12 research outputs found
Structural adjustment towards sustainable growth and development in Zimbabwe: lessons and conditions
A conference paper on economic structural adjustment programmes in Zimbabwe. Originally prepared for: "Conference on Zimbabwe: macroeconomic policy, management and performance since independence: lessons for the 21st century," 19-21 August, Sheraton Hotel, Harare.Sustained economic growth and development in Africa has been a burning issue for a long time. This paper attempts to evaluate the performance of selected African countries in terms of certain conditions for sustained long term economic growth and development. These conditions were identified and discussed by Harmse (1992), Harmse and De Wet (1994) and De Wet (1995), namely: Efficiency in production (brought about by economic liberalisation and trade through outward-oriented policies); economic stability and finally a well- defined and consistent domestic policy mix which includes fiscal and monetary restraint, human development programmes and especially good education, promotion of the manufacturing sector, export promotion and an unyielding policy stance. Several studies on Sub-Saharan Africa argue convincingly that the economic realities of Africa call for special attention to be paid to imbalances in respect of employment, income, nutrition, health and education which all affect the capacity of the human resource (UNECA, 1989; Brinkman, 1995; Olofin, 1995). Action which will correct these imbalances, entails the creation of an environment in which human resources are developed, infrastructure is built and expanded, while institutions as well as technological and entrepreneurial capabilities to promote exports are cultivated. Although it is already contained in the third condition, it would make sense to emphasise the importance of the human and physical environment aspect by identifying it explicitly as a fourth condition for Africa. We will denote these conditions by the acronym ESCE (Efficiency, Stability, Consistency, and Environment).
Many African economies experienced a serious socio-economic crisis during the 1980s, caused by both endogenous and exogenous factors (Thisen, 1992:5-6). Increased protection in the rest of the world, the process of synthetic substitution for raw materials and the intensification of bilateralism at the expense of multilateralism saw Africa's terms of trade deteriorating rapidly. This situation was aggravated by political lipheavals, the great African droughts of 1983-1985, 1987-1989 and 1992-1993, escalating debt burdens and declining resource flows (Thisen: 6-8). Endogenously a lack of the necessary production structure, of income generation and distribution processes, together with unsuccessful adjustment policies led to devastatingly negative per capita growth rates in many African countries (Thisen :7).
This paper evaluates the adjustment process in Zimbabwe in comparison with selected other African countries according to the aforementioned criteria or conditions
Addressing the assessment dilemma of additional language learners through dynamic assessment
Many learners with an additional language (AL) as their language of learning and teaching (LoLT) have
not acquired the level of proficiency required for them to demonstrate their knowledge and achieve the
desired outcome on assessment tasks given in that language. Using instruments designed for fully fluent
learners and covertly including proficiency in the AL when assessing them academically or clinically,
is inequitable and certainly yields invalid results. The notion of language of learning, teaching and
assessment (LoLTA) should replace LoLT to represent the dilemma more accurately. This paper reports
on empirical research in Nigeria using curriculum-based dynamic assessment (CDA) as an alternative
method of assessment of AL learners in mainstream education. The study aimed to determine the influence
of the CDA procedure on the performance and affect of AL learners. Eight learners in Grade 8 selected
from two schools participated in a process of debriefing and mediation during three continuous assessment
cycles and the end-of-term examination in Business Studies and Integrated Science. The assessments
were mediational in nature as they contained linguistic adaptations of the questions and incorporated
a glossary of assessment terms. The results suggest a generally positive influence of CDA, although to
varying degrees, on participants’ performance and affect. The school context also has a crucial influence
on these two aspects.http://journals.sabinet.co.za/ej/ejour_persed.htmlgv201
Detecting asymptomatic coronary artery disease using routine exercise testing and exercise thallium scintigraphy in patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease
ECG-monitored exercise testing has been proposed as a relatively inexpensive and effective means of screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in patients presenting for peripheral vascular surgery. Despite the fact that exercise thallium scintigraphy is also dependent on the patient's ability to exercise, using this test in conjunction with ECG-monitored exercise testing may enhance sensitivity and specificity of non-invasive evaluation. Thirty-two patients were subjected to ECG-monitored exercise testing, exercise thallium scintigraphy and coronary angiography. The sensitivity of ECGmonitored exercise testing for detecting coronary artery disease was calculated at 81,8% and the specificity at 87,5%, while the figures for exercise thallium scintigraphy were 73,1% and 33,3% respectively. Using these two methods in combination yielded a predictive accuracy of 90,6%. The only advantage of exercise thallium scintigraphy over exercise ECG appears to be in patients in whom the latter test could not be interpreted or was non-diagnostic
Race in health research : considerations for researchers and research ethics committees
This article provides ethical guidance on using race in health research as a variable or in defining the study population. To this end, a plain,
non-exhaustive checklist is provided for researchers and research ethics committees, preceded by a brief introduction on the need for
justification when using race as a variable or in defining a study population, the problem of exoticism, that distinctions pertain between
race, ethnicity and ancestry, the problematic naming of races, and that race does not serve well as a presumed biological construct in
genetic research.http://www.sajbl.org.zaam2024PsychiatryNon
Ethionamide cross-and co-resistance in children with isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis
BACKGROUND: Ethionamide (ETH) is a structural analogue of isoniazid (INH). Both are pro-drugs requiring activation by separate and common enzyme pathways, which could lead to co-and/or cross-resistance. OBJECTIVE: To characterise paediatric INH-resistant mycobacterial isolates to investigate the presence of ETH resistance and mutations in the katG gene and the inhA promoter region. METHODS: Forty-fi ve INH-resistant and 19 INHs usceptible Mycobacterium tuberculosis control isolates from children from the Western Cape Province, South Africa, were analysed to quantify INH minimal inhibitory concentration, test for ETH resistance and investigate mutations in the katG gene and/or inhA promoter region. RESULTS: Among 45 INH-resistant children, ETH resistance was present in 19 of 39 (49%). An inhA promoter mutation was identifi ed in 15 (33.3%); 12/14 (86%) of these isolates were also ETH-resistant. Of the 21 isolates with a katG mutation, six (29%) were ETH-resistant. No isolate had both katG and inhA promoter mutations. Nine (20%) isolates had neither inhA promoter nor katG mutations. Of 15 isolates with inhA promoter mutation, 14 (93%) displayed low-or intermediate-level INH resistance. Among the 19 INH-susceptible isolates, ETH resistance was present in 1/18 (6%) and none showed inhA or katG gene mutations. CONCLUSION: We found a high level of cross-and coresistance with ETH among INH-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates from children in this geographic area. © 2009 The Union.Articl
Anatomia foliar de Maytenus Mol. emend Mol. (Celastraceae), ocorrente no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Este trabalho aborda o estudo anatômico de cinco espécies do gênero Maytenus Mol. emend. Mol. (Celastraceae). O gênero é o maior da famÃlia, e está representado no Brasil por aproximadamente 80 espécies. Maytenus é um gênero polifilético, necessitando de trabalhos adicionais para nova circunscrição. Maytenus ardisiaefolia Reiss., M. brasiliensis Mart., M. cestrifolia Reiss., M. communis Reiss. e M. obtusifolia Mart. são de difÃcil identificação, devido à semelhança dos verticilos reprodutivos, e pela variação na forma e no tamanho das folhas. As estruturas anatômicas observadas nas diversas partes da folha mostraram-se muito semelhantes nas espécies estudadas, sendo de valor taxonômico e de provável importância filogenética para o gênero Maytenus. A organização da epiderme e estratos subepidérmicos em M. obtusifolia demonstrou ser caráter diagnóstico importante na comparação com M. ardisiaefolia, e a ocorrência de cristais aciculares nas células epidérmicas de M. communis e de M. ardisiaefolia, que as separam de M. cestrifolia, que não apresenta cristais, apontaram a anatomia como importante ferramenta a ser explorada nos estudos taxonômicos das demais espécies do gênero. A observação e descrição das verrugas suberosas na epiderme da lâmina foliar poderá contribuir para a taxonomia das Celastraceae
Ticks of four-toed elephant shrews and Southern African hedgehogs
Several studies on ticks infesting small mammals, including elephant shrews, have been conducted in South Africa; however, these studies have included only a single four-toed elephant shrew and no hedgehogs. This study thus aimed to identify and quantify the ixodid ticks infesting four-toed elephant shrews and Southern African hedgehogs. Four-toed elephant shrews (Petrodromus tetradactylus) were trapped in dense shrub undergrowth in a nature reserve in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal. They were separately housed, first in cages and later in glass terraria fitted with wire-mesh bases to allow detached ticks to fall through for collection. Southern African hedgehogs (Atelerix frontalis) were hand caught on a farm in the eastern region of the Northern Cape Province and all visible ticks were collected by means of tweezers while the animals were anaesthetised. The ticks from each animal were preserved separately in 70% ethanol for later identification and counting. The immature stages of five ixodid tick species were collected from the elephant shrews, of which Rhipicephalus muehlensi was the most common. It has not been recorded previously on any species of elephant shrew. Three ixodid tick species were collected from the hedgehogs. Large numbers of adult Haemaphysalis colesbergensis, which has not been encountered previously on hedgehogs, were collected from these animals. Four-toed elephant shrews are good hosts of the larvae and nymphs of R. muehlensi, and Southern African hedgehogs are good hosts of adult H. colesbergensis
Anatomia e ultra-estrutura foliar de Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae): estratégias adaptativas ao ambiente de dunas litorâneas Leaf anatomy and ultrastructure of Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae): adaptive strategies for coastal dune environment
Foram analisados aspectos anatômicos e ultra-estruturais foliares de Cyperus maritimus Poir. visando identificar caracteres adaptativos ao ambiente de dunas litorâneas. Para isto, indivÃduos ocorrentes nas dunas da Praia de Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, tiveram as folhas submetidas a diferentes análises: microscopia de luz, eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão. Em vista frontal, a epiderme possui tricomas unicelulares, corpos de sÃlica, cutÃcula estriada e depósitos de cera. Em secção transversal, a epiderme é unisseriada com parede periclinal externa espessa. Os estômatos são paracÃticos, podendo o ostÃolo estar obstruÃdo por cera. Abaixo da face adaxial observa-se o parênquima aqüÃfero. Os feixes vasculares ocorrem em múltiplas fileiras, sendo as periféricas compostas por feixes de diâmetro menor que os feixes da fileira central. Foram observados caracteres relacionados à sÃndrome Kranz do tipo clorociperóide. Aspectos ultra-estruturais, como cloroplastos presentes na bainha do feixe, esses sem grana evidentes, entre outras caracterÃsticas, reforçam a possÃvel ocorrência da via C4 nesta espécie. É a primeira citação para o gênero Cyperus de cloroplasto nas celulas do tecido vascular. Neste trabalho foi possÃvel observar vários caracteres importantes para plantas submetidas a estresse hÃdrico e salino, como: cera, células epidérmicas com parede periclinal externa espessada, parênquima aqüÃfero e sÃndrome Kranz.<br>Anatomical and ultrastructural aspects of Cyperus maritimus Poir. were analyzed with the aim of identifying adaptive features for the dune environment. Collections were made at Pipa beach, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Leaves were submitted to different analyses: light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In frontal view, the epidermis has unicellular trichomes, silica bodies, a striate cuticle and wax deposits. In transverse section, the epidermis is uniseriate with thickened outer periclinal walls. The stomata are paracitic and the pore sometimes obstructed by wax. Under the adaxial epidermis, there are several layers of aqueous parenchyma. The vascular bundles occur in multiple rows, the peripheral row having bundles with narrower diameters than the central row. Characters related to Kranz syndrome of the chlorocyperoid type were observed. Ultrastructural features support a possible C4 pathway in this species. This work is the first citation of chloroplasts in the cells of the vascular system for the genus. In this study, it was possible to observe several important features of plants submitted to water and salt stress, such as: wax, thickened outer periclinal walls of the epidermal cells, aqueous parenchyma and Kranz syndrome