28,397 research outputs found

    Improved space radiation shielding methods

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    The computing software that was used to perform the charged particle radiation transport analysis and shielding design for the Mariner Jupiter/Saturn 1977 spacecraft is described. Electron fluences, energy spectra and dose rates obtained with this software are presented and compared with independent computer calculations

    Phase-resolved far-ultraviolet HST spectroscopy of the peculiar magnetic white dwarf RE J0317-853

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    We present phase resolved FUV HST FOS spectra of the rapidly rotating, highly magnetic white dwarf RE J0317-853. Using these data, we construct a new model for the magnetic field morphology across the stellar surface. From an expansion into spherical harmonics, we find the range of magnetic field strengths present is 180-800MG. For the first time we could identify an absorption feature present at certain phases at 1160A as a ``forbidden'' 1s_0 -> 2s_0 component, due to the combined presence of an electric and magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Quantum Discord and Quantum Computing - An Appraisal

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    We discuss models of computing that are beyond classical. The primary motivation is to unearth the cause of nonclassical advantages in computation. Completeness results from computational complexity theory lead to the identification of very disparate problems, and offer a kaleidoscopic view into the realm of quantum enhancements in computation. Emphasis is placed on the `power of one qubit' model, and the boundary between quantum and classical correlations as delineated by quantum discord. A recent result by Eastin on the role of this boundary in the efficient classical simulation of quantum computation is discussed. Perceived drawbacks in the interpretation of quantum discord as a relevant certificate of quantum enhancements are addressed.Comment: To be published in the Special Issue of the International Journal of Quantum Information on "Quantum Correlations: entanglement and beyond." 11 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Algorithms for Fermionic Quantum Field Theories

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    Extending previous work on scalar field theories, we develop a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering amplitudes in fermionic field theories, exemplified by the massive Gross-Neveu model, a theory in two spacetime dimensions with quartic interactions. The algorithm introduces new techniques to meet the additional challenges posed by the characteristics of fermionic fields, and its run time is polynomial in the desired precision and the energy. Thus, it constitutes further progress towards an efficient quantum algorithm for simulating the Standard Model of particle physics.Comment: 29 page

    New Constraints on the Escape of Ionizing Photons From Starburst Galaxies Using Ionization-Parameter Mapping

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    The fate of ionizing radiation in starburst galaxies is key to understanding cosmic reionization. However, the galactic parameters on which the escape fraction of ionizing radiation depend are not well understood. Ionization-parameter mapping provides a simple, yet effective, way to study the radiative transfer in starburst galaxies. We obtain emission-line ratio maps of [SIII]/[SII] for six, nearby, dwarf starbursts: NGC 178, NGC 1482, NGC 1705, NGC 3125, NGC 7126, and He 2-10. The narrow-band images are obtained with the Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter at Las Campanas Observatory. Using these data, we previously reported the discovery of an optically thin ionization cone in NGC 5253, and here we also discover a similar ionization cone in NGC 3125. This latter cone has an opening angle of 40+/-5 degrees (0.4 ster), indicating that the passageways through which ionizing radiation may travel correspond to a small solid angle. Additionally, there are three sample galaxies that have winds and/or superbubble activity, which should be conducive to escaping radiation, yet they are optically thick. These results support the scenario that an orientation bias limits our ability to directly detect escaping Lyman continuum in many starburst galaxies. A comparison of the star-formation properties and histories of the optically thin and thick galaxies is consistent with the model that high escape fractions are limited to galaxies that are old enough (> 3 Myr) for mechanical feedback to have cleared optically thin passageways in the ISM, but young enough (< 5 Myr) that the ionizing stars are still present.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Field Theories

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    Quantum field theory reconciles quantum mechanics and special relativity, and plays a central role in many areas of physics. We develop a quantum algorithm to compute relativistic scattering probabilities in a massive quantum field theory with quartic self-interactions (phi-fourth theory) in spacetime of four and fewer dimensions. Its run time is polynomial in the number of particles, their energy, and the desired precision, and applies at both weak and strong coupling. In the strong-coupling and high-precision regimes, our quantum algorithm achieves exponential speedup over the fastest known classical algorithm.Comment: v2: appendix added (15 pages + 25-page appendix
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