19 research outputs found

    Dietary Re-education, Exercise Program, Performance and Body Indexes Associated with Risk Factors in Overweight/Obese Women

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    This study observed the effect of a dietary re-education plus regular physical activity on body composition, risk factors and physical test performance of sedentary overweight/obese women and to correlate these variables one with each other. Fifty women (36 ± 10 yrs; 31 ± 6 body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)) volunteered for the study. Body compositions were obtained by anthropometry and bioimpedance and some body indexes were established. One-repetition maximum (1-RM) and treadmill VO2max tests were carried out and blood samples were obtained for lipid, glucose and uric acid analyses before (T1) and after two months of intervention (T2). Diet was established by indirect calorimetry. Body fat, glucose, uric acid, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure were significantly reduced. The 1-RM and VO2max tests were significantly increased. Neck circumference (NC) was correlated with body composition, back muscle 1-MR, HDL and LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL ratio, uric acid, and resting energy expenditure. BMI was found to be significantly correlated with waist/hip ratio, circumference sum, and body fat percentage by anthropometry and bioimpedance. Body fat percentage determined by bioimpedance and anthropometry was significantly correlated with arm fat area and arm fat area corrected respectively, and both with BMI at T1 and T2. This study suggests that a dietary reeducation plus physical activity around 200 min/week improved body composition and the health of these women. Many anthropometry measurements have correspondence to risk factors and NC could be a simple approach to reflect these results, without other more complex techniques

    Antioxidant effect of Morus nigra on Chagas disease progression

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    ABSTRACT Considering the widespread popular use of Morus nigra and the amount of scientific information on its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, the effectiveness of this phytotherapeutic compound in the parasitemia progression during the acute phase of Chagas disease and its role in the development of the inflammatory process as well as its effects on the oxidative damage in the chronic phase of infection were evaluated. Thus, 96 male Swiss mice were randomly divided into eight groups, four groups were uninfected controls, and four groups were intraperitoneally infected with 5.0 x 104 blood trypomastigotes forms of T. cruzi QM2 strain. Four batches composed of one uninfected and one infected group were respectively treated with 70% alcohol solution and 25 μL, 50 μL and 75 μL of the phytotherapeutic compound. Levels of antioxidant elements (TBARS, FRAP, GSH and Sulfhydryl groups) were measured in plasma samples. The phytotherapeutic compound’s antioxidant activity was measured by polyphenol and total flavonoid quantification, DPPH, NO, and FRAP method. Our results showed that the vehicle influenced some of the results that may have physiological relevance in Chagas disease. However, an important action of M. nigra tincture was observed in the progression of Chagas disease, since our results demonstrated a reduction in parasitemia of treated groups when compared to controls, especially in the group receiving 25 µL. However, in the chronic phase, the 50-µL dosage presented a better activity on some antioxidant defenses and minimized the tissue inflammatory process. Results indicated an important action of M. nigra tincture on the Chagas disease progression

    Nível sérico da vitamina A em crianças portadoras de leishmaniose visceral Vitamin A serum level in children with visceral leishmaniasis

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    A vitamina A tem sido considerada uma vitamina anti-infecciosa e sua deficiência está associada a um maior risco de infecções graves, como ocorre por exemplo no sarampo. Nos países em desenvolvimento a hipovitaminose A é um grave problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo é quantificar o nível sérico da vitamina A em pacientes pediátricos portadores da leismaniose visceral (LV). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 22 crianças portadoras de LV, estocadas em freezer e posteriormente, quantificado o nível de vitamina A usando-se a cromatrografia líquída de alta eficiência, nove irmãos assintomáticos dos pacientes foram usados como controles. A média do nível sérico da vitamina A nos portadores de LV foi de 21,38µg/100ml e no grupo controle foi de 31,39µg/100ml. Entre os pacientes estudados com LV a média do nível sérico de vitamina A encontrado foi significativamente menor, utilizando-se o teste t de Student para um p<0,01 que dos controles.<br>Vitamin A is considered an anti-infectious disease vitamin, and its deficiency is associated with severe infections such as in measles. In developing countries the low concentrations of vitamin A are a public health problem. The aim of this study is to describe serum vitamin A concentrations among children with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Blood sample was collected from 22 children with VL, and stored in a freezer, 9 siblings, with no clinical signs of the VL patients had their blood collected for a control group. Samples were assayed by high performance liquid chromatography. The median vitamin A concentration in the LV group was 21.38µg/100ml and in the control group it was 31.39µg/100. The mean in the LV was statistically lower than in the control group, using Student's t test, p<0.01

    Composição corporal e somatótipo de mulheres com sobrepeso e obesas pré e pós-treinamento em circuito ou caminhada Composición corpóral y somatotipo de mujeres con sobrepeso y obesas pré y post entrenando en circuito de caminata Body composition and somatotype in overweight and obese women pre- and post-circuit training or jogging

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    PROPÓSITOS: Comparar diferentes métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesas sedentárias submetidas a dois meses de treinamento em circuito (CIRC), ou caminhada (CAM) e associar o desempenho físico à 'muscularidade', calculada por esses métodos. MÉTODOS: Grupos: CIRC, n = 14, índice de massa corporal (IMC, kg/m²) = 32 ± 8 (média ± DP); idade = 34 ± 10 (anos); e CAM, n = 12, IMC = 30 ± 3; idade = 38 ± 11. Treinamento: 60min x 3d/semana no primeiro mês e 60min x 4d/semana no segundo. Avaliação da composição corporal: antropometria(1,2), bioimpedância(3) e somatotipia(4). Testes de uma repetição máxima (1-RM) para supino reto, leg press e remada baixa sentada. RESULTADOS: A massa, o IMC, a percentagem da gordura corporal pela antropometria e bioimpedância e a endomorfia foram reduzidas significativamente nos dois grupos. A mesomorfia diminuiu e a ectomorfia aumentou no CAM. As massas magra da bioimpedância e muscular não mudaram em ambos os grupos. A circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) aumentou significativamente no CIRC. O resultado da percentagem de gordura da bioimpedância e o da antropometria foram iguais e significativamente correlacionados. A endomorfia foi significativamente correlacionada com o percentual de gordura da antropometria e a mesomorfia com a da massa magra da antropometria. A ectomorfia não se correlacionou com a massa magra da antropometria. CONCLUSÃO: A somatotipia teve bom resultado para avaliar as modificações fenotípicas dessas mulheres. Todavia, a endomorfia apresentou melhor concordância e a ectomorfia, a pior, comparada com outros métodos. Os resultados do somatótipo sugerem que o CIRC obteve melhor resultado. A bioimpedância e a antropometria produzem resultados similares para avaliar a composição corporal.<br>PROPÓSITO: El propósito fue el de comparar métodos diferentes de evaluación de la composición corpórea en las mujeres con el sobrepeso y obesas sedentarias sometidas a dos meses de entrenamiento en circuito (CIRC), o caminata (CAM) asociando el desempeño físico a la muscularidad calculada por estos métodos. MÉTODOS: Los grupos: CIRC, n = 14, el índice de masa corpórea (CMI, kg/m²) = 32 ± 8 (media ± DP); edad = 34 ± 10 (años); y CAM, n = 12, IMC = 30 ± 3; edad = 38 ± 11. Entrenando: 60 min x 3 d/semana el primer mes y 60 min x 4 d/semana por el segundo. La evaluación de la composición corpórea: la antropometría(1,2), bioimpedancia(3) y somatotipo(4). Las pruebas de una repetición máxima (1-RM) por la recta supina, leg press y remar sentado. RESULTADOS: La masa, CMI, el porcentaje de la grasa corpórea para la antropometría y la bioimpedancia así como la endomorfia estaban significativamente reducidos en los dos grupos. La mesomorfia disminuyó y la ectomorfia aumentó en el CAM. Las masas magra y de la bioimpedancia y muscular no cambiaron en ambos grupos. La circunferencia muscular del brazo (CMB) aumentó significativamente en CIRC. El resultado del porcentaje de bioimpedancia gorda y antropometría son los mismos y significativamente quedaron puestos en correlación. El endomorfia se puso en correlación significativamente al percentil de antropometria gorda y la mesomorfia en la masa de la antropometria delgada. El ectomorfia no se puso en correlación en la masa delgada de la antropometría. CONCLUSIÓN: Los somatotipos constituyen un buen resultado para evaluar las modificaciones fenotípicas de estas mujeres. Sin embargo, las endomorfias presentaron buen acuerdo y las ectomorfias fueron peores comparando los otros métodos. Los resultados del somatotipo sugieren que CIRC obtuve un resultado bueno. El bioimpedancia y la antropometría producen resultados similares para evaluar la composición corporal.<br>PURPOSES: To compare different assessment methods of the body composition in overweight and sedentary obese women submitted to two months of circuit training (CIRC) or Jogging (JOGG) and to associate the physical performance to the muscular index calculated using two methods. METHODS: Groups: CIRC, n = 14, body mass index (BDI, kg/m²) = 32 ± 8 (mean ± SD; age = 34 ± 10 years; and JOGG, n = 12, BMI = 30 ± 3; age = 38 ± 11. Training: 60 min. x 3d/week in the first month, and 60 min. x 4d/week in the second month. Assessment of the body composition: anthropometry(1,2), bio-impedance(3), and somatotype(4). It was performed one maximal repetition test (1-MR) to the bench press, leg press and low-seated rowing exercises. RESULTS: The mass, the BMI, the body fat percentage by the anthropometry and bio-impedance, and the endomorphy were significantly reduced in both groups. The mesomorphy had a decrease, and the ectomorphy increased in the JOGG. The bio-impedance slim and muscular mass did not change in both groups. The muscular circumference of the arm (MCA) had a significant increase in the CIRC. The result of the bio-impedance fat percentage and the anthropometry were the same and significantly correlated. The endomorphy was significantly correlated to the anthropometry fat percentage, and to the mesomorphy to the slim mass anthropometry. The ectomorphy was not correlated to the slim mass of the anthropometry. CONCLUSION: The somatotype had a good result to assess the phenotypical changes in obese women submitted to the training. Nevertheless, the endomorphy presented the best concordance, and the ectomorphy had the worst one compared to other methods. The results of the somatotype suggest that the CIRC attained the best result into this group. The bio-impedance and the anthropometry produced similar results to assess the body composition