215 research outputs found

    System implementation: managing project and post project stage - case study in an Indonesian company

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    The research reported in this paper aims to get a better\ud understanding of how the implementation process of\ud enterprise systems (ES) can be managed, by studying the\ud process from an organisational perspective. A review of\ud the literature on previous research in ES implementation\ud has been carried out and the state of the art of ES\ud implementation research is defined. Using several body of\ud literature, an organisational view on ES implementation is\ud described, explaining that ES implementation involves\ud challenges from triple domain, namely technological\ud challenge, business process related challenge, and\ud organisational challenge. Based on the defined state of the\ud art and the organisational view on ES implementation\ud developed in this research, a research framework is\ud presented, addressing the project as well as the postproject\ud stage, and a number of essential issues within the\ud stages. System alignment, knowledge acquisition, change\ud mobilisation are the essntial issues to be studied in the\ud project stage while institutionalisation effort and\ud continuous improvement facilitation are to be studied in\ud the post-project stage. Case studies in Indonesian\ud companies are used to explain the framework

    Ranking Operations Management Conferences

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    Several publications have appeared in the field of\ud Operations Management which rank Operations\ud Management related journals. Several ranking systems\ud exist for journals based on , for example, perceived\ud relevance and quality, citation, and author affiliation.\ud Many academics also publish at conferences but we have\ud not come across publications that rank conferences.\ud Conference rankings are generally more complicated than\ud journal rankings. Journal rankings are primarily for\ud publishing purposes. Conferences on the other hand are\ud attended by people for different reasons. In this paper the\ud first attempt is made in developing an operations\ud management conference ranking based upon author\ud affiliation. Ranking based on an analysis of author\ud affiliation assumes that one important motive for\ud participants is to attend a high quality research\ud conference. With that assumption it is reasonable to use\ud the author affiliation approach. Based upon an existing\ud ranking of institutes that offer operations management\ud programs a ranking list of affiliations is developed.\ud Subsequently, we compare several operations\ud management related conferences such as POMS,\ud EurOMA, OSCM and the Operations Management\ud Division of the Academy of Management based on that\ud ranked list of institutes. The results provide information\ud for authors that help in deciding which operations\ud management oriented conferences to attend

    Preparation of a Resorbable Osteoinductive Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramic

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    Over the past decade we have demonstrated numerous times that calcium phosphates can be rendered with osteoinductive properties by introducing specific surface microstructures1. Since most of these calcium phosphates contained hydroxyapatite, they are either slowly or not resorbable2. Resorbability is an often sought after characteristic of calcium phosphates so that they can be gradually replaced by newly formed bone. The objective of this study was to prepare a resorbable surface microstructured tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ceramic and evaluate its osteoinductive property and resorption rate after intramuscular implantation in dogs. This material was then compared to the established and slowly resorbable osteoinductive biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic (BCP)

    Studi Mengenai Penerimaan istem ERP: Enhancement Terhadap Model Penerimaan Sistem ERP Berbasis Technology Acceptance Model

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    Dalam penelitian dibangun model yang menjelaskan penerimaan user terhadap sistem ERP yang diimplementasikan, serta melakukan survey untuk menguji hipotesis. Dengan model yang dibangun dikaji pengaruh attitude toward ERP system use dan ERP symbolic adoption yang mengacu pada penerimaan mental secara sukarela terhadap sistem ERP. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adaptasi dari model TAM yang dikembangkan oleh Nah et al (2004) dan menambahkan lima konstruk baru yang berkaitan dengan konteks individu dan organisasi. Sembilan konstruk yang meliputi ERP ease of use, ERP usefulness, ERP compatibility, ERP business fit, shared belief in the benefit of ERP system, facilitating condition, ERP self-efficacy, argument for change dan personal innovativeness of IT diusulkan sebagai antesenden. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa ERP compatibility dan attitude toward ERP system use mempunyai pengaruh langsung secara signifikan terhadap ERP Symbolic Adoption, sedangkan ERP usefulness dan ERP business fit berpengaruh tidak langsung secara signifikan terhadap ERP symbolic adoption

    Required Steps of Managing International Equity Placement Strategic Alliance

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    The purpose of the research is to unravel the steps of managing International equity placement strategic alliance (IEPSA). The steps of managing an IEPSA are obtained by conducting theoretical review. The theoretical reviews consist of theory of strategic alliance; definition, classification, and finding definition of an IEPSA, political and analytical considerations and the necessary steps. These steps of managing IEPSA can be classified into analyzing of macro consideration, micro consideration, domestic company's stakeholder support, cultural understanding, strategic planning, internal support, human resource management, organizational arrangement, management control system, evolved cultural understanding, and evaluating results. In this research, the domestic partners who formed the IEPSAs are limited to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The IEPSA was one of the means of privatization. The research will be beneficial for both foreign and domestic partners who form an IEPSA in the previous SOEs. By knowing the steps of managing the IEPSA both partners will be able to secure a successful implementation of IEPSA. By identifying the steps of managing the IEPSA, the stakeholder will not see IEPSA as threat rather as an opportunity to improve performance, to create synergy, and generate benefits for both partners and stakeholder. By knowing the necessary steps of managing the IEPSA, the stakeholder including society and politician will envisage the IEPSA as a means of effectively improving the SOEs' performances.The research was espected to provide contributions for the research on strategic alliances. Apparently, there exist no literatures discussing about IEPSA in the domain of strategic alliances

    Design and fabrication of standardized hydroxyapatite scaffolds with a defined macro-architecture by rapid prototyping for bone-tissue-engineering research

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    This investigation describes the production and characterization of calcium phosphate scaffolds with defined and reproducible porous macro-architectures and their preliminary in vitro and in vivo bone-tissue-engineered response. Fugitive wax molds were designed and produced using a rapid prototyping technique. An aqueous hydroxyapatite slurry was cast in these molds. After sintering at 1250°C and then cleaning, dimensional and material characterizations of the scaffolds were performed. The resulting scaffolds represented the design, and their dimensions were remarkably consistent. A texture inherent to the layer-by-layer production of the mold was impressed onto the vertical surfaces of the scaffolds. The surface roughness (Ra) of the textured surfaces was significantly greater than that of the nontextured surfaces. Material analyses revealed a β-TCP phase in addition to hydroxyapatite for the molded ceramics. Non-molded control ceramics exhibited only hydroxyapatite. Thirty scaffolds were seeded with culture-expanded goat bone-marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and implanted subcutaneously in nude mice for 4 or 6 weeks. Histology revealed mineralized bone formation in all the scaffolds for both implantation periods. After 4 weeks, bone was present primarily as a layer on scaffold surfaces. After 6 weeks, the surface bone formation was accompanied by bone budding from the surface and occasional bridging of pores. This budding and bridging bone formation almost always was associated with textured scaffold surfaces. However, the area percentage of bone in pores was similar for the 4- and 6-week implantation periods

    Microporous calcium phosphate ceramics driving osteogenesis through surface architecture

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    The presence of micropores in calcium phosphate (CaP) ceramics has shown its important role in initiating inductive bone formation in ectopic sites. To investigate how microporous CaP ceramics trigger osteoinduction, we optimized two biphasic CaP ceramics (i.e., BCP-R and BCP-S) to have the same chemical composition, equivalent surface area per volume, comparable protein adsorption, similar ion (i.e., calcium and phosphate) exchange and the same surface mineralization potential, but different surface architecture. In particular, BCP-R had a surface roughness (Ra) of 325.4 ± 58.9 nm while for BCP-S it was 231.6 ± 35.7 nm. Ceramic blocks with crossing or noncrossing channels of 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 µm were implanted in paraspinal muscle of dogs for 12 weeks. The percentage of bone volume in the channels was not affected by the type of pores (i.e., crossing vs. closed) or their size, but it was greatly influenced by the ceramic type (i.e., BCP-R vs. BCP-S). Significantly, more bone was formed in the channels of BCP-R than in those of BCP-S. Since the two CaP ceramics differed only in their surface architecture, the results hereby demonstrate that microporous CaP ceramics may induce ectopic osteogenesis through surface architectur