cuatro niveles de rastrojo de maiz

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    The objective was to evaluate four inclusion levels of corn stover (CS): T15, T30, T45 and T60 %, on ruminal fermentation, digestibility (D) and methane production in sheep. A 4 x 4 latin square experimental design was used, with four wethers with ruminal and duodenal cannula, and four periods of 14 days. Feed was offered at 2.2 % of live weight, in two portions day-1. Total concentration of VFA were similar (P>0.05) in T15, T30 and T45, but higher (P0.05) between treatments, with a mean of 66.4, 20.9 and 12.8 % for acetate, propionate and butyrate, respectively. DMD was higher (P0.05) between treatments, with a mean of 0.61 mol mol-1 of fermented glucose equivalent, but if expressed in mol kg-1 of fermented OM, there were differences (P0.05) entre tratamientos, con promedios de 66.4, 20.9 y 12.8% de acético, propiónico y butírico, respectivamente. La DMS fue mayor (P0.05) promedió 62.0%.La DFDNfue mayor (P0.05)entre tratamientos, promediando 0.61 mol mol-1de glucosa fermentada, aunque expresada en mol kg-1MO digestible consumida, difirió (P<0.01) entre T15 y T60: 1.30vs1.65.Lasmayoresdiferenciasse observaron entre T15 yT60, por lo que es posible incluir hasta 45% de RMsin afectar eficiencia y sin aumentar producción de metan

    Características agronómicas, composición bromatológica, digestibilidad y consumo animal en cuatro especies de pastos de los generos brachiaria y panicum

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    In order to select the most productive grass specie, four grasses were evaluated in terms of field performance, nutritive value and intake preference by sheep. The grasses were: Brachiaria brizantha cv Mulato, Brachiaria brizantha cv Toledo, Panicum maximum cv Tanzania and Panicum maximum cv Mombaza. Evaluation lasted 120 days, plant height every 30 days and at the end dry matter (DM), fiber fractions, crude protein (CP), in vitro digestibility and in vitro gas production were evaluated. A preference test was also carried out using male sheep (19 ± 3 kg). The main results were: Plant height was different (P<0.05), in each one of the sampling dates, being higher Toledo with 139.93 cm at 120 days; Mulato and Mombaza resulted in 8353 and 7903 Kg DM ha-1 (P<0.05). Animal preference was higher for Mombaza with an intake of 299.43 g DM día-1 (P<0.05). Higher values for NDF were registered in Mulato and Mombaza (66.32 and 68.45 %) (P<0.05). ADF was content was lower for Mulato (40.55 %); Tanzania presented the lowest value for organic matter (84.86 %) while the remaining species contained more than 87 % (P<0.05). CP was higher in Tanzania, Toledo and Mombaza (10.68, 9.55 and 9.33 % respectively) (P<0.05). Higher CP production was found in Mombaza (709.71 kg CP ha-1) (P<0.05). Toledo and Tanzania presented lower in vitro digestibility (64.19 and 56.99 %) (P<0.05). In vitro gas production at 72 hours was higher in Mulato and Mombaza (129.12 and 125.04 ml g -1 DM) (P<0.05). It was concluded that P. maximum cv. Mombaza is the grass with better agronomic performance, in vitro digestibility and higher preference by sheep.Se evaluaron cuatro especies de pasto, para seleccionar la de mayor rendimiento agronómico, valor nutrimental y preferencia en el consumo animal. Los pastos fueron: Brachiaria brizantha cv Mulato, Brachiaria brizantha cv Toledo, Panicum maximum v Tanzania y Panicum maximum cv Mombaza; distribuidos en Bloques repetidos al azar en parcelasde 1 m². La evaluación fue de 120 días, para determinar altura de planta cada 30 días; al final materia seca (MS), fracciones de fibra, proteína cruda (PC), digestibilidad in vitro y producción de gas in vitro. Para la prueba de preferencia animal se utilizaron ovinos machos de 19 ± 3 kg. La altura de planta muestra diferencias (P<0.05) en cada una de las fechas de muestreo, sobresale Toledo con 139.93 cm a 120 días; Mulato y Mombaza presentaron valores de 8,353 y 7,903 Kg de MS ha-1 (P<0.05). En la preferencia animal Mombaza fue superior al resto del grupo, con consumo de 299.43 g de MS día-1 (P<0.05). Los valores más altos para FDN fueron en Mulato y Mombaza (66.32 y 68.45 %) (P<0.05), en FDA los valores más bajos fueron para Mulato (40.55 %); Tanzania presentó el valor más bajo en materia orgánica con 84.86 %, el resto de especies presentó valores superiores al 87 % (P<0.05). En PC los mayores porcentajes fueron para Tanzania, Toledo y Mombaza (10.68, 9.55 y 9.33 %) (P<0.05). En producción de PC, Mombaza obtuvo mayor rendimiento con 709.71 kg PC ha-1 (P<0.05). En la digestibilidad Toledo y Tanzania presentaron los porcentajes más bajos con 64.19 y 56.99 % (P<0.05). Producción de gas a 72 horas de incubación fue más alta con Mulato y Mombaza con 129.12 y 125.04 ml-1 de gas/g de MS (P<0.05). Considerando todas las evaluaciones P. maximum cv. Mombaza es el que se asocia con mayor producción agronómica, mejor digestibilidad in vitro y preferencia por el animal

    Outcomes and Their State-level Variation in Patients Undergoing Surgery With Perioperative SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the USA. A Prospective Multicenter Study

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    Objective: To report the 30-day outcomes of patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection undergoing surgery in the USA. Background: Uncertainty regarding the postoperative risks of patients with SARS-CoV-2 exists. Methods: As part of the COVIDSurg multicenter study, all patients aged ≥17 years undergoing surgery between January 1 and June 30, 2020 with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection in 70 hospitals across 27 states were included. The primary outcomes were 30-day mortality and pulmonary complications. Multivariable analyses (adjusting for demographics, comorbidities, and procedure characteristics) were performed to identify predictors of mortality. Results: A total of 1581 patients were included; more than half of them were males (n = 822, 52.0%) and older than 50 years (n = 835, 52.8%). Most procedures (n = 1261, 79.8%) were emergent, and laparotomies (n = 538, 34.1%). The mortality and pulmonary complication rates were 11.0 and 39.5%, respectively. Independent predictors of mortality included age ≥70 years (odds ratio 2.46, 95% confidence interval [1.65-3.69]), male sex (2.26 [1.53-3.35]), ASA grades 3-5 (3.08 [1.60-5.95]), emergent surgery (2.44 [1.31-4.54]), malignancy (2.97 [1.58-5.57]), respiratory comorbidities (2.08 [1.30-3.32]), and higher Revised Cardiac Risk Index (1.20 [1.02-1.41]). While statewide elective cancelation orders were not associated with a lower mortality, a sub-analysis showed it to be associated with lower mortality in those who underwent elective surgery (0.14 [0.03-0.61]). Conclusions: Patients with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection have a significantly high risk for postoperative complications, especially elderly males. Postponing elective surgery and adopting non-operative management, when reasonable, should be considered in the USA during the pandemic peaks

    ESICM LIVES 2016: part two : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016.

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    Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study

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    Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3

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    Since the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. The entire silicon pixel tracking detector was replaced. A new powering system for the superconducting solenoid was installed. The electronics of the hadron calorimeter was upgraded. All the muon electronic systems were upgraded, and new muon detector stations were added, including a gas electron multiplier detector. The precision proton spectrometer was upgraded. The dedicated luminosity detectors and the beam loss monitor were refurbished. Substantial improvements to the trigger, data acquisition, software, and computing systems were also implemented, including a new hybrid CPU/GPU farm for the high-level trigger

    Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3

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    International audienceSince the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. The entire silicon pixel tracking detector was replaced. A new powering system for the superconducting solenoid was installed. The electronics of the hadron calorimeter was upgraded. All the muon electronic systems were upgraded, and new muon detector stations were added, including a gas electron multiplier detector. The precision proton spectrometer was upgraded. The dedicated luminosity detectors and the beam loss monitor were refurbished. Substantial improvements to the trigger, data acquisition, software, and computing systems were also implemented, including a new hybrid CPU/GPU farm for the high-level trigger

    Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3

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    International audienceSince the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. The entire silicon pixel tracking detector was replaced. A new powering system for the superconducting solenoid was installed. The electronics of the hadron calorimeter was upgraded. All the muon electronic systems were upgraded, and new muon detector stations were added, including a gas electron multiplier detector. The precision proton spectrometer was upgraded. The dedicated luminosity detectors and the beam loss monitor were refurbished. Substantial improvements to the trigger, data acquisition, software, and computing systems were also implemented, including a new hybrid CPU/GPU farm for the high-level trigger