18 research outputs found

    Estudio de la evolución de estados prefebriles, para su modelización mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes

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    [EN] The research is a process that, by means of the application of the scientific method, procuration obtain information relieving to understand, verify, correct or apply the knowledge. Besides, the research do not belong to an only science, but that can apply in a big numeral of scientific fields. In occasions the union of efforts between branches of the science is necessary to resolve some questions, how is the case of this thesis. The collaboration between the medicine and the statistical generates a synergistic effect that allow the obtaining of trustworthy results. With reason of a continuous extension of knowledges in medicine, for can elevate the life average age and the quality of the same, the doctors researchers pose the following hypothesis: the blood cultures of a person, contain a higger quantity of bacteria in a short period of previous time to a feverish beak. How it seems evident, to corroborate this hypothesis would owe compare a series of samples of blood cultures preys in the period pre-febrile and other preys immediately after the feverish beak. The problem that have the doctors researchers is that they do not know when take the samples of blood cultures of the period pre-febrile, since have tools to determine when a person had fever with a sufficient time, and sinus that have the tool to determine when happen a feverish beak in real time (thermometer). In this thesis resolves the problem of when take the sample of blood cultures in the period pre-febrile, by means of mathematical models that feature of measures temperature of the own patient, and a series of variables that are measures of complexity calculated from the same measures of temperature of the patient. The obtaining of the data was done of way non invasive in patients of plant of the hospital of Móstoles, using a system of measure of temperature and storage of data called Thercom c . Once with the available data did a selection of technical of multivariate analysis that could be useful as the type of variables with which works. They calculate different models that can anticipate to a feverish beak, that later validate with new samples of patients. Finally they compare the models on the base of his effectiveness in the prediction of states pre-febrile. The resultant models, are the tool that needed the doctors researchers to take the samples of the period pre-febrile and can continue with his research.[ES] La investigación es un proceso que, mediante la aplicación del método científico, procura obtener información relevante para entender, verificar, corregir o aplicar el conocimiento. Además, la investigación no pertenece a una sola ciencia, sino que puede aplicarse en un gran número de campos científicos . En ocasiones la unión de esfuerzos entre ramas de la ciencia es necesaria para resolver algunas incógnitas, como es el caso de esta tesis. La colaboración entre la medicina y la estadística genera un efecto sinérgico que permite la obtención de resultados fidedignos. Con motivo de una continua ampliación de conocimientos en medicina, para poder elevar la edad media de vida y la calidad de la misma, los médicos investigadores se plantean la siguiente hipótesis: los hemocultivos de una persona, contienen una mayor cantidad de bacterias en un corto periodo de tiempo anterior a un pico febril. Como parece evidente, para corroborar esta hipótesis se deberían de comparar una serie de muestras de hemocultivos tomadas en el periodo prefebril y otras tomadas inmediatamente tras el pico febril. El problema que tienen los médicos investigadores es que no saben cuando tomar las muestras de hemocultivos del periodo prefebril, ya que no tienen herramientas para determinar cuando una persona va tener fiebre con una antelación suficiente, y si que tienen la herramienta para determinar cuando sucede un pico febril en tiempo real (termómetro). En esta tesis se resuelve el problema de cuando tomar la muestra de hemocultivos en el periodo prefebril, mediante modelos matemáticos que constan de medidas temperatura del propio paciente, y una serie de variables que son medidas de complejidad calculadas a partir de las mismas medidas de temperatura del paciente. La obtención de los datos fue hecha de manera no invasiva en pacientes de planta del hospital de Móstoles, utilizando un sistema de medida de temperatura y almacenamiento de datos llamado Thercom c . Una vez con los datos disponibles se hizo una selección de técnicas de análisis multivariantes que pudieran ser útiles según el tipo de variables con las que se trabaja. Se calculan distintos modelos que puedan anticiparse a un pico febril, que posteriormente se validan con nuevas muestras de pacientes. Finalmente se comparan los modelos en base a su efectividad en la predicción de estados prefebriles. Los modelos resultantes, son la herramienta que necesitaban los médicos investigadores para tomar las muestras del periodo prefebril y poder continuar con su investigación.[CA] La recerca és un procés que, mitjançant l'aplicació del mètode científic, procura obtenir informació rellevant per a entendre, verificar, corregir o aplicar el coneixement. A més, la recerca no pertany a una sola ciència, sinó que pot aplicar-se en un gran nombre de camps científics. En ocasions la unió d'esforços entre branques de la ciència és necessària per a resoldre algunes incògnites, com és el cas d'aquesta tesi. La col laboració entre la medicina i l'estadística genera un efecte sinèrgic que permet l'obtenció de resultats fidedignes. Amb motiu d'una contínua ampliació de coneixements en medicina, per a poder elevar l'edat mitjana de vida i la qualitat de la mateixa, els metges investigadors es plantegen la següent hipòtesi: els hemocultius d'una persona, contenen una major quantitat de bacteris en un curt període de temps anterior a un bec febril. Com sembla evident, per a corroborar aquesta hipòtesi es deurien comparar una sèrie de mostres d'hemocultius preses en el període prefebril i altres preses immediatament després del bec febril. El problema que tenen els metges investigadors és que no saben quan prendre les mostres d'hemocultius del període prefebril, ja que no tenen eines per a determinar quan una persona va tenir febre amb una antelació suficient, i si que tenen l'eina per a determinar quan succeeix un bec febril en temps real (termòmetre). En aquesta tesi es resol el problema de quan prendre la mostra d'hemocultius en el període prefebril, mitjançant models matemàtics que consten de mesures temperatura del propi pacient, i una sèrie de variables que són mesures de complexitat calculades a partir de les mateixes mesures de temperatura del pacient. L'obtenció de les dades va ser feta de manera no invasiva en pacients de planta de l'hospital de Móstoles, utilitzant un sistema de mesura de temperatura i emmagatzematge de dades anomenat Thercom c . Una vegada amb les dades disponibles es va fer una selecció de tècniques d'anàlisis multivariants que pogueren ser útils segons el tipus de variables amb les quals es treballa. Es calculen diferents models que puguen anticipar-se a un bec febril, que posteriorment es validen amb noves mostres de pacients. Finalment es comparen els models sobre la base de la seua efectivitat en la predicció d'estats prefebrils. Els models resultants, són l'eina que necessitaven els metges investigadors per a prendre les mostres del període prefebril i poder continuar amb la seua recerca.Jordán Núñez, J. (2015). Estudio de la evolución de estados prefebriles, para su modelización mediante técnicas de análisis multivariantes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/51222TESI

    Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to approach the portfolio selection problem from a particular System Theory framework. The System will be formed by the set of public companies in the portfolio and a set of fuzzy relations on those companies. Starting with an equally split portfolio represented by a fuzzy set B, the orbit of B is computed for a particular period obtaining a portfolio to invest in the next period. We present an example ¿nding nine portfolios to invest in 9 months and we compare them with some optimal portfolios in the ef¿cient frontier given by the Modern Portfolio Theory and with some random generated portfolios. We ¿nd a better performance in returns for the portfolio based on the systemic method.Perez-Gonzaga, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Miró Martínez, P. (2017). Discrete fuzzy system orbits as a portfolio selection method. Operational Research (Online). doi:10.1007/s12351-017-0361-2SAgliardi E, Agliardi R (2011) Bond pricing under imprecise information. Oper Res 11(3):299–309Esteve-Calvo P, Lloret-Climent M (2006) Coverage, invariability and orbits by structural functions. Kybernetes 35(7/8):1236–1240Jegadeesh N, Titman S (1993) Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for stock market efficiency. J Finance 48(1):65–91Klement EP, Mesiar R, Pap E (2013) Triangular norms, vol 8. Springer, New YorkLloret-Climent M, Villacampa-Esteve Y, Us-Domenech JL (1998) System-linkage: structural functions and hierarchies. Cybern Syst 29(1):35–46Ma YH, Lin Y (1987) Some properties of linked time systems. Int J Gen Syst 13(2):125–134Markowitz H (1952) Portfolio selection. J Finance 7(1):77–91Perez-Gonzaga S, Lloret-Climent M, Nescolarde-Selva JA (2015) Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors. Int J Gen Syst 45(1):29–40Tiryaki F, Ahlatcioglu B (2009) Fuzzy portfolio selection using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Inf Sci 179(1):53–69Von Bertalanffy L (1968) General system theory: foundations, development, applications. George Braziller, New York, pp 40Zadeh LA (1962) From circuit theory to system theory. Proc IRE 50(5):856–86

    On how the abandonment of traditional forest management practices could reduce saproxylic diversity in the Mediterranean Region

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    Forests of the Mediterranean Basin provide a wide range of provisioning and regulating services that are currently jeopardised by land-use change. Although many ecosystem services are mediated by insects, most of the studies that have focused on how to enhance diversity in traditionally managed forests are about plants and vertebrates. Quercus pyrenaica woodlands of the Western Iberian Peninsula constitute a scenario in which traditional human practices (i.e., extensive livestock grazing, pollarding, firewood, forest thinning, etc.), and their progressive abandonment, have generated differences in landscape that affect habitat and microhabitat structures. We used saproxylic beetles (deadwood-dependent species) as biological indicators because they are the most diverse taxa and provide important ecosystem services related to deadwood decomposition, forest pest control and pollination. We modelled the response of two taxonomic (species richness and abundance), one ecological (species diversity of order 1) and two functional (functional richness and redundancy) diversity metrics to the environmental variables that result from traditional management or its abandonment at habitat and microhabitat levels. We included 16 explanatory variables related to forest structure, tree microhabitats and abiotic factors, which were grouped into eight principal components. Linear regression was the best fitting model for data. The resulting models were used to perform diversity predictions in different scenarios. We found that abandonment of some traditional forest management activities in the Mediterranean Region reduced taxonomic saproxylic beetle diversity, which may be further aggravated by climate change. We suggest minimal management actions to improve taxonomic and ecological saproxylic beetle diversity related to habitat and tree management (i.e., maintenance of >20% scrub coverage, >20 m3/ha of deadwood on soil and >20 hollow trees/ha). However, actions that boost saproxylic biodiversity do not ensure the community’s higher functional resilience. We should also promote tree microhabitat diversity to reduce the vulnerability of saproxylic beetle functions to environmental changes.Financial support was provided by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Projects CGL2016-78181-R) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-115140RB-I00) granted to EM and EG. This research forms part of Sandra Martínez Pérez’s PhD studies granted by ’Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad’ (BES-2017-080278)

    Práctica de Aprendizaje Profundo en la Asignatura de Tecnología para Sistemas Inteligentes

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una práctica llevada a cabo por los alumnos de la asignatura Tecnología para Sistemas Inteligentes, impartida en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática (Universitat Politècnica de València, Campus d¿Alcoi). La práctica desarrolla una aplicación de reconocimiento de voz en el que un sistema Arduino se entrena para que pueda discriminar entre unos pocos comandos y actuar en consecuencia. Los alumnos tienen que grabar los ficheros con su propia voz para entrenar el modelo y compartir entre ellos las muestras con la intención de mantener una base de datos lo suficientemente representativa.Molina Picó, A.; Jordán-Núñez, J.; Micó-Vicent, B. (2021). Práctica de Aprendizaje Profundo en la Asignatura de Tecnología para Sistemas Inteligentes. Compobell. 29-32. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/191320293

    Finding the Additives Incorporation Moment in Hybrid Natural Pigments Synthesis to Improve Bioresin Properties

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    [EN] Interest in applications of natural dye applications has increased because of their antibacterial properties and the possibility of extracting them from nature and residues. Using nanoclays as hosts to reinforce natural dye properties has been successfully demonstrated. However, no one has attempted to optimize the polymer matrix and hybrid pigment properties at the same time to ensure the best final properties for bio-composite applications. Using a statistical design for experiments, we propose the best combination of modifiers with the best nanoclay as the host of three natural dyes: chlorophyll, ß-carotene, and betanine. Using the L9 Taguchi designs, we learned both the influence of the nanoclay structure, and the addition moment of surfactant, mordant salt, and silane modifiers. FTIR, XRD, DTG, integration sphere spectrophotometer, and UV-aging tests were used to characterize the hybrid pigments and epoxy bioresin composites. The degradation temperatures of the three natural dyes rose and the reinforcement of the stability of three natural dyes to UV¿Vis radiation exposure was demonstrated, which avoided the migration of these dyes from bioresin to wet ribbing. Optimal results were obtained with hydrotalcite clay (calcined or not) by using surfactant and mordant before the natural dye, and before or after silane. View Full-TextThis research was funded by Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the European Union (FEDER funds) (contract MAT2016-77742-C2-1-P) and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project DPI2015-65814-R).Micó-Vicent, B.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Perales Romero, E.; Martínez-Verdú, FM.; Cases, F. (2019). Finding the Additives Incorporation Moment in Hybrid Natural Pigments Synthesis to Improve Bioresin Properties. Coatings. 9(1):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings9010034S11791Rather, L. J., Shahid-ul-Islam, Shabbir, M., Bukhari, M. N., Shahid, M., Khan, M. A., & Mohammad, F. (2016). Ecological dyeing of Woolen yarn with Adhatoda vasica natural dye in the presence of biomordants as an alternative copartner to metal mordants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4(3), 3041-3049. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2016.06.019Kilinc, M., Canbolat, S., Merdan, N., Dayioglu, H., & Akin, F. (2015). Investigation of the Color, Fastness and Antimicrobial Properties of Wool Fabrics Dyed with the Natural Dye Extracted from the Cone of Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 2152-2159. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.06.281Chiari, G., Giustetto, R., Druzik, J., Doehne, E., & Ricchiardi, G. (2007). Pre-columbian nanotechnology: reconciling the mysteries of the maya blue pigment. Applied Physics A, 90(1), 3-7. doi:10.1007/s00339-007-4287-zMicó-Vicent, B., Martínez-Verdú, F. M., Novikov, A., Stavitskaya, A., Vinokurov, V., Rozhina, E., … Lvov, Y. (2017). Stabilized Dye-Pigment Formulations with Platy and Tubular Nanoclays. Advanced Functional Materials, 28(27), 1703553. doi:10.1002/adfm.201703553Kohno, Y., Inagawa, M., Ikoma, S., Shibata, M., Matsushima, R., Fukuhara, C., … Kobayashi, K. (2011). Stabilization of a hydrophobic natural dye by intercalation into organo-montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science, 54(3-4), 202-205. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2011.09.001Kohno, Y., Asai, S., Shibata, M., Fukuhara, C., Maeda, Y., Tomita, Y., & Kobayashi, K. (2014). Improved photostability of hydrophobic natural dye incorporated in organo-modified hydrotalcite. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 75(8), 945-950. doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2014.04.010Sanchez-Garcia, M. D., Lopez-Rubio, A., & Lagaron, J. M. (2010). Natural micro and nanobiocomposites with enhanced barrier properties and novel functionalities for food biopackaging applications. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 21(11), 528-536. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2010.07.008Micó-Vicent, B., Jordán, J., Martínez-Verdú, F., & Balart, R. (2016). A combination of three surface modifiers for the optimal generation and application of natural hybrid nanopigments in a biodegradable resin. Journal of Materials Science, 52(2), 889-898. doi:10.1007/s10853-016-0384-8Pérez-Ramírez, J., Abelló, S., & van der Pers, N. M. (2007). Memory Effect of Activated Mg–Al Hydrotalcite: In Situ XRD Studies during Decomposition and Gas-Phase Reconstruction. Chemistry - A European Journal, 13(3), 870-878. doi:10.1002/chem.200600767Sommer, A., Romero, A., Fetter, G., Palomares, E., & Bosch, P. (2013). Exploring and tuning the anchorage of chlorophyllin molecules on anionic clays. Catalysis Today, 212, 186-193. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2013.03.014Ma, Y., Zhu, J., He, H., Yuan, P., Shen, W., & Liu, D. (2010). Infrared investigation of organo-montmorillonites prepared from different surfactants. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 76(2), 122-129. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2010.02.038Liu, D., Yuan, P., Liu, H., Cai, J., Tan, D., He, H., … Chen, T. (2013). Quantitative characterization of the solid acidity of montmorillonite using combined FTIR and TPD based on the NH3 adsorption system. Applied Clay Science, 80-81, 407-412. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2013.07.006Serratos, I. N., Rojas-González, F., Sosa-Fonseca, R., Esparza-Schulz, J. M., Campos-Peña, V., Tello-Solís, S. R., & García-Sánchez, M. A. (2013). Fluorescence optimization of chlorophyll covalently bonded to mesoporous silica synthesized by the sol–gel method. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 272, 28-40. doi:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2013.08.014İnanç Horuz, T., & Belibağlı, K. B. (2018). Nanoencapsulation by electrospinning to improve stability and water solubility of carotenoids extracted from tomato peels. Food Chemistry, 268, 86-93. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.06.017Selvi, J. A., Rajendran, S., Sri, V. G., Amalraj, A. J., & Narayanasamy, B. (2009). Corrosion Inhibition by Beet Root Extract. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 27(1), 1-11. doi:10.4152/pea.200901001Xie, W., Gao, Z., Pan, W.-P., Hunter, D., Singh, A., & Vaia, R. (2001). Thermal Degradation Chemistry of Alkyl Quaternary Ammonium Montmorillonite. Chemistry of Materials, 13(9), 2979-2990. doi:10.1021/cm010305

    Noisy EEG signals classification based on entropy metrics. Performance assessment using first and second generation statistics

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    [EN] This paper evaluates the performance of first generation entropy metrics, featured by the well known and widely used Approximate Entropy (ApEn) and Sample Entropy (SampEn) metrics, and what can be considered an evolution from these, Fuzzy Entropy (FuzzyEn), in the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classification context. The study uses the commonest artifacts found in real EEGs, such as white noise, and muscular, cardiac, and ocular artifacts. Using two different sets of publicly available EEG records, and a realistic range of amplitudes for interfering artifacts, this work optimises and assesses the robustness of these metrics against artifacts in class segmentation terms probability. The results show that the qualitative behaviour of the two datasets is similar, with SampEn and FuzzyEn performing the best, and the noise and muscular artifacts are the most confounding factors. On the contrary, there is a wide variability as regards initialization parameters. The poor performance achieved by ApEn suggests that this metric should not be used in these contexts.Cuesta Frau, D.; Miró Martínez, P.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Oltra Crespo, S.; Molina Picó, A. (2017). Noisy EEG signals classification based on entropy metrics. Performance assessment using first and second generation statistics. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 87:141-151. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.05.028S1411518

    Hough Transform Sensitivity Factor Calculation Model Applied to the Analysis of Acne Vulgaris Skin Lesions

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    [EN] The number of infectious spots or pathological structures recorded on dermatological images is a tool to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. Dermatological images for the detection and monitoring of the evolution of acne infections are evaluated globally, comparing whether the increase or decrease in infectious lesions appearing on an image is significant. This evaluation method is only indicative since its accuracy is low. The accuracy problem could be improved by an exact count of the number of structures and spots appearing on the image. The mathematical function circular Hough transform (CHT) function implemented in MATLAB is here applied to develop a procedure for counting these structures. CHT has been used in the recognition of benign and distorted red blood cells, in the detection of pellet sizes in industrial processes and in the automated detection and morphological characterization of breast tumor masses from infrared images, as well as for the detection of brain aneurysms and use in magnetic resonance imaging. The sensitivity factor is one of the many parameters required to feed the CHT algorithm. Its choice is unclear as there is no proper methodology to select an optimum value suitable for each image. In this work, a procedure for determining the optimal value of the sensitivity factor is proposed The approach is validated by comparison with the results of the manual counting of the points (ground truth).This work was supported for publication by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Generalitat Valenciana. All this work has been done in the CITG (Research Centre in Graphic Technologies) at the Universitat Politècnica de València.Moncho-Santonja, M.; Micó-Vicent, B.; Defez Garcia, B.; Jordán-Núñez, J.; Peris Fajarnes, G. (2022). Hough Transform Sensitivity Factor Calculation Model Applied to the Analysis of Acne Vulgaris Skin Lesions. Applied Sciences. 12(3):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12031691S11212

    Uses of Nanoclays and Adsorbents for Dye Recovery: A Textile Industry Review

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    [EN] Wastewater recovery is one of the most pressing contaminant-related subjects in the textile industry. Many cleaning and recovery techniques have been applied in recent decades, from physical separation to chemical separation. This work reviews textile wastewater recovery by focusing on natural or synthetic nanoclays in order to compare their capabilities. Presently, a wide variety of nanoclays are available that can adsorb substances dissolved in water. This review summarizes and describes nanoclay modifications for different structures (laminar, tubular, etc.) to compare adsorption performance under the best conditions. This adsorbent capacity can be used in contaminant industries to recover water that can be used and be recontaminated during a second use to close the production circle. It explores and proposes future perspectives for the nanoclay hybrid compounds generated after certain cleaning steps. This is a critical review of works that have studied adsorption or desorption procedures for different nanoclay structures. Finally, it makes a future application proposal by taking into account the summarized pros and cons of each nanoclay. This work addresses contaminant reuse, where part of the employed dyes can be reused in printing or even dyeing processes, depending on the fixing capacity of the dye in the nanoclay, which is herein discussedLópez-Rodríguez, D.; Micó-Vicent, B.; Jordán-Núñez, J.; Bonet-Aracil, M.; Bou-Belda, E. (2021). Uses of Nanoclays and Adsorbents for Dye Recovery: A Textile Industry Review. Applied Sciences. 11(23):1-27. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112311422127112

    Classification of glucose records from patients at diabetes risk using a combined permutation entropy algorithm

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    [EN] Background and objectives : The adoption in clinical practice of electronic portable blood or interstitial glucose monitors has enabled the collection, storage, and sharing of massive amounts of glucose level readings. This availability of data opened the door to the application of a multitude of mathematical methods to extract clinical information not discernible with conventional visual inspection. The objective of this study is to assess the capability of Permutation Entropy (PE) to find differences between glucose records of healthy and potentially diabetic subjects. Methods : PE is a mathematical method based on the relative frequency analysis of ordinal patterns in time series that has gained a lot of attention in the last years due to its simplicity, robustness, and per- formance. We study in this paper the applicability of this method to glucose records of subjects at risk of diabetes in order to assess the predictability value of this metric in this context. Results : PE, along with some of its derivatives, was able to find significant differences between diabetic and non¿diabetic patients from records acquired up to 3 years before the diagnosis. The quantitative results for PE were 3.5878 ±0.3916 for the nondiabetic class, and 3.1564 ±0.4166 for the diabetic class. With a classification accuracy higher than 70%, and by means of a Cox regression model, PE demonstrated that it is a very promising candidate as a risk stratification tool for continuous glucose monitoring. Conclusion : PE can be considered as a prospective tool for the early diagnosis of the glucoregulatory system.Cuesta Frau, D.; Miró Martínez, P.; Oltra Crespo, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Vargas-Rojo, B.; Vigil-Medina, L. (2018). Classification of glucose records from patients at diabetes risk using a combined permutation entropy algorithm. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 165:197-204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.08.018S19720416

    Model Selection for Body Temperature Signal Classification Using Both Amplitude and Ordinality-Based Entropy Measures

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    [EN] Many entropy-related methods for signal classification have been proposed and exploited successfully in the last several decades. However, it is sometimes difficult to find the optimal measure and the optimal parameter configuration for a specific purpose or context. Suboptimal settings may therefore produce subpar results and not even reach the desired level of significance. In order to increase the signal classification accuracy in these suboptimal situations, this paper proposes statistical models created with uncorrelated measures that exploit the possible synergies between them. The methods employed are permutation entropy (PE), approximate entropy (ApEn), and sample entropy (SampEn). Since PE is based on subpattern ordinal differences, whereas ApEn and SampEn are based on subpattern amplitude differences, we hypothesized that a combination of PE with another method would enhance the individual performance of any of them. The dataset was composed of body temperature records, for which we did not obtain a classification accuracy above 80% with a single measure, in this study or even in previous studies. The results confirmed that the classification accuracy rose up to 90% when combining PE and ApEn with a logistic model.Cuesta Frau, D.; Miró Martínez, P.; Oltra Crespo, S.; Jordán Núñez, J.; Vargas-Rojo, B.; González, P.; Varela-Entrecanales, M. (2018). Model Selection for Body Temperature Signal Classification Using Both Amplitude and Ordinality-Based Entropy Measures. Entropy. 20(11):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/e20110853118201