423 research outputs found

    Religious discrimination and common mental disorders in England: a nationally representative population-based study

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    PURPOSE: Although the impact of discrimination on mental health has been increasingly discussed, the effect of religious discrimination has not been examined systematically. We studied the prevalence of perceived religious discrimination and its association with common mental disorders in a nationally representative population-based sample in England. METHODS: We used data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007 that represents all adults age 16 years and over living in private households in England. Common mental disorders were ascertained using the Revised Clinical Interview Schedule. Experience of discrimination was assessed by a computer-assisted self-report questionnaire and potential paranoid traits by the Psychosis Screening Questionnaire. RESULTS: From the total of 7318 participants, 3873 (52.4 %) reported adhering to religion. 108 subjects (1.5 %) reported being unfairly treated in the past 12 months due to their religion. Non-Christian religious groups were more likely to report perceived religious discrimination compared to Christians (OR 11.44; 95 % CI 7.36–17.79). People who experienced religious discrimination had increased prevalence of all common mental disorders. There was a two-fold increase in the risk of common mental disorders among people who reported experience of religious discrimination independent of their ethnicity, skin colour or suspected paranoid traits. CONCLUSIONS: The impact of perceived religious discrimination on mental health should be given more consideration in treatment and future preventative policies

    New Insights on Geomagnetic Storms from Observations and Modeling

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    Global, collisional model of high‐energy photoelectrons

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95539/1/grl8976.pd

    The effects of dynamic ionospheric outflow on the ring current

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94583/1/jgra20739.pd

    A bounce‐averaged kinetic model of the ring current ion population

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94668/1/grl7966.pd

    The two‐way relationship between ionospheric outflow and the ring current

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    It is now well established that the ionosphere, because it acts as a significant source of plasma, plays a critical role in ring current dynamics. However, because the ring current deposits energy into the ionosphere, the inverse may also be true: the ring current can play a critical role in the dynamics of ionospheric outflow. This study uses a set of coupled, first‐principles‐based numerical models to test the dependence of ionospheric outflow on ring current‐driven region 2 field‐aligned currents (FACs). A moderate magnetospheric storm event is modeled with the Space Weather Modeling Framework using a global MHD code (Block Adaptive Tree Solar wind Roe‐type Upwind Scheme, BATS‐R‐US), a polar wind model (Polar Wind Outflow Model), and a bounce‐averaged kinetic ring current model (ring current atmosphere interaction model with self‐consistent magnetic field, RAM‐SCB). Initially, each code is two‐way coupled to all others except for RAM‐SCB, which receives inputs from the other models but is not allowed to feed back pressure into the MHD model. The simulation is repeated with pressure coupling activated, which drives strong pressure gradients and region 2 FACs in BATS‐R‐US. It is found that the region 2 FACs increase heavy ion outflow by up to 6 times over the noncoupled results. The additional outflow further energizes the ring current, establishing an ionosphere‐magnetosphere mass feedback loop. This study further demonstrates that ionospheric outflow is not merely a plasma source for the magnetosphere but an integral part in the nonlinear ionosphere‐magnetosphere‐ring current system.Key PointsRegion 2 field‐aligned currents drive additional ionospheric O+ outflowThis additional outflow feeds the ring current, creating a feedback systemIonospheric outflow is a tightly coupled piece of the M‐I systemPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112284/1/jgra51836.pd

    IFMIF suitability for evaluation of fusion functional materials

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    The International FusionMaterials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is a future neutron source based on the D-Li stripping reaction, planned to test candidate fusionmaterials at relevant fusion irradiation conditions. During the design of IFMIF special attention was paid to the structural materials for the blanket and first wall, because they will be exposed to the most severe irradiation conditions in a fusion reactor. Also the irradiation of candidate materials for solid breeder blankets is planned in the IFMIF reference design. This paper focuses on the assessment of the suitability of IFMIF irradiation conditions for testing functionalmaterials to be used in liquid blankets and diagnostics systems, since they are been also considered within IFMIF objectives. The study has been based on the analysis and comparison of the main expected irradiation parameters in IFMIF and DEMO reactor

    Energy Content of the Stormtime Ring Current

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    Given the important role the ring current plays in magnetospheric energetics, it is essential to understand its strength and evolution in disturbed times. There are currently three main methods for deducing the strength of the ring current: measuring ground magnetic perturbations, measuring high-altitude magnetic perturbations, or directly measuring ring current particles. The use of ground magnetometers is the most convenient, and many use the ground magnetometer-derived Dst index as a proxy for the ring current. Recent work suggests, however, that a substantial portion of Dst may not be caused only by the ring current but also by local induction effects or other magnetospheric currents, so simply using the Dst index may yield inaccurate results. This study uses direct particle measurements to calculate the strength of the ring current and compares this to the measured Dst values. We investigate several magnetic storm intervals, using the Polar Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) to measure ring current ions. We then use the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relation to compare this to the measured Dst. This analysis is used both to understand the general behavior of the ring current compared to Dst as well as to compare the usefulness of the Dst proxy for different types of storms. Ring current ions are shown in this analysis to contribute, on average, half of the Dst depression, with a large variation among individual events

    Banded electron structure formation in the inner magnetosphere

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94985/1/grl10936.pd
