12,584 research outputs found

    The Invariant Fields of the Sylow groups of Classical Groups in the natural characteristic

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    Let X be any finite classical group defined over a finite field of characteristic p>0. In this paper we determine the fields of rational invariants for the Sylow p-subgroups of X, acting on the natural module. In particular we prove that these fields are generated by orbit products of variables and certain invariant polynomials which are images under Steenrod operations, applied to the respective invariant linear forms defining X.Comment: 33 page

    Parabolic reaction-diffusion systems with nonlocal coupled diffusivity terms

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    In this work we study a system of parabolic reaction-diffusion equations which are coupled not only through the reaction terms but also by way of nonlocal diffusivity functions. For the associated initial problem, endowed with homogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, we prove the existence of global solutions. We also prove the existence of local solutions but with less assumptions on the boundedness of the nonlocal terms. The uniqueness result is established next and then we find the conditions under which the existence of strong solutions is assured. We establish several bow-up results for the strong solutions to our problem and we give a criterium for the convergence of these solutions towards a homogeneous state.CAPES [BEX 2478-12-8]; MEC/MCTI/CAPES/CNPq/FAPs, Brazil [71/2013, 88881.030388/2013-01]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal [UID/MAT/04561/2013-2015]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Delivered versus Mill Nonlinear Pricing in Free Entry Markets

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    This paper discusses a model where consumers simultaneously differ according to one unobservable (preference for quality) and one observable characteristic (location). In these circumstances nonlinear prices arise in equilibrium. The main question addressed in this work is whether firms should be allowed to practise different nonlinear prices at each location (delivered nonlinear pricing) or should be forced to set an unique nonlinear contract (mill nonlinear pricing). Assuming that firms can costless relocate, we show that the free entry long-run number of firms may be either smaller, equal, or higher under delivered nonlinear pricing. In addition, we show that delivered nonlinear pricing yields in the long-run higher welfare and, consequently, our results support the view that discriminatory nonlinear pricing should not be prohibited.

    Delivered versus Mill Nonlinear Pricing in Free Entry Markets

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    This paper discusses a model where consumers simultaneously differ according to one unobservable (preference for quality) and one observable characteristic (location). In these circumstances nonlinear prices arise in equilibrium. The main question addressed in this work is whether firms should be allowed to practise different nonlinear prices at each location (delivered nonlinear pricing) or should be forced to set an unique nonlinear contract (mill nonlinear pricing). Assuming that firms can costless relocate, we show that the free entry long-run number of firms may be either smaller, equal, or higher under delivered nonlinear pricing. In addition, we show that delivered nonlinear pricing yields in the long-run higher welfare and, consequently, our results support the view that discriminatory nonlinear pricing should not be prohibited.Delivered nonlinear pricing, Mill nonlinear pricing, Asymmetric information, Pricing regulation

    Educação sexual: um balanço sobre a abordagem dos conteúdos mínimos no 3.º ciclo do ensino básico na escola secundária com 3.º ciclo de Serpa

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    Este trabalho resulta de uma auto-reflexão, metacognitiva e meta-avaliativa, sobre as actividades desenvolvidas durante três anos lectivos (2007-2010) e seu impacto junto dos alunos, no âmbito da aplicação das indicações fornecidas pelo Grupo de Trabalho para a Educação Sexual, com especial ênfase nos conteúdos mínimos na área da educação sexual. Depois de uma breve resenha histórica e algum enquadramento legal, são analisadas as limitações e potencialidades das opções realizadas ao nível da escola, assim como das estratégias pedagógicas desenvolvidas, o que permitiu, mediante meta-avaliação, elaborar um conjunto de recomendações que poderão ser tidas em conta na educação sexual formal, ao nível do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico

    Socorrismo em Acção Social: Da Realidade à Necessidade

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    A presente comunicação resulta de uma auto-reflexão sobre as metodologias desenvolvidas durante o ano lectivo 2007-2008 e seu impacto junto dos alunos, na disciplina de Saúde e Socorrismo, no 12.º ano de escolaridade, quando são leccionados os conteúdos relativos ao socorrismo. São analisadas as limitações e potencialidades das estratégias desenvolvidas, de acordo com a realidade local e os recursos disponíveis, o que permitiu elaborar um conjunto de recomendações que poderão ser tidas em conta no ensino do socorrismo