634 research outputs found

    Fluorescently labeled bacteria provide insight on post-mortem microbial transmigration

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    AbstractMicrobially mediated mechanisms of human decomposition begin immediately after death, and are a driving force for the conversion of a once living organism to a resource of energy and nutrients. Little is known about post-mortem microbiology in cadavers, particularly the community structure of microflora residing within the cadaver and the dynamics of these communities during decomposition. Recent work suggests these bacterial communities undergo taxa turnover and shifts in community composition throughout the post-mortem interval. In this paper we describe how the microbiome of a living host changes and transmigrates within the body after death thus linking the microbiome of a living individual to post-mortem microbiome changes. These differences in the human post-mortem from the ante-mortem microbiome have demonstrated promise as evidence in death investigations. We investigated the post-mortem structure and function dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens after intranasal inoculation in the animal model Mus musculus L. (mouse) to identify how transmigration of bacterial species can potentially aid in post-mortem interval estimations. S. aureus was tracked using in vivo and in vitro imaging to determine colonization routes associated with different physiological events of host decomposition, while C. perfringens was tracked using culture-based techniques. Samples were collected at discrete time intervals associated with various physiological events and host decomposition beginning at 1h and ending at 60 days post-mortem. Results suggest that S. aureus reaches its highest concentration at 5–7 days post-mortem then begins to rapidly decrease and is undetectable by culture on day 30. The ability to track these organisms as they move in to once considered sterile space may be useful for sampling during autopsy to aid in determining post-mortem interval range estimations, cause of death, and origins associated with the geographic location of human remains during death investigations

    Cell division in apicomplexan parasites is organized by a homolog of the striated rootlet fiber of algal flagella

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    Apicomplexa are intracellular parasites that cause important human diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. During host cell infection new parasites are formed through a budding process that parcels out nuclei and organelles into multiple daughters. Budding is remarkably flexible in output and can produce two to thousands of progeny cells. How genomes and daughters are counted and coordinated is unknown. Apicomplexa evolved from single celled flagellated algae, but with the exception of the gametes, lack flagella. Here we demonstrate that a structure that in the algal ancestor served as the rootlet of the flagellar basal bodies is required for parasite cell division. Parasite striated fiber assemblins (SFA) polymerize into a dynamic fiber that emerges from the centrosomes immediately after their duplication. The fiber grows in a polarized fashion and daughter cells form at its distal tip. As the daughter cell is further elaborated it remains physically tethered at its apical end, the conoid and polar ring. Genetic experiments in Toxoplasma gondii demonstrate two essential components of the fiber, TgSFA2 and 3. In the absence of either of these proteins cytokinesis is blocked at its earliest point, the initiation of the daughter microtubule organizing center (MTOC). Mitosis remains unimpeded and mutant cells accumulate numerous nuclei but fail to form daughter cells. The SFA fiber provides a robust spatial and temporal organizer of parasite cell division, a process that appears hard-wired to the centrosome by multiple tethers. Our findings have broader evolutionary implications. We propose that Apicomplexa abandoned flagella for most stages yet retained the organizing principle of the flagellar MTOC. Instead of ensuring appropriate numbers of flagella, the system now positions the apical invasion complexes. This suggests that elements of the invasion apparatus may be derived from flagella or flagellum associated structures

    Tensor-scalar gravity and binary-pulsar experiments

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    Some recently discovered nonperturbative strong-field effects in tensor-scalar theories of gravitation are interpreted as a scalar analog of ferromagnetism: "spontaneous scalarization". This phenomenon leads to very significant deviations from general relativity in conditions involving strong gravitational fields, notably binary-pulsar experiments. Contrary to solar-system experiments, these deviations do not necessarily vanish when the weak-field scalar coupling tends to zero. We compute the scalar "form factors" measuring these deviations, and notably a parameter entering the pulsar timing observable gamma through scalar-field-induced variations of the inertia moment of the pulsar. An exploratory investigation of the confrontation between tensor-scalar theories and binary-pulsar experiments shows that nonperturbative scalar field effects are already very tightly constrained by published data on three binary-pulsar systems. We contrast the probing power of pulsar experiments with that of solar-system ones by plotting the regions they exclude in a generic two-dimensional plane of tensor-scalar theories.Comment: 35 pages, REVTeX 3.0, uses epsf.tex to include 9 Postscript figure

    Higgs Scalar-Tensor Theory for Gravity and the Flat Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies

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    The scalar-tensor theory of gravity with the Higgs field as scalar field is presented. For central symmetry it reproduces the empirically measured flat rotation curves of galaxies. We approximate the galaxy by a polytropic gas sphere with the polytropic index γ=2\gamma=2 and a massive core.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Shapes of the 192,190^{192,190}Pb ground states from beta decay studies using the total absorption technique

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    The beta decay of 192,190^{192,190}Pb has been studied using the total absorption technique at the ISOLDE(CERN) facility. The beta-decay strength deduced from the measurements, combined with QRPA theoretical calculations, allow us to infer that the ground states of the 192,190^{192,190}Pb isotopes are spherical. These results represent the first application of the shape determination method using the total absorption technique for heavy nuclei and in a region where there is considerable interest in nuclear shapes and shape effects

    Electromagnetic transitions of the helium atom in superstrong magnetic fields

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    We investigate the electromagnetic transition probabilities for the helium atom embedded in a superstrong magnetic field taking into account the finite nuclear mass. We address the regime \gamma=100-10000 a.u. studying several excited states for each symmetry, i.e. for the magnetic quantum numbers 0,-1,-2,-3, positive and negative z parity and singlet and triplet symmetry. The oscillator strengths as a function of the magnetic field, and in particular the influence of the finite nuclear mass on the oscillator strengths are shown and analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Coronal Diagnostics from Narrowband Images around 30.4 nm

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    Images taken in the band centered at 30.4 nm are routinely used to map the radiance of the He II Ly alpha line on the solar disk. That line is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, line in the EUV observed in the solar spectrum, and one of the few lines in that wavelength range providing information on the upper chromosphere or lower transition region. However, when observing the off-limb corona the contribution from the nearby Si XI 30.3 nm line can become significant. In this work we aim at estimating the relative contribution of those two lines in the solar corona around the minimum of solar activity. We combine measurements from CDS taken in August 2008 with temperature and density profiles from semiempirical models of the corona to compute the radiances of the two lines, and of other representative coronal lines (e.g., Mg X 62.5 nm, Si XII 52.1 nm). Considering both diagnosed quantities from line ratios (temperatures and densities) and line radiances in absolute units, we obtain a good overall match between observations and models. We find that the Si XI line dominates the He II line from just above the limb up to ~2 R_Sun in streamers, while its contribution to narrowband imaging in the 30.4 nm band is expected to become smaller, even negligible in the corona beyond ~2 - 3 R_Sun, the precise value being strongly dependent on the coronal temperature profile.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures; to be published in: Solar Physic

    The sensitivity of LaBr3:Ce scintillation detectors to low energy neutrons: Measurement and Monte Carlo simulation

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    AbstractThe neutron sensitivity of a cylindrical ⊘1.5in.×1.5in. LaBr3:Ce scintillation detector was measured using quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams in the energy range from 40keV to 2.5MeV. In this energy range the detector is sensitive to γ-rays generated in neutron inelastic and capture processes. The experimental energy response was compared with Monte Carlo simulations performed with the Geant4 simulation toolkit using the so-called High Precision Neutron Models. These models rely on relevant information stored in evaluated nuclear data libraries. The performance of the Geant4 Neutron Data Library as well as several standard nuclear data libraries was investigated. In the latter case this was made possible by the use of a conversion tool that allowed the direct use of the data from other libraries in Geant4. Overall it was found that there was good agreement with experiment for some of the neutron data bases like ENDF/B-VII.0 or JENDL-3.3 but not with the others such as ENDF/B-VI.8 or JEFF-3.1