122 research outputs found

    The University Defence Research Collaboration In Signal Processing: 2013-2018

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    Signal processing is an enabling technology crucial to all areas of defence and security. It is called for whenever humans and autonomous systems are required to interpret data (i.e. the signal) output from sensors. This leads to the production of the intelligence on which military outcomes depend. Signal processing should be timely, accurate and suited to the decisions to be made. When performed well it is critical, battle-winning and probably the most important weapon which you’ve never heard of. With the plethora of sensors and data sources that are emerging in the future network-enabled battlespace, sensing is becoming ubiquitous. This makes signal processing more complicated but also brings great opportunities. The second phase of the University Defence Research Collaboration in Signal Processing was set up to meet these complex problems head-on while taking advantage of the opportunities. Its unique structure combines two multi-disciplinary academic consortia, in which many researchers can approach different aspects of a problem, with baked-in industrial collaboration enabling early commercial exploitation. This phase of the UDRC will have been running for 5 years by the time it completes in March 2018, with remarkable results. This book aims to present those accomplishments and advances in a style accessible to stakeholders, collaborators and exploiters

    Obesity dependent metabolic signatures associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease progression

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    Our understanding of the mechanisms by which nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progresses from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis (NASH) is still very limited. Despite the growing number of studies linking the disease with altered serum metabolite levels, an obstacle to the development of metabolome-based NAFLD predictors has been the lack of large cohort data from biopsy-proven patients matched for key metabolic features such as obesity. We studied 467 biopsied individuals with normal liver histology (n=90) or diagnosed with NAFLD (steatosis, n=246; NASH, n=131), randomly divided into estimation (80% of all patients) and validation (20% of all patients) groups. Qualitative determinations of 540 serum metabolite variables were performed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLCMS). The metabolic profile was dependent on patient body-mass index (BMI), suggesting that the NAFLD pathogenesis mechanism may be quite different depending on an individual’s level of obesity. A BMI-stratified multivariate model based on the NAFLD serum metabolic profile was used to separate patients with and without NASH. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.87 in the estimation and 0.85 in the validation group. The cutoff (0.54) corresponding to maximum average diagnostic accuracy (0.82) predicted NASH with a sensitivity of 0.71 and a specificity of 0.92 (negative/positive predictive values = 0.82/0.84). The present data, indicating that a BMI-dependent serum metabolic profile may be able to reliably distinguish NASH from steatosis patients, have significant implications for the development of NASH biomarkers and potential novel targets for therapeutic intervention

    The Gemini/HST Cluster Project: Structural and Photometric Properties of Galaxies in Three z =0.28-0.89 Clusters

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    We present the data processing and analysis techniques we are using to determine structural and photometric properties of galaxies in our Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project sample. The goal of this study is to understand cluster galaxy evolution in terms of scaling relations and structural properties of cluster galaxies at redshifts 0.15 < z < 1.0. To derive parameters such as total magnitude, half-light radius, effective surface brightness, and Sersic n, we fit r^{1/4} law and Sersic function 2-D surface brightness profiles to each of the galaxies in our sample. Using simulated galaxies, we test how the assumed profile affects the derived parameters and how the uncertainties affect our Fundamental Plane results. We find that while fitting galaxies which have Sersic index n < 4 with r^{1/4} law profiles systematically overestimates the galaxy radius and flux, the combination of profile parameters that enter the Fundamental Plane has uncertainties that are small. Average systematic offsets and associated random uncertainties in magnitude and log r_e for n > 2 galaxies fitted with r^{1/4} law profiles are -0.1+-0.3 and 0.1+-0.2 respectively. The combination of effective radius and surface brightness, log r_e - \beta log _e, that enters the Fundamental Plane produces offsets smaller than -0.02+-0.10. This systematic error is insignificant and independent of galaxy magnitude or size. A catalog of photometry and surface brightness profile parameters is presented for three of the clusters in our sample, RX J0142.0+2131, RX J0152.7-1357, and RX J1226.9+3332 at redshifts 0.28, 0.83, and 0.89 respectively.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figure

    RXJ0152.7-1357: Stellar populations in an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.83

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    We present a study of the stellar populations of galaxies in the cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 at a redshift of 0.83. The study is based on new high S/N spectroscopy of 29 cluster members covering the wavelength range 5000-10000A as well as r'i'z' photometry of the cluster. The scaling relations between velocity dispersions, luminosities and Balmer line strengths appear to be in agreement with pure passive evolution of the stellar populations with a formation redshift z=4. However, the strengths of the D4000 indices and the metal indices do not support this interpretation. Compared to z=0, the metal indices (C4668, Fe4383, CN3883, G4300 and CN2) show that at least half of the non-emission line galaxies in RXJ0152.7-1357 have [alpha/Fe] of 0.2 dex higher, and about half of the galaxies have significantly lower metal content. The differences in stellar populations of the galaxies are associated with the location of the galaxies relative to the X-ray emission. The galaxies with weak C4668 and G4300, as well as galaxies with weak [OII] emission, are located in areas of low X-ray luminosity. It is possible that these galaxies are experiencing the effect of the cluster merger taking place in RXJ0152.7-1357 as (short) episodes of star formation, while the galaxies in the cores of the X-ray sub-clumps are unaffected by the merger. The spectroscopy of the RXJ0152.7-1357 galaxies shows for the first time galaxies in a rich cluster at intermediate redshift that cannot evolve passively into the present day galaxy population in rich clusters. Additional physical processes may be at work and we speculate that merging with infalling (disk) galaxies in which stars have formed over an extended period might produce the required reduction in [alpha/Fe]. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, 39 pages, uses emulateapj.cls, 18 figures. High resolution color figures available by e-mail request to the first autho

    The Fundamental Plane in RX J0142.0+2131: a galaxy cluster merger at z=0.28

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    We present the Fundamental Plane (FP) in the z = 0.28 cluster of galaxies RX J0142.0+2131. There is no evidence for a difference in the slope of the FP when compared with the Coma cluster, although the internal scatter is larger. On average, stellar populations in RX J0142.0+2131 have rest-frame V-band mass-to-light ratios (M/L_V) 0.29+-0.03 dex lower than in Coma. This is significantly lower than expected for a passively-evolving cluster formed at z_f=2. Lenticular galaxies have lower average M/L_V and a distribution of M/L_V with larger scatter than ellipticals. Lower mass-to-light ratios are not due to recent star formation: our previous spectroscopic observations of RX J0142.0+2131 E/S0 galaxies showed no evidence for significant star-formation within the past ~4 Gyr. However, cluster members have enhanced alpha-element abundance ratios, which may act to decrease M/L_V. The increased scatter in the RX J0142.0+2131 FP reflects a large scatter in M/L_V implying that galaxies have undergone bursts of star formation over a range of epochs. The seven easternmost cluster galaxies, including the second brightest member, have M/L_V consistent with passive evolution and z_f = 2. We speculate that RX J0142.0+2131 is a cluster-cluster merger where the galaxies to the east are yet to fall into the main cluster body or have not experienced star formation as a result of the merger.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    RXJ0142.0+2131: I. The galaxy content of an X-ray-luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.28

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    We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of stellar populations in the X-ray-luminous cluster of galaxies RXJ0142.0+2131 at z=0.280. This paper analyses the results of high signal-to-noise spectroscopy, as well as g'-, r'-, and i'-band imaging, using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North. Of 43 spectroscopic targets, we find 30 cluster members over a range in color. Central velocity dispersions and absorption-line strengths for lines in the range 3700A < lambda_rest < 5800A are derived for cluster members, and are compared with a low-redshift sample of cluster galaxies, and single stellar population (SSP) models. We use a combination of these indicators to estimate luminosity-weighted mean ages, metallicities ([M/H]), and alpha-element abundance ratios ([alpha/Fe]). RXJ0142.0+2131 is a relatively poor cluster and lacks galaxies with high central velocity dispersions. Although the red sequence and the Faber-Jackson relation are consistent with pure passive evolution of the early-type population with a formation redshift of z_form = 2, the strengths of the 4000A break and scaling relations between metal line indices and velocity dispersion reject this model with high significance. By inverting SSP models for the Hbeta_G, Mgb, and line indices, we calculate that, at a given velocity dispersion and metallicity, galaxies in RXJ0142.0+2131 have luminosity-weighted mean ages 0.14 +- 0.07 dex older than the low-redshift sample. We also find that [alpha/Fe] in stellar populations in RXJ0142.0+2131 is 0.14 +- 0.03 greater than at low redshift. All scaling relations are consistent with these estimated offsets. (abridged)Comment: AJ, accepted. 31 pages, 13 figures, uses emulateapj.cls. High-resolution figures available on request from first autho

    Tunable-filter imaging of quasar fields at z~1. I. A cluster around MRC B0450-221

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    Using a combination of multicolour broad- and narrow-band imaging techniques and follow-up spectroscopy, we have detected an overdensity of galaxies in the field of quasar MRC B0450-221, whose properties are consistent with a cluster at the quasar redshift z=0.9. An excess of red galaxies (V-I>2.2, I-K'>3.8) is evident within 1' of the quasar, with the colours expected for galaxies at z=0.9 that have evolved passively for 3 Gyr or more. A number of line-emitting galaxies (nine candidates with equivalent widths EW>70A) are also detected in the field using the TAURUS Tunable Filter (TTF). Three have been confirmed spectroscopically to indeed lie at z=0.9. The TTF candidates with the strongest [O II] line emission cluster in a group which lies 200-700 kpc away from the quasar and the red galaxy excess, and therefore most likely on the outskirts of the cluster. These observations are the first in a series probing quasar environments at z~1 with TTF.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 25 pages, 24 figs (large files in jpg or gif format), uses emulateapj.st

    Neurobehavioral Deficits and Increased Blood Pressure in School-Age Children Prenatally Exposed to Pesticides

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    Background: The long-term neurotoxicity risks caused by prenatal exposures to pesticides are unclear, but a previous pilot study of Ecuadorian school children suggested that blood pressure and visuospatial processing may be vulnerable. Objectives: In northern Ecuador, where floriculture is intensive and relies on female employment, we carried out an intensive cross-sectional study to assess children’s neurobehavioral functions at 6–8 years of age. Methods: We examined all 87 children attending two grades in the local public school with an expanded battery of neurobehavioral tests. Information on pesticide exposure during the index pregnancy was obtained from maternal interview. The children’s current pesticide exposure was assessed from the urinary excretion of organophosphate metabolites and erythrocyte acetylcholine esterase activity. Results: Of 84 eligible participants, 35 were exposed to pesticides during pregnancy via maternal occupational exposure, and 23 had indirect exposure from paternal work. Twenty-two children had detectable current exposure irrespective of their prenatal exposure status. Only children with prenatal exposure from maternal greenhouse work showed consistent deficits after covariate adjustment, which included stunting and socioeconomic variables. Exposure-related deficits were the strongest for motor speed (Finger Tapping Task), motor coordination (Santa Ana Form Board), visuospatial performance (Stanford-Binet Copying Test), and visual memory (Stanford-Binet Copying Recall Test). These associations corresponded to a developmental delay of 1.5–2 years. Prenatal pesticide exposure was also significantly associated with an average increase of 3.6 mmHg in systolic blood pressure and a slight decrease in body mass index of 1.1 kg/m2. Inclusion of the pilot data strengthened these results. Conclusions: These findings support the notion that prenatal exposure to pesticides—at levels not producing adverse health outcomes in the mother—can cause lasting adverse effects on brain development in children. Pesticide exposure therefore may contribute to a “silent pandemic” of developmental neurotoxicity

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy
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